Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Spook Day everybody! Eight fanmade Monsters to celebrate Haloween with all of you hunting comrades! (Long post)

Since it's the spookiest of days today, I wanted to make something extra special to share with the MH community. I think it's been a long, long time since I last announced it (AFAIK it was around last year, lol) but now it is done, and I can deliver on time! Without further ado, let me introduce these eight horror fanmade monsters. What do they share? They're all based off traditional Haloween monsters and creatures of the spooky folklore!

The Bazalraug

Bazalraug are a genus of flightless Flying Wyverns that inhabit damp regions such as swamps, moorlands and forests. They've been first discovered in a region called the Moorland Plains. They are covered in a supple and thick grey blue hide that tends to sag as the individuals grow older, and their bodies are lined with rows of teeth-like spikes.

They have poor sight, and detect their prey by sensing the fluctuations of their electrical fields. Once they detect it, they will follow the trail blindly and charge at their target. Even though they often end up bumping into obstacles and such, they don't seem to care about the damage they do to their own bodies while going after preys. When they eventually collide with their target, the victim is shocked with a potent electrical current and stunned, so that Bazalraug can feast on them alive. Since they feel no pain, they were dubbed as the Painshock Wyvern. When threatened, they will snap the bones of their wingarms to form huge pincers to attack with.

Bazalraug doesn't flinch when attacked by the hunters - it is also immune to shock traps, flashes and paralysis. However, it can be knocked out by blunt weapons and trapped in pitfalls and such. They will flail around wildly in an attempt to crush the hunters with their powerful limbs. Their armor set features an exclusive skill called Painless, which protects you against any form of knockback (in a similar manner to the Castle Walls Hunter Art effects) but also hides your current health level.

I conceived the Bazalraug to work with an Akantor/Tigrex skeleton. I had several themes in mind: the Frankenstein Monster, zombies, zippers, a berzerker and a shark.

The Naphascar

Naphascar are elusive Snake Wyverns that usually live underground in arid regions such as the Dusty Ravine. They only surface at night to trap unsuspecting herbivores into their pitfall traps made of sand. Once trapped, the prey is tangled in a sticky substance that resembles bandage before the Naphascar drags it to its lair to devour it. Sometimes, it is believed that they like to toy with preys, as they have been seen using their two lookalike ends (their bi-articulated jaws and their tail scissors) to disorient them. They also have a secret weapon: their tail contains a potent sleep-inducing agent that can be injected into preys by gnashing.

These wyverns have blue and golden scales that they often shed like snakes, but it happens on a daily basis. However, they don't discard the molten skin - they grow an unique species of underground fungus between their scales, having a symbiotic relationship with it. The fungus spreads by decomposing the skin into the sticky bandage-like substance which in turns serves to the Naphascar to capture prey. They usually wait in ambush for preys in conic sand traps and swim across the sand freely to move from place to place. Hencewhy them being dubbed as the Sand Trap Wyvern.

Naphascar will attack by coiling around the hunter and throwing balls of molten skin causing the Webbed ailment, and try to strike them with their sleep-inducing tail. They will sometimes try to fake hunters out by moving their tail as if it were their head, or attack with both at the same time. Their armor has an exclusive skill called Forbidden Arts, which will fill Hunter Arts by a fraction of the cost each time you use a Hunter Art.

Naphascar was imagined with a Najarala skeleton in mind (we need so much more of this wyvern type), and thought to be inspired by several things: the traditional egyptian Mummy, a sandworm, an antlion, skin fungus and a twin-headed snake.

The Elystrix

Elystrix are striped, dark red-shelled Neopterons found in tropical areas such as rainforests, most notably the Lakeside Grove , where they find a bountiful of preys. They are known hematophages, feeding by sucking the blood of other large monsters once they latch onto their backs. Once they cling to their target, it is impossible to dislodge them because their bodies are covered in specialized hooks they use to grip the shells of their victims while their mandibles cut their skil open to lick the fresh blood.

Extremely agressive and agile, they are relentless hunters that primarily attack with their sharp claws and the deadly stinger on their abdomen, which they use for impaling prey. They also have distinctive forelegs they fold before them to form a very resistant protection against agression. They enrage easily, and will throw vicious attacks, especially after they just fed on a victim, as it seems that drinking blood sends them into a fit of bloodthirst. As such, they've been dubbed as the Blood Beetle.

Elystrix will dodge and hop around the hunters and often attack from the air, trying to slash at them with their powerful forelegs or stab them with their stinger. They have erratic movement and their attacks are unpredictible - but when weakened, they will fly to another area and try to attack herbivores or even another large monster which they will take by surprise and topple before sucking their blood. If not stopped, they will go into their second rage state, becoming faster and even more deadly. Their armor set skill is called Restorative Evasion, which heals you for a portion of your health each time you successfully dodge through an attack, hence the name.

Elystrix were thought with a Seltas skeleton in mind (even though it shares traits with Ahtal-Ka) and inspired by a lot of things mostly revolving around blood suckers, with the most obvious one being them resembling a classic Vampire when they fold their forelegs, but they also look like a bloody cross, their stinger comes from the nail to kill vampires, and they share traits with real-life mosquitoes.

The Dralbathos

These Piscine Wyverns haunt the depths of the Sunless River, a flooded cave system home to many nightmarish creatures such as Dralbathos. They are covered in a slimy hide that makes them look like giant algae known as Drakeweeds, but this is a ruse meant to divert prey. Since they are ambush hunters, they are often found clinging to a rock among Drakeweed using their dreadfully sharp hooked tail, waiting for the unsuspecting to pass by. They even go as far as letting barnacles and other small invertebrates grow on their skin to refine their camouflage, which often end up growing over one of their eyes.

They attack by surprise, quickly snapping at prey with their long beak from the shadows, but if threatened, Dralbathos can be expected to inflate their chest sac to erect their spikes as a way to defend themselves. They also spit a dangerous oil-like fluid that spreads in the water like ink. This mysterious chemical burns with a ghastly blue flame even underwater, which causes lethal burns to victims of Dralbathos's breath. Last but not least, their dangerously sharp hooks on their fins and tail are deadly weapons, and they will not hesitate to lash attackers with them. They are known as the Seaweed Wyvern.

Dralbathos are underwater dwellers and never surface, unless they need air. When low on stamina, they will occasionally surface and breathe for a while, but in the meanwhile, they are wide open for attacks. However, if they're close to the floor, they will use their tail to anchor themselves and gain momentum to bodyslam with all their might, which is quite something to see. Their set skill is called Ambush Hunter, and having it active drastically multiplies your attack power while you are unspotted by monsters (they haven't noticed you, you're using the Ghillie Mantle or the monster is asleep.)

Dralbathos use the underwater Lagiacrus skeleton (and Amatsu to a lesser extent) despite being Piscine Wyverns. It was imagined with the main motive of resembling a Ghost Pirate with their eyepatch, tricorn-like crests and hooks, but also a Sea Dragon (the real life one), and a puffer fish.

The Hygarull

Hygarull are Fanged Wyverns living in polar regions such as the Northern Cliffsides, and sport a warm, white and grey layer of fur to help them fight off hostile climates. They stalk prey from the heights, hunting alone, waiting the right moment to swoop down onto them using the membrane between their limbs to glide and their knives-like claws to shred them to bits. However, they are surprisingly calm creatures, and are sometimes seen playing in the snow and they only attack when they are hungry. When not, they go undisturbed by herds of herbivores and show no signs of agression, which some have been describing as a dignified air on them.

However, should they get agitated, their behavior changes drastically : their faces darken, their eyes turn blood red and they bare their fangs. In this state, they are relentless and will hunt down their agressor no matter what. They are known to use their icy breath to cover their back spikes and claws in an even sharper layer of ice to make them longer and deadlier still. It is near impossible to stop an Hygarull in a fit of rage - in contrast to their usually calm behavior, hence them being dubbed the Two-Faced Wyvern.

Their two state are drastically different - in calm mode, they will fight cautiously and use feint attacks, but in rage mode, they become faster and will hit with much more savagery, with moves such as throwing the hunter up into the air to slice them midair, or picking up boulders to throw at them, in addition to being able to shoot their backspikes. In either mode, however, they show mastery of the art of gliding, with a wide array of airborne attacks. Their set skill, Frenzy Mode, infects you with the Frenzy Virus after you've hit a weakspot several times.

Hygarull, despite being a Fanged Wyvern like Zinogre, uses a Kecha Wacha skeleton, mostly for airborne attacks. They were designed with Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde in mind, but also Jack the Ripper, the Werewolf, and a husky dog.

The Myrgastus

Myrgastus are strange, vine red Amphibians living in regions where a lot of rare mushrooms grow, typically volcanic areas such as the Hellish Island. Mostly herbivores, they are most known for growing their favorite fungi on their backs and tail, which they can then harvest using their stretchy tongue before putting them in their mouth. The shrooms are then mixed with their saliva and ingested, sometimes stored in their large throat sac. They seem to love Mandragoras.

Even though they eat mushrooms, they are really dangerous creatures, and an invasive species on top of that. Their breath mixed with shroom reactives are so noxious that no living creature bar top-tier threat level monsters such as Elder Dragons dare attack Myrgastus. They store reactives in their throat sac and spit it out at the attackers, and even their tongue, which they use as a lash, is covered in toxic saliva depending on what they ate. Since they grow a lot of mushrooms varieties on their back, the effects of their attacks are unpredictible, making them known as the Devil Shroom Frog.

They will often lick their back or tail and change the properties of their spit, which gives them the most varied array of status effects out of all the monster cast: Nitroshrooms will give Blast Status, Mandragora gives the Dragon element, Exciteshrooms can Confuse hunters, Toadstools will inflict Poison, Mopeshrooms cut out the hunter's Stamina, and Parashrooms, well, paralyze. Their set skill is called Status Exploiter, which increases the odds of your weapon applying poison, sleep, paralysis or blasy status whenever you hit a weak point. It also comes with Mushromancer, of course.

Myrgastus has a mix of Tetsucabra skeleton and elements of the Chameleos one (mostly because of the bipedal stature). It is obviously derived from the good old halloween Witch and her mixture pot, but also has elements of Bull Frogs and Chameleons in it.

The Chrambura

Chrambura are a species of Carapaceon living by the sea, in a remote place known ast the Cradle of Life, but has also been seen travelling to areas such as the Deserted Island. Here, they compete with other creatures for the status of Regional Apex despite their smaller frame due to them being incredibly combative and resilient. They quick-react to any encroachment on their territories by displaying their force - generally, by waving their enormous claw and slamming it into the ground. If this doesn't work, their body will emit steam to intimidate foes. They are believed to be quite an ancient species.

Fast-footed despite their armored body, they attack in bursts of speed wielding their oversized claw as an axe, hence them being called the Axe Crab. They sometimes hit with so much force that the ground bursts in a shockwave, causing the foes to lose their footing and opening them for the Chrambura to counterattack. They also let out steam bursts to repel foes. Since they already have a good defense in the form of their thick, steel-like shell, they focus on agression when they are threatened. They are also pretty cunning - some have been seen bending their axe claws with the other one to increase tension and hit force when released.

Chrambura are fierce opponents and the only option is to fight them face-to-face, because the shell on their back is extremely thick and withstands most attacks. However, this means being in range of the wide swipes and slashes of their axe claw which they wield with deadly accuracy. However, they are weak to attacks aimed at their head, so target their weak point for massive damage! Oddly enough, in-game Chrambura models can come in left-handed or right-handed version, which means the fight can variate from one encounter to another. Their exclusive armor skill is called Punitive Guard, which adds KO effect to your attacks for a few seconds after you block an attack with SnS, GS, Lance, Gunlance or Charge Blade.

Chrambura has a skeleton close to that of the Taikun Zamuza (first form) with Seltas Queen elements, but is much faster. It was inspired by Mantis Shrimps, Sand Fiddler Crabs, Anomalocaris, Wiwaxia and most importantly was made to evoke an Haunted Armor.

The Jaggarazu

Bird Wyverns sometimes seen plucking bones from carcass in areas such as the Rotten Vale, or more often in the Pit of Perdition. They feed on rotten meat and bone marrow which they are clever enough to extract by breaking the bones by throwing them from atop the Pit or smashing them repeatedly on rocks by gripping them with their serrated talons. Their tail is muscular enough to withstand their own weight when standing on it, which allows for sophisticated manipulation of bones using both legs.

Jaggarazu are covered in sharp quills that they erect to warn off intruders, but their deadliest weapon lies in the clean-cutting scythe-like wingblades they carefully whet on rocks when they go dull. They will slash at attackers using their wings and even throw bones at them, using their tail to stand up while they wield them like clubs! To scare off threats, they also deploy their vivid belly and wing patters, which resembles a face. Usually, the sudden contrast of their dark, brownish feathers with the brighter, orange ones are enough to shock predators, giving enough time for the Jaggarazu to either attack or flee. If it doesn't work, they will breath a foul gas at the foe's face, strong enough to make them faint. Their breath stink like death! Therefore, they are known as the Carrion Bird.

Highly intelligent, Jaggarazu can use diversions and tools to fight, such as wielding bone clubs to smack hunters, or create a smokescreen of brown, stinky gas, inflicting the Soiled status and masking Jaggarazu's next move to their eyes. They are, however, a little bit restricted in options should they fight in an open area where there's no bone to pick up. Their armor set comes with the skill Tool Improviser, which gives addtional effects to your mantles when you wear them.

Jaggarazu was meant to work on a Malfestio skeleton. They also were inspired by Jack'o'Lanterns, Voodoo Puppets, real-life Crows, and the mythological Three-Legged Crow Yatagarasu.


There it is! There was initially a Flagship coming along these, which would have used the Fatalis skeleton, and a final boss with a very surprising skeleton as well, but I got the feeling these weren't fitting the Halloween theme so I didn't include them. Yet.

Happy Halloween Hunters!

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 12:02AM by V_Kon

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