Thursday, October 31, 2019

alright I forgot to take a picture after I cleaned up my edges and did an orange/black gradient on that white one but here are my halloween nails after probably a year of being too busy to do any nail art!

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 05:56AM by Spoopyamlaine

Step on a Crack

Step on a crack, break your mama’s back.

That saying invaded my head as we walked through town. I spent nearly the whole time staring at my own feet, skipping and sidestepping to avoid any cracks in the sidewalk.

“Stop that, Ivy,” Mom hissed. “You’re a young woman for goodness’ sake, act like one.”

It took quite an effort to keep myself looking ahead as we continued down the street. It’s not that I was afraid that I’d cause irreparable bodily harm to my own mother; I hadn’t really thought that since I was a kid. But when I was small I truly had believed that I might accidentally kill her, which would have left me completely and utterly alone - and back then, that terrified me more than anything. At this point, avoiding the cracks was just an ingrained habit.

As soon as I lifted my chin, I remembered the other reason why I typically kept my eyes on the ground. The whole of Candor’s main street was washed with a sepia-toned depression, people included. We passed many storefronts with vacancy signs, and most pedestrians who noticed us hastened in the opposite direction. I went back to avoiding cracks.

For all my eighteen years, I'd been mostly sequestered away. I was home-schooled and allowed minimal contact with the wider world. The once a month trips into town were my only reprieve from domestic captivity, and Mom didn’t allow technology in our mansion, despite being able to afford the most advanced of devices. We had a land-line phone for deliveries and such, and that was about it. The only things Mom spent real money on were clothes, decor for the mansion, the occasional new model of luxury vehicle, and in-home beauty services. I suppose it wouldn't do to not look the part, even if it was mostly for ourselves.

When I was younger, our monthly trips were much nicer. The paint on the buildings wasn’t so faded, and people would even greet Mom back then. They called her Miss Ariel. Sometimes I would even receive gifts or treats from virtual strangers. But now, everyone just avoided us. The only person who spoke more than five words at a time to us was the widowed Mrs. Miller, who ran Mom’s favorite tearoom.

With the day’s shopping done, we entered Le Petit Four, ringing the little bell above the front door. Mrs. Miller’s head popped up immediately from the bakery case and she hastened over, completely disregarding the patron she had been serving.

“My dears!” she cried, leading us to our usual table. “I’d almost thought you wouldn’t come!”

I couldn’t help but wonder if that had been a secret hope of hers, but she patted my arm and gave us a radiant smile regardless.

“Miss Ariel, it’s a pleasure to see you as always. Ivy, could it be possible you’re more beautiful than last month? And that dress, it’s to die for!”

I mumbled my appreciation with burning cheeks, and Mom ordered tea and a sandwich tray which was served almost immediately.

“Now, Ivy,” Mom began after a long sip of her tea. “I know you’ve learned the incantation, and I’ve prepared you for this day for the past several weeks, but I do want to make sure you understand how important this is. I want you to take it seriously.”

“Mom, do I have to? I’m not really interested…”

Mom silenced me with a raised eyebrow, drumming her flawless French manicured nails on the tablecloth. Then she clasped her hands together and leaned in.

“There is something I haven’t told you yet, Ivy. The reason I’m teaching you my monthly ritual is because I am expecting you to take up the responsibility yourself, starting next lunar cycle.”

I lowered the small cucumber sandwich triangle I’d just been about to bite into. “Mom, what? I can’t, I mean, I don’t even know what happens! I don’t want to know. Why? Why can’t you just keep doing it?”

“Lower your voice,” she snapped, her eyes glittering dangerously. “This is not a request or a favor. This is your duty, and you will take it on with poise and dignity. You will never have to work. You will never have to dirty your fingers with grease, or paint, or,” she glanced up at Mrs. Miller, sweeping several tables over, “flour. All you must do is complete the ritual once a month, and enjoy the luxury you’ve already come to know.”

“But I don’t enjoy it, Mom,” I replied, trying to stay quiet. “I hate the mansion, I hate learning the craft, I hate being isolated from everything. I want to live in town and make friends. I want to go to school.”

“Really, Ivy, look at this place. Candor is a dying town, there’s nothing worthwhile here.”

“Yeah,” I replied, taking a bite of my sandwich without any pleasure, “because of you.”

I expected backlash, but Mom let it go with a sardonic smile.

“I’ve kept this town alive rather than let it burn itself to the ground. The people here are thankful for me. Just look at Mrs. Miller. She wouldn’t have any business if I didn’t keep this place above water.”

Mom sipped her tea with a self-satisfied smile, and I said nothing. She was delusional, that was clear, and no words from me or anyone else would ever cure that. I pushed my plate away and sat staring out the storefront into the gray street, wanting only to leave.

At last, Mom paid the bill, leaving an extravagant tip, and we headed to the Hotel Burgess a few blocks down the street. The hotel was old and famous, and despite the decaying town, the hotel boarded a healthy number of tourists and business people each year.

The doorman held open the tall glass door, and Mom led us into the grandiose lobby. It didn’t take her long to spot her prey. I watched her eyes lock onto a man sitting at the lobby bar. I followed her as she sidled up next to the man, who sat drinking dark liquid from a rocks glass. He was younger, maybe in his twenties, with a well-groomed beard, thick black plastic-rimmed glasses, and arms covered in tattoos. Most likely a tourist, from his casual attire.

The man did a subtle double-take towards my mom. After a couple flirtatious exchanges, he turned his attention fully to her. She laid on the charms thick and fast, trailing a finger down his arm and stealing his drink for a sip. Then she spoke the words she’d taught me. Words of great power and nuance; words that set a deadly trap.

I was a ghost in the background, watching unhappily as she bent the poor man to her will. Of course, I’d seen her work before, but this time I was to be taking notes and learning the subtle art of seduction in tandem with the spell. It made my stomach lurch uncomfortably.

Everything was over for the man as soon as the last word was spoken. His eyes went glassy, and he followed us out of the hotel without any protestation. I kept my head down, feeling the eyes of the hotel clerks watching us. They wouldn’t say anything, but that didn’t make me feel any better.

When we got to the car, I took the driver’s seat while Mom and the man got in the back. She’d taught me to drive at the age of fourteen, so this was the usual routine for us. Avoiding looking in the rear-view mirror, I drove us out of town and along the mile or so of country road to our mansion, all while trying to block out the disturbing noises coming from behind me. Mom didn’t have to keep up with the physical part of it - the words were enough - but she obviously enjoyed it.

I entered the key code for the gate to our driveway when we arrived, and parked in front of the house. Mom took the man’s hand and ran inside with him, giggling like a schoolgirl. I followed reluctantly.

“This place is amazing,” the man’s voice echoed in the foyer.

“Darling, this place is a humble shack. We have virtually nothing.” Mom slipped her arms around the man’s waist. “Don’t you feel sorry for me?”

“You’re right,” he responded in a flat tone, staring deeply into her eyes. “How could such a beautiful woman live in such a squalid place? I would do anything to help you.”

“Would you? Come to my room then, I’ll show you how you can help.” She took his hand and began to lead him upstairs. As she stepped onto the third-floor landing, she glanced back down at me. I cringed. “Come on then, Ivy. The lesson is nearly over.”

My feet were leaden as I trudged up the stairs after them. Down the long hall, past room after unnecessary room, we finally arrived at Mom’s master suite. She sat the man down on her four-poster bed, then opened her roll-top desk to retrieve an old, thick book, a pen, and something else which she stuck between her lips: a needle.

“What’s your name?” she asked the man through one side of her mouth, sitting next to him.

“Bruce. Bruce Baker.”

“Bruce,” Mom purred, running the back of her hand down his cheek. “And how much money do you have, Bruce? Do you have life insurance? Retirement?”

“Yeah,” Bruce said breathlessly. “It’s not a lot, but I started saving last year. I have life insurance through work too.”

“Will you promise it to me, Bruce? We have so little…”

“Of course! You can have it all!”

“Thank you, love. There’s just one thing I need you to do.”

“Anything, Ariel. Anything for you.”

She cracked open the book and handed him the pen.

“Sign here.”

Bruce did as she asked.

“Let me see your thumb.”

Bruce held out his thumb. Mom took the needle from her lips and stuck it into his flesh. Bruce didn’t react. She smeared the little bubble of blood pooling where she’d stuck him, covering the skin. Then she pressed his thumb to the page next to his name, leaving a thumbprint as neat as fresh ink. Bruce looked at my mom.

“Can I kiss you now?” he asked.

She ignored him and turned her attention to me. “Do you see, Ivy? How simple it is? Of course, enchanting the book was not an easy process, but it will last us many years to come. One day I’ll teach you how the magic works, but for now, all you need is a name and blood to seal it.”

“What happens to him?”

“He’ll go back home and make all the arrangements to have his wealth transferred to us, and then he’ll begin to fade away. By the next full moon, he will be gone.”

“It’s disgusting,” I said, eying the book. There were ten names on the page Bruce had signed, and that was many pages in. “Why can’t they just be bewitched into giving us money? Why do they have to die?”

Mom laughed and stroked Bruce’s leg. He’d begun to paw at her.

“The seduction spell only lasts a month, Ivy. That’s why the book is cursed to drain them of life in the same span of time. It wouldn’t do to have them change their mind or spill our secrets, would it? Now, the next part isn’t really part of the lesson, so you may be excused, Ivy. Why don’t you go practice the words while I finish up with Bruce.” She turned back to him and accepted his eager lips. I didn’t linger, slamming the door behind me and making my way to the farthest possible end of the house.

As with all the others, Bruce had already gone by the time I woke up. I guess in my heart I always knew that the men my Mom ensnared didn’t go on to lead long, fulfilling lives, but knowing it for sure now put me into a state of deep depression. Everything we had, all these empty rooms to ourselves, all the expensive clothes and vases and bullshit - it was all acquired through the gradual deaths of innocent men. Mom wasn’t even picky; she didn’t go out of her way to find exclusively rich men. Anyone was fair game to bleed dry, figuratively and literally.

That morning I made a couple of slices of toast and brought them to my room so that I could be alone. I sat on my bed and read One Thousand and One Nights, trying desperately to clear my head. It wasn’t long before Mom knocked lightly at my door, opening it without waiting for my reply. She leaned on the doorframe, wearing a silk robe.

“Ivy, you’re not studying? I thought maybe you’d want to practice the spell. I do expect you to handle your first mark next month.”

“I’m not doing it,” I said, keeping my eyes on the page I was reading. “We have enough money, and we have enough stuff. I’m not going to do it.”

I sensed the icy anger radiating from her, but I didn’t look up.

“You will, Ivy. I’ve already told you, this is not a request. You will do what I say.”

“No, I won’t.”

Mom rushed to my bed and grabbed the book from my hands. Her nostrils flared, her dark eyes intense.

“This is not up for discussion. You will practice the words for two hours today, and that’s final. After that, you may have your book back.”

I looked at the book in her hands and focused on it. I knew it wouldn’t help matters, but I was just so angry and so tired of being told what to do. I bound it to my mind and willed it to escape her hands. Suddenly, the book had torn itself from her grip, flying over her head. She looked up with annoyance and tried to reach for the book - but I moved it out of the way just in time. Mom made a strangled cry of frustration, glared at me, then stomped out of the room, ranting about how ungrateful of a daughter she had. I couldn’t help but smile. Mom was a skilled practitioner of seductive and dark magics, but telekinesis was a natural talent all my own.

Over the next few weeks, our home was the site of a minor warzone. I occasionally studied to cool Mom’s temper, but I told her again and again that I wouldn’t lure a man to our home to sign the book. She tried all manner of tactics to talk me into it, even going so far as to say we could find someone close to my age - they wouldn’t have any real money of course, but it would be good practice. That didn’t exactly sit well with me, and I locked myself in my room for most of a day. Mom used an unlocking spell to break in that evening and called a truce.

“I’ll tell you what, Ivy. I won’t expect you to have someone seal their signature. Just get as far as bringing them home to sign the book. If all we have is their name, they aren’t in real danger. What do you say? Come have some tea and a cookie, and we’ll talk about it.”

I was starving, to be honest, and relented. Finally, mom convinced me to at least go that far. I wasn’t happy about it, but I felt that there would be little point in denying her any longer. She was stronger than I was, and I had nowhere else to go.

On the day of the next full moon, we went into town. I wore a pretty burgundy dress, and Mom had pinned a sunflower in my curled hair. For once she dressed more plainly than me, wearing jeans and a black blouse. As usual, we shopped and had tea, and finally we walked down the street to the hotel. I was beginning to get nervous, and found myself sweating despite the mild autumn day. Once inside, my heart began to beat very fast.

“Over there, checking in,” Mom pointed at the front desk. “What do you think? Too old?”


“Ivy, you’re not going to back out of our deal, are you?”

“No, it’s just… maybe if you would back off I wouldn’t be so nervous.”

Mom pursed her lips, then shrugged. “Fine. I’ll go back to Le Petit for another cup of tea. Meet me there in an hour, and make sure you don’t come alone.” She turned on her heel and left. I sighed, feeling lost.

“Hey, do you need help?”

A boy my age had approached me. He was a bellboy, dressed in one of those old fashioned uniforms. The hotel tried to keep up that vintage feel by having all the staff dress the way they had when the hotel had opened a hundred years ago.

“I’m fine, thanks,” I said, trying not to let my lips tremble as I smiled. “I’m just going to have a soda from the bar.” I began walking, and the boy followed.

“Oh, okay. Hey, do you go to Candor High? I just started there as a senior, I don’t think I’ve seen you there.”

“No,” I responded. “My mom teaches me at home.”

“Oh, gotcha. I’m Colby by the way. We moved here in the summer.”

I sat at the bar, and was surprised when Colby sat next to me.

“I’m Ivy. Shouldn’t you be…” I gestured at the lobby.

“We haven’t had many guests today. People don’t even usually want help with their luggage, to be honest. Even if they do, they hardly ever tip.” He grinned at me, then looked up at the bartender. “Hey Alex, can we have a couple Cokes?”

“Diet for me, please,” I said, feeling my cheeks warm. “Thank you, Colby.”

“Yeah. So what do your parents do?”

I was caught off guard by the question. “Oh, well, my mom is an heiress. I never knew my dad.”

“I’m sorry,” Colby said, clearly taken aback. He took a thoughtful sip of his soda. “I hope this isn’t too insensitive, but I’ve noticed there seems to be a lot of kids in my school without dads around. It’s kind of spooky.”

“Yeah,” I replied. “It sure is.” I knew I should start saying the words soon. I hadn’t even had to do anything to get Colby’s attention - it would be so easy… but all I wanted to do was keep talking to him. It had been so long since I’d talked to someone other than Mom.

“So why did you move to Candor?”

“Well, my parents are both teachers, and they transferred to the high school. Trust me, I’d rather be back in Portsmouth. Uh… no offense.”

“None taken. Candor isn’t very nice anymore. It used to be, once.”

“So what do you do for fun around here, Ivy?”

“Fun?” I asked, tilting my head and squinting at the boy. “What is this ‘fun’ you speak of?”

Colby laughed. “Point taken. Well maybe we could hang out sometime? You seem pretty cool.”

My heart fluttered in my chest, and my mouth went dry. I took a sip of soda, trying to think of something to say in response.

“Would you like to see my mansion?”

Colby blinked.


“Yeah. We have the biggest house in town. Well, just outside of town. You can come see it.”

“Really? Sounds kind of cool. Maybe I could come by after work?”

“Why not now,” I whispered, trying to give him a coy look. “Would they really miss you?”

Colby glanced around, a mischievous glint appearing in his blue eyes. “Yeah, why the hell not? I’ll tell ‘em I got sick, it won’t be a big deal.”

With knowing looks and laughter, we made our escape out of the hotel and down the street. Once we’d caught our breath, I nodded my head at the tearoom.

“I have to tell my mom it’s time for us to go. She won’t bother us at the mansion though, I promise.”

“Uh, yeah. Sure, that’s fine.”

We stepped in, and Mom beamed at me when she saw us.

“Oh Ivy, good. I was just about to hunt you down myself.”

“Mom, this is Colby. He’s going to stop by and see our house.”

Colby waved awkwardly. “Hi, Mrs…”

“Call me Ariel,” Mom said, giving me a sideways glance. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, young man.”

Mom drove us back, while Colby and I made quiet, awkward conversation. I caught her looks in the rear-view mirror occasionally. She could tell I hadn’t used the spell, of course.

Colby gasped when he saw the mansion appear over the next hill, and I couldn’t help but feel a little proud. I’d never brought anyone over before, so I’d never had anyone to show off to. It was kind of exhilarating.

“Do you like to read, Colby? We have an amazing library. And wait until you see the greenhouse.”

Inside, Colby’s jaw dropped as he looked all around. “This place is incredible! That staircase... wow. How many rooms are there?”

“Fifteen,” Mom butted in, “not including the garage of course. Or the indoor pool.”

Colby’s eyes lit up. “You have a pool? I’m surprised you don’t have a bunch of kids from town over, like, every weekend.”

“We never have people over,” I mumbled, giving Mom a half-apologetic, half-scornful look. “Come on Colby, let's check out some of the rooms.”

“Let’s start with the master suite,” Mom said tersely. “I think your little friend would find it quite impressive.”

“Mom, can’t we just hang out for a little while first?”

The look on her face answered my question. I swallowed, and felt a cold chill in my bones. With a nod to Colby, we all went to Mom’s room. Colby was suitably impressed.

“That’s the biggest bed I’ve ever seen,” he said in awe. “And I’ve never seen a fireplace in a bedroom before.” He looked around while Mom took me by the arm and dragged me to the desk.

“Why haven’t you cast the spell?” she hissed under her breath.

“I haven’t exactly needed to,” I replied with a hint of pride. “Let’s just call it good, Mom. We can let him go, and next time I’ll do it for real.”

“This isn’t catch and release, Ivy. We’re not playing a game.”

“You said he wouldn’t have to sign in blood anyway,” I argued, folding my arms. “What is the point of making him sign the book?”

“You have to practice. Cast the spell, make him sign, and we’ll let him go.”

“I won’t.”

Colby approached us, looking doubtful. “Uh, sorry to interrupt… is everything okay?”

Mom’s whole demeanor changed on a dime. Her posture relaxed, and her face lit up with a sultry smile.

“Colby, come sit on the bed. Ivy has something for you, wait just one second if you don’t mind.”

“You know, I might just call my parents, have them pick me up.”

“Nonsense,” Mom said, reaching out to take hold of Colby’s arm. “Go on Ivy, get the book. And why don’t you practice that poem you’ve been working on. Now.”

Her shift in tone clearly made Colby uncomfortable, but Mom wasn’t letting go. As I watched him begin to struggle, his protestations growing louder, I panicked. Closing my eyes on the tears that welled in them, I began the incantation, immediately feeling the thread of bond from Colby weave its way to my hands. It snaked securely around my fingers, like a cat’s cradle made from twine. I opened my eyes and found Colby looking at me in a way that made me deeply ashamed.

Mom released her grip. Colby lunged to me and fell on his knees. His hands rose to the hem of my dress, clutching at it like a drowning man.

“I need you, Ivy. Let me be with you, I’ll do anything. What do you want? I’ll steal if I have to, whatever you want, it’s yours.” He moaned with miserable passion, and I stepped back in horror, leaving him bent prostrate on the floor. Mom stood over him, her lips split in a grotesque smile.

“How does it feel, Ivy? How does it feel to have him wrapped around your little finger? You could make him do anything you want.”

Colby started crawling towards me. I backed up until I was trapped against the desk.

“I can’t do this!” I gasped, shaking my head.

“You must, Ivy. If you don’t, then I will.”

Mom was suddenly speaking the words of power, and I felt the threads of the bond unraveling in her direction.

“Stop! Okay… I’ll do it.”

“Good girl,” Mom said. She came to the desk and opened it to retrieve the book, which she shoved at me unceremoniously. “And while we’re at it, why don’t you go ahead and have him seal his name after all?”

“No! You promised!”

“I didn’t promise anything,” Mom snapped. “And at this point, I don’t think it’s wise to be gentle with you, Ivy, or you’re never going to toughen up enough to do what has to be done. You will seal his name in the book, or I’ll lock you in the basement for a week, do you understand?”

I wiped my running eyes and nose with the backs of my hands and glared at her. “Leave us alone then. I don’t want you here, just get out!”

Mom stood still for a moment, her eyes sweeping the room. Then she turned and walked out, closing the door behind her. I wasted no time, uttering the words that severed the bond. Colby’s eyes regained their clarity, and he was suddenly scrambling back from me.

“Ivy? What the hell happened?”

“There’s no time,” I said. “I’m sorry I can’t explain, but you have to leave out the window, now.”

“Aren’t we on the third floor? I’ll break my neck!”

“No you won’t, I’ll help you.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Please, Colby, let me save you.”

A knock came at the door, followed my Mom’s muffled voice.

“Ivy, how is it going? Has he signed the book yet?”

“Just a minute,” I called, then shoved Colby to the window behind the desk. I pushed it open and climbed on top of the desk, beckoning Colby to do the same. “Please,” I begged, “please trust me.”

Colby scrambled up and looked out the window to the ground below.

“There’s no way,” he shook his head. “You really are crazy, Ivy. I’m just going to leave. Whatever you’re afraid of can’t be worse than that fall.”

“I wish that were true,” I sighed sadly. “I’m sorry, Colby. It was really nice to meet you.”

Before he could respond, I pushed him out of the window. As he fell, screaming, I pushed at him from below with my mind as hard as I possibly could, slowing his momentum to that of a feather floating down on a light wind. He tumbled gently to the ground several feet from the house, and I watched him get to his feet awkwardly. He turned his face up to the window once before he took off on foot, climbing the fence handily and disappearing down the road. I closed the window and ran to the bed to collapse in a mess of heaving shoulders and choked anguish.

Mom rushed in and screamed.

“What have you done?” She came to the bed and grabbed the hair at my scalp, forcing me to look at her. “You let him go? What were you thinking?”

“I liked him, Mom. I wasn’t going to kill him!”

“You’ve disgraced me and your witch blood,” she spat, releasing me with a shove. “I should have known this would be the outcome. If I had had more foresight, I would never, never, have carried a child.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Did you really think I was going to keep up the ritual every month until I died? No, Ivy. I had you so that one day I would be able to enjoy my spoils without having to dirty my hands any further. The blood of mortal men makes you stronger in many regards, but in other ways…” Mom turned her head in a rare display of vulnerability. She went to pick up the book and stowed it away within the desk. “You’re fortunate that the town is already firmly in our grasp, Ivy. Your slip up would have led to us being burned alive in our own home in a healthier time. I’ve worked hard to make Candor mine. They’ll know better than to let the boy talk.”

I watched as she closed the window. I’d never seen her look so sad.

“Who was my father?” I asked firmly. “I want to know. You’ve never once told me about him.”

Mom shrugged, tracing a finger absentmindedly atop the closed desk. “He was nobody. A fisherman, back when the town was prosperous. He wasn’t well to do, himself. Travis.” A hint of a smile touched her lips. “Travis Hesse. We had a natural chemistry. I didn’t need to cast the spell until the last possible minute. That was after you’d already been created.”

“Did you love him?”

Mom rolled her eyes and came to sit on the bed by me. “Love isn’t like in your storybooks, Ivy. I knew him for a night, and that was all. He was kind and gentle, sure, but that meant nothing. All that mattered was that his name ended up in my book, and in that way, I provided for us. For you.”

She reached out as though to stroke my cheek, but I pulled away. Her hand stayed static for a moment, and I sensed the hurt for a second before she dropped it. Her eyes softened.

“Go to bed, Ivy. We’ll figure out how to remedy your failure tomorrow.”

After the incident with Colby, Mom was insistent that the next full moon would see my first name bound with blood. So I put away my storybooks and began studying from the many spellbooks Mom had, playing the part of a dutiful daughter. She was pleased with my sudden interest in learning all things craft related, and encouraged me enthusiastically. She went on about how she regretted not learning more when she was my age.

The night before the full moon, I went into Mom’s room. She was lying in bed and reading a paperback with a bare-chested man on the cover. Such a hypocrite to chide me for reading rich, meaningful stories when she herself indulged in harlequin romances.

“What is it, Ivy?” She asked, putting the book aside face down to save her place.

“I need to talk to you.”

“About what?”

I braced myself, wanting to look at the desk but not daring to give anything away. “I’m not going to town tomorrow. I’ve decided I’m not going to do the ritual. Ever.”

Mom huffed. “That’s enough of your foolishness, Ivy. Go to bed and get some rest. You have a big day tomorrow. In fact,” she smiled wickedly. “I think it would be best if you try to find your little boyfriend and actually make him sign the book this time. I feel like that would make a very valuable lesson.”

“I said I won’t do it.” I lifted my chin stubbornly.

“You will,” Mom replied, climbing out of bed. “You will obey your mother, and you will contribute to this household.”

“You can’t make me.”

“Oh,” Mom cackled, “you think I can’t, huh? Girl, I have powers you can’t even imagine.”

“I’ve learned a trick or two myself,” I said, trying not to let my voice crack.

“Ivy, I see your hands trembling. If you’re so afraid, why do you defy me?”

“You’re evil!” I shouted. “You’re an evil witch who kills people, and you’ve imprisoned me in this place for my whole life! I hate you!”

Mom’s eyes went deadly dark. Her feet lifted from the ground, and she hovered in the air. Her long chestnut hair floated around her head as though she were submerged in water. She lifted her hands, gesturing widely.

“I’ve given you everything,” she said, her voice distorted and strange. “But I won’t hesitate to take it all away, Ivy, if you really can’t handle the simple task I require of you. I’m not beyond watching my own flesh and blood die.”

Her words were daggers, but in my heart, I think I’d already known she felt that way.

“Do whatever you want,” I said. “Just let me ask you one more question before you kill me.”

I turned my head to the desk and opened it with a flick of my mind. I drew to me two objects - one obvious, and one not. The book landed in my hands, the pages fluttering.

“I looked through the book, Mom. There is no Travis Hesse in here. My father’s name was not bound to the book. So what happened? What happened to my dad?”

“How dare you?” Mom screeched, and her hands turned black, shrouded by a dark flame. I stood my ground. “You have no right to question me, to pry into my history.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said, and I levitated the other object to my eye level - the needle, from which the blood and life of untold men had been drawn. “I have enough proof to know that you’re just a twisted old bat with a broken heart. I’m going to give you the body to match.” With a yell, I sent the needle spiraling through the air, straight into my mother’s chest. I sensed it lodge in her heart, where the shocked organ struggled around it.

Mom clutched at her chest, and collapsed to the floor, gasping. When she looked up at me, she was smiling.

“A needle, Ivy?” she wheezed. “You think a needle would be enough to kill me? Have you really forgotten the lessons I’ve taught you?”

“Never,” I said, edging my way to the fireplace. “But I’m not going to use the book to make myself strong or rich from the deaths of innocent men. I told you, I won’t do it.” I reached the stone hearth and lifted my toe over the large crack that ran the width of it.

Mom was beyond words. From her crouched position she raised her hands again, and they became balls of black fire. I didn’t hesitate a second more, slamming my toe onto the fissure. There was a sharp crack as Mom’s spine snapped the wrong way. She screeched and writhed hideously on the ground, her body twisted and grotesque. The sight made my head spin.

“What did you do, Ivy?” Mom cried, her eyes spinning in her head. “Why can’t I move?”

“Step on a crack,” I said under my breath, and a bitter heaviness settled on my chest. “It’s going to be okay, Mom. I’ll make you as comfortable as possible. Just try to relax.”

I used my telekinesis to raise her mangled body into the bed. It took all of my power, and I was left collapsed on the floor, nearly as vulnerable as she was.

“I’m going to get out of this, Ivy,” Mom snarled, “and you’ll wish you’d never betrayed me!”

“The thing is, Mom,” I said between gasping breaths, “that needle has a permanent curse on it. Every time I step on a crack, your spine will break again. Besides, I know you never studied the white magics, so good luck curing yourself.” My bravado was not entirely honest. I wasn't positive my plan would keep me or the people of Candor safe. In fact, I was terrified of the repercussions if Mom were to break free.

“You’re really going to break my back, again?” Mom laughed. “Ivy, you don’t have it in you. You’re too good.”

With solemn deliberation, I stepped on the crack again. Mom screamed in agony, her body contorting violently once more. Then she went silent, and I crept to her side. She’d passed out in an ungainly heap of tangled body parts, but was still breathing. I let a teardrop from my face to her cheek as I kissed her forehead.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, then left her there. I went to my own room and cried myself to sleep.

The next morning I woke in a panic, sure that Mom had somehow escaped the prison of her body. I ran to her room and found her still in bed, twisted and useless. She was softly weeping.

“Mom?” I tried.

“Go away you wretch, or I’ll cast a spell on you.”

I didn’t flinch. If she’d known a spell to use, she’d already have done it.

“I’m going to town today, I’m going to do some shopping. And I’m going to find someone who can care for you. You better promise to be nice to them.”

Mom didn’t respond.

“I’ll be back. And...” I chewed my lower lip for a moment. “I’m sorry if can’t avoid all the cracks on the sidewalk. It was a lot easier when I was little. I’ll be back later.”

I left, closing the door on her furious howls.

I couldn’t help but smile a little on the drive into town. I was finally going to have a normal life, with access to technology, and the freedom to pursue friendships - maybe even a job. I might even have a second chance with Colby...

But that will take some time. I haven’t stepped back into the hotel yet. It’s been several weeks, and I’m loving everything about my new life - not to mention the vitality that has been injected into Candor. The town has regained a small amount of its former glory, and since I’ve gone to town so often without my mom, people have even started to warm up to my presence. No one has asked after her whereabouts - not even Mrs. Miller, the tearoom owner.

I bought my first laptop and my first cellphone with the assistance of a patient electronics shop clerk. I sit in Le Petit or the library most days, using the wifi available to learn about the world I'd missed out on. I’m planning on getting my GED soon.

Writing this is a little bit of catharsis, a little bit of apology, and... well, frankly, a little bit of a warning. If Mom somehow outwits me and regains her body, that will be my end, I’m certain. But the town should know that if that were to happen, they can fight back, and they must. My mom is strong and evil, no doubt, but not all-powerful. She is a threat that can be denied.

I love you, Candor. I’m sorry it took me so long to find that out. And if you come across me staring at my feet, hopping and skipping to avoid cracks in the pavement, please don’t think less of me. In spite of everything, I do my best not to cause my mother any more pain than she’s already in. In spite of everything, I still love her too.

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 04:39AM by KateMonet

What are the entry level positions?

Hi everybody!

I just graduated last may and I’ve been applying for jobs. I have a pretty nailed down idea of what I want to be but my biggest problem is trying to figure out what entry level positions help lead me to my desired career. Like for example, I’m interested in project management for art museums/galleries/public art/etc, what would be an entry level position for this?

I’m specifically looking for entry level positions for project manager, Exhibitions coordinator/manager, and other things of that nature. I’m interested in installation processes instead of curation/research.

Feel free to add any other titles with their entry level positions because I’m sure it’ll be helpful to someone out there!

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 02:50AM by kbre15

Demon seeks angel for torture, enslavement, and other wholesome activities

The immediately pertinent stuff : I'm a twenty-seven year old guy who is moving from Washington to Michigan very soon. I am a Dom and a sadist, in search of a masochistic female submissive with whom to engage in all manner of perversion and debauchery, as well as every kind of life adventure. In short, I am looking for a submissive with the potential of being a lifelong partner.

The shallow stuff : about me

This is what I look like.

I've recently lost a fair amount of weight due to diet and lifestyle changes, and I'm fairly happy with where I am right now. I'm not skinny, really, but I'm also not fat by any reasonable definition. Maybe a little husky, possibly bordering on chubby, but certainly far away from chunky, and touching lightly upon fit. Five-foot-eleven, and comfortably under a hundred and eighty pounds, if that helps you get a better idea. My best aesthetic characteristics: When properly conditioned, my hair is glorious and soft, and also my eyes are, like, super pretty. Do you like beards? I hope so, 'cause mine is big and bushy. I have been described on my best days as "majestic" and "regal", which is a bit disappointing, as I try to go for more of a "scraggly hermit" aesthetic. I partake of cannabis, but not of alcohol or tobacco. I'm independent and self-sufficient, and all that fun responsible adult single stuff.

The shallow stuff : about you

You should be female, mid twenties, and a real person living in Michigan. I'm not exacting about appearance, though I of course do have a type. Generally speaking, my type is short/small-framed, buxom, and soft. I’m certainly not locked into this, it's just what I would prefer. I would like someone small, soft, easily manhandled, someone petite yet voluptuous. So, generally, I want a girl who is a little shorter than me, but with roughly the same body composition. Don't disqualify yourself if you don't perfectly match this description; beauty is hard to articulate, and is never truly known until it is recognized. This is, after all, the shallow stuff. I would prefer to be with someone who likewise partakes of cannabis, but not of tobacco. I mildly disapprove of alcohol, but I'm okay with it so long as it is never taken to excess.

The less-shallow stuff:

I consider myself an open book in many respects. However, many of my topics are rather obscure, and some folks aren't quite sure how to turn the pages. Largely speaking, I'm your average nerdy type, but with various twists. I love music - my preferred genre is metal, but I have an appreciation for almost everything that isn't country. I like video games, but my tastes can be fairly specific. I don't care much for shooters typically, and gravitate more towards city building games and rpgs. I usually enjoy tv/internet series more than movies, and my tastes there are all over the place. (which is not to say that I don't like movies, they're just usually too short to tell a proper story) I like a lot of anime, a lot of sci fi/fantasy, a fair bit of psychological/thriller, and also the occasional cartoon. I love cooking, writing, and just generally engaging in creative hobbies. Food is certainly one of my passions in life, and I've devoted a lot of time to getting good in the kitchen. I even used to work in a Cajun restaurant! You'll want to stay with me for the food if nothing else. As for writing, I engage in some fairly esoteric and eclectic subjects. I like to read and write philosophy, though my topics of study are typically obscure. Namely, I like to study religious philosophy, with a particular eye towards the occult, as well as various Western philosophers. Religion is just generally one of my favorite things to discuss, regardless of who I'm discussing it with. My religious beliefs are a bit niche, but probably the most broadly fitting term would be 'Left hand path occultist'. Suffice it to say, if you go against the grain of society and rebel against the religious establishment, you and I shall get along tremendously. I'm also politically leftist. As for everything else, I have a few various arts I like to dabble in which I'm not quite as good at. I enjoy doing calligraphy from time to time, I can do some pretty decent design work in Inkscape, and I generally have an ongoing off-and-on-again obsession with paper arts: paper making, book binding, and the like.

The sexy stuff : What am I into? It may be easier to start with what I'm not into. The only solid 'hard-no' squicks I have (at least that I have encountered) are feces, vom, and excessive blood. That aside, my appetites are quite varied. Generally speaking, I prefer the 'main course' to be pain-flavored. I'm a sadist through and through, and I will absolutely revel in your suffering. (just as I'm sure you will too) I do my best work with striking implements - riding crops, floggers, switches, whips, paddles, and just about anything that can leave a nice welt. I want to make sitting down a truly exhilarating experience, reminiscent of all the fun times we had the night before. I'm not *all* about the pain, though. Being a Dom is very much about painting an experience for your submissive, and though it is pretty, there are colors other than red. Wartenberg wheels, feathers, candle wax, and even just the simple running of nails over flesh. I want to make your sensations into an artwork. And aside from the sensations, I love playing with *ideas*. Dominance and submission are, after all, "merely" ideas, albeit ones which can paint our experiences in dark and vivid shades the likes of which don’t exist in vanilla-world. I want us to delve into the taboo with one another. Consensual nonconsent, student/teacher, fantasy roleplay of any sort - and ofcourse, *plenty* of incest play. Just to name a few off the top of my head. Aside from that, I'll note that I have a marked preference for (informed and consensual) nonmonogamy as a relationship orientation. The details are best kept to a separate conversation, but suffice to say I'm not monogamous and would rather you not be either. The extreme tl;dr of it would be that jealousy is a deeply unpleasant emotion, and group sex is a helluva thing to miss out on. The range of experience of human sexuality is vast, and I want us to explore all of it. Sensations and scenarios await us which even our most deeply depraved imaginations could not envision. Honestly, I'll stop here, because we could be at this all day. With a subject matter like this, I'd much rather we be at it all night.

The deep stuff : I hate trying to summarize myself for the internet, I don't fit very well in summary format. In many ways I'm full of contradictions: I'm a very dark personality, with very dark appetites, but I also have a fondness for the colorful, mirthful, and lighthearted. I'm a world weary cynic who tries to maintain a strict sense of pragmatic optimism. I'm very down to earth, but with a distinct taste for the dramatic. I'm a particularly expressive stoic, or a very reserved romantic, depending on how you look at it. My humor is typically pretty dry, though I have plenty of goofball moments. I like witty interjections, but I abhor the taste of my own foot, so I try to keep the majority of them to myself. I tend to be a very decisive person; when something needs to be done, it needs to be done. I'm a "talk till the sun comes up" kind of guy, when it comes to controversial topics like politics and religion. I like deep nuanced conversations and heated debates. I kinda like cutesy things, and I really want a cat. I'm looking for someone exuberant, to share my exuberance with, and someone dark, to share my darkness with. I'm looking for someone like me, who revels in all the experiences of life.

The deeper stuff : What kind of relationship do I want? Well, I want a balanced D/s relationship. To me, this means a solidly D/s based dynamic where we are both comfortable and affirmed in our respective roles towards one another, but are also comfortable to regularly step outside of those roles during appropriate circumstances. Basically, I want to be your Dom, and I want you to be my sub, and I want that to mean something to both of us, but I want us to be able to step outside of that when we need to. I don’t want the D/s in our relationship to overshadow the relationship in our relationship. As much as I'm looking for someone to whip or call me Daddy, I'm also looking for someone to explore life with. I want to go do stuff with you : concerts, hiking, camping, whatever. I also want, eventually, to have a home life with you : quiet nights in, cooking and eating together, watching silly YouTube videos, playing games together. I want to have long, intense conversations that challenge both of us with new perspectives and force us to think of things in new and interesting ways. I want to see the fear of God in your eyes when I enact punishment upon you, and I also want to be the one who reassures you and comforts you when your punishment is over. I want you to be my pet, my adoration, my most treasured possession. I want to be your guide, your spiritual teacher, and your trusted friend. I crave that unique sense of deep trust and intimacy that only  forms between a Dominant and a submissive. I also of course want to engage in mutually consensual recreational activities which would likely cause our parents to disown us if they were ever discovered, as discussed in the previous paragraph.

So what do I really want? I want to catch you by your waist as you walk past and whisk you up into my arms, whirl you around so your skirt flows through the air. I want to cook you a delicious dinner, while we explore dark and creepy corners of the internet together on a rainy night in. I want you to sit on your knees at my feet, where I can run my fingers gently through your hair and tell you what a good girl you've been. I want to grab your hair, hard enough to make you gasp, and pull you too me, close enough for me to smell your fear, and your lust. I want to make your voice completely fail you as you ride amidst alternate waves of ecstacy and agony, torrents of experience washing over your soul. I want to rob you of your ability to distinguish pleasure from pain. I want to fall asleep with you, my hand at your neck, your body being held by mine, so that every beat of your heart and every breath you take may remind both of us, that you are here, and secure, and mine, and that all my fury and passion stand as your guard. I want to be a worthy Dominant, who guides and protects, and I want you to be a submissive I can look up to, even as you sit at my feet. I want someone to live life with, and I want that person to be you. It's a scary world we live in. Would you care to explore it with me?

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 02:25AM by khandnalie

Happy Spook Day everybody! Eight fanmade Monsters to celebrate Haloween with all of you hunting comrades! (Long post)

Since it's the spookiest of days today, I wanted to make something extra special to share with the MH community. I think it's been a long, long time since I last announced it (AFAIK it was around last year, lol) but now it is done, and I can deliver on time! Without further ado, let me introduce these eight horror fanmade monsters. What do they share? They're all based off traditional Haloween monsters and creatures of the spooky folklore!

The Bazalraug

Bazalraug are a genus of flightless Flying Wyverns that inhabit damp regions such as swamps, moorlands and forests. They've been first discovered in a region called the Moorland Plains. They are covered in a supple and thick grey blue hide that tends to sag as the individuals grow older, and their bodies are lined with rows of teeth-like spikes.

They have poor sight, and detect their prey by sensing the fluctuations of their electrical fields. Once they detect it, they will follow the trail blindly and charge at their target. Even though they often end up bumping into obstacles and such, they don't seem to care about the damage they do to their own bodies while going after preys. When they eventually collide with their target, the victim is shocked with a potent electrical current and stunned, so that Bazalraug can feast on them alive. Since they feel no pain, they were dubbed as the Painshock Wyvern. When threatened, they will snap the bones of their wingarms to form huge pincers to attack with.

Bazalraug doesn't flinch when attacked by the hunters - it is also immune to shock traps, flashes and paralysis. However, it can be knocked out by blunt weapons and trapped in pitfalls and such. They will flail around wildly in an attempt to crush the hunters with their powerful limbs. Their armor set features an exclusive skill called Painless, which protects you against any form of knockback (in a similar manner to the Castle Walls Hunter Art effects) but also hides your current health level.

I conceived the Bazalraug to work with an Akantor/Tigrex skeleton. I had several themes in mind: the Frankenstein Monster, zombies, zippers, a berzerker and a shark.

The Naphascar

Naphascar are elusive Snake Wyverns that usually live underground in arid regions such as the Dusty Ravine. They only surface at night to trap unsuspecting herbivores into their pitfall traps made of sand. Once trapped, the prey is tangled in a sticky substance that resembles bandage before the Naphascar drags it to its lair to devour it. Sometimes, it is believed that they like to toy with preys, as they have been seen using their two lookalike ends (their bi-articulated jaws and their tail scissors) to disorient them. They also have a secret weapon: their tail contains a potent sleep-inducing agent that can be injected into preys by gnashing.

These wyverns have blue and golden scales that they often shed like snakes, but it happens on a daily basis. However, they don't discard the molten skin - they grow an unique species of underground fungus between their scales, having a symbiotic relationship with it. The fungus spreads by decomposing the skin into the sticky bandage-like substance which in turns serves to the Naphascar to capture prey. They usually wait in ambush for preys in conic sand traps and swim across the sand freely to move from place to place. Hencewhy them being dubbed as the Sand Trap Wyvern.

Naphascar will attack by coiling around the hunter and throwing balls of molten skin causing the Webbed ailment, and try to strike them with their sleep-inducing tail. They will sometimes try to fake hunters out by moving their tail as if it were their head, or attack with both at the same time. Their armor has an exclusive skill called Forbidden Arts, which will fill Hunter Arts by a fraction of the cost each time you use a Hunter Art.

Naphascar was imagined with a Najarala skeleton in mind (we need so much more of this wyvern type), and thought to be inspired by several things: the traditional egyptian Mummy, a sandworm, an antlion, skin fungus and a twin-headed snake.

The Elystrix

Elystrix are striped, dark red-shelled Neopterons found in tropical areas such as rainforests, most notably the Lakeside Grove , where they find a bountiful of preys. They are known hematophages, feeding by sucking the blood of other large monsters once they latch onto their backs. Once they cling to their target, it is impossible to dislodge them because their bodies are covered in specialized hooks they use to grip the shells of their victims while their mandibles cut their skil open to lick the fresh blood.

Extremely agressive and agile, they are relentless hunters that primarily attack with their sharp claws and the deadly stinger on their abdomen, which they use for impaling prey. They also have distinctive forelegs they fold before them to form a very resistant protection against agression. They enrage easily, and will throw vicious attacks, especially after they just fed on a victim, as it seems that drinking blood sends them into a fit of bloodthirst. As such, they've been dubbed as the Blood Beetle.

Elystrix will dodge and hop around the hunters and often attack from the air, trying to slash at them with their powerful forelegs or stab them with their stinger. They have erratic movement and their attacks are unpredictible - but when weakened, they will fly to another area and try to attack herbivores or even another large monster which they will take by surprise and topple before sucking their blood. If not stopped, they will go into their second rage state, becoming faster and even more deadly. Their armor set skill is called Restorative Evasion, which heals you for a portion of your health each time you successfully dodge through an attack, hence the name.

Elystrix were thought with a Seltas skeleton in mind (even though it shares traits with Ahtal-Ka) and inspired by a lot of things mostly revolving around blood suckers, with the most obvious one being them resembling a classic Vampire when they fold their forelegs, but they also look like a bloody cross, their stinger comes from the nail to kill vampires, and they share traits with real-life mosquitoes.

The Dralbathos

These Piscine Wyverns haunt the depths of the Sunless River, a flooded cave system home to many nightmarish creatures such as Dralbathos. They are covered in a slimy hide that makes them look like giant algae known as Drakeweeds, but this is a ruse meant to divert prey. Since they are ambush hunters, they are often found clinging to a rock among Drakeweed using their dreadfully sharp hooked tail, waiting for the unsuspecting to pass by. They even go as far as letting barnacles and other small invertebrates grow on their skin to refine their camouflage, which often end up growing over one of their eyes.

They attack by surprise, quickly snapping at prey with their long beak from the shadows, but if threatened, Dralbathos can be expected to inflate their chest sac to erect their spikes as a way to defend themselves. They also spit a dangerous oil-like fluid that spreads in the water like ink. This mysterious chemical burns with a ghastly blue flame even underwater, which causes lethal burns to victims of Dralbathos's breath. Last but not least, their dangerously sharp hooks on their fins and tail are deadly weapons, and they will not hesitate to lash attackers with them. They are known as the Seaweed Wyvern.

Dralbathos are underwater dwellers and never surface, unless they need air. When low on stamina, they will occasionally surface and breathe for a while, but in the meanwhile, they are wide open for attacks. However, if they're close to the floor, they will use their tail to anchor themselves and gain momentum to bodyslam with all their might, which is quite something to see. Their set skill is called Ambush Hunter, and having it active drastically multiplies your attack power while you are unspotted by monsters (they haven't noticed you, you're using the Ghillie Mantle or the monster is asleep.)

Dralbathos use the underwater Lagiacrus skeleton (and Amatsu to a lesser extent) despite being Piscine Wyverns. It was imagined with the main motive of resembling a Ghost Pirate with their eyepatch, tricorn-like crests and hooks, but also a Sea Dragon (the real life one), and a puffer fish.

The Hygarull

Hygarull are Fanged Wyverns living in polar regions such as the Northern Cliffsides, and sport a warm, white and grey layer of fur to help them fight off hostile climates. They stalk prey from the heights, hunting alone, waiting the right moment to swoop down onto them using the membrane between their limbs to glide and their knives-like claws to shred them to bits. However, they are surprisingly calm creatures, and are sometimes seen playing in the snow and they only attack when they are hungry. When not, they go undisturbed by herds of herbivores and show no signs of agression, which some have been describing as a dignified air on them.

However, should they get agitated, their behavior changes drastically : their faces darken, their eyes turn blood red and they bare their fangs. In this state, they are relentless and will hunt down their agressor no matter what. They are known to use their icy breath to cover their back spikes and claws in an even sharper layer of ice to make them longer and deadlier still. It is near impossible to stop an Hygarull in a fit of rage - in contrast to their usually calm behavior, hence them being dubbed the Two-Faced Wyvern.

Their two state are drastically different - in calm mode, they will fight cautiously and use feint attacks, but in rage mode, they become faster and will hit with much more savagery, with moves such as throwing the hunter up into the air to slice them midair, or picking up boulders to throw at them, in addition to being able to shoot their backspikes. In either mode, however, they show mastery of the art of gliding, with a wide array of airborne attacks. Their set skill, Frenzy Mode, infects you with the Frenzy Virus after you've hit a weakspot several times.

Hygarull, despite being a Fanged Wyvern like Zinogre, uses a Kecha Wacha skeleton, mostly for airborne attacks. They were designed with Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde in mind, but also Jack the Ripper, the Werewolf, and a husky dog.

The Myrgastus

Myrgastus are strange, vine red Amphibians living in regions where a lot of rare mushrooms grow, typically volcanic areas such as the Hellish Island. Mostly herbivores, they are most known for growing their favorite fungi on their backs and tail, which they can then harvest using their stretchy tongue before putting them in their mouth. The shrooms are then mixed with their saliva and ingested, sometimes stored in their large throat sac. They seem to love Mandragoras.

Even though they eat mushrooms, they are really dangerous creatures, and an invasive species on top of that. Their breath mixed with shroom reactives are so noxious that no living creature bar top-tier threat level monsters such as Elder Dragons dare attack Myrgastus. They store reactives in their throat sac and spit it out at the attackers, and even their tongue, which they use as a lash, is covered in toxic saliva depending on what they ate. Since they grow a lot of mushrooms varieties on their back, the effects of their attacks are unpredictible, making them known as the Devil Shroom Frog.

They will often lick their back or tail and change the properties of their spit, which gives them the most varied array of status effects out of all the monster cast: Nitroshrooms will give Blast Status, Mandragora gives the Dragon element, Exciteshrooms can Confuse hunters, Toadstools will inflict Poison, Mopeshrooms cut out the hunter's Stamina, and Parashrooms, well, paralyze. Their set skill is called Status Exploiter, which increases the odds of your weapon applying poison, sleep, paralysis or blasy status whenever you hit a weak point. It also comes with Mushromancer, of course.

Myrgastus has a mix of Tetsucabra skeleton and elements of the Chameleos one (mostly because of the bipedal stature). It is obviously derived from the good old halloween Witch and her mixture pot, but also has elements of Bull Frogs and Chameleons in it.

The Chrambura

Chrambura are a species of Carapaceon living by the sea, in a remote place known ast the Cradle of Life, but has also been seen travelling to areas such as the Deserted Island. Here, they compete with other creatures for the status of Regional Apex despite their smaller frame due to them being incredibly combative and resilient. They quick-react to any encroachment on their territories by displaying their force - generally, by waving their enormous claw and slamming it into the ground. If this doesn't work, their body will emit steam to intimidate foes. They are believed to be quite an ancient species.

Fast-footed despite their armored body, they attack in bursts of speed wielding their oversized claw as an axe, hence them being called the Axe Crab. They sometimes hit with so much force that the ground bursts in a shockwave, causing the foes to lose their footing and opening them for the Chrambura to counterattack. They also let out steam bursts to repel foes. Since they already have a good defense in the form of their thick, steel-like shell, they focus on agression when they are threatened. They are also pretty cunning - some have been seen bending their axe claws with the other one to increase tension and hit force when released.

Chrambura are fierce opponents and the only option is to fight them face-to-face, because the shell on their back is extremely thick and withstands most attacks. However, this means being in range of the wide swipes and slashes of their axe claw which they wield with deadly accuracy. However, they are weak to attacks aimed at their head, so target their weak point for massive damage! Oddly enough, in-game Chrambura models can come in left-handed or right-handed version, which means the fight can variate from one encounter to another. Their exclusive armor skill is called Punitive Guard, which adds KO effect to your attacks for a few seconds after you block an attack with SnS, GS, Lance, Gunlance or Charge Blade.

Chrambura has a skeleton close to that of the Taikun Zamuza (first form) with Seltas Queen elements, but is much faster. It was inspired by Mantis Shrimps, Sand Fiddler Crabs, Anomalocaris, Wiwaxia and most importantly was made to evoke an Haunted Armor.

The Jaggarazu

Bird Wyverns sometimes seen plucking bones from carcass in areas such as the Rotten Vale, or more often in the Pit of Perdition. They feed on rotten meat and bone marrow which they are clever enough to extract by breaking the bones by throwing them from atop the Pit or smashing them repeatedly on rocks by gripping them with their serrated talons. Their tail is muscular enough to withstand their own weight when standing on it, which allows for sophisticated manipulation of bones using both legs.

Jaggarazu are covered in sharp quills that they erect to warn off intruders, but their deadliest weapon lies in the clean-cutting scythe-like wingblades they carefully whet on rocks when they go dull. They will slash at attackers using their wings and even throw bones at them, using their tail to stand up while they wield them like clubs! To scare off threats, they also deploy their vivid belly and wing patters, which resembles a face. Usually, the sudden contrast of their dark, brownish feathers with the brighter, orange ones are enough to shock predators, giving enough time for the Jaggarazu to either attack or flee. If it doesn't work, they will breath a foul gas at the foe's face, strong enough to make them faint. Their breath stink like death! Therefore, they are known as the Carrion Bird.

Highly intelligent, Jaggarazu can use diversions and tools to fight, such as wielding bone clubs to smack hunters, or create a smokescreen of brown, stinky gas, inflicting the Soiled status and masking Jaggarazu's next move to their eyes. They are, however, a little bit restricted in options should they fight in an open area where there's no bone to pick up. Their armor set comes with the skill Tool Improviser, which gives addtional effects to your mantles when you wear them.

Jaggarazu was meant to work on a Malfestio skeleton. They also were inspired by Jack'o'Lanterns, Voodoo Puppets, real-life Crows, and the mythological Three-Legged Crow Yatagarasu.


There it is! There was initially a Flagship coming along these, which would have used the Fatalis skeleton, and a final boss with a very surprising skeleton as well, but I got the feeling these weren't fitting the Halloween theme so I didn't include them. Yet.

Happy Halloween Hunters!

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 12:02AM by V_Kon

What's it like starting ballet as an adult? And is ballet visibly bad for your feet or just pain wise?

Hi guys, I'm curious. I've only recently discovered how much I love watching (classical) ballet. It's such a beautiful art form. And I'm wondering if I could start learning it at 23. What are some positives and negatives? Also, do you need to invest a lot of money in outfits? My toe nails are quite fragile already, probably from ill fitting shoes. So I'd rather not put them through any more damage.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 12:44AM by elmoh1

Tv shows that follow a character with limitless potential through a limitless universe.

Let me know if you have watched any shows that have these characteristics. Not just anime. Basically I really enjoy watching shows that stimulate my imagination and follow characters who have immense freedom. A nice break from boring 9-5s that lack just that.


Overlord: Nailed it perfect fit.

This show takes place in a game world (which is naturally limitless) and follows a character who was at the top level of the game to start as he has been reincarnated. He also finds out that he and those around him can level without limit in the new world (Limitless potential).

The Rising Shield Hero: Nailed it perfectly. More of a narrow narrative. Starts from the bottom, in a limitless universe with limitless possibilities for opponents with the express purpose of improving. Improvement shows no signs of any limits at the current point in the show.

That Time I got reincarnated as a slime: Nailed it.... but a little childish

The main character has the ability to absorb any ability and it is a fantasy realm with no clear limit on power. Hence he could theoretically gain power up to an unclear limit.

Sword Art Online: Has the general gist of the idea

The difficulty of the floors is unclear and so is the range of the universe. The main character is very strong and only appears to grow stronger through the show.

From weakest to worlds strongest: Lacking depth, but gets the point

The main character starts by showing his ability to accumulate strength much like that time I got reincarnated as a slime. The universe also appears to have limitless potential.

Heroes: Basically Sylar

I thought the concept of Sylar was pretty sweet(He could learn other characters abilities). Based in real world, but limitless potential for abilities. If a show were to have followed Sylar it would fit the mo pretty well.

Shows I have watched that are likely to be suggested: Every show that comes up when typing: "Shows Like overlord" into google in the popular on the web section.

Though the top two are sort of harem hoarders, I am not really a fan of that aspect of them.

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 12:49AM by shadybear18

Gelly sandwich and mail art

Hi! Ever since I stopped biting my nails I love experimenting wit nail art. However: it tends to peel of after about four days. So I was wondering if a gelly sandwich (where you use a gel base, normal nail polish and then a gel topcoat) would work better. However, how does one combine this with nail art? I heard it's incredibly important to let the polish dry before adding the topcoat, but if I do nail art, I usually use a quick dry topcoat in between layers.

What are your experiences? Which techniques do you use? Does this last considerably longer than just normal polish?

Edit: so I wrote mail art in the title... My brain is just not working today I guess.

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 10:40PM by Nuwa

Is Bio Gel Really Better than Regular Gel?

Hello. I recently got my first bio gel manicure while out of town. I went with bio gel as opposed to regular gel because I heard and read it's supposed to be better for your nails (e.g., less damaging). Now I'd like to get my nails done again but I'm not sure whether to go with bio gel again, or go with regular gel. There do not seem to be a lot of salons that do bio gel in my area, and considering the added cost, are bio gel nails really that much better than regular gel nails? I have strong, healthy nails that grow very fast and just intend on getting manicures without any extensions as I just like having chip-free nail polish and nail art. My main concerns are preventing nail damage and weakness. Thanks in advance!

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 11:01PM by casualballerina

Post WWE Crown Jewel Discussion Thread

Recap stolen from CBS Sports

Humberto Carillo wins 20-Man Battle Royal, becomes No. 1 contender for U.S. title (Kickoff Show): Surprisingly, with eight competitors left, big names like Buddy Murphy, R-Truth and Andrade were eliminated leaving Erick Rowan, Luke Harper, Cedric Alexander and Humberto Carillo as the final four. The fans chanted for Harper off the bat, and he eliminated Alexander. Following a brief interruption (see below) the former partners double teamed Carillo. However, as they attempted to eliminate him, Carillo slid under their legs on the ring apron and tipped them both over the top rope to win. One of the more creative battle royal finishes we have seen in quite some time saved a boring match. Grade: C-

24/7 Championship -- R-Truth def. Sunil Singh (c) via pinfall to win the title (Kickoff Show): Once both were eliminated from the battle royal, Truth rolled up Singh outside the ring in a title change that popped the crowd.

WWE Championship -- Brock Lesnar (c) def. Cain Velasquez via submission to retain the title: The match was contested in mixed martial arts style with Lesnar and Velasquez brawling and striking each other. Velasquez caught Lesnar in the midsection with a knee, which sent Lesnar falling backward. However, as Velasquez attempted to ground and pound the champion, Lesnar kicked Velasquez's injured knee out from under him and caught the challenger in the Kimura Lock, eventually earning a tap out. Lesnar refused to release the hold, so Rey Mysterio grabbed a chair and hit Lesnar in the back. Lesnar was unfazed, hitting Mysterio with an F5 onto the chair and dumping him out of the ring. As Lesnar attacked Velasquez with the chair, Mysterio reentered with another and beat the hell out of Lesnar with it, causing him to scramble away. The booking made little sense with Velasquez losing his first match quickly and Mysterio (on Raw) continuing his rivalry with Lesnar (on SmackDown). The MMA aspect was smart, but the title was not needed in this match. Perhaps this leads to a Survivor Series match between Lesnar and Mysterio, but it is clear this is being drawn out to WrestleMania. The interest was high, and there was some good action with the chair, but failing to let Velasquez get somewhat over was confusing. Grade: C

Mysterio calls out Lesnar: Backstage later in the show, Mysterio gave Lesnar credit for beating Velasquez, but Mysteriro said Lesnar will pay for everything he did to his son Dominick and their family soon.

The O.C. def. The Viking Raiders via pinfall to win the Tag Team World Cup: Ivar successfully broke up the Magic Killer, but The O.C. was able to throw him out of the ring and concentrate on Erik, hitting him with the finisher to secure the victory, trophy and title of "best tag team in the world." While the final match was not spectacular, the entire tag team turmoil was decently fun with legitimately good tag team action throughout. It certainly exceeded expectations, particularly the first, fourth and sixth matches (complete order listed below). Grade: B

Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode def. Lucha House Party via pinfall after Ziggler superkicked Gran Metalik behind the referee's back and Roode hit the Glorious DDT. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode def. Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins via pinfall after the duo hit an elevated Zig-Zag slam on Ryder. Heavy Machinery def. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode via pinfall as Roode was taken down with the Compactor. New Day def. Heavy Machinery via pinfall as Kofi Kingston hit Tucker with Trouble in Paradise after an exciting back-and-forth between the teams. New Day def. B-Team via pinfall as Big E quickly hit Curtis Axel with the Big Ending. New Day def. The Revival via pinfall in a hard-fought match that ended with Kingston rolling up Scott Dawson. After being eliminated, Dash Wilder entered the ring and Revival hit Shatter Machine on Kingston ahead of their SmackDown tag team title match on Friday night. The O.C. def. New Day via pinfall, taking out Kingston with the Magic Killer. The O.C. tried to capitalize on the Revival's attack but initially failed before taking down Kingston soon after. Mansoor def. Cesaro via pinfall: Just as it looked like Mansoor was gaining momentum, Cesarno nailed him with a European uppercut as the local product dove out of the ring. Mansoor wobbled Cesaro with a step-up enziguri followed by a huricanrana that flung him outside, a cannonball tope and a tornado DDT for a two count. Cesaro knocked Mansoor face-first into the top turnbuckle as he climbed the top rope and followed with an avalanche gutwrench suplex but only got 2.5. Mansoor kicked out of a number of other near-finishes and escaped a crossface, nearly pinning Cesaro after hitting him with a superkick and falling on top of him. Mansoor reversed another avalanche gutwrench suplex into a powerbomb and hit a picture-perfect moonsault for the upset win. While it is obvious WWE is pushing and putting over Mansoor due to the Saudi Arabia relationship, you cannot take away his effort. Mansoor looked like a real-deal future superstar for WWE, and Cesaro did a tremendous job calling the entire match and putting the youngster over. The crowd was hot, and both men delivered. Grade: B+

Tyson Fury def. Braun Strowman via countout: The match began with a mix between wrestling and boxing. Strowman took down Fury with a right hand outside the ring, but Fury caught a charging Strowman with a double boot. Fury avoided a running powerslam and hit a drop toe hold on Strowman followed by a big boot. Strowman caught a running Fury for a slam and was successful with two running shoulder tackles. As Strowman attempted to climb back into the ring, Fury connected with a right cross, knocking him off the ring apron and into the barricade. Strowman rose at seven and stumbled around but was unable to reenter before the 10 count. An angry Strowman hit a running powerslam on a celebrating Fury afterwards, but Fury quickly stood up and yelled at Strowman. This was never going to be a good match, but Fury did well enough and the finish was smart, especially with Strowman being given the opportunity to hit his finisher. Grade: C

24/7 Championship -- Samir Singh def. R-Truth (c) via pinfall to win the title: Backed into a corner backstage, Truth tried to escape but ran into a pair of closed doors and knocked himself out.

United States Championship -- AJ Styles (c) def. Humberto Carillo via pinfall to retain the title: The crowd was dead for a good match after spending all its energy on Mansoor and Fury. Carillo bounced off the middle and then top rope for a corkscrew crossbody, and the competitors traded an enziguri and Pele kick. When Carirllo tweaked his knee on a counter, Styles concentrated on it and locked the challenger in a Calf Crusher (as he did on Raw). This time, Carirllo reached the bottom rope. But an aborted moonsault tweaked his knee again, and Styles caught him with the Phenomenal Forearm. Solid action throughout and the right result in the end. This won't get the credit it deserves. Grade: B

Natalya def. Lacey Evans via submission: The first WWE women's match in Saudi Arabia saw the competitors not only wear full-length bodysuits but loose T-shirts to cover any features. It was clear those were last-minute additions to the attire and certainly distracted some at he start. Natalya got a big pop upon her entrance and had to hold back tears as the match began in a truly touching moment. The crowd chanted "this is awesome" as the action picked up. There were a couple bright spots, but the action was rather muted with Natalya winning via Sharpshooter. She consoled Evans after the match, and the women raised hands together and teared up as fireworks went off. "The women's evolution takes another step tonight," Michael Cole exclaimed. "Those two women accomplished something that we never thought we'd see." The women held hands and hugged a Saudi Arabian woman at ringside who appeared as if she played a role in making the match happen. The women's emotions were clearly real. Some minor credit to WWE getting it done. Cole trying to put over the progressiveness of Saudi Arabia detracted from it. Grade: C

Team Hogan (Roman Reigns, Rusev, Ricochet, Ali & Shorty G) vs. Team Flair (Randy Orton, Drew McIntyre, King Corbin, Bobby Lashley & Shinsuke Nakamura): There were a lot of quick tags in the early going with everyone getting a couple featured minutes in the ring. Reigns got the hot tag and ran through Team Flair both inside the ring and at ringside. Orton escaped a pinning attempt following a Superman punch, and the heels began hitting their finishers. As they prepared to gang up on Reigns, Rusev entered the ring and cleared house, standing off one-on-one with Lashley. Reigns took out everyone with a splash over the top rope and rolled Orton into the ring to finish the job. Orton countered Reigns' spear with an RKO, but Reigns kicked out at 2.8. As Orton prepared to punt kick Reigns, Shorty G grabbed his foot and Ali took him down. Ricochet, Ali and Shorty G all flipped outside of the ring to eliminate the heels, and Reigns hit Orton with a spear for the expected 1-2-3. The crowd was hot for the action here, and while a 10-man non-elimination tag team match is a lot, the booking worked with the false finish and Reigns finally going over. A for effort, but in reality ... Grade: B+

Universal Championship -- "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt def. Seth Rollins (c) (Falls Count Anywhere): This match cannot be stopped for any reason.

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 10:35PM by snoopierjester

I did it. I finally did it! I left the house!

I've been a shut in for years. For a while I was doing better, but about a year ago I fell back into it. Some of my friends have been particularly worried about me the past couple of months as a result. For a bit I wasn't even answering my phone or texts. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Reddit has been my only form of contact with the outside world for a bit now.

Today I woke up. It's a miserable day for trick or treating, which told me that the only smiling faces I would get to see today (outside of my roomies), would not be stopping by to get that candy. Which is sad for them. I hand out full bars. I'm talking about the trick or treaters that is. This made me feel sad and I was sitting on my bed thinking about it and I said fwuck it.

I railed against my inner sloth.

Fought myself tooth and nail to put on that shirt, pull up that sock, tie that shoe. First I made it out of my room. Lazy devil in my mind screaming GO BACK TO BED. ITS WARM ITS SAFE. Then I made it through the kitchen. STAY AT HOME. MAKE SOME EGGS. YOU LIKE EGGS. Stepped out the front door. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, GET BACK IN THE HOUSE IT'S COLD AND RAINING. Got to my car and with one determined action after another I got in and I started driving.

I had no idea where I was going or what to even do. So I drove to the pet supply store near my house and spent a bunch of money I don't really have to spend. Got the dog a new cuddle-toy, a bone bigger than he is (which he is currently on top of chewing on as if he's never had a bone before) and some new nail clippers cause it's time. Got the cat some cat-nip mice, a weird toy with a noisy ball in it and feathers and a glove I can wear for grooming purposes.

I also got the doggo one more, well technically three more things. One unicorn Halloween costume, a winter doggie sweater and some new all weather doggie shoes, but outside of the Halloween costume he needs the sweater and shoes. He's a tiny dog and doesn't do well on walks during bad weather unless he's suited up. If it's dry and there's no snow he's fine, but winters can be a bit harsh here.

Whatever the case? I LEFT THE HOUSE. ON MY OWN. NO PROMPTING. No one messed with me, no one scowled at me, people seemed to be on their best behaviour on the road. I didn't freak out. I didn't have a panic attack, I didn't fly into a rage. After shopping I drove around some more and even stopped to get something to eat. At a restaurant. A sit down restaurant.


I'm not looking for congratulations, I'm not looking for validation. I know, in the grand scheme of things and how this world is, everything I wrote above seems stupid and shallow. OH YAY ANOTHER LAZY BUM BRAGS ABOUT GOING OUTSIDE. Thing is? I'm not a lazy bum. I just have a hard time being around other people. Especially in public spaces when there are large groups. At home I don't stop. I clean, I cook, I fix, I landscape (back yard is 5 acres of peace) I write music, I make art, I do crafts. Just sometimes I do all it in my own room. Sometimes I do nothing but play video games and read. Or browse and rant about stuff here on reddit.

Today my entire being was screaming at me to stay home and be depressed. Lay around all day sad. I refused to listen. I got up, I got out. While I did spend money on shit I really should not have, when I got home my pupper who was already happy to see me about bowled over in excitement when I busted out the bag full of presents for him. He already knew it was for him and went right for the plushie. Paraded it around the house before coming back into the room and seeing a giant freaking bone that as far as he is concerned came from a dinosaur. The cat has yet to find her new toys, she's currently in the process of decimating her pot of cat grass.

I'm home now and back in my room. BUT I'M STILL DRESSED. In a couple of hours I'm going to dress the pupper in his new costume, put on my old witches hat, a long black dress and break out the good ole handy umbrella; and since the neighborhood has decided not to do their yearly Halloween thing (due to the down-pour) I'm going to fill my witches basket full of all the candy bars and caramel apples I have and I'm going door to door. THERE WILL BE TRICK OR TREATING IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD THIS YEAR. Even if it means bringing the festivities to them one house at a time.

I don't know if folks will be receptive, but I do know there is no postponing with this event and kids will not be out over the weekend to make up for lost sweets. Most of the people in the neighborhood have met me, usually while I'm walking my dog, provided I'm not in shut-in mode. I do contribute to the community, albeit usually it's through donations. So I'm not worried about be a stranger with candy. I'm just worried they will think I'm weird or be annoyed, that being said I don't know if I care.

My point is, I FORCED MYSELF up and out today. It went well and now I'm inspired to get out again. Nothing sucks worse in the States on the East Coast than missing the one time of year you can, as a child, get and eat as much candy as your guts can handle. FOR FREE. Maybe if my plan goes well tonight...... I won't be such a nervous wreck next time I try to leave the house.

Thanks for reading to anyone who did. My post is completely selfish and there is nothing in my life currently that can compare to the atrocities occurring around the world, But I've had a hard time for a long time (PTSD among other issues) so this was a pretty big leap for me today. A leap I really did not want to take. Just something inside me told me if I didn't do it today I would be in for a bad time in the future.

So I listened to that voice.

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 09:47PM by Whale_Whispers

Amazing Dotting Tool Nail Art | Simple and Easy Nail Design | How are These do tell me Please.

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 08:07PM by aqxa_harrix

Metrics: Performance Review

First | Previous

Metrics: Performance Review  


Alec worked his way through the script for his call, automatically working his way through the decision tree for the customer, while his mind was busy elsewhere. His workplace was, apparently, run by people who weren’t strictly the everyday kind of people anymore. The building was kept running by inexplicably Australian Gaunts who apparently got drunk off coffee, and drank alcohol to sober up.    This was the kind of weird he could cope with, as it was weird enough to be ignored. It wasn’t threatening, not really.   However. He’d lost the ability to bring food with him for his midshift meals, as Eldritch had ‘adopted’ him as a food supply. Even fancy lunch boxes designed by overseas companies that deemed meal containers as a potential art form, down to intricate locking mechanisms, fell before the fact the shape-shifting rat-thing took everyday physics as more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule. The uptick there is that he was now on a first-name basis with all the staff at the outsourced kitchen in the Caffetorium, who seemed to enjoy his rare spark of vibrance in the crowd of tired, worn-out floor staffers.   So far, the supervisors  and management hadn’t said anything about his excursions away from his desk, nor his furry little desk ornament. They did, however, always seem to be looking Alec’s direction, any time they came into his field of view. Not in a predatory way, nor even in an otherwise hostile way. For the lack of a better comparison, it was almost… pride?  


Eventually, it came that time. The time when Alec had to put away his earbuds, tidy up his Workplace Oriented Wardrobe, and make his way across the desk-maze to his supervisor, Iain. Nice guy, all told. Legitimately seemed to care for the people under his authority, occasionally fudging Excellence points when they needed sick days, or hey were nearly to the threshold to buy something for the holiday. Iain did, however, wear the mirrored sunglasses of Management, as well as a House Brand turtleneck. This probably explained why so many of Iain’s Authorised Personalization Decorations were pictures of him snorkeling in backwater locales. He’d apparently been a Supervisor for a while, and his … quirks… had been helpful to his interests.   It’s still hard to look someone in the eyes, when you’re not certain what those eyes are.   Still, he was a better supervisor than you’d find in many jobs, and Alec settled into their usual call and response chatter, Iain making sure his employee wasn’t getting burnt out or plotting corporate sabotage or going to start blasting Dubstep Polka at his coworkers, and Alec did his part by assuring his boss that spending his Excellence Points on getting to use his ancient music player was keeping him happy and productive. They went on to business: completion tallies of calls, document-assessments, and the various other contracts they’d cycled through over the month. Alec got an attaboy bonus of some Excellence Points for clearing a certain number of Cultural Understanding and Leadership Tutorship ongoing refresher courses, and was politely prodded to see if he might complete more of them the next month.  As the Peer-Expressed Review and Functional Objective Reinforcement Meeting was winding down, Iain pulled out a document that Alec hadn’t seen before. For all he could tell, it was a hardcopy version of the various digital Metrics Review pages he’d just gone over with his supervisor, except it appeared hand-scribed on thick, old-fashioned paper of some sort. Also, it was bordered in the sort of runes and chicken scratch markings you usually saw on especially low-rent Occult Healing storefronts.  

“That brings us to the final set of metrics, Alec, and I have got to say, we in Management have been excited to see you hitting these benchmarks this month. We know that you know the main way to Management is through the Cultural Understanding and Leadership Tutorship ongoing courses, and then being relocated to one of the firm’s other locations for a spell. What most do not know, is that there is another path for folk to wind up on the track for Upper Management. Sometimes, when Management track prospects meet Elder Management, they, well. We find out they’re not a good fit. And then we have to make the best of the situation. But sometimes… Sometimes a model employee works things out for themselves. If everyone is lucky, they take it in stride, and the firm does not lose a valuable individual. Then we watch them, and try and decide if they would be able to work along with our Elder Management.”  “The good news for you is that you seem to be an ideal fit. Your resilience when you discovered what’s going on behind the scenes was one of the higher-scoring we have seen, and the Gaunts have all written letters of recommendation for you, though some were a bit bleary while they did so.” Iain’s voice took a slightly mock-chiding tone here. “We know how they are, so you are not in trouble. They just have some rather delicate tasks, so we ask that you be careful when you share the stronger beverages with them, okay?”   Alec, struggling to keep up, nodded.   “Right! That brings us to the interview. Elder Management has a few representatives on-site, and they have scheduled a placement interview for this afternoon. This is mostly a formality, as Management as well as the Gaunts have already vouched for you. There will be an office, as well as significant benefits package for you once your promotion goes through. I hope you will be glad to hear, the least of those is that you will be moving over to a department on a separate AC line. No more of the institutional white noise, unless you opt to spend more time with the floor staff.”  “...Right. Um. Yes. Do I need to bring anything?”   “No need; Just follow your badge to the Management Floor Conference Room. They will be waiting.”   With that, and a handshake, the performance review was over, and Alec was free to enjoy the special kind of panic that comes from being noticed by the bosses.  


The time came, and Alec rose from his desk to wind through the desks once again. Swiping his badge at the elevator, it chimed, and an empty one arrived to take him down to see the bosses. The doors closed, the doors opened…   There was Gus. Which made a sort of sense, in the winding way logic took in this building. If there was a security desk, Gus Was There. This time, though, Gus was smiling, and threw Alec a wave. Sure, the smile displayed a set of teeth that looked like some shark had developed  the canines of an especially large tiger, but the spirit was there. Rising, Gus gave Alec a congratulatory handshake, and a slap on the back, then pointed him down the hall to the correct conference room.   Now that he was down on the Management Floor, past the Watchful Eyes of Gus, there was no backing out. Alec adjusted his badge, collar,and made sure he wasn’t trailing any toilet paper, nor sporting any novel stains from the lunch he’d poked at, then went in.   The room itself was impressive; old-style wooden walls, a large wooden desk that seems to have been worked from a single slab, but still big enough to seat an entire board conference. Then there were the electronics. Projectors, screens, and terminals that slid back under the massive table were placed to be comfortably available to those that needed them.   Finally, Alec’s nervous mind settled on the room’s occupants. Well-dressed, all, with their sunglasses politely set on the table in front of them. One, who seemed to be a person-shaped shadow, until Alec saw what looked like a painting of someone sharing the shape, ‘cast’ back from the shadow, inverting how light usually works. Another, with the faintest tracings of scales on their brow and cheek lines, and brilliant golden hair that floated as though in a calm water current. Two more, who stood at either end of the rest, who gave the impressions of great beauty, but were difficult to see, due to one shedding eye-watering light, and the other being shrouded in wisps of darkness that pushed the eye away.   Each had nameplates, and Alec recognized all as Senior Executives, with the company for about as long as it had been around.   No pressure.   The one who really caught his attention, however, was sitting in the middle of the rest. No sunglasses on the table, no arcane weirdness. Just a vaguely androgynous person who looked like they spent a bit too much time working, but still had the time to pay attention to their appearance. Like the others, this one shone with health, somehow literally. But their nameplate read simply “InSource.”   What followed was… odd in how typical it was. The assembled executives took turns asking Alec how he liked working for the company, what contracts he enjoyed most, least. Which projects he’d try and get running if he had the chance, how the food in the Caffetorium was was, what employee benefits or wellnes programs he’d suggest. They asked with friendly voices, paid attention to his words, and laughed genuine, if politely quiet, laughter when he included jokes.   They, all in all, behaved more human than many of the managers he’d had before.   When the question and answer period ended, the one in the middle laid it out to Alec: he had a choice. They were offering him a seat in Elder Management, as an Executive. He could decline. He could accept, and enjoy the benefits that had kept those in front of him going for a very long time, generally looking and feeling good while they did so. Or, he could abstain. Take the position, but not the full depth of the benefits.   This last option was added as a throwaway, but something about the way it was said…  

“You want someone who’s still … ‘Normal’. Don’t you? You’re worried the executives may be losing touch, so you want fresh blood, someone who hasn’t been touched by whatever you’ve done to make this all work… right?”  

There was some murmuring from the far side of the table, but the one labeled simply as ‘InSource’ suddenly smiled.  “Nail on the head, Mr Heron, nail on the head. Even more mundane companies risk drifting out of touch with culture as it moves on, and our uncommon environment means we risk drifting a bit further, a bit faster. That just will not do. Standing out goes against everything our initial founders sought to accomplish with me. So by keeping someone in-house who is clued in to how things are, both internally and out in the living world, we can remain acceptably average. Just another company that chases the bottom line, whose employees comfortably grumble about until they move on to bigger and better things. We need people like you who can make sure we don’t weird out the general staff too much, nor place too great a burden on them.  Who can tell us when our benefits packages need to be updated, and possible suggestions on how.” Insource leaned, then flowed forward, becoming a now-familiar mobius rat, and gaining a thick New England accent.  “We need people who’re willing to share cookies and cups of coffee with some of life’s little oddities.”   Eldritch, the fuzzy personification of a multinational corporation, extruded a paw to shake Alec’s hand, friendship gleaming in its many eyes.  

Well. Who can say no to a face like that?  


With a snort, and groan, Alec woke up at his desk. From the feel of things, he’d been burning his reserves getting this report out in time, and had paid the price for it. Tenderly touching his forehead, he confirmed: Qwertyface. At least he hadn’t accidentally hit the send button; it appeared that he’d facetyped about a page and a half of gibberish even his coworkers would have trouble deciphering. The rest of the report, however, was fine. With a silent thanks for small favors, he attached his signature, and sent the report, before wandering off to the Caffetorium. His mid-shift snack had once again been liberated.   On the way out, he looked at his door’s nameplate, as he did most times he passed.  

“Alec Heron Senior Subject Matter Expert Human Resources and Development”

First | Previous

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 07:21PM by HypotheticalShoggoth

Does Long Distance Even Work? (Fucking My Dorm Mate)

​ I'm Hunter and I'm 18, just about to finish off my freshman year in college. So, to give some background on this story that happ...