Thursday, May 31, 2018

19 [F4F] Need more femme/lady friends

I don’t have enough femme friends in my life. Actually I don’t have friends at all. But I’d like some!

My interests are: •Super old movies with romance and cheesy quotes •Anything makeup/skincare related •A good meme •Fashion and design •Photography •Nails, specifically nail art •Pictures of your pets. I love dogs, cats, snakes, and fish •I love interior decorating. I can look at rooms on Pinterest for hours until I’m sad •Hair. Like dyeing, cutting, and other styles •Art. I can’t draw but I love to look at it. If you hand me supplies I’ll try my best to make something •That gay shit👌🏼 but I’m only lookin for friends!! •Reading. Listen I haven’t read in years because of some personal things but I’d love to get back into it in the future

I should disclose that I have bpd. So if thats a dealbreaker, that’s fine.

That’s all that comes to mind at the moment. If you read all of yhis, tell me your favorite color so I know you did. I ONLY use discord. And I’m not willing to download anything else, sorry. I hope to hear from someone❤️

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 08:37PM by zoinkstheo

CMV: Native American Art Doesn’t Belong in the American Museum of Natural History

So I recently took a trip the the New York City Museum of Natural History. It was a really cool museum with exhibits showing dinosaurs, prehistoric animals, modern day animals, geology and space, etc. Many of the exhibits were beautifully created dioramas showing stuffed/replica animals in their natural habitats.

While there, went through a wing of the museum which covers the Great Plains/Eastern Woodlands Indians of North America. Picture Picture. Walking through there, something about it made me a little bit uncomfortable and I couldn't quite put my finger what it was. When I got home, I came across this article which argues that Native American art and artifacts don't belong in the Natural History Museum. I think this hits the nail on the head of what made me uncomfortable with the exhibit:

The TL:DR of the article is that Native American art and artifacts are no more a part of the "natural" world than a painting by Picasso or an iPhone. These are things created by people who were no less human than western peoples. Many of them still exist today and still practice the cultures that are on display in these museums. They aren't ancient pre-civilization cave men, and putting them in a museum alongside dinosaurs and modern mammals implies that Native American people are somehow part of the natural world, rather than part of human civilization. It dehumanizes them and teaches people to look at them as something lesser than modern people.

If you're interested in the subject, I'd recommend reading the above article because it makes the argument better than I can.

There are a lot of other ways this could be handled, and indeed there are Native American art and culture museums which display their cultures in a much more respectful way. I don't want to get into the options for how we could better educate people about Native American culture and civilization, and the conquest/destruction of their peoples by European settlers - I think that's another discussion entirely. My main point is that this is not a great way to present Native Americans to people, and should be phased out/presented in a different way.

This is a footnote from the CMV moderators. We'd like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please read through our rules. If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, downvotes don't change views! Any questions or concerns? Feel free to message us. Happy CMVing!

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 07:27PM by geoman2k

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Summer 2018 Nail Art Compilation. Part 2

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 04:42PM by NailInspiration

External Threat (Part 22)



Adrian looked sadly at a public tablet, scrolling down the list of damage and casualties from the short-lived battle. Two minutes of combat had done catastrophic damage to some ships, and completely destroyed others. Most of the damage was on the Creator side - having all of their control routed through what had either been one controller-organism or a combat-computer had been a mistake. That information was being disseminated as far as possible, but wasn’t expected to be useful for very long. The risk of the Creators being smart enough to create independently functional ships was too high to rely on it again.

Stand Unbowed had been completely destroyed, its warp-bubble dysjuncted in a way which caused it to shotgun dimensionally-shifted faster-than-light degrees across the system, and created some sort of persistent spatial anomaly. An allied alien ship had also been destroyed, atomised instantly by several Creator ships at once.

The great and powerful International Ideal had taken a hit as well, which despite bouncing off its shields had destroyed half of its solar power generation capacity. Even this ship had taken damage, a wicked plasma beam had penetrated its shields and taken chunks out of its warp stabilization ring and outer hull. Even from a hundred meters away, the heat had essentially arc-welded Pacifica to the docking arm it had been attached to.

There were also more cases of minor damage in the fleet - overstressed warp drives, burnt-out mass drivers, power failures, radiation damage, and mechanical issues. Several officers had collapsed from neural shock, he had heard. Cynthia was one of them.

In return, Humanity had destroyed about fifteen of the Creator vessels, overloaded the shields of more, and caused various types of minor damage to others. It was a good tally, especially for such an incredibly unfair fight. If Pivert had been wrong about the Creator vessels all being controlled by that one ship…

Best not to dwell on that. If he was wrong, it’s not like he would have noticed anyhow.

He had elected to not go visit Cynthia in the medbay - she was the Captain, after all, and we wasn’t all that important. He’d probably be four-hundredth in the queue, after nearly everyone else on the vessel.

And so he was here, in a zone for people on break. There were a few public tablets scattered around, as well as low tables, chairs, a television, and a puffy bench that was likely someone’s attempt at being “relatable”. He, himself, was sitting low in a comfy chair behind a chest-high partition, mostly invisible to anyone else in the room.

He heard loud talking behind him, and caught a glimpse of two crewmen speaking rather explicitly about another crew member, in the classic “trying not to be overheard but really not caring” tone. It wasn’t any of his business, so he tried to ignore it, going back to his tablet. He switched over to a window containing the public version of Maynard Pivert’s service record, checking for any information he could find on the Admiral.

Promoted to eligible position via long service, nominated by his crew, elected by the Martian Communal Assembly… seriously? Partisan naval officers? He couldn’t argue with the record, though, it was pretty impressive. No failed engagements, and had a formal warp-translation maneuver named after him.

The process through which he got the position was worrying, extremely so. But he decided not to bring it to mind until the man actually did something questionable.

An uncharacteristic sound broke the tone of the two rather classy crewmen talking about their comrade’s personal habits. Humming, pleasant to hear. Adrian looked behind him again. A clicking sound joined, tuned to the humming. Footsteps, he assumed. His theory was confirmed when he saw a black sleeve pass through the doorframe.

The man in the suit and hat looked at the two crewmen and made a quick observation.

“Must you be so antiquated?”

The larger crewman looked confused and outraged, turning towards Illustrator with a frown.

“Says the man in the fuckin’ fedora?”

“Indeed. I do request that you consider what you’re saying. It would be such a shame if she-”

“Fuck off.”

Adrian heard another click on the floor, as Illustrator tapped his shoe irritably.

“I’m sorry?”

“Were we talking to you?”

“From your tone, I assumed you were talking to everyone in the sector.”

Adrian stifled a groan. The act was going to get someone pissed off, and another person hurt. Did he really have to?

The taller crewman had an even more irritated expression right now, and his face was reddening by the second.

I’m sorry, who are you? You’re not in charge here, we’re on fucking break.”

“Decorum, if you’d please. I hate to see people so viciously attacked for such a small act of passion.”

The large crewman’s friend was now staring at Illustrator, also angered. This wasn’t going to go well, and Adrian couldn’t be sure it was some labyrinthine CSSS plot. To be honest, it was likely just Illustrator annoying people because he could. Or maybe he even actually felt the way he said he did.

“The bitch slept with an officer to get better duties!”

“Now, wouldn’t that have been a better thing to start with, instead of insulting her family and crudely insinuating that she’s worthless outside of-”

An exasperated hand struck out, aiming to shove Illustrator away. The CSSS man moved smoothly with it, sliding out of the way. He looked at the crewman with a puzzled and mildly annoyed expression.

“Probably a mistake, I’ll give you, oh… ten seconds to clear the area, if you’d please.”

“Cringe. What are you, a fuckin’ corp accountant? Sales rep? I’m not getting out just because a-”

“Three… two… one… Last chance.”

The crewman made a fist and struck at Illustrator’s gut. It was a brutal hit, fueled by military close combat training, heavy practice, and anger.

The man in the suit simply moved out of the way with seeming ease, allowing the large crewman’s momentum to carry him towards the door.

“Ah, good. I knew it was a mistake. Carry on, I’ll just let you leave, then.”

He turned away, exaggerating the fact that he wasn’t looking at either of the crewmen, and started towards Adrian. The stumbling crewman’s partner turned around to swat at him, sure that he was catching an either very stupid or extremely overconfident person unawares.

Illustrator dodged without looking, letting the disturbed air from the blow adjust his hat slightly towards being perpendicular to the ground. He smiled slightly in satisfaction, looking right at Adrian, who the other two men hadn’t spotted yet. Again without looking, he dodged a knee that had been aimed at his kidney, allowing the other man’s leg to impact a chair that Adrian was sure hadn’t been there a second ago.

“Mind the furniture, please, I’d hate to have to inform someone that it was disturbed or broken. That would be unfortunate.”

The reply was an inarticulate stream of profanity, punctuated with a grumbled ‘Snitch’.

“Last warning, please, have some respect for others. Your behavior is simply inexcusable.”

“Who the fuck are you?!”

“Ah.” Illustrator turned back around and tipped his hat. “Illustrator, Commonwealth Special Security Service. At your… service.”

He winked at the pun, giving the man who was about to elbow him in the face time to digest his statement.

“So, just a fuckin’ spook? Here to spy on us?” The crewman said. His buddy was closing menacingly in.

”How stupid can you be? I’d be running.” Adrian thought.

“Well, not here to spy on you at this time. I simply had an appointment, and happened to overhear your-”

“Shut the fuck up and get out! It’s none of your business!”

“Not happening, I’m afraid. I do apologize for this.”

Adrian was enjoying seeing the ratings’ faces turn various warm colors from his makeshift bunker, but seriously wondered how long the confrontation would take. It seemed pointless to him. Really, nobody could be that belligerent?


“If you insist.”

Ten seconds later, both ratings were fleeing the room, pushing chairs out of their way in panic. Adrian groaned as Illustrator slid in next to him. Had he been showing off?


“Yes, seriously. I’d rather not hear people be needlessly slandered. And the ship’s records contained some rather glaring evidence that they’re running quite a racket.”

“But, discipline?”

“You’ll find that not everything is clean and shiny. Cynthia does run a lovely ship, credit to her, but it still has its underbelly.”

“Hm. So, tell me. Why are you here? Probably not a social visit?”

“Oh, you give me such little credit. I have a few questions that need to be answered. But do consider this a social meeting.”

Adrian nodded and put the tablet away. Illustrator glanced at it briefly.

“Maynard Pivert, what do you think of him?” Adrian said, interrupting whatever the CSSS man was going to say.

“Ah, a complicated subject.” Illustrator summoned a half-empty cup of water from seemingly nowhere, and took a sip.

“You see, the problem with Mister Pivert is that he’s loyal to Mars first, his Internationale second, and the Commonwealth third. If worst comes to worst, he’ll most certainly be part of the problem, not the solution.”

Adrian nodded slowly. Painful but likely true. Seriously, who had officers elected on a partisan basis?

“Mars already has ‘nullifying federal rulings’ down to an art form. Trust me, if the troubles of the sort which you fear occur, they will start there. I by no means disparage my planet of residence, but that is simply the way the board is set. The Commonwealth was never designed to support such radical change occuring so quickly on one planet.”

“Thanks, that’s all I needed, I think. So, what was the issue? What’d you need to know?”

“Tell me. What do you know about Antonio LaVere?”

With a small cough of RCS thrusters, the lander Pale Horse emerged from one of August In Black’s four large drop-tubes. Thrusters flared silently as it crossed the distance between its mothership and the nearest Creator vessel.

The shadow of a Creator cruiser fell across it, its tombstone-like slab-walls coming closer and closer. The lieutenant in command of the strike team aboard looked at the internal screens, judging the vessel’s size at roughly 900 meters long, large for a starship but hardly unheard of.

August In Black’s scanners had detected something that was perhaps a surface-level docking tunnel, an open space only about half a meter under the vessel’s armored skin. They would be breaching roughly… now.

A faintly glowing beam speared into the hull of the Creator vessel, playing back and forth across its skin. Globs of metal gas and liquefied materials spat out into the void, forming a small cloud around the insertion point.

The lieutenant pulled the material analysis window up on his helmet HUD, staring at the detected compounds with a slight frown. Typical starship armor, it seemed, elements of various hard metals, ceramic compounds, what seemed to be vaporized thermal foam, and some exotic compounds the software would have to analyze more later. On his orders, the lander passed through the cloud, pulling some of the gases into its atmospheric intakes. In any other situation, that would have been unacceptable due to the risk of engine damage, but apparently they had been jury-rigged to work as sample containers this time around.

The lander slowly floated over to the rent in the Creator ship’s hull, coming into contact and spraying rapidly-hardening foam to make a seal between the troop bay and the entry point.

The three soldiers in the lander were at ease, sitting on benches on each side of the lander’s interior. They were clad in grey armored exoskeletons, vacuum-proofed and sealed from any possible biological, radiological, or chemical contaminant.

Preacher had still been unsure of the hazards present, so he had ordered the team to stay near the lander, and perform their exploration remotely. Ten remotely-piloted mapping drones sat dormant in racks behind them, along with spare guide cables, in the case that their remote piloting systems were somehow disabled by electromagnetic or material interference.

The door opened with a pneumatic hiss, revealing the inside of the Creator vessel.

It was surprisingly normal-looking, all things considering. The ceilings were low and the decor was more grey, with more angles, but otherwise it looked like the interior of a Human starship, plain and mostly undecorated.

The door had opened into what appeared to be an elevator bay. Four lifts were on each side of the room, panels glowing and displaying numbers in what appeared to be the Asceti language. Strangely, from what had been learned about the Asceti language, the numbers were out of order, as if they had been applied by something that knew what to write but not what the writing meant.

The point man stepped out, heavy weapon at the ready. It was an automatic shotgun loaded with armor-piercing incendiary slug rounds. Apparently the Creators had knowledge of current Asceti weaponry, as well as weaponry the aliens had used in the past. Therefore, Asceti advisors had recommended using the sort of weaponry that was completely unfamiliar to them.

There was no sudden lash of tentacles, so the elevator bay was deemed to be safe. The team piled out of the lander, unloading crates full of scanning equipment, drone controllers, and supplies. Even the spare rations and water were hermetically sealed, until it could be deemed absolutely certain that there was nothing which could contaminate them in the vessel. The threat of retroviruses, miscellaneous biohazards, and whatever creations a species that could splice DNA like Humans read a book could come up with was priority one in the command center for this particular operation.

After a half-hour of work, a basic operations center had been set up, with spools feeding cable into each elevator. The doors on every fifth deck had been propped open with expanding struts, and holes cut into the floor to admit drones. Preacher would have liked for every deck to be explorable, but the team had quickly run out of struts. Pale Horse, in it’s new capacity as a bulk cargo-hauler, would bring them more after its entire interior had been autoclaved. It had been made very clear that no material brought into the Creator vessel was to leave it.

“Goddamn floating biohazard, you sure we’d actually turn into squid if we were to be exposed to the air?” Said one of the team, looking at the lieutenant. The name tag on his chest plate read “Xiu”.

“Not taking any chances.” He responded. “What I was told, I’d rather not take any chances. I’m surprised they’re even letting electronic data out of this place.”

That got a snort from Xiu, who was piloting a drone as the lieutenant spoke.

“...You hear that?”

If there was a scary thing to hear on a derelict vessel, that was it. The lieutenant carefully looked around and pinged the area with the big scanning unit in the center of the room.

“No, nothing. Scanner better work, taking up all that space. Had me wedged against the goddamn wall.”

“Hope so, last thing we need is… space vampires, or something.”

There was a faint scraping noise. The lieutenant yelped and pointed his gun at the nearest elevator shaft.

“Heard it that time. The hell is it?”

“Nails on a chalkboard, eltee. Or some squid-thing here to violate us. Hey, Teddy, you hear that?”

The third soldier, who was filling out a spool of cable, signalled affirmative.

“Indeed. Scraping. Something on metal. Anything on scopes?”

The lieutenant looked back at the scanner readout locked to the corner of his HUD.

“Nothing, still. Dodgy structural engineering, perhaps. Fan in the ducts? Command? Anything I’m not noticing?”

Preacher himself came on, sounding as collected as he always did.

“No bio-signs detected, according to our scanners there’s nothing above the threshold- larger than a squirrel on the vessel.”

“Got it, Command, that’s all, may want to keep listening in.”

The lieutenant nervously paced back and forth, patching into the drone-camera feeds. There was nothing aboard. Nothing large enough to matter.

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 05:16PM by TheRealVerviedi


I don’t have many friends to begin with, but I will be moving to a new city soon so I’m looking for someone to talk to over the summer and beyond.

I’m into video games, nail art, looking at memes and doing other random stuff on the internet. Favorite music includes The Arctic Monkeys, Post Malone, Jon Bellion, A Day To Remember and various generic “edgy teen kid” bands.

Message me! My schedules pretty wide open because all I do is fuck around and make poor life choices.

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 06:47PM by piercipooo

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

No Tool Nail Art

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 03:41PM by Sumaimim

BORN PRETTY Stamping Template | Flower Animal Garden Nail Art Image Plat...

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 04:17PM by newnailartvideos

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

I’ve had paint on my nails for days and I just couldn’t be bothered to clean it off

Recently finished with school for the year and consequentially art class. Immediately fell into summer depression. Loneliness, pointlessness, sloth, boredom, coupled with my actual depression. This fucking paint on my nails is just bullshit idk. Representative of my mental state maybe. I’m just fucking rambling and I’m not editing any of this bullshit. Everything is just bullshit. This was a stupid Idea.

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 11:14AM by Agent_North

🐽 Peppa Pig Nail Art!!! Children's day is coming!👶🏻 👦🏻 👧🏻

Submitted May 31, 2018 at 01:10PM by AllyAllyAllyo

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

[SELL/SWAP] Tons of natural, cruelty free, mid and high end stuffs! Sunday Riley, St. Tropez, Touch of Sol, Tammy Fender, Milani, Osea, Charlotte Tilbury, Bobbi Brown, Siam Seas, Kani, Khus+Khus, Red Apple Lipstick, Aveda, Oribe, Marc Jacobs, Surratt, Buxom, By Terry, Franklin&Whitman.

Hi all! Thanks in advance for taking a look at my list :)

  • I will be shipping products out by Monday, possibly sooner depending on when I get payment.
  • All prices are negotiable - just try me! I am especially willing to haggle if you’re buying multiple products.
  • Please plan on replying within 4 hours of your post. I have had so many people ignore messages or come back the next day only to say they are no longer interested. Just let me know if you’ve decided to pass on something so I can move on to the next person! :)
  • Prices don’t include shipping. I will weigh each order and calculate shipping accordingly. Shipping normally comes out to around $3/$3.50 unless the item is heavier.
  • $8 minimum, payable via Paypal (gift preferred - if you aren’t comfortable with this, I can invoice you + fees)
  • Shipping from the US domestically as well as internationally. Canadian shipping starts at $10, depending on the item thickness. Unfortunately, USPS just raised its international rate, so I’m no longer able to ship for less :( I’ve also shipped to the U.K. and Australia before and don’t mind doing so.

Minis are located at the end of the list!Wishlist - I have a long wishlist, but I am mostly looking to sell unless you have these specific items to swap

  • Briogeo blow dry cream, charcoal shampoo, stimulating therapy massager
  • Nudestix eye pencils
  • Smashbox SPF primer
  • Lilah B aglow spray
  • Farmacy products (especially the clean bee cleanser)
  • Volition SPF primer
  • Wet n Wild goth o graphic loose highlighter
  • Hourglass setting powder mini
  • Coola 360 sun silk drops
  • Supergoop sunscreen oil
  • Tacha silk sunscreen, silk canvas primer
  • Fitglow Beauty vita-active foundation in VF 1
  • Charlotte Tilbury blush in first love
  • Charlotte Tilbury cream eyeshadow in rose gold
  • de Mamiel soothe oil
  • It cosmetics illumination CC cream in fair

Beauty Heroes, Art of Organics, Petit Vour items


Eyes (see the end of my list for minis!)

Lips (see the end of my list for minis!)

Face (see the end of my list for minis!)

Skincare (see the end of my list for minis!)




Minis & DS Items

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 07:03PM by esskem

Laquerista Challenge – Week 9 - Summer or Winter!

Summer/Winter Nails – Laquerista Challenge – Week 9

Get into the season for this challenge! In the northern hemisphere, it's summer, while our southern hemisphere laqueristas are enjoying wintertime. Pick a season and run with it this week regardless of your location!

Post your completed pictures in this thread to share the love. Whether you go simple or extravagant, we’d love to see your art! Please remember to be kind with compliments and offer constructive criticism if it’s encouraging.

You can also join us on Instagram using the tag #LaqueristaChallenge and follow @laqueristachallenge. Your tagged nails could be featured – with credit of course! Guidelines and full list of challenges can be found here.

Week 8 | Week 10

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 07:04PM by ZeteticNoodle

3 foolproof ways to excel in your job, get a mind-blowing raise and have an amazing career

If you’re feeling stuck in your job, wondering why you got passed over for a promotion, why you aren’t getting interviews for jobs you are applying for or why people around you seem to be moving forward in their careers faster than you, try this:

  1. Understand the rules of the game. In order to win, you need to understand the rules - the rules for your industry, your company, your department and team. Look at the successful people around you. Study how they act, what others say about them, how they spend their days. Look through their LinkedIn profile to understand their career trajectory. Understand to what extent people cheat or draw outside of the lines. Is taking risks and being bold rewarded or punished where you work? Spend time understanding the business model of your company. This means nailing what provides value to the customers that are paying. A lot of people are confused about this and work their butts off, focusing on the wrong things. Read up on trends in your industry so you understand where you are heading and make mental adjustments so you can keep up with the changes. Again, in order to win, you need to understand the rules of the game. And winning for you is moving up and getting paid more!

2. Set a game plan. Decide where you want to be one year from now and do the work. This means having an idea of your next role, what qualifications and experiences are required and starting to nail that down. If new skills are required you will acquire them. If certain projects are expected, you will make room for that type of work in your day and get it done. You will say no to almost everything else and you will master the art of disappointing in order to avoid getting sucked up into meetings, calls and committees and projects that aren’t leading you towards your goals and your dreams. Fail to plan, plan to fail!

3. Make life easy for your boss. Your boss is super busy and you don’t want to be a headache. This means bringing solutions to the table, not problems. Not making others come to your boss to complain about you, but brag about something you did. You have already spent time learning the rules of the game. This also meant understanding your boss. What are your boss’ motivations, level of influence, good and bad times of the day/month/year? Which areas can you help take a load off your boss’ shoulders and what areas can you highlight their expertise and make them feel good about themselves? Maybe your boss isn’t the only one in control of your career progress. In that case, identify other formal and informal influencers in your organization and make sure they know who you are and what you have done. When it comes to your own work, make sure your boss knows the value you are creating for your customers and what problems you are solving. If you have received feedback on areas of improvement, make sure your boss knows you are making an effort and taking it to heart to improve. You will have a clear dialogue with your boss about your priorities, but keep the details to yourself. Even if your boss is a micro manager, you are doing them a favor to not overshare. As I said, they are super busy and don’t need to get sucks into things unnecessarily. Make life easy for your boss!

When promotion/appraisal/performance review season rolls around, your boss will be EMBARRASSED to not give you a raise and a promotion, which may not even be necessary since you are well on your way to your next step, so maybe you’ll settle for a recommendation!

I'm looking to interview a few people who are feeling stuck in their jobs and struggle with the next step of their career. If you’re available for a 20 minute interview over the next week or so, please PM me or leave a YES! in the comments. In exchange I am happy to offer you a FREE (no-pitch) private call with me talking about how to fast track your career development starting TODAY.


Submitted May 30, 2018 at 07:53PM by annacosic

Cheryl-inspired nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 08:19PM by ChemistryGirl12

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Best Nail Art Instagram Compilation | Latest Nail Style & Trends 2018 | Part 27

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 05:06PM by Nailparty

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Looking for a summer city break for 2 who want to eat very well, photograph & walk around

My friend & I (25M, 24F) just got back from 5 days driving around Porto through the National park & ate some incredible food. We're looking for a city break this time for the end of June but we're struggling to nail down where to go.

We want somewhere we don't need to drive around to experience well. Both love food and nature, I like practising photography, she loves art - we want to walk around, good weather & food is a must, a nearby beach would be a plus.

Places we've considered but can't narrow down:

- Istanbul

- Marrakech

- Budapest (Thermal springs would be cool)

- Slovenia (might require too much driving to fully appreciate?)

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 01:54PM by bustyLaserCannon

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Ross Jeefries - Nail Your Inner Game

[Download] Ross Jeefries - Nail Your Inner Game


DECODE HERE: base64decode(.)org.You then get a link download!!

[Download] Leo Gura - The Ultimate Life Purpose Course | 10.9 GB


Become A Creative Force! 25+ hour video course 100% focused on how to design your dream career.

  • Rocket Launch
  • Meaningful Work
  • Do Your Art
  • Creative Control
  • Financial Freedom
  • Wake Up Excited
  • Transform Yourself
  • Become A Leader
  • Impact The World
  • Lasting Self-Motivation

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 11:27AM by Unleashed206

Leo Gura - The Ultimate Life Purpose Course

DECODE HERE: base64decode(.)org.You then get a link download!!

[Download] Leo Gura - The Ultimate Life Purpose Course | 10.9 GB


Become A Creative Force! 25+ hour video course 100% focused on how to design your dream career.

  • Rocket Launch
  • Meaningful Work
  • Do Your Art
  • Creative Control
  • Financial Freedom
  • Wake Up Excited
  • Transform Yourself
  • Become A Leader
  • Impact The World
  • Lasting Self-Motivation

[Download] Ross Jeefries - Nail Your Inner Game


Submitted May 30, 2018 at 11:38AM by Unleashed206

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 08:04AM by Nerds4Fun

nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 08:04AM by Nerds4Fun

nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 08:04AM by Nerds4Fun

nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 08:04AM by Nerds4Fun

bandana nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 09:11AM by Nerds4Fun

bandana nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 09:11AM by Nerds4Fun

bandana nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 09:11AM by Nerds4Fun

bandana nail art

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 09:11AM by Nerds4Fun

Nail Expert Nail Technician Classes| Nail Art Design, Nail Art, Nail Diploma

Nail Expert Nail Technician Classes| Nail Art Design, Nail Art, Nail Diploma New and hip nail patterns have opened another field of inventiveness and articulation. Vocation Opportunity: On the effective fruition obviously in Nail qualified hopeful can fill in as a Nail Technician, Nail Artist, Technical Trainer, Salon Manager or a Freelancer.

Submitted May 30, 2018 at 09:57AM by mdilip948

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

23/F [F4R] looking for friends

Looking for some online friends to message on here for awhile and then eventually move to talking on snapchat or a different app.

I like Star Wars, Harry Potter, some video games, but also makeup/nail art, photography, and YouTube!

Looking for platonic friendships so please don’t make it weird!

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 07:26PM by supportive_owl

Demote DECA to an art class

It is through personal research and interactions with peers and classmates in the DECA program that I have concluded that DECA is an abysmally pathetic waste of time used to raise the ego of mediocre level students and to steal all of parents' money for unending competitions. Dozens of students from my school attend DECA competitions and it seems that every weekend two thirds of them win a medal for something. How many first places can there be? There is a ridiculous amount of competitions that allow for most students to make to regional and national competitions on nothing but three brain cells and a fart. They all flaunt imaginary and ridiculous products and make entire sales pitches for them without a whim of engineering knowledge to be able to hammer a damn nail, for half of them they risk their lives trying to make toast. If kids with a 2.3 GPA who spend their free time juuling in some dudes pickup can win DECA internationals is it really an intense competition? Considering how far off DECA is from real life interaction and a business environment, and how ridiculously simple the tasks are, I am starting a movement to make DECA and marketing programs the educational and societal equivalent of an art class.

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 08:13PM by MIKE________HAWK

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

I want to get into the beauty industry as a jack of all trades but is it reasonable to pursue?

Hello reddit,

I am having a dilemma in either specializing in hair, make up, skin care, nails, or do it all.

My current experience in this field is from performing on stage as a dancer and helping out my mother's nail store. The total amount of experience I earned through all these events lead me about half a decade of amateur experience.

I haven't ever considered doing this as a career but for awhile I have always loved enhancing people their personal care for better experiences or fulfilling their needs. I also have the desire of bringing my creations to life as my current educational background is digital arts specifically animation.

The issue at hand here is I want to do all these things and be people's one stop shop. I don't know what it's like in this industry as I have talked to friends about this but I want to hear thoughts on this globally. Being capable to do everything is my long term goal and transition I am working towards. Something like this is a very big dream as fashion and trends in all areas change and every culture is different. I am currently 25 and have lots of room to grow.

Thank you for your time to read this

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 05:27PM by sinoxone

A Chronicle of Rounding Kap Lethemba Elihle

Finally ships had gotten close to where they should be. Finally they did not crumble when the waves of the ocean struck their sides in a storm. Finally kiKongo had mastered the art of the ship, or so it would seemed, at least.

Sengo Mavete, a man from the southern coastal regions of kiKongo had sailed his entire life. When he came walking, you could practically feel his scent a mile away, not to mention smell it - and it was a strong one, one of palm wine and salt.

Sengo was not a large man, nor one of remarkable wit. In fact, his parents had often felt great shame over how poorly he did in school. And yet Sego Mavete would go down in kiKongolese history like no other man before him could boast to have. This tale is the account he himself gave of the journey that gave him this privileged place in the schoolchildren's books:


After the king granted me his blessings and had an advisor direct me to the shipwrights of Mbanza-kikongo, my spirits were high. Yet, when I came to that shipyard they had directed me to, I was less than pleased with the poor state I found it in. Despite all the tales I had been told as a child, and all the stories of our adventurers, the greatest shipyard kiKongo possessed looked truly unfit to build the ship that the Manikikongo had "gifted" me.

Wood, of course, was in no short supply in our nation, yet the shipyard and the shipwrights were not building ships. In fact, there was a large stockyard of timber piled up, made into logs, and ready to become ships, that was being completely ignored.

I brought these shipwrights the slip the Manikikongo's advisor had given me, which stated in the beautiful handwriting of the royal scribe that I was to be given one of the Nganjas, the largest of the ships in our beloved empire. Yet the men smiled, and lifted their hands. They claimed they were incapable of making it, but to me it merely seemed they were unwilling.

So thus I realized that after Kanda Mbanana had come to power, the focus on shipwrighting and sailing had, to say the least, seriously faltered from the heart of this nation. My heart sank, and Mkana knows I would be a liar if I claimed I did not weep.

But, as all know, kiKongo is a land of opportunity, and as I sat there weeping, a wealthy mercantile shipping magnate was carried past me in a most magnificent carriage. He opened a latch on the side so he could see where the weeping sounds were coming from, and when he looked out he saw I, me, sitting there in a most magnificent Kanzu - something that naturally reflected my good status and close relationship to the Manikikongo, having after all met him on now two occasions.

The shipping magnate inquired why I wept, and I told him my tale. Touched, he himself took a handkerchief to the corners of his eyes, and said he could organize for a ship of royal quality for me. Thankful, as Mkana knows I should be, I thanked him numerous times, and he, being a humble and kind gentleman, said it was nothing.

I would later learn that this was Niemi Nzere, of the former Royal House, but that is merely a pedantic note for you as a reader to recollect of my gracious assister. He had a most grand Nganja constructed for me, larger than any other ship I had ever been witness to, and personally selected his top sailors from his fleet to accompany me. He had the ship filled with barrels upon barrels of Lyed and salted food, as well as a sizable amount of water and some guinea fowls that we could eat the flesh and eggs of.

Thus, in thanks to Mr. Nzere, whom I would now like to dedicate this tale to, I managed the trip chronicled here.

A Most Glorious Journey

For the motherland I traveled this distance, for the Manikikongo I wrote it down, and for my wife I returned from it. After four days of sailing southward along the coast we were in high spirits: our catch at sea was high, and when it had not been we could easily take a bit of food from our massive hoard. We sailed southward like this for a long time, and it was by far the most proving journey I had ever made - the southern winds were stronger and fiercer than the ones right by our coast, I can safely say.

Mr. Nzere had been careful to ensure that we had numerous flags that we could hoist while sailing, and for that I am more than thankful, because whenever we were forced to come to a foreign port or coast the natives scowled at us, clearly recalling the revolution and war they had fought against us kiKongolese half a century ago - of course, those that scowled the most were the old men and women, the young adults and children looked upon our ship in awe, never having seen anything quite like it before. Of course, neither had I, as I have already mentioned.

The sailing southward on this journey was not immediately difficult as such, but was instead difficult on the mind. There were many times during the day when we had too much time to think, and during the night there were powerful storms, robbing us of sleep - our minds were thus in constant exhaustion. I am thankful to Mkana for having survived this journey, for I realize that I cannot have been the only to have attempted it - many smaller and weaker ships had clearly wrecked what we would later recognize as the Skeleton Coast, as one could clearly see the skeletons of these ships on its' shore. We had of course been informed by other sailors of this dangerous area, which few had dared to attempt to cross, and thus stocked up on freshwater before sailing past it.

Thankfully, we managed. The Kalahari Kingdom, as we had called it, would soon, however, be found to not actually be the Kalahari Kingdom. What we kiKongolese had called "the Kalahari" was merely a northern fraction of it, and the folk to the south of the territory we had once conquered were far more peaceful and friendly to us. There was a great river in this territory, which we beached on and rested by for a week, and ate produce among the natives at. This I can recall as a prosperous and good time, and one filled with memories that I shall always cherish of these folk, despite our short stay here.

The next portion of our journey would prove to be the most difficult, while also being the very end of the journey. This would be the one that would bring me and the crew fame, and would be what would found the later Mbanza-Kap, the greatest and southernmost city of the world.

Rounding the Kap

There have since my journey arisen many tales and myths of wild sailors, such as that of the Flying Khoekhoe. I cannot say that I can attest to these myths' truthfulness, but what I can is state that their existence in the Kap would not astonish me. The Kap is perhaps the most dangerous part of a sailor's journey, or it was when there was no city there and no groups prepared to help sailors and shipwrecked there.

When we came south of the great desert, we met a mountainous, apparently fertile, and strangely still dry coast. We landed here a few times, and the natives appeared to be similar to those in the desert to the north, though these had more interesting customs, enjoying heated herbal drinks, which I naturally must attest to is quite delicious. I brought some of these plants with me to kiKongo, but sadly they all died in the humidity, and so we are incapable of growing them for our own consumption here.

But back to the Kap. Coming southward of these mountains, the water became wilder, colder and crueler. The winds matched this change, and on three occasions did our sails fail us, and had to be repaired. Thankfully the same did not happen to the masts, and for that I am eternally thankful to Mkana.

The waters whirled on this land, and when we finally did hit the Kap Lethemba Elihle (Cape of Good Hope in a Xhosa-kiKongo fusion), we did it in the worst possible manner: in the middle of a storm. We sailed a fair bit from the coast, to prevent us from beaching, but the rowers found it difficult to maneuver. As the waves rose and sunk, as did the hearts in our chest, and I could have sworn it was at one point in my throat, attempting to strangle me.

But our ship was solid, made of the highest grade wood, and we trusted it would not collapse on us: and if the ship would not ensure this, Mkana would. I commanded my first mate to lead us into the sound that appeared past what is today known as the Kap-Indawo (Cape Point, kiKongo-Xhosa), so that it may, God-spirit willing, protect us from the storm.

He did as I instructed, and soon we were in this coast. In the night I believe I heard a scream, and despite the darkness of the thunderous sky, and that sky's blocking of the sun, when the lighting lit up our surroundings I saw what had once been a Kanzu with blood coloring its' surroundings: this, we would later find, was our first encounter with the man-eating Great White Sharks of the Kap.

But we sailed onwards, and our ship had been secured (planks had been nailed into the areas of the ship we were uncertain would hold: to this day I am uncertain if it was necessary, but one can never trust luck), and we were all at our posts. The barrels rolled around on and under deck, I have never feared for my life as I did on that day hearing those pieces of wood below me knock together.

But we persevered. We made it into that bay, and, in thanks to the rattling and crackling thunder that brought lighting that lit up the sea, we could see the reefs by the coast, so we could know not to collide with these. We sailed past this area instead, and made anchorage in an adjacent bay. When the storms stopped, we decided it be better to explore this land, and I naturally had to map where we were anyway, so went up on deck with my Kamal and decided to measure - and certainly, I was shocked, for I found that we had not gone further south.


Mbanza-Kap was thus founded. There were already natives here, but they had very rudimentary homes and did not at all appear prepared to wage war with us - instead, they graciously offered us food, among other things the flesh of a queer beast, which rumor has it that the Obibo of the North also have. It tasted somewhat stale, but was acceptable, and certainly welcome - we were not at all close to running out of food, but it is better to avoid running out of it than to abuse it for no reason.

Of course this was a time for celebration, and so we decided to share the food we had left with the natives. We lived here for a few years, sailing a bit further east to ensure we had truly made the south-ward point, but there was no arguing - we had made it. We built homes here in the kiKongolese style: large, solid homes of stone, unlike anything the natives had seen, it appeared (for they were a nomadic breed of folk). We set up a tutoring class, to teach them some basic mathematics and kiKongolese, and in the two years some of them became fairly good in our tongue, though spoke it with a very thick accent. Nonetheless, a few of these tutored men expressed an interest in traveling with us back to kiKongo.

This was just as well, because a few of our sailors had settled down in the area, and begun growing the kiKongolese crops that would grow here, here. Thus we decided it would be a good idea, and we began preparation to depart. This preparation would proceed to take three months, during which the ship was fixed, using the tools we had brought with us, and food was prepared, largely featuring the dried fruits and vegetables of our comrades, as well the salted meat of the queer game we could hunt in the area, as well as the moo-ing beasts the natives mastered.

We taught the natives numerous other crafts, most notably how to have elephants drag the stone and timber used for construction to the areas it was needed. Mbanza-Kap thus truly began prospering, with the natives, whom called themselves either Khoekhoe (as the people we are familiar with, being to our south) or Xhosa, people being as dark in skin as those of us who have no Pygmy blood, but speaking in a clickety-click fashion, not unlike the Khoekhoe.

Education was of course set up here, and most of these people would soon learn to read and write in kiKongolese, and increasingly more would do so as missionaries of Mkana and representatives of the Manikikongo reached the area.

We had the entire province mapped to the best of our ability, before we set off: the timber was of the local kind, either being fruit trees or being massive, glorious kinds of Baobab or Acacia. It was strong, anyway, and we trusted it. While we had at first struggled to find a way to produce more nails here, the natives did use metal, and were glad to show us some deposits, as well as give us some unrefined ore: dragged to us, of course, by the use of an elephant (no less: they truly enjoyed those large wonders).

We then set off. It was a sorrowful and sad departure: after all, we could not know if we would survive at all. But, of course, you know we did. I have already chronicled the trip one way, and so I feel no obligation to do it the opposite way. The trip was largely the same, you see.

When we came back to kiKongo, I was given a private audience with the Manikikongo, during which I explained the state of the port. He informed me he would look into it, and that he felt great shame over not being able to offer me the same, as the head of this nation, as the business magnate could. I stated that I understood: after all, it was well known and recorded that their Kandas had different values. The Manikikongo insisted I lead another expedition southward, and if these locals were truly open to our customs, that I bring an entire shipment of monks, nuns and teachers, which of course, I did, gladly.

Mbanza-Kap was thus given the full protection of our kingdom, and the natives began to understand and speak kiKongolese. It was a proud day for me, not only because of what this trip achieved for kiKongo, but because of what our kingdom did for me and those natives in so far-off lands.

As you all know, I am now, as those sailors, a permanent resident of Mbanza-Kap, along with my wife and my darling children. I write this book so that you may also one day want to long for the Kap, and that you, too, can come to it and help us. It is a different land, and things grow differently here: crops that cannot grow in our forest can grow on these plains.

I have had a home erected in the bay where I first landed, and it is now one of hundreds. Mbanza-Kap is, of all the cities I have visited, the grandest: perhaps not in size, but in splendor and glory, certainly. When the day comes that I shall die, I shall die in these southern lands. And what is more: because this land is so different from our own, the treasures here are wholly different. Come to the Kap and find yourself touched by the good hope here: come to the frontier, and you may be rich.



This is just kiKongo finally using their Big Ships for something, I'm not discovering anything (beyond the Cape of Good Hope). The city founded is pretty much Cape Town.

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 05:29PM by The_Dankest_Singed

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Nail art practice sticks

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 04:16PM by BlueBunnyBlanket

Nail Art by using Shimmery Eye Shadows

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 02:29PM by Sumaimim

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

19 [F4M] California - I can't think of a creative title. But I swear I'm not this boring!

Hi! I've been lurking on this sub for a while and thought I should give it a go :) I'm looking to find someone to talk to and maybe have it become something more? I don't know. Time will tell. Anyway!

About me:

I'm a 19 year old university student in California. I'm currently studying biology but I'm trying to switch to informatics next year.

Physically, I'm 5'5" and around 125 lbs with black hair and brown eyes. I'm pretty average sized, definitely don't have an Instagram model body tho... but I'm working on it! Ethnically, I'm Indian! (hence the black hair and brown eyes). But I was born and raised in California, so I'm really Americanized 😅.

Some other stuff: I don't smoke cigarettes, but I do drink socially (~once a month) and I'm 420 friendly. As for piercings/tattoos, I have my ears pierced (2 on one ear, 4 on the other) and a really tiny tattoo on my ankle.

My favorites/hobbies:

My favorite TV shows of all time are The Office, Breaking Bad, and Prison Break. If you quote The Office with me I'll love you forever. And my favorite movie hands down is Drive! And no, I don't watch anime. Never have, and probably never will (unless you're willing to change that).

As for my other hobbies, I love working out and recently got into lifting in January! I also love art, even though I suck at drawing. But I love graphic design (currently working on a project for one of my classes, ask me about if you're interested!), painting, nail art, knitting (yea I'm actually 90 years old), etc. I also love reading about random shit on Wikipedia.

I'm not much of a gamer at all except for like playing Club Penguin in 2007. But I love gamers! And I love watching gamers game! Get me into your favorite game or something!

My personality:

I'm pretty reserved at first but once I start to warm up with you I won't shut up. I'm a really loving person but it's hard for me to express it with words, but the love's all there! I swear! It's quite hard for me to trust people and open up but it'll happen with time I suppose. I only have a few close friends and I've been friends with them for a really long time, so I guess I tend to get close with people I spend a lot of time with/talk to a lot.

Humor-wise, I love dark humor and satire. But on the other end of the spectrum I still think your mom jokes are funny. So there's that :/ My friends have told me I'm a funny person, but take that with a grain of salt considering all my friends have wack senses of humor.

I really value honesty and loyalty. My friends tell me I'm a really honest person, and I also appreciate people who are honest with me back (just as long as they're nice about it too). And loyalty! If you sweep me off my feet, you bet I'll be one loyal hoe!

Also, my MBTI type is ISFP, if you're into that!

What I'm looking for:

I'm looking for someone between 18-23? just to talk at first and maybe become something more? Physically, I don't really care much. I do like guys taller than me but that's about it. I'd prefer if you were in the US just for the time difference, but feel free to message me if you're from elsewhere! I love learning about new cultures :)

Personality wise, I appreciate loyalty, humor, kindness, and intelligence :) I can't really name anything else off the top of my mind cause honestly, I don't really know what I like.

Finally, I know this is kind of a weird thing to want in a guy, but I'd really like someone who prioritizes school (but still knows how to have fun). School/studying takes up a lot of my time, and it'd be great to have someone to motivate me to do my work so I don't flunk out 😊 But this obviously isn't a requirement, it's just a plus!

Bonus points if you like physics. I always have been a STEM girl but I sure fucking hate physics. So it'd be nice to meet someone who counters my hatred for the subject :)


Please don't message me if you're a hornball just looking to dirty talk or whatever. But if you're not a hornball, please feel free to PM me if you think we'd get along! Have a nice day/night/whatever time it is for you :)

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 12:19PM by thrwwy9915

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Nail Expert Nail Technician Classes| Nail Art Design, Nail Art

Nail Expert Nail Technician Classes| Nail Art Design, Nail Art New and hip nail patterns have opened another field of inventiveness and articulation. Vocation Opportunity: On the effective fruition obviously in Nail qualified hopeful can fill in as a Nail Technician, Nail Artist, Technical Trainer, Salon Manager or a Freelancer.

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 09:03AM by mdilip948

Glam Hobby 20pc Nail Art Painting and Dotting Tool Set

Submitted May 29, 2018 at 09:26AM by shoppingbagdotpk

Monday, May 28, 2018

Quick Nail Art | No Tool Nail Art

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 08:45PM by Sumaimim

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Updoot on life.

I haven't seriously posted in awhile.

Truth is, right now its a mixed bag of good and difficult.


  1. My dad is still very much against what is going on with my partner. This really negatively affects the rest of the family, as my sister is gay and my other sister is bi and then there is me- queer with a trans partner. So, it's all a bit crazy. My mom is fine with it, but my dad believes in biological sex = gender. He is a NP in a hospital and just absolutely refuses to think about anything other than medically. I've tried to explain he is not a psychologist or a specialist in trans issues but it's like talking to a brick wall.

  2. My partner, A, has a mom and dad that are not really ok with what is going on either. both my dad and them are scared and weirded out in equal measure- and it makes things quite difficult for us. I worry all conversations will lead to my partner being trans instead of having family bonding, etc.

  3. I am also still job hunting, 3 months later, with some success but only in part-time jobs that look good on resumes but really don't pay crap. The good thing is they give me a wider range of experience, bad thing is I need a full-time job to eat. I have been job hunting every day but you all know the drill. apply to 400, hear back from 3, interview 1, and then get rejected.

  4. My grandfather is also dying, and we suspect he wont make it through the end of summer. I am lucky to have, through my credit card, enough miles to get there and back for a funeral when it comes.

  5. My partner went on hormones for 2 weeks before getting off of them because it messed with his blood sugar (type 1 diabetic) by making him insulin resistant. It also just felt "weird" to him. He now states hes trans but more of a gender nonconforming type. I call BS and think its simply because the pressure of our families + the sudden difficulty on HRT was just way too much to handle and he backed off. This is a repeating pattern in other aspects of his life. The small silver lining in this is that he is growing out his hair and still doing laser hair removal, so there is still a bit of progress being made. Hopefully, we can tackle HRT but I think he went super fast, realized how tough it was, and then backed off. In my opinion, the sooner we rip all these bandaids off and go for it the better we can adjust to the new normal.

The good things are:

  1. I am job hunting and I have 2 part-time jobs, one as a content writer and one as an illustration for an incredible non-profit organization that focuses on creating works of art to help boost love and care in people, and also teach meditation in a non-religious way. We just got backed by Duke University for what we do and I think this startup company may completely expand. The more it does, the more we get paid as well which is just beyond awesome. I would be working at this job as a volunteer, so to get paid is just great!

  2. I made a friend who happens to be trans but has no girly connections. We hosted a girly night and I did her makeup and painted her nails and we got drunk on our patio and laughed and watched deadpool. It was glorious, girly, fun, and my partner jumped in (which he has only ever felt comfortable presenting around me- so it was a big deal!) and it became a big girly sleepover. I think the more I bring her over (shes full time and completely out) the more confidence A will have about moving forward.

  3. The weather has been amazing and I am so happy its officially summertime here. It feels great, and as much as I am working away to getting a job I am also focused on meditation and becoming a better person since I have time.

  4. My relationship with A is just as strong. I was a tough girl and decided to take away a lifelong dream- having my partner ask for my hand. Its very clear my dad would chew A out and I am not willing to put him in harm's way. It's bittersweet because it feels really good to have a grip on my own life and focus heavily on what I want, not what family wants. September is when I think he will pop the question, maybe October. No later than that. We have been rocks to one another so I am super excited to realize we would be perfect as a married couple.

How are things with all of you? Where are you at? What do you want to talk about? Reminisce? Vent about? here to lend an ear.

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 06:09PM by MyPartnerisaBadass

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

[No Spoilers] My Twin Peaks Nail Art

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 05:13PM by AndyD254

My Twin Peaks Nail Art

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 05:14PM by AndyD254

My Twin Peaks Nail Art

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 05:15PM by AndyD254

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

❥ 4U // Shop the Look

by from It's Sweet and Fashion

Reddit FatalBullet Serious PvP Guide

(Updated for patch 1.2, in preparation for online BoB mode)



Self-sustain builds are a requirement. CDs for heals tend to be too prolonged for effective battle healing. So its common to run Healing Field, ontop of Shield Matrix 2 for emergencies. VR shield with %hp recovery charm works to provide cover with hp regen. VR shield can be countered with any AoE skill/weapon to damage through shield.


Smoke very considerably nerfs the maximum range for bullet circle lock-on. Players outside the smoke do not share vision of friendly players within smoke. Only players using scanning and eagle eye can track targets from outside the smoke.


Movement speed charms/skills are required on most aggressive builds. Can help to mitigate the auto-aim at mid-ranges. Does influence distance traversal. (see Speed Boost 3)


%HP recover charm works even through damage. Kicks in like 5 seconds, used as self-sustain during low player count PvP sessions. Can be buffed with HP recovery up charms. Known counter is any DoT, hence debuffs like blaze/poison fields to counteract HP gain.


Heal Over Time bullet does heal through damage. However, the rate of healing is far too slow compared to most optimized damage sources. Can be used as a hp boost to win mirror match-ups.


HE shot can be abused with shotguns. Because each pellet deals HE, can be used to skirt around %hp instagib prevention charms.


Speed Boost 3 buffs distance traversal skills. Eg, assault slide/orbital/gun stinger


Most skills have some degree of lockon, so they will home towards the player in your general direction. You can also influence the direction of certain distance traversal skills by inputing movement commands as the skill activates. The homing effect can be amplified when coupled with speed form 3, however this comes at the expense of player reaction time as the amount of distance traversed increases with player speed.


Flashbangs do work against players. Player does not need to be looking at it for it to affect. However bugs sometimes do occur that player can be looking at the flashbang and receive the stun effect but does not experience a screen whiteout.


Mines can be seen and destroyed. Does trigger when players run near them. Is influenced by gadget attack up charm. Scales with Int/Dex. Does trigger on downed enemies.


Rocket Launcher builds are good only at close range. When in intermediate range, dodging almost always prevents impact. At close range, jumping into the player as he jumpshots the ground can at times prevent the knockback. As of patch 1.2, the knockback from explosions have been nerfed considerably, such that rocket builds feel somewhat underpowered.


Optics and Physical rounds have flight time differences. Physical rounds are faster than Optical. Both rounds have damage dropoffs depending on their respective weapon ranges. Silenced weapons tend to have slower projectiles than non-silenced weapons.


Optical rounds have in-built reduced damage in PvP. But after Vit stacking/Phy defence up, optical weapons can become more effective against hyper tanks.


Now weapon arts give full invul throughout the casting duration.


Pistol Weapon arts significantly reduce CD of skills, is used for both offence and support during its duration. AR weapon arts apply blaze dmg, and is usually used to damage the boss and apply blaze. Launcher weapon arts have extremely strong AoE denial capability. Sniper Weapon arts damage the boss. Shotguns have large immediate AoE damage potential but the windup makes it generally unviable for Player vs Player combat.


Players count as Humanoid typing ONLY. Yes, damage boost / damage reduction against humanoid does affect.


Medal Gauge does increase your attacks during PvP. Stats increase as a percentage to your own. Damage grows up to 1.4x, because medal gauge goes up to 200%. (20% attack boost per 100% of gauge, effects kick in at 100 and grow incrementally following it)


Hyper Awareness is generally useless in high lvl PvP unless spammed with pistol weapon art. 180 second cooldown is made worse by random sprays of AR/Pistol/SMG to trigger. Can be used in 1v1, but low CD skills take priority. However, the workaround is to activate it mid-fight, to earn invulnerability and then taking the time to either rush the enemy down or to retreat and heal. However, the noticeable cooldown means it is either abused with pistol weapon art cooldown reduction, or used with generally high INT builds to lower down CD timings.


Damage against players depends on where you hit their hitboxes. The legs/arms deal the lowest damage. Center mass body shots deal slightly more, with the weakspot being the head. Weakspot dmg up only scales weapon shots to the head.


Larger character models do increase the size of your hitbox. However, its not noticeable in online play since most cover is either too small to use effectively, or large enough to cover the entire body regardless of model size. Because of the fast-paced gun play and high mobility, larger character models made no significant penalty to warrant change.


Explosive shot scales according to weapon dmg. INT does not scale explosive shot dmg. It is affected by the explosive shot chip.


Suppression is useful in PvP in lowering the accuracy of the enemy team. AMRs can also inflict suppression. Suppression is best applied using LMG dual-wielding, or high accuracy AMR sniper auto-aiming. SMGs have inherent resistance to suppression and is affected less by it.


Suppression is effective up to close range. Bullet Circle Accuracy up and Concentration skill can be used to mitigate the effects of suppression. Concentration is best used on LMG/Rifle builds at close range. Mid to Long range, requires aiming due to bullet travel time / auto-aiming spread. Suppression is felt most on players relying on bullet circle aiming at mid to long range, while also increasing the deviation felt by player snipers when they take their shots.


Sword Barrier is still active on stunned targets. However, there is a way to bypass its effect by shooting at the feet of the avatar to deal damage. Is easily countered by HE shot.


Auto-reload chip potentially skips the reloading animation after the last round is fired. As of current patch autoreloading works with dual-wielding. For Dual wielding, the cloned weapon is taken as default, with no chips attached to them. That is why dual-wielding weapons produces alternating damages of high and low values, due to one weapon being chipped and the other vanilla.


Knockback has been severely nerfed in PvP (patch 1.2), such that certain skills only causes flinch rather than knockdown/back, severely reducing the viability of some assault/explosion builds.


Do be warned in trying to land certain skills like vorpal/orbital/gunstinger on downed enemies as their hitbox is partially glitched into the floor, causing some of your hits to whiff unless its a type of ground pound. Sword Nail and Square Slash have noticeably lower damage dealt to downed opponents.



%HP death prevention charm is necessary to prevent one-shotting from snipers. The lower HP the more effective seeing a lower skill heal brings you back up to the dmg prevention threshold.


VR shield is not effective for Destroyers running miniguns, or any weapon that requires the player to stand up to fire. The height difference does allow for sniper to headshot you from only slightly higher elevation. Decreasing player avatar size does help to limit this, but the lack of bullet circle lock-on through the VR shield makes this tactic somewhat inefficient.


Shield Matrix is usually mandatory on most builds. It does have a cast time however, and can be countered by gravity welling when it ends, or mine placement under heavy suppression. Shield matrix duration also lasts long enough for %hp regen charm to kick in. Sheld Matrix 2 heal can be buffed with Heal Boost charm. However, do take not that you must roll as soon as the skill ends otherwise you risk getting HS by an enemy sniper. SM can be cancelled at any time until it begins to charge into SM3's explosion. Once that happens you are trapped in the animation until the explosion goes off, following which a HS is soon to follow.


It is possible to taunt with metamaterial on. Used to cheese taunt boss Manhunter, and hiding in enemy spawn such that the boss weakspot faces allied spawn for damage.


Vit heavy builds is not substantial enough to do well in PvP against damage optimized builds. Player damage scales way more than vit HP gain, even with %HP boosting. Does provide debuff resistance but is not sufficient when applied with the handgun hidden crit for electrostun shot. With the addition of accessory farming and anti-ailment kit 2, vit heavy builds are becoming increasingly more viable. Awaiting for DLC 2 with accessory transforming to see the full effects.


Human Fortress DOES counteract armor buffs you have. However, in order to stack it with armor form 3, you MUST cast Human Fortress first, then cast armor form 3 to receive both buffs.



Support builds tend to only run Armor Break 3, power break is uncalled for in PvP because its not meant for players and the dmg reduction to the boss isn't always required. Armor Break is only used when the enemy team is weak/wiped and its free dmg reign on the boss. In deathmatch modes, it is more common to take Power Break 3 specifically to nerf the damage of sword users, but due to the overall lethality amongst optimized players, it doesn't contribute as effectively compared to other skills like scanner.


Recharge timing charms are really good on supports. When couple with gadget builds its possible to smoke off half a deathmatch map forcing close quarters fights in low visibility conditions. Not to mention it helps slightly with self-sustain when coupled with engineer type builds with gadget/debuffs.


Int is necessary because it scales skills and some skill dmg. Low INT builds that want to use CCs like electrostun shot generally use handguns for the hidden crit.


AoE skills can crit. (HE/Electrostun/Poison/Blaze shots)


Electrostun shot dmg can be buffed with debuff stacking.


AoE buffing is not useful if your INT is below the 40 threshold. Does not last long enough to remain buffed when considering recharge timing and the gain isnt much at low level boosts. Self Buffing is much better for combat roles. Support INT buffing helps more and goes further to aid the team. Also lowers the recharge time, stackable with the recharge time charm. (But as a combat specialization take the AoE heal, because it affects self)


Int debuffs/buffs are a baseline of 30 seconds, and lengthen depending on the Int level of the caster. However, debuffs can go below 30 seconds due to the resistance of the boss/player.


Stat boost do not scale according to INT. Debuffs do more to damage bosses/players than Buffs of the same percentage. INT does affect damage from skills and gadgets. However Dex can increase the damage of some grenades.


Poison/Blaze has a base dmg, and scales additionally with INT.


Debuff stacking chips seems to be good only on high Int builds, as even though it increases the likelihood of debuff application on Bosses/Players, it still is dependent on their resistance and your Int level. That said however, Int builds can do progressively more DPS than other players when considering their DoTs require only one or two shots to inflict a DoT-Debuff on the boss, esp when the boss has no visible and/or hard to hit weakspot.


Certain weapons have hidden debuffs. Heavy weapons (Snipers/AMRs/Gattling Guns/LMGs) are some of the known weapons that produce suppression against enemy players. As for the GLauncher Inferno, it produces a Blaze effect when hitting the floor and can apply blaze debuff onto enemy players. Debuff stacking does affect.


Gravity Shot 3 is large enough to go through certain pillars under very specific conditions. It can also be used as an area denial weapon during enemy respawns to cutoff routes, forcing a re-route giving teams additional time to earn points by damage and maximize armor break 3 shots on the boss. As of patch 1.2, the damage of GS3 has been considerably nerfed, however its suction potential is still useful in initiating fights against clumped enemies. More skills have been able to escape GS3 and it is possible to spam roll out of GS3 along the edges of it. GS3 also screws with the distance traversal skills of players that go through its radius.


It is possible to revive/heal through thin walls. Useful to edge guard so that when you go down near the wall of spawn, an ally can revive without having to go through the door. Shock Mines can also be deployed in similar fashion, punishing enemy players that edge too close to the enemy spawn. Explosions can hit through walls if the radius is large enough.


For safe revives, a player can run and pop a VR shield while going for a revive. Usually, the enemy does not have enough time to weapon swap/pop a skill to interrupt. Seeing that the VR shield has relatively few counters, most of which tend to be used offensively rather than reactively, this method does work with relatively minimal risk. However, it does depend on the enemy loadout/active skills. You can stop AED shots and enemy heals by using the VR shield to block their shots. It is also possible to body block heals/AED shots as well as interfere with friendly buff bullets due to the lock on nature of support skills.


Eagle-eye shot's auto-tracker is visible by both teams. Enemy players can use your team's eagle-eye shots to hit the weakspots of the boss/players. Can be used on roll spamming players to auto-track onto them with bullet circle aim.


Consecutive stuns on the boss will increase their resistance to it. Meaning that not only would it require more stunshots/stun-mines, the stun duration would also decrease per consecutive stun. It also occurs during PvE as well.


Mines will trigger on downed enemies. Cannot be used as entry denial to prevent revives. Can be placed, but must be outside the minimum activation distance of the mine. Mines also have larger effect radius than their activation radius. Mines do not have arming time, mines can go off even before the mine-planting animation is over. The mine is armed the moment its model appears on the ground.


Regardless if you are running support or not, it is highly recommended that you run AED shot. Due to its relatively low requirement for learning it and its high impact in lowering your team's point loss and player efficiency, its generally required on most builds and is usually omnipresent in high lvl PVP matches.


Do remember to commend your allies in-game by pressing the default [5] key during PvP matches when they receive medals. This is to help build medal gauge for both players and can be used to charge the weapon art gauge to full within the first 10 seconds of the match. To do this spread buffs between all players while spamming the 5 key, this also gives a new importance to the initial prep phase of the deathmatch as it is now possible to go in with a serious damage and weapon gauge advantage against an un-prepped team.



Reduced visibility during crouching can help to prevent the player marker from appearing during PvP. Only lengthens the time for players to acquire your marker. Markers will continue to track you until you stay outside their vision for an extended time. You can remove the marker by metamaterial cloaking or using a smoke grenade on yourself.


Metamaterial Cloak is useful in PvP. Using it wipes the player marker if they have it on you., and it will not appear unless you are close. However, metamaterial cloak is still visible, albeit difficult. Can be used to close the distance in frantic situations. (Aka Pitohui Build). Do remember to match your attire to the colour of the field to limit the amount the enemy can see you. Safe colours in general are dark greys and browns to match the PvP arenas.


Metamaterial cloak does not remove visible debuffs like blaze fire and suppression mist. Can be countered by Dual LMG builds applying suppression from as players move onto the field, so when metamaterial cloak is applied, they will still be visible.


Area denial mechanics can help when teams are pillar-hugging in sewers map, camping certain areas of the map or generally sticking to certain player routes. Gravity well, Blaze/Poison AoE can limit the mobility behind them. Grenades/Rockets do appear as bullet prediction lines too, which limits their effectiveness as the slow projectile times across long distance gives them ample time to react.


Certain boss attacks can glitch through walls. Chariot 2's minigun rotation can glitch through pillars when close enough to it. Players standing within proximity to the wall will be hit by it. Some attacks also have a piercing effect such that standing too close to thin cover glitches your hitbox through it, causing you to be hit by the attack as a result.


It is possible to escape gravity wells with enough movement speed buffs. Running along the edge of a gravity well and then dashing can at times be used to propel the player forward in the direction they were facing. Also, gravity tends to produce clockwise rotation patterns to enemies caught in its field when looking from above.


Omni Vanitas only grants invulnerability mid-dash, not during dash windups and dash cooldowns. Omni Vanitas can be cancelled when the opponent crits, causing a flinch during the vulnerable stages of the dash. Omni Vanitas then requires cooldown before its subsequent activation.


It is possible to detect enemies through thin walls, especially when they are firing. The game has a proximity sensor such that enemies within vicinity even behind thin walls are detected. This proximity range can be increased if the enemy is firing or running. You can also suppress enemies through the wall if it is thin enough, as the game senses the shots being fired within the vicinity of the player eventhough there is a solid object in the way. (Similar to explosion effect through hard cover)


Bullet Circle Accuracy is not displayed by a shrinkage of bullet circle itself, however it does still tighten the bullet spread. Can be stacked with concentration and crouching. (Agi stat could be affecting bullet accuracy in similar fashion, just that the bullet circle shows no visible change.) As an analogy, Bullet Circle Accuracy does NOT decrease the maximum spread of your spray but it does make it increasingly likely that your shots will hit in the general center of the circle. Bullet circle stabilization speed increases the amount the bullet circle shrinks between shots/targets and as you are moving. As a general rule of thumb, bullet circle accuracy works better than bullet stabilization unless you are tap firing or have a weapon with low R.O.F.


For choice between weapon crit chance or weapon crit damage, do see the internal weapon crit chance/multiplier for proper optimizing. In general, it is more preferable to have weapon crit chance than damage as crit chance is a necessary condition to occur before crit damage is calculated. However for inherently low crit chance weapons, choosing other weapon skills might be more viable.


Do note that by using the weapon art, it sometimes consumes all the buffs you have before their expiry duration. Similarly, it can also be seen as a status reset if you are about to die to DOT. Also, you lose buffs when you die, even when revived by allied players or AED shots.

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 01:29PM by Equestofu

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