Thursday, October 31, 2019

Demon seeks angel for torture, enslavement, and other wholesome activities

The immediately pertinent stuff : I'm a twenty-seven year old guy who is moving from Washington to Michigan very soon. I am a Dom and a sadist, in search of a masochistic female submissive with whom to engage in all manner of perversion and debauchery, as well as every kind of life adventure. In short, I am looking for a submissive with the potential of being a lifelong partner.

The shallow stuff : about me

This is what I look like.

I've recently lost a fair amount of weight due to diet and lifestyle changes, and I'm fairly happy with where I am right now. I'm not skinny, really, but I'm also not fat by any reasonable definition. Maybe a little husky, possibly bordering on chubby, but certainly far away from chunky, and touching lightly upon fit. Five-foot-eleven, and comfortably under a hundred and eighty pounds, if that helps you get a better idea. My best aesthetic characteristics: When properly conditioned, my hair is glorious and soft, and also my eyes are, like, super pretty. Do you like beards? I hope so, 'cause mine is big and bushy. I have been described on my best days as "majestic" and "regal", which is a bit disappointing, as I try to go for more of a "scraggly hermit" aesthetic. I partake of cannabis, but not of alcohol or tobacco. I'm independent and self-sufficient, and all that fun responsible adult single stuff.

The shallow stuff : about you

You should be female, mid twenties, and a real person living in Michigan. I'm not exacting about appearance, though I of course do have a type. Generally speaking, my type is short/small-framed, buxom, and soft. I’m certainly not locked into this, it's just what I would prefer. I would like someone small, soft, easily manhandled, someone petite yet voluptuous. So, generally, I want a girl who is a little shorter than me, but with roughly the same body composition. Don't disqualify yourself if you don't perfectly match this description; beauty is hard to articulate, and is never truly known until it is recognized. This is, after all, the shallow stuff. I would prefer to be with someone who likewise partakes of cannabis, but not of tobacco. I mildly disapprove of alcohol, but I'm okay with it so long as it is never taken to excess.

The less-shallow stuff:

I consider myself an open book in many respects. However, many of my topics are rather obscure, and some folks aren't quite sure how to turn the pages. Largely speaking, I'm your average nerdy type, but with various twists. I love music - my preferred genre is metal, but I have an appreciation for almost everything that isn't country. I like video games, but my tastes can be fairly specific. I don't care much for shooters typically, and gravitate more towards city building games and rpgs. I usually enjoy tv/internet series more than movies, and my tastes there are all over the place. (which is not to say that I don't like movies, they're just usually too short to tell a proper story) I like a lot of anime, a lot of sci fi/fantasy, a fair bit of psychological/thriller, and also the occasional cartoon. I love cooking, writing, and just generally engaging in creative hobbies. Food is certainly one of my passions in life, and I've devoted a lot of time to getting good in the kitchen. I even used to work in a Cajun restaurant! You'll want to stay with me for the food if nothing else. As for writing, I engage in some fairly esoteric and eclectic subjects. I like to read and write philosophy, though my topics of study are typically obscure. Namely, I like to study religious philosophy, with a particular eye towards the occult, as well as various Western philosophers. Religion is just generally one of my favorite things to discuss, regardless of who I'm discussing it with. My religious beliefs are a bit niche, but probably the most broadly fitting term would be 'Left hand path occultist'. Suffice it to say, if you go against the grain of society and rebel against the religious establishment, you and I shall get along tremendously. I'm also politically leftist. As for everything else, I have a few various arts I like to dabble in which I'm not quite as good at. I enjoy doing calligraphy from time to time, I can do some pretty decent design work in Inkscape, and I generally have an ongoing off-and-on-again obsession with paper arts: paper making, book binding, and the like.

The sexy stuff : What am I into? It may be easier to start with what I'm not into. The only solid 'hard-no' squicks I have (at least that I have encountered) are feces, vom, and excessive blood. That aside, my appetites are quite varied. Generally speaking, I prefer the 'main course' to be pain-flavored. I'm a sadist through and through, and I will absolutely revel in your suffering. (just as I'm sure you will too) I do my best work with striking implements - riding crops, floggers, switches, whips, paddles, and just about anything that can leave a nice welt. I want to make sitting down a truly exhilarating experience, reminiscent of all the fun times we had the night before. I'm not *all* about the pain, though. Being a Dom is very much about painting an experience for your submissive, and though it is pretty, there are colors other than red. Wartenberg wheels, feathers, candle wax, and even just the simple running of nails over flesh. I want to make your sensations into an artwork. And aside from the sensations, I love playing with *ideas*. Dominance and submission are, after all, "merely" ideas, albeit ones which can paint our experiences in dark and vivid shades the likes of which don’t exist in vanilla-world. I want us to delve into the taboo with one another. Consensual nonconsent, student/teacher, fantasy roleplay of any sort - and ofcourse, *plenty* of incest play. Just to name a few off the top of my head. Aside from that, I'll note that I have a marked preference for (informed and consensual) nonmonogamy as a relationship orientation. The details are best kept to a separate conversation, but suffice to say I'm not monogamous and would rather you not be either. The extreme tl;dr of it would be that jealousy is a deeply unpleasant emotion, and group sex is a helluva thing to miss out on. The range of experience of human sexuality is vast, and I want us to explore all of it. Sensations and scenarios await us which even our most deeply depraved imaginations could not envision. Honestly, I'll stop here, because we could be at this all day. With a subject matter like this, I'd much rather we be at it all night.

The deep stuff : I hate trying to summarize myself for the internet, I don't fit very well in summary format. In many ways I'm full of contradictions: I'm a very dark personality, with very dark appetites, but I also have a fondness for the colorful, mirthful, and lighthearted. I'm a world weary cynic who tries to maintain a strict sense of pragmatic optimism. I'm very down to earth, but with a distinct taste for the dramatic. I'm a particularly expressive stoic, or a very reserved romantic, depending on how you look at it. My humor is typically pretty dry, though I have plenty of goofball moments. I like witty interjections, but I abhor the taste of my own foot, so I try to keep the majority of them to myself. I tend to be a very decisive person; when something needs to be done, it needs to be done. I'm a "talk till the sun comes up" kind of guy, when it comes to controversial topics like politics and religion. I like deep nuanced conversations and heated debates. I kinda like cutesy things, and I really want a cat. I'm looking for someone exuberant, to share my exuberance with, and someone dark, to share my darkness with. I'm looking for someone like me, who revels in all the experiences of life.

The deeper stuff : What kind of relationship do I want? Well, I want a balanced D/s relationship. To me, this means a solidly D/s based dynamic where we are both comfortable and affirmed in our respective roles towards one another, but are also comfortable to regularly step outside of those roles during appropriate circumstances. Basically, I want to be your Dom, and I want you to be my sub, and I want that to mean something to both of us, but I want us to be able to step outside of that when we need to. I don’t want the D/s in our relationship to overshadow the relationship in our relationship. As much as I'm looking for someone to whip or call me Daddy, I'm also looking for someone to explore life with. I want to go do stuff with you : concerts, hiking, camping, whatever. I also want, eventually, to have a home life with you : quiet nights in, cooking and eating together, watching silly YouTube videos, playing games together. I want to have long, intense conversations that challenge both of us with new perspectives and force us to think of things in new and interesting ways. I want to see the fear of God in your eyes when I enact punishment upon you, and I also want to be the one who reassures you and comforts you when your punishment is over. I want you to be my pet, my adoration, my most treasured possession. I want to be your guide, your spiritual teacher, and your trusted friend. I crave that unique sense of deep trust and intimacy that only  forms between a Dominant and a submissive. I also of course want to engage in mutually consensual recreational activities which would likely cause our parents to disown us if they were ever discovered, as discussed in the previous paragraph.

So what do I really want? I want to catch you by your waist as you walk past and whisk you up into my arms, whirl you around so your skirt flows through the air. I want to cook you a delicious dinner, while we explore dark and creepy corners of the internet together on a rainy night in. I want you to sit on your knees at my feet, where I can run my fingers gently through your hair and tell you what a good girl you've been. I want to grab your hair, hard enough to make you gasp, and pull you too me, close enough for me to smell your fear, and your lust. I want to make your voice completely fail you as you ride amidst alternate waves of ecstacy and agony, torrents of experience washing over your soul. I want to rob you of your ability to distinguish pleasure from pain. I want to fall asleep with you, my hand at your neck, your body being held by mine, so that every beat of your heart and every breath you take may remind both of us, that you are here, and secure, and mine, and that all my fury and passion stand as your guard. I want to be a worthy Dominant, who guides and protects, and I want you to be a submissive I can look up to, even as you sit at my feet. I want someone to live life with, and I want that person to be you. It's a scary world we live in. Would you care to explore it with me?

Submitted November 01, 2019 at 02:25AM by khandnalie

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