Monday, May 28, 2018

Reddit FatalBullet Serious PvP Guide

(Updated for patch 1.2, in preparation for online BoB mode)



Self-sustain builds are a requirement. CDs for heals tend to be too prolonged for effective battle healing. So its common to run Healing Field, ontop of Shield Matrix 2 for emergencies. VR shield with %hp recovery charm works to provide cover with hp regen. VR shield can be countered with any AoE skill/weapon to damage through shield.


Smoke very considerably nerfs the maximum range for bullet circle lock-on. Players outside the smoke do not share vision of friendly players within smoke. Only players using scanning and eagle eye can track targets from outside the smoke.


Movement speed charms/skills are required on most aggressive builds. Can help to mitigate the auto-aim at mid-ranges. Does influence distance traversal. (see Speed Boost 3)


%HP recover charm works even through damage. Kicks in like 5 seconds, used as self-sustain during low player count PvP sessions. Can be buffed with HP recovery up charms. Known counter is any DoT, hence debuffs like blaze/poison fields to counteract HP gain.


Heal Over Time bullet does heal through damage. However, the rate of healing is far too slow compared to most optimized damage sources. Can be used as a hp boost to win mirror match-ups.


HE shot can be abused with shotguns. Because each pellet deals HE, can be used to skirt around %hp instagib prevention charms.


Speed Boost 3 buffs distance traversal skills. Eg, assault slide/orbital/gun stinger


Most skills have some degree of lockon, so they will home towards the player in your general direction. You can also influence the direction of certain distance traversal skills by inputing movement commands as the skill activates. The homing effect can be amplified when coupled with speed form 3, however this comes at the expense of player reaction time as the amount of distance traversed increases with player speed.


Flashbangs do work against players. Player does not need to be looking at it for it to affect. However bugs sometimes do occur that player can be looking at the flashbang and receive the stun effect but does not experience a screen whiteout.


Mines can be seen and destroyed. Does trigger when players run near them. Is influenced by gadget attack up charm. Scales with Int/Dex. Does trigger on downed enemies.


Rocket Launcher builds are good only at close range. When in intermediate range, dodging almost always prevents impact. At close range, jumping into the player as he jumpshots the ground can at times prevent the knockback. As of patch 1.2, the knockback from explosions have been nerfed considerably, such that rocket builds feel somewhat underpowered.


Optics and Physical rounds have flight time differences. Physical rounds are faster than Optical. Both rounds have damage dropoffs depending on their respective weapon ranges. Silenced weapons tend to have slower projectiles than non-silenced weapons.


Optical rounds have in-built reduced damage in PvP. But after Vit stacking/Phy defence up, optical weapons can become more effective against hyper tanks.


Now weapon arts give full invul throughout the casting duration.


Pistol Weapon arts significantly reduce CD of skills, is used for both offence and support during its duration. AR weapon arts apply blaze dmg, and is usually used to damage the boss and apply blaze. Launcher weapon arts have extremely strong AoE denial capability. Sniper Weapon arts damage the boss. Shotguns have large immediate AoE damage potential but the windup makes it generally unviable for Player vs Player combat.


Players count as Humanoid typing ONLY. Yes, damage boost / damage reduction against humanoid does affect.


Medal Gauge does increase your attacks during PvP. Stats increase as a percentage to your own. Damage grows up to 1.4x, because medal gauge goes up to 200%. (20% attack boost per 100% of gauge, effects kick in at 100 and grow incrementally following it)


Hyper Awareness is generally useless in high lvl PvP unless spammed with pistol weapon art. 180 second cooldown is made worse by random sprays of AR/Pistol/SMG to trigger. Can be used in 1v1, but low CD skills take priority. However, the workaround is to activate it mid-fight, to earn invulnerability and then taking the time to either rush the enemy down or to retreat and heal. However, the noticeable cooldown means it is either abused with pistol weapon art cooldown reduction, or used with generally high INT builds to lower down CD timings.


Damage against players depends on where you hit their hitboxes. The legs/arms deal the lowest damage. Center mass body shots deal slightly more, with the weakspot being the head. Weakspot dmg up only scales weapon shots to the head.


Larger character models do increase the size of your hitbox. However, its not noticeable in online play since most cover is either too small to use effectively, or large enough to cover the entire body regardless of model size. Because of the fast-paced gun play and high mobility, larger character models made no significant penalty to warrant change.


Explosive shot scales according to weapon dmg. INT does not scale explosive shot dmg. It is affected by the explosive shot chip.


Suppression is useful in PvP in lowering the accuracy of the enemy team. AMRs can also inflict suppression. Suppression is best applied using LMG dual-wielding, or high accuracy AMR sniper auto-aiming. SMGs have inherent resistance to suppression and is affected less by it.


Suppression is effective up to close range. Bullet Circle Accuracy up and Concentration skill can be used to mitigate the effects of suppression. Concentration is best used on LMG/Rifle builds at close range. Mid to Long range, requires aiming due to bullet travel time / auto-aiming spread. Suppression is felt most on players relying on bullet circle aiming at mid to long range, while also increasing the deviation felt by player snipers when they take their shots.


Sword Barrier is still active on stunned targets. However, there is a way to bypass its effect by shooting at the feet of the avatar to deal damage. Is easily countered by HE shot.


Auto-reload chip potentially skips the reloading animation after the last round is fired. As of current patch autoreloading works with dual-wielding. For Dual wielding, the cloned weapon is taken as default, with no chips attached to them. That is why dual-wielding weapons produces alternating damages of high and low values, due to one weapon being chipped and the other vanilla.


Knockback has been severely nerfed in PvP (patch 1.2), such that certain skills only causes flinch rather than knockdown/back, severely reducing the viability of some assault/explosion builds.


Do be warned in trying to land certain skills like vorpal/orbital/gunstinger on downed enemies as their hitbox is partially glitched into the floor, causing some of your hits to whiff unless its a type of ground pound. Sword Nail and Square Slash have noticeably lower damage dealt to downed opponents.



%HP death prevention charm is necessary to prevent one-shotting from snipers. The lower HP the more effective seeing a lower skill heal brings you back up to the dmg prevention threshold.


VR shield is not effective for Destroyers running miniguns, or any weapon that requires the player to stand up to fire. The height difference does allow for sniper to headshot you from only slightly higher elevation. Decreasing player avatar size does help to limit this, but the lack of bullet circle lock-on through the VR shield makes this tactic somewhat inefficient.


Shield Matrix is usually mandatory on most builds. It does have a cast time however, and can be countered by gravity welling when it ends, or mine placement under heavy suppression. Shield matrix duration also lasts long enough for %hp regen charm to kick in. Sheld Matrix 2 heal can be buffed with Heal Boost charm. However, do take not that you must roll as soon as the skill ends otherwise you risk getting HS by an enemy sniper. SM can be cancelled at any time until it begins to charge into SM3's explosion. Once that happens you are trapped in the animation until the explosion goes off, following which a HS is soon to follow.


It is possible to taunt with metamaterial on. Used to cheese taunt boss Manhunter, and hiding in enemy spawn such that the boss weakspot faces allied spawn for damage.


Vit heavy builds is not substantial enough to do well in PvP against damage optimized builds. Player damage scales way more than vit HP gain, even with %HP boosting. Does provide debuff resistance but is not sufficient when applied with the handgun hidden crit for electrostun shot. With the addition of accessory farming and anti-ailment kit 2, vit heavy builds are becoming increasingly more viable. Awaiting for DLC 2 with accessory transforming to see the full effects.


Human Fortress DOES counteract armor buffs you have. However, in order to stack it with armor form 3, you MUST cast Human Fortress first, then cast armor form 3 to receive both buffs.



Support builds tend to only run Armor Break 3, power break is uncalled for in PvP because its not meant for players and the dmg reduction to the boss isn't always required. Armor Break is only used when the enemy team is weak/wiped and its free dmg reign on the boss. In deathmatch modes, it is more common to take Power Break 3 specifically to nerf the damage of sword users, but due to the overall lethality amongst optimized players, it doesn't contribute as effectively compared to other skills like scanner.


Recharge timing charms are really good on supports. When couple with gadget builds its possible to smoke off half a deathmatch map forcing close quarters fights in low visibility conditions. Not to mention it helps slightly with self-sustain when coupled with engineer type builds with gadget/debuffs.


Int is necessary because it scales skills and some skill dmg. Low INT builds that want to use CCs like electrostun shot generally use handguns for the hidden crit.


AoE skills can crit. (HE/Electrostun/Poison/Blaze shots)


Electrostun shot dmg can be buffed with debuff stacking.


AoE buffing is not useful if your INT is below the 40 threshold. Does not last long enough to remain buffed when considering recharge timing and the gain isnt much at low level boosts. Self Buffing is much better for combat roles. Support INT buffing helps more and goes further to aid the team. Also lowers the recharge time, stackable with the recharge time charm. (But as a combat specialization take the AoE heal, because it affects self)


Int debuffs/buffs are a baseline of 30 seconds, and lengthen depending on the Int level of the caster. However, debuffs can go below 30 seconds due to the resistance of the boss/player.


Stat boost do not scale according to INT. Debuffs do more to damage bosses/players than Buffs of the same percentage. INT does affect damage from skills and gadgets. However Dex can increase the damage of some grenades.


Poison/Blaze has a base dmg, and scales additionally with INT.


Debuff stacking chips seems to be good only on high Int builds, as even though it increases the likelihood of debuff application on Bosses/Players, it still is dependent on their resistance and your Int level. That said however, Int builds can do progressively more DPS than other players when considering their DoTs require only one or two shots to inflict a DoT-Debuff on the boss, esp when the boss has no visible and/or hard to hit weakspot.


Certain weapons have hidden debuffs. Heavy weapons (Snipers/AMRs/Gattling Guns/LMGs) are some of the known weapons that produce suppression against enemy players. As for the GLauncher Inferno, it produces a Blaze effect when hitting the floor and can apply blaze debuff onto enemy players. Debuff stacking does affect.


Gravity Shot 3 is large enough to go through certain pillars under very specific conditions. It can also be used as an area denial weapon during enemy respawns to cutoff routes, forcing a re-route giving teams additional time to earn points by damage and maximize armor break 3 shots on the boss. As of patch 1.2, the damage of GS3 has been considerably nerfed, however its suction potential is still useful in initiating fights against clumped enemies. More skills have been able to escape GS3 and it is possible to spam roll out of GS3 along the edges of it. GS3 also screws with the distance traversal skills of players that go through its radius.


It is possible to revive/heal through thin walls. Useful to edge guard so that when you go down near the wall of spawn, an ally can revive without having to go through the door. Shock Mines can also be deployed in similar fashion, punishing enemy players that edge too close to the enemy spawn. Explosions can hit through walls if the radius is large enough.


For safe revives, a player can run and pop a VR shield while going for a revive. Usually, the enemy does not have enough time to weapon swap/pop a skill to interrupt. Seeing that the VR shield has relatively few counters, most of which tend to be used offensively rather than reactively, this method does work with relatively minimal risk. However, it does depend on the enemy loadout/active skills. You can stop AED shots and enemy heals by using the VR shield to block their shots. It is also possible to body block heals/AED shots as well as interfere with friendly buff bullets due to the lock on nature of support skills.


Eagle-eye shot's auto-tracker is visible by both teams. Enemy players can use your team's eagle-eye shots to hit the weakspots of the boss/players. Can be used on roll spamming players to auto-track onto them with bullet circle aim.


Consecutive stuns on the boss will increase their resistance to it. Meaning that not only would it require more stunshots/stun-mines, the stun duration would also decrease per consecutive stun. It also occurs during PvE as well.


Mines will trigger on downed enemies. Cannot be used as entry denial to prevent revives. Can be placed, but must be outside the minimum activation distance of the mine. Mines also have larger effect radius than their activation radius. Mines do not have arming time, mines can go off even before the mine-planting animation is over. The mine is armed the moment its model appears on the ground.


Regardless if you are running support or not, it is highly recommended that you run AED shot. Due to its relatively low requirement for learning it and its high impact in lowering your team's point loss and player efficiency, its generally required on most builds and is usually omnipresent in high lvl PVP matches.


Do remember to commend your allies in-game by pressing the default [5] key during PvP matches when they receive medals. This is to help build medal gauge for both players and can be used to charge the weapon art gauge to full within the first 10 seconds of the match. To do this spread buffs between all players while spamming the 5 key, this also gives a new importance to the initial prep phase of the deathmatch as it is now possible to go in with a serious damage and weapon gauge advantage against an un-prepped team.



Reduced visibility during crouching can help to prevent the player marker from appearing during PvP. Only lengthens the time for players to acquire your marker. Markers will continue to track you until you stay outside their vision for an extended time. You can remove the marker by metamaterial cloaking or using a smoke grenade on yourself.


Metamaterial Cloak is useful in PvP. Using it wipes the player marker if they have it on you., and it will not appear unless you are close. However, metamaterial cloak is still visible, albeit difficult. Can be used to close the distance in frantic situations. (Aka Pitohui Build). Do remember to match your attire to the colour of the field to limit the amount the enemy can see you. Safe colours in general are dark greys and browns to match the PvP arenas.


Metamaterial cloak does not remove visible debuffs like blaze fire and suppression mist. Can be countered by Dual LMG builds applying suppression from as players move onto the field, so when metamaterial cloak is applied, they will still be visible.


Area denial mechanics can help when teams are pillar-hugging in sewers map, camping certain areas of the map or generally sticking to certain player routes. Gravity well, Blaze/Poison AoE can limit the mobility behind them. Grenades/Rockets do appear as bullet prediction lines too, which limits their effectiveness as the slow projectile times across long distance gives them ample time to react.


Certain boss attacks can glitch through walls. Chariot 2's minigun rotation can glitch through pillars when close enough to it. Players standing within proximity to the wall will be hit by it. Some attacks also have a piercing effect such that standing too close to thin cover glitches your hitbox through it, causing you to be hit by the attack as a result.


It is possible to escape gravity wells with enough movement speed buffs. Running along the edge of a gravity well and then dashing can at times be used to propel the player forward in the direction they were facing. Also, gravity tends to produce clockwise rotation patterns to enemies caught in its field when looking from above.


Omni Vanitas only grants invulnerability mid-dash, not during dash windups and dash cooldowns. Omni Vanitas can be cancelled when the opponent crits, causing a flinch during the vulnerable stages of the dash. Omni Vanitas then requires cooldown before its subsequent activation.


It is possible to detect enemies through thin walls, especially when they are firing. The game has a proximity sensor such that enemies within vicinity even behind thin walls are detected. This proximity range can be increased if the enemy is firing or running. You can also suppress enemies through the wall if it is thin enough, as the game senses the shots being fired within the vicinity of the player eventhough there is a solid object in the way. (Similar to explosion effect through hard cover)


Bullet Circle Accuracy is not displayed by a shrinkage of bullet circle itself, however it does still tighten the bullet spread. Can be stacked with concentration and crouching. (Agi stat could be affecting bullet accuracy in similar fashion, just that the bullet circle shows no visible change.) As an analogy, Bullet Circle Accuracy does NOT decrease the maximum spread of your spray but it does make it increasingly likely that your shots will hit in the general center of the circle. Bullet circle stabilization speed increases the amount the bullet circle shrinks between shots/targets and as you are moving. As a general rule of thumb, bullet circle accuracy works better than bullet stabilization unless you are tap firing or have a weapon with low R.O.F.


For choice between weapon crit chance or weapon crit damage, do see the internal weapon crit chance/multiplier for proper optimizing. In general, it is more preferable to have weapon crit chance than damage as crit chance is a necessary condition to occur before crit damage is calculated. However for inherently low crit chance weapons, choosing other weapon skills might be more viable.


Do note that by using the weapon art, it sometimes consumes all the buffs you have before their expiry duration. Similarly, it can also be seen as a status reset if you are about to die to DOT. Also, you lose buffs when you die, even when revived by allied players or AED shots.

Submitted May 28, 2018 at 01:29PM by Equestofu

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