Friday, May 31, 2019

The Steamie - Saturday 1 June 2019

Weather (Powered by Dark Sky)

Light rain starting tonight.

Around 11 to 16 degrees.


No line problems reported.

What's On Today

Martha Reeves and the Vandellas at Barras Art & Design Centre

Green Day's American Idiot at King's Theatre

The Big Show at Wild Cabaret Live

Lismore Street Party at The Lismore

Orbital at SWG3

RSNO: Søndergård Conducts Belshazzar's Feast at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

Tom Odell at Kelvingrove Bandstand and Amphitheatre

Tom Odell at Kelvingrove Park

Glasgow Chamber Orchestra at Bute Hall

Dido And Aeneas at Wellington Church

Musical Memories with Alexander McCall Smith & Sally Magnusson feat. the Really Terrible Orchestra at Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Seprona at The 13th Note Café/Bar

Ceòl 's Craic Ginealach Ùr / New Generation at CCA

Shoot Your Shot at The Poetry Club

Durananduran at Byres Road

Bag O' Nails: Live Cover Band At Partick at Bag O' Nails

Dark Vibes Tour at Ivory Blacks

Folky Macfolk Face-Album Launch at The Admiral

Martha Reeves at Barras Art and Design

Reaction at The Ice Box Arts and Music Centre

Songs & Sonnets From Across The British Isles at St Bride's Episcopal Church

Today in Scottish History

On 1 June 1841 Sir David Wilkie, the Scottish painter, died. Noted for his portraits and genre subjects, his most famous works include, Chelsea Pensioners Reading the Gazette of the Battle of Waterloo. Wilkie was born in Cults manse in Fife in 1785. His 1806 painting, The Village Politicians, was a great success and he then left to settle in London. In 1817, he painted Sir Walter Scott at Abbotsford, which now hangs in the Scottish National Gallery. His painting is mainly in the Dutch style, although he later changed his style, choosing more historical subjects, like The Preaching of John Knox before the Lords of Congregation, 10 June 1559. In 1840, for health reasons, he took a tour of Egypt and the Holy Land, but sadly died on the voyage home.

In this day in 1679 the Battle of Drumclog was fought in Avondale Parish, Lanarkshire, between Covenanters attending a Conventicle and Royalist troops under Graham of Claverhouse. The Covenanters easily routed the government forces. However, the euphoria which followed this victory was short-lived, as the authorities brought in a large Royalist army, which defeated a largish Covenanter force at Bothwell Bridge, exactly three weeks later.

Today in 1872 James Gordon Bennett, the Scottish-born American journalist, died. Bennett was the founding editor of the New York Herald, the first newspaper to carry regular financial articles on Wall St. He was one of a core group of publishers and editors who transformed and modernized journalism in the mid-nineteenth century. James Gordon Bennett was born in Keith, to a Roman Catholic farming couple. After an unsuccesful time training for the priesthood, he renounced his faith. In May 1835 Bennett began publishing the New York Herald, which combined public-interest stories, sensational reports of crimes and disasters, and coverage of national and international news. In April 1836 the Herald shocked readers with front-page coverage of the murder of a prostitute, Helen Jewett. During this episode, Bennett is credited with conducting the first newspaper interview. That same year the Herald initiated a cash-in-advance policy for advertisers, which would soon become standard newspaper practice. By the end of the decade the Herald and the Sun were the two highest-circulation dailies in America, a distinction the Herald carried until Bennett's retirement.

/r/GlasgowMarket Digest

Acting Tuition

Tune of the day

Masterchef Synesthesia - Swedemason (suggested by /u/BootStampingOnAHuman)

Picked from 2 eligible links submitted today. Suggest tomorrow's tune.

Submitted June 01, 2019 at 08:00AM by SteamieBot

Saturday, June 1st

Today is:

  • Dare Day

Dare Day is a day dedicated to daring people to do things they normally wouldn’t do. The origins of Dare Day are unclear, but a formal Dare Day has been celebrated in Manteo in Dare County, North Carolina since 1976.

  • Dinosaur Day

Today we celebrate those large, extinct reptiles: dinosaurs. Scientists believe they first appeared about 245 million years ago, at the beginning of the Middle Triassic Epoch, and existed for about 180 million years, going extinct about 66 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous Period. The period when they lived is called the Mesozoic Era. During this time they went through many changes, and various species of dinosaurs replaced other species. Some dinosaurs were bipedal, meaning they walked on two legs, and some were quadrupedal, meaning they walked on all fours. Some switched back and forth. Some were covered with feathers, while others had what was almost like body armor. Some ran fast, and others were slow; most were herbivores, but some were carnivores. There were at least 700 species of dinosaurs, and possibly more than 1,000.

There were big biotic changes at the end of the Cretaceous Period, and many other animals and plants died at that time as well. There are many theories as to why dinosaurs died out, including disease, heat waves, cold spells, changing sea levels, a large amount of volcanic activity, the emergence of egg-eating mammals, or from X-rays from an exploding supernova. One other common theory is that an asteroid smashed to earth, spread ash widely, and shifted the earth's climate. However, it is not believed that all dinosaurs died out at the same time. Rather, it is believed they had been declining during the last part of the Cretaceous Period. Scientists also believe that some dinosaurs may have evolved into birds.

Richard Owen, an English anatomist, came up with the word "Dinosauria" in 1842. The word comes from the Greek word "deinos," meaning terrible or fearfully great, and "sauros," meaning reptile or lizard. He applied the term to three animals that fossilized bones had been found of over the previous few decades. The remains came from reptiles that were both larger and had more vertebrae than any found before. The earliest known published record of dinosaur remains was in 1820, and many fossils were found in the 1820s and 1830s. Many other kinds of dinosaurs were found in the years following the 1842 naming as well. Fossils of dinosaurs have now been found on all seven continents.

  • Don't Give Up The Ship Day

Don’t Give Up The Ship Day commemorates the enduring words alleged to have been uttered by Captain James Lawrence of the USS Chesapeake as his ship was being taken over by the British and he lay mortally wounded on June 1, 1813. Although Lawrence had orders not to engage in battle, he met the HMS Shannon close to the shores of Boston. The ensuing battle was the bloodiest frigate fight of the War of 1812, and the ship was lost to the British. Under normal circumstances Lawrence would have been held responsible for his defeat, but instead he died a hero and his words have lived on. The phrase became the unofficial motto of the Navy, and two months after the Chesapeake’s loss, the USS Lawrence set sail in its captain’s honor. The Captain of the Lawrence, Oliver Hazard Perry, had the ship’s mast emblazoned with the phrase.

  • Drawing Day

Drawing Day was started in 2008 with the purpose of “making some noise worldwide for the sake of art.” This day is about remembering the love we have for making and viewing all kinds of drawings. The goal of Drawing Day is to get a million drawings made all around the world on this day.

  • Flip a Coin Day

Flip a Coin Day is a day when all decisions can be made at the flip of a coin. The origin of the holiday is not known, but coin flipping itself dates back to Julius Caesar, who is said to have flipped a coin when the right choice was unclear. His image was on the heads side, so this was the right or “yes” side of the coin. “Navia aut caput”, meaning “ship or head”, became a coin flipping game in ancient Rome. Later in England, the game became cross and pile, and in the United States as Indian or Wheat, named after the two sides of the Indian Head penny.

  • International Children's Day
  • Heimlich Maneuver Day

Dr. Henry Heimlich came up with the Heimlich Maneuver in 1974. Also known as abdominal thrusts, this procedure is used to dislodge food and objects from the throat of a choking person. As the American Red Cross claims over 3,000 deaths are caused by choking each year, celebrating Heimlich Maneuver Day is an important way to raise awareness and help save lives. The origin of the day is unknown.

  • Global Day of Parents

On September 17, 2012, the UN General Assembly proclaimed that Global Day of Parents would be held on June 1st each year. This day was made to honor parents throughout the world for their commitment to children.

  • National Black Bear Day
  • National Bubbly Day
  • National Cheer Coach Day
  • National Family Recreation Day
  • National Go Barefoot Day
  • National Hazelnut Cake Day
  • National Pen Pal Day
  • National Olive Day
  • National Nail Polish Day
  • National Pineapple Day

In a salad, in a drink, or on a pizza, there really is no place where pineapple can't be used. That's perfect, because today is National Pineapple Day, and we want to enjoy as much of it as possible!

Pineapple is native to the tropical and subtropical parts of the Americas. The first written references to it are attributed to Christopher Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, who found it in the West Indies. Natives were not only eating pineapple at the time, but were also using it to make wine. The Europeans gave the fruit the name they did because it resembled pinecones.

The Portuguese helped spread it around the world. They brought it to the island of Saint Helena shortly after they arrived there in 1502. They then brought it to Africa, and then to India by 1550. By the seventeenth century, pineapple was growing in most tropical areas of the world. Today, the biggest producers of pineapple are Brazil, Costa Rica, China, India, the Philippines, and Thailand.

The pineapple fruit ripens in about 5 or 6 months after flowering starts, and it weighs between 2 and 4 pounds. Some of the main health benefits of pineapple are on account of bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that is found in its core. Bromelain is anti-inflammatory, a digestive aid, a muscle relaxant, and a fighter of tumor cells. So there is no need to temper the amount of pineapple you eat today—it's good for you!

  • New Year's Resolution Recommitment Day
  • National Trails Day
  • National Prairie Day
  • Turtle Races Day
  • Stand For Children Day

On June 1st, 1996, the Children’s Defense Fund organized the largest demonstration for children in US history. It took place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where over 300,000 people were in attendance. Out of this event came an annual Stand For Children Day, as well as a non-profit group called Stand For Children. By the second year, over seven hundred events were held in all fifty states. Throughout the years children have been helped on this day in ways such as these: they have been the recipients of donated books, clothing, and food; they have been enrolled in healthcare programs and had healthcare screenings, and playgrounds have been built for their benefit. The main focus of the group Stand For Children has been education. The group has not been without controversy, and criticism has sometimes been directed at it for a perceived closeness to business ties, as well as its education policies.

  • Say Something Nice Day
  • Oscar The Grouch Day

This day celebrates Oscar the Grouch’s birthday, the day on which he is the grouchiest. Episode 3,866 of Sesame Street revealed that Oscar’s birthday was on June 1st, and many characters celebrated Oscar’s birthday on the episode. Oscar does not want a happy birthday, and bets Telly that no one will be able to do something grouchy for his birthday. Throughout the episode various characters bring Oscar gifts, and do so in a grouchy manner. Maria reads him a poem that says “Happy greeting to you, irritating Grouch. Have a rotten day from here on out!” Big Bird brings him a gift but doesn’t say anything to him then or the rest of the day. He receives a box that has no gift in it, and is given a chicken and mint pie with sardine frosting. He hits a garbage can piñata that breaks garbage onto him, and is treated to a rendition of “Grouchy Birthday to You!” Oscar sees he was mistaken and his friends can give him a grouchy birthday. But, Telly then gives him hugs and kisses. Oscar thinks the best thing about birthdays is you don’t have to celebrate them for a whole year after they happen.

  • Wear a Dress Day
  • World Milk Day

Happy Celebrating

Submitted June 01, 2019 at 02:52AM by NotJ3st3r

There is a sound that falls on deaf ears [Part 2]

Okay, so this is just a quick update. Also this will be the title for the rest of this series of events.

As I expected, the school was open today, it’s lunch time and I’m in the break room writing this. My head still has a grand aching feeling, it’s hard to concentrate.

I feel as though my suspicions have been something of the imagination. The dream I had last night helped me draw to this conclusion. Though I’m sure there are better things for you to do, I feel I must get this dream, no nightmare, off my chest.

Firstly, in this so called dream, I had feeling. As in, I could feel the same cold night’s breeze which I was in last night. Though, this cold air felt more like hands. I don’t know how I imagined it as that, it just felt like the right word to describe how it felt. There was a sensation of multiple cold hands, wrapping around me. Almost like I had something they wanted. Unlike before I could scream, so that’s what I did. Scream. It felt like I was one of the children, the same children who had unhinged jaws as they bellowed those screams, the same children who had tears that never seemed to stop.

My screams kept on going into the void, I couldn’t see anything but I could feel those cold hands. Those Icy hands. Suddenly, I couldn’t scream. It was the same thing that had been breathing on me before, it came and vanquished, is the only word I can describe what it did. It vanquished those ice hands, that cold air was seemed to be replaced by a warm breath of what stood before me. It was tall, very tall and slender. Mind you, this creature was no Slenderman. It’s face seemed to be disoriented, almost like it was a mass of ooze, although, it’s face also look it was in the shape of fire. The only facial feature was a smile, a smile of a madman. One who only wanted one thing, obsession over whatever thing. I didn’t know what that thing was, though it felt like I should know. Another thing that had stood out was the figure not wearing any clothes, although it had the outline of a human, it was all just a black void, no flesh. It had inhumanly large fingers that had ever so long nails to accompany it. All black, except those gleaming white rows of teeth.

I would say when writing this, when I think about the details I remember, it feels more real, but I heavily doubt that.

There was one part in this dream that seemed scarier than everything else I witnessed, perhaps to the point that I forgot what was going on. Usually, these figures of mystery attack, or at least say something. Alas, I couldn’t speak, my mouth though moving in the way to at least form sound was silent, as if it fell on deaf ears. The figure did the same, it seemed to mouth something, though no words formed. I wish I could tell you what it said, however, I couldn’t tell what it had said. I was just watching it’s loose jaw travel up and down in a talking movement, unhinged like the children, though I could tell it was still smiling.

It moved. One step at a time, it moved, close and closer. I didn’t. I stayed still, doomed by whatever this monster wanted to do to me. At this point in time, I had forgotten it was a dream, the feeling of imminent death was within this embodiment of fear. As it finally stood in front of me, it loomed over me, smiling down. I greeted that smile with widening eyes, a mouth that wanted to scream. What happened next though, it’s the most frightening thing that I could ever dream of. It placed its hand on my shoulder, it was warm. It was so warm. I cried so hard. It’s warm touch felt like something you would feel when being consoled or from someone you love, more of a familiar one rather than a romantic one. I felt like a child, I just closed the distance and hugged this demon. Crying into it’s lower stomach, as it was so tall it was the highest point I could lean my face against. I felt like a child who had just been scolded, hugging its parent for forgiveness, or maybe too full of guilt. I couldn’t tell.

It embraced back with its long arm, the other had started patting my head as I cried harder, it’s long nails combed my hair in a nice way. I remember it finally letting go, kneeling down to my level. One hand on shoulder, still consoling me. It’s smile then widened which I could barely see through my blurred vision. I think fear once again took over, as I was about to speak again, it’s hand, in one swift motion tore through my throat, finding what I think to be my vocal cords and grasping.

I woke up grasping my throat, a cold sweat with tears. I was looking towards the mirror, seeing myself with that horrified look. This was around 4am, I spent the rest of my morning trying to calm down. If I’m feeling up to it, I may try and draw it at some point, mind the fact that I’m terrible at art.

Nothing else happened the rest of the day, that dream was just my imagination, something due to my headache. After all, no one else had weird dreams, not even the children in the incident yesterday. I felt like writing this down, the dream, would help me calm down. As I have typed this, the more confident I have become of how ridiculous it sounds. If another weird dream happens or any other strange anomaly happens I will inform you, for now though nothing else weird has happened. Though I’ve been having a bad feeling recently. Something will happen sooner or later, I’ll be writing things down throughout the day and seeing which ones seem to be out of the ordinary or relevant to these posts.

Update: so I decided to edit the draft since I can’t post within the 24 hour time so I’m going to update what had happened later.

I was talking to Ms B, she informed me something interesting related to the incident of yesterday. She was telling me that everyone who screamed said that apparently they heard something else being said at lunch time (my break). They didn’t know what was being said as everyone who did hear it were born fully deaf at least, so it was impossible to determine what had been said. This happened during my break and Ms B was a supervisor of the playground, so she had heard it first hand. So I only heard it from Ms B. I asked her if they had seen anything, I was just curious as I was wondering if maybe that figure had something to do with the incident, I did not expect for her to answer with something so unusual.

She had told me that a lot of students, the ones who had been screaming according to her, had a new imaginary friend. Although they claim to see this ‘friend’, the other students, the partially to not born deaf ones, claimed that it was just a game where they have a new friend. Though the screaming children were bent on this figure being real. Both me and Ms B laughed it off, though I did have an ominous feeling.

I feel like it’s the figure from my dreams, but it’s just a coincidence. Why would I see the imaginary friend from children with this headache of mine.

I will write another post to the series tomorrow, informing you all if anything new happens, but please keep in mind that these events are just due to my imagination, they simply can’t be anything of the supernatural. Well, I also feel like I typed this to convince myself rather than those of you who read this.

[Link to part 1]

Submitted June 01, 2019 at 01:08AM by Mikaloma

Best way to tell nail tech you’re not happy during service?

I went to my sister’s nail place today to get a fill instead of my own due to convenience (I’m visiting my parents for a few weeks, an hour from my apartment and regular place.) She insists they’re amazing and my place is overpriced. My place is rather famous on IG in our area but the nails are always perfectly shaped and perfectly thin. I pay 75-80 for a gel pedi and a UV fill (no frills, art, just basic square with gel polish) and today I paid $115 for a gel pedi and a UV fill and my nails are...not so good. They’re thick, not square, uneven, not flat (like thicker toward the tip) and she left excess CDN gel under one of the nails. She put three coats of polish on before top coat. I like a more natural look and it just looks like I have hunks of melted pink wax on my nails, super fake (meanwhile, the color is neutral pinkish-white, meant to be sheer, and she put so much polish on that they look pink pink.) She asked me for feedback on the shape and I was trying to explain they were too thick and bulky without coming off like a twat. She said she would fix as we went on. I tried a few times throughout to modify what was happening but the salon just became more and more crowded and she was not listening. I was just feeling rude. My toe nails also are really unevenly cut-so they won’t look as good in sandals.

I tipped her 20% but called back and spoke to the manager explaining I was unhappy and why. They’re going to fix them tomorrow so problem solved, but I just feel bad I couldn’t verbalize what I wanted as it was happening. How do you try to modify what you want to your nail tech without coming off rudely? No matter what place I go, I always feel like if I try to ask for something to be changed.

Submitted June 01, 2019 at 12:04AM by yuabrunobruno

[REQUEST][SWITCH][PHYSICAL] Hollow Knight Collector's Edition Pre-Order - A game filled with Bugs

(I exceeded the max amount of characters so the final parts of the request are in the comment done by me below.)

TL;DR I am a HUGE fan of Hollow Knight and now with the Collector's Edition out of Fangamers site I really want to own it but because of high shipping prices (which makes it go to around 130$ or more depending on how fast you want it shipped) there is no way for me to get it in any way,shape or form.

That is why I came back to this kind community. Even if this request doesn't get fulfilled I do not mind it at all. After all it is quite a huge one. ALSO huge spoilers for pretty much every aspect of Hollow Knight so if you do not want to get spoiled TURN BACK NOW.

Ok now onto the actual request.

Welcome back everyone to another one of my requests... Well this will be the last one that I will make on the subreddit. I feel that I have taken a bunch of amazing games out of here and with this last request I will stop doing it and will try to focus more on doing some giveaways. Now that that is behind us let me get into more detail.

Steam ID

Shipping address : We will talk about this in Steam chat or Reddit PMs if anyone decides to fulfill this request.

Collector's Edition link

Table of content

  • What is Hollow Knight

  • What is included in the Collector's Edition

  • The Wanderers Journal

  • The story of Hallownest

  • The cast

  • Gameplay mechanics and elements

  • Why do I want this edition

  • How long will I play it

  • Why can't I but it for myself

  • Final words


Well if you are not versed in the world of Indie games you might not have heard of this little gem/masterpiece that is Hollow Knight. Hollow Knight is a 2D Metroidvania platformer with quite simplistic movement and combat tools but with a story so intriguing that will let you want more (and we will get more with Silksong). In it's purest form the game is one where you can jump around and hit enemies with your sword, which is called a Nail, while exploring the vast Kingdom of Hallownest. The game itself might seem simple enough but after the first 2 areas it opens up so much more and while the story is told more through environmental clues once you start to piece it together it is one of the best feelings in the world.

As a Metroidvania game, once you think you are done and got everything in an area, you will come back later with more and better powers under your belt... The Knight doesn't have a belt though... Under your cape? I guess that works. There are hidden areas that can be reached after finding new powerups or learning new game mechanics (Like the downwards slash into spikes that let's you pogo jump off of them) and so you can find the deepest secrets in Hallownest. You will meet the interesting cast of Hollow Knight, which of course are (almost) all bugs, who will help or hinder the knight along it's mysterious journey in the dead Kingdom.

The art style and the music are phenomenal. The hand drawn 2D style that Team Cherry went for is simple but effective at the same time. You can easily distinguish each character and the environments that you are in by just looking around for a couple of seconds. If that is not enough, the music present in each of the areas (Made by Christopher Larkin) will make you know where you are in the world because every area has a totally different music track that can add a lot of flair and detail and even add to the story itself. The simplistic but effective art style and the good music design make the world of Hollow Knight be somewhat different from it's predecessors like the Metroid series or other Metroidvania games.

Then there is the Dark Souls comparison... *sigh*. Well this comparison is not that off when you stop and actually think about the main premise of the game : A wandering unknown "being" enters a dead Kingdom only to become it's savior. There is also the whole "when you die you lose your money but can get it back" kind of deal but in Hollow Knight the thing you need to kill to get the money back can actually fight. The difficulty itself is somewhat high. It truly depends on your experience with the genre and on how much can you resist backtracking from the last checkpoint to the area where you need to be.


First what is this Collector's Edition I am talking about. This is pretty much the ultimate version of the Hollow Knight game that any huge fan would love to own. It comes with a physical version of the game and a lot of other goodies that I will start listing and talking about in just a bit. Ever since I have heard that at one point there was a physical version (but was sold out by that time) I always wanted to be able to own Hollow Knight and to display it somewhere in my room.

Now onto the included goodies:

1)Gold Foil Collector's Box. This is the main box in which the game and the Brooch are stored (possibly all the other items too) and it looks real nice. The Pale King crown like spikes on the top part and the Monarch wing design coming out of the Brooch area are such a good touch. The box itself is white and has golden accents. Right in the middle is the area in which the Brooch is stored and displayed. The color scheme is quite interesting as it doesn't really follow the scheme of any of the updates that came out for the game in the past. It made its own scheme to go with the Collector's edition.

2) Knight Brooch & Stand. Now this is an awesome collectible to have. It is a decently sized Brooch with the Knight put right in the middle and with some golden designs in the backround. The Brooch comes with a stand too so you can display it without having to impale something. You can also display it in the box of the game itself or if you really want attach it to something and keep it with you. It also has a wall hook so my guess is that you can put it on a wall too which sounds interesting.

3) Quirrel Comic book. This is a small and interesting piece of lore. This comic was actually released in the past when the game first released as a pre-order bonus. This comic describes the way that Quirrel got back into Hallownest, Quirrel being one of the more mysterious characters until later in the game when you find out his origins.

Summary of the plot: An amnesiac Quirrel is traveling around the wasteland surrounding Hallownest when suddenly he hears a scream. He runs towards it, finds and helps Boon who is attacked by some feral bugs. After a shared meal and a while traveling together, Boon and Quirrel part ways as Quirrel goes in a different direction.

Exhausted he lays down and falls asleep. He has a dream that has been haunting him. A dream about Winding roads, misted caverns, drowning cities and lastly a door... With something bound beyond it. He wakes up and after more traveling he finally finds the first sings of the kingdom. He enters the Howling Cliffs.

Right before starting to climb he is stopped by Hornet who tells him to go back from where he came as Hallownest already had enough like him. After a small fight Hornet realizes that the mask on Quirrels head is an important part of the future of the kingdom so she lets him pass and tells him that someone might be waiting for him. As he climbs the cliffs he finally sees the first Lumafly lanterns that illuminate the area before Dirtmouth.

After this little prequel comic the next time we see Quirrel is in the Black Egg temple and from there we find out more about him and his past.

4) Gold-foil art print set: These are 4 artworks, each of a different character (Quirrel, The Hollow Knight, Hornet, the Knight) with a golden design on the top and bottom part of the artwork. They were made by Ahri Gibson, who is a member of Team Cherry, and they look amazing. I would love to display them on one of my walls in my room.

5) Physical game and case. This is quite standard with most collector's editions... Heh think about a collector's edition that wouldn't come with the game itself included.

6) The manual. Another basic need of a physical copy of most games is the game manual. It talks about the game itself and the basic gameplay that you need to know.

7) Fold-out map of Hallownest. This is a more artistic representation of the ingame Hallownest map. Another piece that would look amazing on a wall or somewhere similar. This is another thing that came in that old physical version that was made by Indiebox. The details on it are on point. Each of the games areas are represented perfectly on the map. The different colors compliment each other and are quite stunning.

8) Switch exclusive-Cleaning Cloth. This is a small piece of cloth with a bunch of characters done in golden and white line art with a bunch of other designs around them. The characters depicted are Zote, The Knight, Bretta, Myla, Cornifer, Quirrel, Grimm and Hornet. The backround contains the masks of the 3 Dreamers and a couple of Dream essences. It is a really nice design for a small cloth that you can take with you anywhere and even use it for cleaning. (but who in their right mind would actually use if form cleaning heh). This cloth is exclusive to the Switch version of the game.

9) Preorder bonus-Papercraft set. This little papercraft set will include a paper version/origami like version of the Knight, Hornet and a grub. The grub is so damn cute. Anything that has to do with gubs is cute... Unless we are talking about the mimics... The knight looks like a Minecraft skin because of the square head, but beacause it is paper it is hard to make a round shape. Hornet look the best out of the bunch and I do believe that they would look awesome on a shelf.


The Wanderers Journal is not part of the Collector's edition but it is a part of the Hollow Knight merchandise that I would love to have even if that would mean to trade the Collector's edition for this. Now you might ask what this journal is about. The Wanderers Journal is a hardcover 160 page book that presents a lot of details about the enviroments, enemies and characters of Hallownest. It was produced in collaboration with Team Cherry and created by Kari Fry and Ryan Novak who also made the Stardew Valley Guidebook. The book contains a comprehensive guide to all of Hallownest's varied environments. In it you can find friendly faces, fearsome foes, flora, fauna and fungi. It has a void-black faux leather cover with silver and blue foil that shines like a Lumafly Lantern and right in the middle it has an ingame representation of the Wanderer's Journal.

The presentation of the different areas and creatures is done with text and illustration that are in a similar but also different style than the one ingame. It really looks and reads like it was made by an adventurer that went through the kingdom and traveled it's most secret paths.

As I said a bit above, this is not a part of the Collector's edition but it would be lovely to get it even if it is in place of the Collector's edition.


The story at its most basic version is about a voiceless bug that enters the Kingdom of Hallownest and goes through the different areas without any reason other than a supposed call from somewhere in the kingdom. At one point, after you enter the City of Tears you learn about The Hollow Knight and it's sacrifice to protect Hallownest. A while later, in the Resting Grounds, you are banished to the Dream realm where you are helped by the Seer (who is a moth) to get out. After that, with the help of the Dream Nail you take out the 3 Dreamers, you go back to the Black Egg Temple, defeat The Hollow Knight and proceed to absorb the infection.

That was a version of the basic story of the game and what most people would experience on their first playthrough. After that there are a lot of other details and small things that you don't realize you your first playthrough.

In the beginning area the first boss uses the armor of one of the great knights that protected the kingdom before it fell. We don't know what happened to him. Hornet, who is the boss in Greenpath is actually the daughter of the Pale King (who's an douchebag) and Herrah (one of the Dreamers). She was conceived because of a bargain between the King and Herrah. The Knight who is quite mysterious and doesn't seen to think is a Vessel. A will-less, thought-less creature that does what it is told. He and thousands of others like him were created by the king to contain the Infection, but most of them were not Hollow enough, they were defective. As the king said "No cost too great". The infection is the doing of a god like being called The Radiance. She got pissed after the Pale King got into Hallownest and somehow made the bugs there forget about their original god. She resides inside of the Dream Realm but she is also trapped inside of The Hollow Knight.

There are also a lot of other smaller stories around the Kingdom like : Mylas infection over the course of the game, the small part at the end of the Hive with the fight with the Hive Guardian and the encounter with the Queen, the small details around the kingdom about the 5 Knights (including the corpses of 2 of them and 1, possibly 2, still alive), Zote/Quirrel with the times you meet them throughout your journey and a lot more.

What I love about the story of this game is that not everything has been told to you even after the true ending. The thing is that you also need to piece together some parts of the story. Take for example one of the rooms inside of the White Palace that contains a device to create Void constructs. That device could have been also used to create the Vessels but if you don't find the room and don't realize who created you after the cutscene when getting the void heart you might never know... Unless you look up the story online, which is understandable. I even tell some people that if they can't piece it together to just go online and find some story guides.


The Knight: Also know as Ghost and a bunch of other small titles is the main character that you play as. He is a small Vessel, a creature made of void, who can use a sword and soul in lethal manners. His pure black body is covered by a pearl white mask and a gray cloak. He is supposed to not have any will but this depends on if the actions of the player also count as what the Knight does or not.

The Hollow Knight: This is another Vessel. It is a fully grown one and the one which was supposed to be the perfect Vessel that could save the Kingdom from the Radiances infection. This plan failed because he was not as hollow as the Pale king was thinking he was. His attire is quite similar to the Knights (unless you face the pure version). When you fight him he is quite weakened and with the remaining bit of sanity that he has he seems to actually help us defeat him.

Hornet: Hornet (who will star in her own game soon) is what could be called a rival of some sorts to us. She tries to stop us a few times through the game but they were actually tests. She was defending the Dreamers in a way and the Kings Brand from those that she did not deem worthy. After fighting her a 2nd time and getting the Kings brand before killing Herrah you can see Hornet sitting next to her. An interesting detail that might not be canon anymore is that she was raised by 3 "queens". She was give birth by Herrah, raised by the White Lady and trained by Vespa.

Quirrel: His past is a mystery in the beginning. He can remember little snippets of the kingdom and just like you he is attracted to whatever was calling you to Hallownest. In reality he was a disciple of Monomon the Teacher, who gave him a mission to protect the one thing that could let him die. That thing is the mask that Quirrel wears on his head. Without that the Knight cannot kill Monomon. After helping the knight he says that he can feel his age and that his adventuring time is over... Afterwards he can be seen on the right bank of the Blue Lake. After leaving and re-entering the area you can only see his sword planted in the ground.

Cornifer and Iselda: They are a bug couple that will help you with all your mapping needs. Cornifer goes around the Kingdom and makes a rough draft of the areas he has been in and gives it to you for a fair price. Whenever you don't find him you will find a small card that tells you that you can get that certain map from Iselda. Iselda lives in Dirtmouth and will sell you any of the maps you have not found and a bunch of other useful tools for mapping. She also tells you that she misses Cornifer everytime he goes away and that she would love to pick up a nail again. After a certain point where you would have found Cornifer in all the areas he will be found sleeping in his bed above Iselda. Oh also BAPANADA heh.

Lemm: He is the guy who will by all the relics you find around the map of the game. Each relic will have a different sell price and after selling him 1, depending on what type it was, he will tell you a bit of lore. He is found in the starting part of the City of Tears and he can be accessed quite early. Once recommendation I have is not selling all your relics at a time as if you lose all your geo you will not have anything else to sell. If you interact with him while having the Dung Defender charm he will actually not want to buy anything from you and wants you out of his store.

Sly: Sly is the other shopkeeper in Dirtmouth. He will sell you more varied items ranging from charms to soul and health fragments. He does have quite a secret though. He is actually the Nail Sage. You find out about this after finding all of his disciples and learning their respective Nail arts. After that he will actually name you as the new Nail Master. In the Gods and Glory content pack you can also fight him when he is at his full power in one of the pantheons.

The Nailmasters: Oro, Mato and Sheo are the 3 disciples of Sly. They were trained in the way of the nail and each of them knows one of the 3 nail arts that you can learn. They were like brother before but a certain event that is only hinted to made them go their separate ways. Oro teaches the Dash Slash, Mato teaches the Cyclone Slash and Sheo teaches the Great Slash. Out of the 3 only Sheo actually put down his nail in order to become an artist and to paint but that doesn't make him less deathly as you can see in the pantheon of the artist.

Elderbug: He is the first NPC you will meet when you enter Dirtmouth and he will give you a few tips and tell you about the benches that can be found throughout the Kingdom and the fact that you can rest on them. Depending on what you have done to a certain point his dialogue will change accordingly. The only time he moves from his usual spot is when you activate the Grimm Troupe DLC and the tents appear in the town. On small detail that is quite lovely is that you can give Elderbug the flower that is given to you for a certain quest and that will give him more hope and make him realize that "Dreams aren't such bad things".

Myla: In a game about a dead kingdom there are quite a bunch of characters that are still alive. Myla is one of them and one with a short and quite tragic story that is not resolved. When you first meet her she happily swings her pick-axe at some crystals why singing and even invites you to join her. The dark part is that the more you advance in the plot, the more she becomes infected. Her singing is slower and of tune, her dialogue is creepier and her dream dialogue seems to be taken over by something that makes her want to kill. In the end she is overtaken by the infection and the next time you meet her she will attack you. It is not know that if you leave her alone and then defeat the Radiance she will be back to normal. I am hopeful that in Silksong we will get an answer.

The Ghosts, Dream Warriors and Dream Bosses: After obtaining the Dream Nail you will be able to see ghosts or memories leftover from dead bugs. Hitting them with the Dream Nail can will either make the disappear, will start a fight or will put you in the Dream realm where you fight a new version of a boss. They all give a bit of backround info about them or their surroundings and also some Dream Essence that helps you get more rewards from the Seer.


  • The Map: The map in this game is interesting in multiple ways. It pretty much is an upgradable map. The way in which this map works is that once you find Cornifer in an area for the first time he will sell you a rough draft of the map for that area. Once Iselda opens up the shop in Dirtmouth you will be able to buy a bunch of upgrades from her. You are able, but not obligated, to buy any of them as long as you got the geo. The map will not draw itself and you will need a Quill, you are not able to see yourself on the map without a compass (but if you are decent at overall navigation you can go and complete the game without it) and all of the little icons for different areas(like where benches or springs are or the new pins that you can use anywhere on the map to mark areas however you want) you need to buy. It is an interesting format and I really like it because if you really want, you can make a challenge out of this little mechanic by not getting any of the map upgrades other than the Quill.

  • The Weapon: You start the game with a weapon. A pretty small nail which might be from a human(?)... It is not sure if humans are canon in this universe. If you talk to Quirrel in the Temple of the Black Egg he hints at the existence of other weapons that you would get from the fallen heroes, adventurers and other bugs that met their death throughout the Kingdom but you do not find any new ones though. You can also upgrade your Nail with the help of the nailsmith. He is also hinted at by Quirrle right before you enter the Mantis Village. There are 4 upgrades to the nail. Each increase its damage. The last stage is called the Pure Nail and also unlocks an achievement. Your nail can attack in the 4 basic directions (up, down, left and right) and can be modified to have more range, to do more damage or even to work as a different weapon all togheter by using charms.

  • Spells: In the game you can find 3 different spells and each of them have an upgrade. Each use of any of the 3 spells will only deplete your soul meter by a third, so it doesn't matter which one you use as long as it is useful in your give situation. I still do not advise spamming them as you might need soul later for healing.

  1. The first spell you can find is the Vengeful Spirit. You get it after defeating the False Knight and talking to the snail shaman It is a fireball like projectile that is made out of soul. This spell can, depending on the enemies hitbox and your luck, hit the same enemy 2 or 3 times. This is a strategy used by speedrunners a lot of the time. This is the go to spell and one of the first that you can get upgraded to its empowered version. The upgraded version is called the Shade Soul and you find it in the Soul Sanctum (a sub area of the city of tears) after using a key on a locked door and defeating a miniboss. Its sprite and animation gain a void like makeover, it becomes bigger and it will do even more damage. The amount can and will also exceed the damage you can do with your nail, especially if you also use a spell focused charm build.

2) The second spell is called Desolate Dive. You get this after defeating the boss inside of the Soul Sanctum. It is pretty much a magical ground pound that will damage enemies in a certain area round you and will also help you open up new ways to go around the map (use the spell when the ground below you is shaking). Its upgrade is called Descending Dark. You find this inside of the Crystallized Mound which is found in the Crystal Peaks area. The spell becomes empowered by shadow/void powers and will get more area of effect and also more damage. An interesting thing about this spell is that you have some invincibility frames while in it.

3) The third and last spell is Howling Wraiths. This spell and its upgrade you will get pretty much last and almost when you are done with the basic playthrough. You get it in the Fog Canyon, inside of the Overgrown Mound. The spell once used will lock you in place while it shoots some soul like spirits above you in a cone shape. They can damage an enemy multiple times depending on if they are still in the hitbox or not. The upgrade, Abyss Shriek, is acquired in the Abyss. If you go to the left when at the bottom of the abyss you will find a room. If you use Howling Wraiths in it you will gain the upgraded version of the spell. Mainly it will just do more damage than before. I am not sure about a changed duration of it.

  • Upgrades: There are 10 character upgrades that can be obtained throughout the game. Most of them can actually be skipped, but this is done mostly by speedrunners, as some part of the game can be skipped. Some of these upgrades are quite cliche to a Metriodvania game but there are also some that are quite unique. The 10 upgrades are :

- Mothwing cloak (Allows the player to dash left or right);

- Mantis Claw (Allows the player to cling and slide down walls and also jump off of them);

- Crystal Heart (Allows the player to do a super dash that will go on until you hit a wall or an enemy);

- Monarch Wings (The basic Double jump that most games in this genre have);

- Isma's Tear (You can now swim in acid and access new areas by extension);

- Shade Cloak (Your first dash will now allow you to pass through enemies and their attacks+ some certain barriers. This - needs to recharge before using it again);

- Dream Nail and the Awakened version (They allow you to read peoples mind and sometimes go into the Dream Realm to either fight bosses or for one hard platforming challenge);

- Dreamgate (Allows you to place down a small gate at which you can come back at any time by spending 1 essence point).

- The Dash and Shadow Dash can also be altered by certain charms.

  • Hunter's Journal: In this journal you will be able to find information and the parts of the backstory of all the enemies that you will fight and defeat in the game. It is give to you by the Hunter after he becomes surprise that even after his quite scary roar you still approach fearless. The reason that it is not completed already (especially because you get it from a powerful hunter) is that you can only decipher it as you hunt and understand your "prey" more and more. There might also be parts that you as the Vessel write, because the Hunter would not know of such things like the Seal of Binding. After completing the Journal you can return to the Hunter and after a small boss like introduction he presents you the Hunters Mark that shows you that indeed you are the best hunter and have completed the Journal.

  • Masks and Soul: The soul mechanic in the game is quite interesting. In the top left, next to your masks (which we will talk about after explaining the souls system) there is a big ball shape. When you hit an enemy or a certain type of glowing statue, white liquid like essence will come out of them and fill up that spot. The spot can be used for 3 actions that can be healing or using one of your spells. It takes around 9 hits on an enemy for you to fill it up. You can also upgrade the amount of Soul you can hold in it by obtaining soul vessel fragments. You need 3 of them per upgrade and you can get 3 upgrades in total. Each upgrade will add 1 more use of your heal or spell.

The masks are your health. You can see it in the top left corner next to the Soul Vessel. You start the game with 5 of them but you can obtain more in a few ways. You can find 4 mask shards and then get a full mask, you can use certain charms that add different kind of masks or you can get blue temporary masks from Lifeblood Cocoons. You can replenish your white or yellow masks by holding down the spell button and using a third of your soul vessel. Healing can be upgraded to do more healing but to be slower or to just do the heals a bit faster than normal. The 3 types of masks are normal white masks, temporary Lifeblood masks that you get from Cocoons or from charms and the yellow honey/bee mask that once hit you can regenerate health but only if you do not get hit again. You get this from a charm that you obtain in the hive.

  • Benches: Benches are the checkpoints/save stations of Hollow Knight. Whenever you sit down onto one you will save the game, enemies will respawn and you are able to change your current charm loadout. They can be found in almost if not all of the areas, but sometimes they do require you to give a bit of geo or to unlock them in other ways. 2 benches that are unlocked differently are the one in the Crystal Peak where you fight the Crystal Guardian for the first time and the one in the hive which you need to destroy the wax that it is stuck in. The bench system as you see works quite similar to the bonfires in the Dark Souls series (other than there is no RPG leveling system in Hollow Knight... Unless you want to use a mod).

The enemy respawns can be annoying from time to time but it is also useful as you can farm as much geo as you want, be it 1000 or 999999. Once you get to the late game you will one shot most of the enemies.

  • Backtracking: Being a Metroidvania game, it needs to include quite a bit of backtracking to older areas. The real fun part of it is the way Team Cherry has created the world. During your journey through Hallownest you will open up certain shortcuts that you wouldn't think were possible. There are also a few systems in place to make backtracking less of a chore. They include a fast traveling system in the Stagways and the Dreamgate ability that lets you leave a gate anywhere and then return to that same place. Some people will be let down by the backtracking in the game but here is a small piece of advice : just go forwards until you can't anymore. After the 2nd area the game opens up so much more that you can get a bit lost from time to time but that is the fun of this game. Getting lost in beautiful environments while listening to the music and wondering "What has happened to this kingdom".

  • Areas: There are a lot of areas in the game (and some of them also have sub-areas that are different than the main one but still have a lot to do with them lore wise) and if I would go ahead and talk about all of them it would take me days just to write it all. Each of the 15 areas in the game are hand drawn and made alive by the beautiful looking environment that is presented in each of them. From lush jungle like areas to a desolate and truly dead abyss this game has a bit of everything.

Each area has its own story to tell, like how Greenpath became this lush because of Unn (a huge slug) or how the denizens of Deepnest did not want to abide to the Pale Kings order and did not want him as ruler until Herrah got to an agreement. These stories are told either through NPC (like Midwife in the case of Deepnest) or through the area itself (In the case of Greenpath and the way it has become). Throughout these areas are enemies and NPCs that are tailored for that said area. The bugs in Greenpath seem to be covered in some sort of plant and some even in leaves while the bugs in the Kingdoms Edge seem to be more primal and ancient.

You can actually travel through the areas in almost any order. The only areas that you are required to traverse in a certain order are the first 2 or 3 (Forgotten Crossroads, Greenpath and maybe the Fungal Wastes). After that the only thing keeping you from going in any direction is the Lumafly lantern that you can get form Sly. This is another reason that I love the game for. It is open enough for you to have a different experience every time you play through the game.

  • Charms: Charms are a special type of item in Hollow Knight that give bonuses to the bearer. Charms use notches when equipped and can only be equipped while sitting on a bench. Charm Notches are required to equip Charms. Different charms require a different amount of free notches. The player start with 3 Notches and 8 more can be found throughout the game to be bought after certain requirements are met or to be collected after finishing certain tasks. If the player tries to equip a charm that takes more notches to equip than they have free at that moment, they will eventually equip it after 5 tries. However, the player will become Overcharmed. That is a stat in which the player benefits from all their equipped charms, but takes double damage. It can be quite dangerous to use this state but it depends on the situation. Take for example the Radiant boss version of any of the bosses inside Godhome. In there you die in 1 hit so overcharming does no harm.

A few of the effects of the different charms that you can find are : increased range on nail attacks, increased damage on nail and/or spell attacks, changing shape or gaining a shield while healing, healing faster OR slower and more at a time, gaining more masks and sometimes different types, thorns come out of you when you are damaged, a bunch of follower charms that spawn friendly creatures that damage your enemies etc. There are also some combination of charms that will alter the way some of the work. I do not believe I should spoil these but I will tell you that one of them transforms your followers into flying poop bombs... Sounds interesting enough right?


So from all of the things I have said to this point you might be thinking "Why does this guy want the Collector's Edition and for the Switch non the less? He seems to know a lot about the game so he already played it.". Well the reasoning is because I LOVE this game. I have put more than 100 hours in the game throughout a bunch of playthorough and I am in love with the whole story and concept of the game. I really want the Collector's edition because of all the goodies that it comes with. All the prints, the map, the case itself. So many awesome things to have as a fan of this game. Why the Switch edition? Soon (if I pass my exams with decent enough grades) I will be able to finally get a Switch after a couple of years of saving and trying to have my parents agree with it. I would be so grateful to have the game on the go so I can play it at any point of the day. Whenever I want to just hop in, get to a bench to another while on the bus in the morning or afternoon and then put the game back in its case and start again a bit later.

While I haven't followed the game ever since its first announcement when it got put as a Kickstarter project (which I am so sad that I couldn't support Team Cherry back then) I have been an avid fan of the game since its release. I went thought the game fully blind and avoided any playthoughs for the first year before I actually got the game. Since I finished it I have been lurking on the Discord and Subreddit of Hollow Knight, talking from time to time, but mostly seeing all the theories that people have come up with about the mysteries that remained even after we got the Godmaster Content Pack (which actually raised way more questions than it answered). I was left with my mouth open by some of the amazing artworks made by the artists of the 2 mediums and have been using Hollow Knight artworks and fan arts as my phone backround for quite some time.

In all honesty I am just a fan that can't afford to get this one version of the game... Now it is all up to you the reader if I really deserve the Collector's Edition or not.


I do not have any kind of sob story here and I have never liked them and do not like it when people fake one. I live in Romania. A country in which wanting to buy something from outside will make that item cost a lot more than it would normally. For us 1 euro is equal to 4.84 ron (the name of our money). That and the fact that transport is between 30$ and 60$, depending on how fast I want it to get here, it bring the total to somewhere between 130$-160$. That translates to 550 and 675 ron. That is a decent amount of money for me or my parents to spend and the thing is that whatever money I have saved up is saved up for expenses while I am in college and also put on the side if anything goes wrong in any way. I also can't really find a job because of my current college class timing and even if I could I would not be able to spend such a huge amount because of my parent and them not being ok with it. I barely convinced them about the Switch and even then they said yes only under certain conditions.

I have never been poor and always had my parents get the best for me. I was never a picky person when it comes to most things and what not. I do not mind if that person that would fulfill my request would only get me the basic physical edition for the Switch. I would be grateful either way and to be hones I am grateful even just by you the reader getting to this point and knowing that someone took their time to read through this huge wall of text. I am sorry for making it this big.

(I exceeded the max amount of characters so the final parts of the request are in the comment done by me below.)

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 08:32PM by Jexter11

Can someone try and point me in the direction of the last few completion percentages? It's the Voidheart Edition on Xbox One, if that matters


Mopping up my playthrough, and am at 107%. Here's everything I can think of that I've done so far (not sure What counts and what doesn't). I have:

  • Got 2 of the 3 endings involving the final boss (Radiance is kicking my ass)

  • collected every Grub

  • collected every charm (and Salubra's Blessing)

  • Upgraded the charms from Leg Eater at Divine

  • Fully upgraded my Nail, and completed the Nailsmiths "quest"line

  • Documented and "mastered" every creature, and gotten the Hunters Mark

  • Collected all Mask Shards/Vessel Shards

  • Defeated all Dream Bosses and Warrior Spirits

  • Did all the Grimm Troupe stuff

  • Did all Dream Trees (I think. I may double check this)

  • Successfully delivered the Delicate Flower

  • Completed all waves of the Coliseum of Fools

  • Upgraded all Spells and collected all Mail Arts

That's all I can think of that's relevant, although I may think of more. If someone could give me even the slightest idea, it'd be much appreciated. Does the Godhome stuff count towards the completion percentage? Or is that just extra stuff?

E: I've also completed the "questline" for The Seer. Going by the responses I've gotten so far, I'm assuming the remaining 5% is for beating The Radience, and for completing the Godhome shit

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 05:34PM by Janawham_Blamiston

What are the chances of another comeback before the Japanese debut?

I'll preface this by saying I'm super excited for their debut in Japan, just the teaser images alone got me hype. But I'm also starved for new content and having to wait like 2 whole months is killing me. If Cube decides to follow the pattern earlier in the year, they could have a comback near the end of June, but I'm not sure how likely that is. At the same time though, they don't really seem to have any new schedules for June so far, and there hasn't been much news from them in a loooonggg time, not even a V-Live, plus all the new hairstyles and nail art. There's also rumors of an Asia tour in July but I don't know how true that is. Any thoughts on the probability of another comeback?

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 06:17PM by shitlord33

👽💉🔣Queens of Code - Episode 1 - The Foundation PART 2🔣💉👽

The “Workroom” and by workroom I mean containment facility turned workroom is buzzing with life as the queen rush trying to figure out how to turn things that could kill them into a work of glam couture.

Cassandra - I don’t want to say Mari set me up, but I've pulled a plague doctor look and the last thing I want is to be read for being unoriginal.

Elle - So this is the 3 or 4th snake look I've done, I’m not saying I’m tired of snakeskin but I’m tired of snakeskin

Bridgette - Who the fuck is an SCP?

The queens are busy at work when all of a sudden the main doors swing open

We’re Back Bitches

Diana and Mary walk out from the door, surrounded by D-Class Personnel. They wear the faggiest shit they can, stuff that really screams, I host an online drag competition and I’m proud of that. “Hey Ladies, we're back to help you with some walkthroughs!” says Mary. “We aren't here to tell you if we hate your look or not, more so guide you on the right path and help you understand what we want to see”.

“Hey Hey Hey miss Anita, how is your herpes couture coming along,” Diana asks as she pulls up to Anita's table, it’s strewn with plenty of special effects makeup.

“Well, I’m thinking a something with plenty of boils, rotten flesh and other bodily assortments. I’m also planning a reveal of a brain, multiple arms and Multiple legs? I’m also wanting my look to have a high fashion edge!” She spurts out

“Well, I think the reveals take away from the high fashion edge because on one hand your giving us Alexander Mcqueen Runway and on the other hand your giving us special effects show” Mary replies back

“Huh, I guess, I just feel like that takes away parts of the SCP because-” Antia states

“Well good luck with that Anita!” Diana states cutting her off, as the two walk away

Anita - I’m not sure how to feel over that, It feels like they aren't feeling the reveals but I am, I’m not sure what road to take here...

“Hey Aurora, look like you have a lot of nature-esque materials here to work with? I didn’t know you got song of Genesis” Mary asks.

“Well I’m digging the environmental theme so my look is to show the scp’s influence on the deterioration of humans and human-made objects while showing the rest of nature to thrive. I planning. I want to do an emaciated full body look (paint my face in gaunt, paint on a ribcage or smth, the walk will sell it more too. basically nude, but use animals/nature that are thriving to cover parts. my thoughts on that were e.g. flowers over tit area, starfish or equivalent over tuck. these look beautiful against the decaying human.” Aurora replies back, a shot to her table shows the lack of a real “outfit”

“Well, I think in a challenge like this an outfit is necessary to not be in the bottom, this isn’t the time to pull out the body paints. Another issue I’m seeing is the issue I had with some other girls is keeping the key visuals of the SCP’s, ie textures, shapes, colours. So I think your idea is good, there just needs to be more of an "outfit" and a bit more of the actual appearance of the scp” Diana replies back

“okay okay, I have some thinking to do hahaha. thanks!!. I hope to pull it out of the bag and become a fashion queen!” Aurora chimes back with.

“Good luck girl, can’t wait to see how this turns out”, Mary says before the two walk off, the camera stays on Aurora who pushes her current stuff to the side and slams down on the table.

Aurora - Thought process, check. Outfit idea, girl, let’s star that part over.

Bella’s table has a lot of religious imagery as well as gold and black. “Hey Bella, how is your look coming along” Diana Questions

“Well, everyone is saying I have the hardest scp, but I found it quite easy to gain inspiration from it, It’s super interesting and I have a vague idea of what I’m doing. I think I’m going a Pietá look but heavily distorted” Bella replies back

“I think this sounds good, You're taking a key theme and elaborating on that, which is great! I really can’t wait to see you tie in the noose ;) to the look” Mary states

“Umm what noose?” Bella asks

“Bye good luck, don’t fuck it up, bye” Diana and Mary say walking away

Bella - Well that went positive, I really would like an early win this week.

Bridgette's table is empty, spare a felt hat. “Hey Briagattoni, how is the look coming along?” Mary Asks

“Umm well I…. Have a concept... “ She replies back

“Which is…?” the hosts ask her.

“Well, I have a felt hat, with ruffles and some rocks? Very lucy fur. May something to do with weeping angels?” she says back

“Okay this headpiece isn’t working for me, it’s too bulky and the weeping angels don’t make sense to me. Try looking at the actual… SCP “ Diana says back

“Yeah aha okay, let’s…. Try that” Bridgette says as she throws the felt hat to the ground

Bridgette - This isn’t good. I can see why the judges aren't the biggest fan, I’m just back at square one and we-

Cass’s station has a decent amount of red, style printed fabrics on her table, as well as flowers. “So… this is an interesting set of materials, what are you thinking?” asks Diana

“Well, I was thinking plague doctor meets…. Day of the dead? Like a Mexican take on it…” Cass says

“Huh, Well, The challenge was more get a culture take on an scp and less… merge two concepts together? If you get me? I’m not saying don’t do it, but it might be too derivative from the key idea” Mary replies back

“I can see, I’m just thinking about how to make it more unique and less “just a plague doctor”, I’ll figure something,” Cass says

“Good luck girl! Don’t fuck it up” Diana says as they walk away. Cass looks stumped

Cassandra - I feel confused on what to do, I really think I’m missing one aspect more than the other here.

The girls pull up to era’s table, filled with a lot of religious and cosmic imagery. “Hey Era, how are you find this challenge?” Diana Questions.

“Well I have an idea, but it rests on a concept and I really want to make sure it ties into the scp. This SCP always gives me the Vibe of cosmic horror, mixed with a bit of glamour and religious imagery, so I wanted to run with that and do a look where I reimagine the Virgin Mary as a cosmic threat.” Era Replies back.

Diana and Mary both pull a questionable face at it, with many asking “Okay, well it’s a good idea but just remember we want some form of visual resemblance, say colour, texture or shape, to the actual SCP. Don’t get too caught up in the symbolism if you get me”

Era turns to say “I’m planning on taking stained glass elements from the look and playing with it, I think the concept works because it’s on brand, well for me at least”

“Well, umm, good luck with that girl. Can’t wait to see how it turns out” says Diana as her and mary walk away

Erathatelle - Well the girls gave me some feedback, but I’m really just sticking with my guns on this. I love my idea and I think it will work. I’ll show you! I’ll show you all! MUAHAHAHA

Kitties Corner (heheheh) is coated in green fur and a selection of natural objects. “So how is it coming along, kitty,” asks Mary.

“Well, I feel inspired by the whole constant exposure to the song grows fungus all over people's bodies idea and decided to base my look around mushrooms. Specifically paracest.” She replies

“The pokemon?” Diana stares confused back

“Well yeah, I’m thinking a mossy gown with green skin and mushrooms growing out my head.”

“I think it’ll lay in the execution this look, I’m really excited to see the final product,” says Mary before they walk off

Kitty - Well, I know I have good ideas, I just struggle with getting them out my brain and on to the mannequin. Unnghh, let's hope this time is different.

“Hey Mari, how are you doing?” Asks Mary. Her table is covered in scraps of metal work and plating

“Well I feel glad that I got to pick out who got what, I just wish I tried to stump the better girls more hehe” replies Mari

“Ohh that's good, now tell us about your look this week? You picked your own SCP, are you happy with it?” Diana Chimes in

“Well, I think this one suits me and my style the best, so I hope it works out for me. My idea is to do a lolita, steampunk look, I want to look like I’m becoming one with the machine, so I’m thinking a gold/copper outfit with wires and metal popping through my body” she replies.

“Huh, I think that sounds really good, a lot of it comes down to the makeup over the look, so it is really about the execution here” Mary replies

“Well luckily selling looks is my talent, thank you ladies” Mari Sates

“Okay, well good luck this week! And If you fuck it up, it’s 100% your fault!” Diana says as she walks across to the next table

Marianna - I feel confident, I really hope the judges eat it up as much as they did here

“So Princest, you’ve struggled with look challenges in the past? What are you thinking this time” asks Mary

“Well, I think I have a clear inspiration with [REDACTED], something that’s heavily covered in black fringe, and by a possible facekini?” Princest asks

“So I think you have good ideas, you just struggle to get them down, so I think the execution is key here, I’m excited to see how it looks when finalised,” Diana says before the two walk away

Princest - Look challenges aren't my strong suit, so I’m hoping for the best this week. There’s some optimism about my look which is helping me a bit.

The girls pull up to rains station, there’s a mess of wires and fur strewn around her. “Hey rain, so you were assigned one of the more vague SCP’s? How’s it coming along” Diana asks

“Ok so like... I want to come out with a bone mask on and then like a raggedy dark long wig and shit right and initially the look is just this big like ominous cape , anyway so since the whole deal is that the SCP is from like an app, while on the runway I would drop the cape to reveal an outfit underneath, lined with like electronic wiring and shit and then I would remove the mask and I’d have makeup underneath with the same sort of digital concept, coloured wires painted across my face etc, but the makeup would also maintain a skeletal aspect and then if possible I’d like to enter the runway through a mirror frame. Yeehaw” Rain Rambles.

“Okay, well I think the concept is cute, You just need to make sure that reveal is high fashion and couture, that's what we're wanting. The mirror feels a bit too much almost like we're going to much into gimmick territory” Mary Replies.


“Okay then good luck with it, Excited to see what you come up with this week!” Mary says back as the two walks over to the last and finale table

Rain - I feel much better after that walkthrough, I feel a win coming.

“Hey miss Satina, how is your tragedy coming along, we can’t push you this time,” asks mary

“Well, I think, and I know you're both going to pop off, but I am planning something costume…”

“Didn’t we say exactly not to..” Diana interrupts before satina cuts her off again

“Well my SCP is a play and I’m doing a look based on the kings daughter, Alinda. I’m adding some chains, blood, you know a dick of death hehe”

“Well… I think it’ll be interesting to see uwu, good luck!” Mary adds before the two walk away

“So ladies, that was all terrible, the fact you chose to -” Mary states before Diana cuts her off “We like to joke ahahaha, but ladies tonight joining us on the judging panel is the one and only, Del O’Ryan and some bitch named kornacopia. Good luck and don’t fuck it up.

Bridgette - Oh my gosh that’s Del O’Ryan! Acclaimed 4th place on RDR5 and a professional in serving gender crises repacked as runways! OMG that's Kornacopia! She was on RDRAS at some point!

Era and Rain are working on there looks in a corner of the room. “I wouldn’t work with the stretch fabric if I were you, it’s hooker fabric, and yes I am fabric shaming you” says era after seeing rains outfit. “Well, why would I take advice from you?” Rain snaps back. “Point out one bad look I’ve pulled,” era says with more inflexion in her voice. “Huh, what seasons you even been,” rain says and she turns around.

Erathatell - Oh but she really wants to fight

“I’ve been on three fucking seasons and smashed all of them, so please fucking elaborate on where my looks have been shit” Era snaps back as the girls start to draw attention to themselves. “Your Dragula was burning was shit, your Miss Universe was shit, you shit” rain says. “Didn’t stop me fucking winning bitch, you can’t say they're objectively bad, I think it’s your taste that’s the -” Era says before rain cuts her off with a “Well I said what a said, #erawasrobbed never took of for a reason”. “Do you think your two forced wins given to you by miss child fiddler UK makes you more qualified than me?” Era shouts. “Listen I’m done with this, you asked me to point out where I think your shit and I did,” says Rain before storming off.

Bridgette - Can they stop giving Diana material for the episode god

Marianna - I asked Diana if could be carried in by d-class personnel, she said no :(

The girls are busy putting the finishing touches on their looks and getting prepared for the runway, Antia asks “What was the fight about yesterday? Like there’s no need to go at it, It’s childish if you ask me, also stretch fabric is good if you have big tittes just saying”. “Well it was nothing big, it was just a petty-” era beings before rain buts in with “We were just having a kiki it’s no big deal”. “Can you stop cutting me the fuck off it’s annoying” Era shouts back, “Girl you need to stop getting so worked up it’s pissing me off how sensitive you're being to this shit, I only callled you a hooker” Rains snaps at her. “You know what… I’m done” Era says as she storms off, the room goes eerily silent.

Anita - Ann I oop…

Rain - I think era is overreacting to this whole thing, she just needs to chill the fuck out for once

“So… um.. How is everyone's looks coming along?” Aurora asks hesitantly. “Well, I think you're a fucking bitch for asking… jk. I did a look based on paracest, I like my look, Idk how well it fit” replies kitty. “Oh fuck work, I’m really happy with my extra limb couture, nothing like a kick of skin rot to gag the children,” says Anita while drawing boils on her face. “I still don’t know who the fuck an scp is tho?” she throws in while laughing. “Oh girl I did some high fashion shit this week, Idk how it went,” says Bridgette.

Era walks back into the workroom and takes a place at the mirror. “I’m fine, I just want to move past it”

Erathatell - Rain has been getting on my nerves lately, tbh i was going to quit there but you know what, no. I’ll show her.

The camera cuts over to kitty, sitting in the corner, looking like the shits been scared out of her, Cass is sitting next to here talking about there looks. “I’m convinced I’m bottom two this week, I’ve definitely got the worst look here,” Kitty says to cass before she shouts over her “No, I have the worst look this week, I’m in the bottom”. Antia walks over and tells cass “If you're in the bottom I’ll pull a SCP-173 on Diana”. Kitty breaks down into tears over her look, “I’m just really bummed out over this, it feels like shit looking at all your looks and I feel like I’m going home”

Kitty - I know looks aren’t my strong suit but I really wanted to do well here, I was so excited for my look this week

“Kitty your look wasn’t that bad kitty, you make it sound like the worst look on the runway tonight” Anita throws in. “Idk If I want to continue with this, it always ends up like this” she replies as she walks out the workroom, Anita chasing her screaming “You aren't doing this again!!! Not this time bitch!!”

Kitty walks back in, “Sorry for doing that to y’all, I really just had to get that out”. “Kitty you looked stunning, If anyone should be worried about bottoming, it’s me this week.” Era says

Erathatell - I’m known as a look queen, and I feel like I’ve let everyone down with my look this week

“Girl your bottom is like everyone's else's safe sit the fuck down” Antia tells her. “I feel like I haven’t spoken a lot to everyone here, what's your name sweetie?” Princest says as the girls erupt into a full screech. “Well, I’m the gender fluid drag child of Angie apathy, Anita dragname, but you can just call me your’s Pinterest” Antia replies back, “no call the bitch a whore” rain shouts.

Princest - Well I’ve always felt like an image sharing site from the start

“So did you think my choices were fair this week?” Mari asks the girls. “You sabotaged me!!!! iF i’M bOtToM iT’S Ur FaULt!!!!” Kitty screeches back. “I think the only person Mari truly sabotaged was herself, looking like miss metallic boo boo the fool over there” Says Bridgette, in a playful but shady tone.

Marianna - I’ll give her a fake laugh, only one she’s getting this season

“But seriously, I don’t think she was shady with her assignments, but there didn’t seem to be much logic or reason behind the assignments.” Rain adds in as Bridgette throws in a nods of agreement”. “If I’m bottom I’m blaming that Asian whore Anita!” Cass says with a matter of fact tone as everyone glares at her. “I’m kidding…. Kinda”.

Cassandra - That's my two minutes of airtime up

“To be Honest, I love all your looks this week, but Antia yours is my definite favourite”Auroa chimes in with, “Well I loved your’s as well hehe,” Anita says. “Tbh I think us as girls are all in agreement that antia is the winner this week” Satina throws in, before era cuts her off “On a scale from 1 - 10 how likely am I in the bottom - ”


The room screams in tangent, “oh… okay then” finished era. The girls have a laugh as intertwined with them doing their makeup and rushing around finishing there looks, shots of Bella eating a ham sandwich in full black makeup is show

Bella - What? a bitch gotta stay fed

MSMSMSM by SOPHIE is blasted as the metallic, clinical runway is absorbed in white static light. Diana walks out, wearing the same blood red fur mermaid gown, with acrylic shards. Her skin is painted in a crystalline red, and she has the same headpiece on. She’s serving SCP-009, Red Ice eleganza.

”Welcome to the Current main stage of Queens of Code! Hosted by the lovely site-19 in the [DATA EXPUNGED].”

” Flashback Mary, are you SCP-173? Because nobody can take their eyes off you”

“Well, I do threaten them with a little bit of violence first, SKSJSKJSKJS”

Del O’Ryan, We can’t wait to hear your opinion on our girls [REDACTED] looks”

“Girl, the only thing that I have [REDACTED] was that Glass & Parton Lip sync”

Kornacopia, Is it true that you have been channelling SCP-2912 throughout your online drag career?

“Yes, I am boo boo the fool :(“

”Tonight we asked the girls to serve their best SCP inspired Couture, Whores! Start your engines! And may the best ██████ Win!”


“Great work this week ladies! I’m excited to say, nobody bombed! Now If I call your name, please step forward”

Aurora Coral

Bella Esmerelda


Elle Crimsion



“You are all… Safe. Now safe doesn’t mean nothing here, some of you did great work this week and almost missed out on a stop at the top… others were closer to the bottom. This will be reflected in your scores. You may go to the back of the stage”

“So let’s start out with Anita Dragname.So firstly, The reveal is much improved from what we saw in your walkthrough, it’s streamlined to one big reveal that makes a lot of sense, It works, It tells a story, It adds to the look as a good reveal should. I Enjoyed you taking inspiration from Russia, It worked with the SCP and It showed your ability to combine aspects of the scp in a high fashion way. The Preveal look is very uniform, I enjoyed the flesh tones in the collars coming into this Stalin esque look, However, It felt if you fell into the trap of dressing up as the SCP in some ways.” Diana says

“Hey Anita! So firstly, The reveal is much improved from what we saw in your walkthrough, it’s streamlined to one big reveal that makes a lot of sense, It works, It tells a story, It adds to the look as a good reveal should. I Enjoyed you taking inspiration from Russia, It worked with the SCP and It showed your ability to combine aspects of the scp in a high fashion way. The Preveal look is very uniform, I enjoyed the flesh tones in the collars coming into this Stalin esque look, However, It felt if you fell into the trap of dressing up as the SCP in some ways,” Mary adds in

“I really liked how you incorporated the origin of this SCP, with the Russian winter attire. I personally don’t care for salmon, but the color scheme as a whole was cohesive. I was waiting for you to amp it up, and at first the blood underwhelmed me, as I’ve seen that done numerous times before. But, when you took the coat off, I lived.” Korn says

“Moving on to Miss Briagattioni Ravioli. Large Scale improvement from the walkthrough, like vast. I love seeing the approach you took with this look and taking advice with removing bulk from the headpiece. I guess this is the opposite of my water look, because now your pandering to all my favourite things, modern art, comme des Garcons, Japanese inspired design techniques. I love the inspiration and the look is high fashion, it’s runway ready, it something I would want to wear. You had a real challenge, with an SCP that doesn’t fit your style and it is to most iconic scp of all time, and you really picked up and delivered. It might just be because this is literally a lot of things I love rolled up into a look but I am Obsessed.” Diana states

“Bridgette without a gown?? Something isn’t right. I really loved your approach to this: how you took just a couple minor details of your SCP, coupled it with high-fashion inspirations, and turned out a great look. The rock-inspired color palette is gorgeous, I love the unconventional shape of the kimono, and the rock/glitter headpiece is to fucking die for. I do worry that, realistically, this might be a bit difficult to pull off given time constraints, but that’s not too much of a distraction from how captivating this look is.” Korn throws in

“Hewwo! I’m a big kid now! Uwu. To start, I think you did a great job representing your SCP. Even with your walk making the scraping sounds I thought that was a nice touch. On to your outfit, I thought was a total serve. I thought the headpiece with the waving thing going on was super fucking cool paired with that kimono and that pattern I thought it was all super edgy super fun and super fashion. The Japanese influences scattered throughout were amazing. I think it was a little deviation from the original SCP, but I didn’t mind cause it all tied back together and honestly your original SCP looks like that one baby thing from Toy Story that's all fucked up so kudos to you for making it high fashion. The only part I didn’t really get was the choker with the steel wire and stone, I know it was a nod to your SCP but I think you did everything else so well that this wasn’t really needed. The hair was fine, but I think something like a straight pulled back black wig would have tied in the japanese aspects together better and would have been more effective. Overall, great job!!” Mary says

“Hey Erathelle! You were worried this week, so let's start with the positives, a Really visually stunning look, you really took every part of your scp and made it work. The stained glass and exploding star motifs, the galaxy print, the crystals. All really stunning because I love shiny things. The way you incorporated the themes of the look is really great, I think you transferred your ideas that you mentioned in the walkthrough really well. I’m an absolute sucker for galaxy print, irradecents and gemstones, so I’m currently in love and thinking about how shimmery this look would be under the light. I don’t understand the growth on your legs? Is like covering both? is it on one leg? Just refine the writing style. Overall, A stunning week!”

“Hey Era, omg!! I really thought yours was the coolest SCP to work with and I think you did it justice. At first when you walked out, I was like girl what the fuck, armor? But damn you really sold me. I thought the colors of the galaxy along with the metal were a cool and interesting way to contrast themes and ideas, and the halo on top matched with your exploding star wrists gave it a grandeur feel to it. I can't explain it, your look isn't high fashion, but in that same vein it totally is. It’s innovative and new, and taking risks is a great way to stand out. Keep it up!” Mary says UwU

“This was good! I love an iridescent look, and I think you took a really nice approach with it. I’m not entirely sure how the battle armor relates to the SCP, or if it’s even meant to. But, using the stained glass and LEDS to create these intense arrays of lights and colors really resulted in something beautiful. I did see some elements of your SCP, obviously through the iridescent coloring, and how you made the lights intense and blinding. I think that another way you could’ve incorporated it is making yourself very pale and colorless to show how the SCP is immune to itself. But, overall this was a solid look.” Korn says eating her chicken

“Hey Miss Marianna! So firstly, I love the story your telling, little details like the ponytail being stiff and you face being frozen are neat touches. You translated the SCP into a look very well, it tells the story of it and it matches up with your look. It’s recognisable as the clockwork virus, and the runway presentation shows that clearly. The Reveal is Super cool and fun, but it feels heavily unrealistic? Did you make a skin coloured body suit? Is this just a great nude illusion? How did you make it? A lot is missing for me to picture how this is realistic. There’s also an issue with how clunky it would be. The skirt reveal was also a bit pointless like I think this would be strong if you just walked out in the revealing look. The outfit is a tad basic for me, the bronze overcoat is cute, But the rest of it is just kinda “meh”.” Diana States

“I have mixed feelings here. The first look has an odd silhouette for a steampunk inventor. When I think of that, I don’t think of a blouse and shorts. The gold and black colors were good together, but the lavender felt out of place in that color scheme. I actually really liked the reveal though. The skirt was so cool, and I liked how some parts were still normal and some had begun to transform from the virus (confused about the skin falling off though). I think if you had taken the second half of this look and ran with it, it could’ve resulted in something really good.” Says Korn

“Hey there! Jumping straight into it, I really enjoyed the shorts moment that was going on, I think they’re an underused garment in fashion. The shorts with the boots was cool. I also really liked the reveal into the skirt thing that was going on, I appreciated that. I think where you lose me in all of this is the color scheme, we have coral, lavender, and red which are cool colors, but I don’t think they really go well with the steampunk coppers and browns that you were using. And then we have LED’s going on as well, I think I just got lost somewhere. The outfit in and of itself isn't very grandeur, but I think if you had gotten the color scheme to work well together I would have overlooked that. I do wanna give props for conveying your SCP well though, and personally to me you had one of the hardest ones to translate.” Mary adds.

“Hey Rain!! So let’s talk about the positives, I really enjoyed the way you wrote it, like a real entry, That was fun. I have to give you credit to combine the two contrasting themes in your SCP. The motherboard reveal was well executed and it was an interesting and fun take on the SCP. However, the two outfits are a touch basic, the first is really just a trenchcoat + mask and the second is just a bodysuit with some wires. However, I do like the detailing and design of the metallic lines on the trenchcoat. The mirror aspect felt almost tacked on? Like it made sense to the SCP but with the look, I felt meh? I wish you had made an Abraham leavy style corset out of black, reflective material, that would have been cooler. The second look feels almost a bit crafty? Like it feels like a low budget Hollywood movie costume. I really wish you opted for a more couture silhouette.” Diana States

“Hey Miss Drizzle! To start, I want to commend you on the way you wrote the entire document itself. It made it really fun to read, almost like a chapter in a book that I couldn’t stop turning. The first outfit itself, I thought was cool. I really enjoyed the black trenchcoat with the gloves and the nails. I think I preferred it over you reveal. That’s not to say that your reveal was bad, but bodysuits are a tad simplistic. It doesn’t leave room for much of an interesting silhouette. However, I really appreciated that the wirings all led back to the black fabric, almost like a real electronics piece. Overall. I can’t say that I hated anything about this look, but I would have preferred a better reveal. I do want to commend you for the workshopping you did from our walkthrough, I think you managed to get everything in a way that wasn’t overwhelming.” Mary Adds

“I loved the way you formatted this document, it really drew me in. Unfortunately, I’m not 100% sold on this outfit.The first look was sort of dull, aside from the metallic detailings, which I really liked. With the reveal, I enjoyed the wiring aspect a lot. I honestly would’ve liked to see you potentially go full out with this idea of the app’s inner workings, both physically and conceptually. Bodysuits* can be good when done right, but for a design challenge I wanted to see a little more. You started to break the surface with this for me, but I would’ve liked to see you go even deeper into the details of your SCP, such as behavior and effects, rather than just appearance. *Unless you meant a catsuit, in which case ignore this ksksksk” Korrn states

Hey Miss Princest!Your look is actually pretty nice tonight, it’s giving 80s B-movie monster meets bangie girl bling and I can tell you're living your fantasy on that runway. The walk is well thought out and makes sense. I really love the makeup under the facekini, it’s a stunning mug. The facekini was a nice club kid edge to the look. However, we specifically stated not to dress up as the SCP and I feel like you kinda failed that in some regards. I would have loved to see something akin to aquaria at the MET this year. I think it was very surface level compared to certain looks on the stage, like this scp had a lot of themes to work with (self-admiration, vanity, lust), and while you kinda touched on it by making your look sexy, I wanted to see you go deeper. Another issue I have is it was written really confusingly? Like you say it’s a bodysuit but you attach fringe to the legs? Execution of looks can be a real issue for you, just google or ask terms you aren't sure off and remember to write necklines, where legs and arms cut off, etc.” Diana states

“I know design isn’t your strong suit, but this look just missed the mark for me. Honestly, by itself, I don’t think the look is bad. I love the black pleather fringe moment going on, and the look was genuinely a bit creepy. Unfortunately, you just recreated the actual SCP itself, rather than doing a look inspired by it. I would’ve liked to see you draw from how the creature can’t be spoken or written about and its general behavior, rather than just how your SCP looks.” Korn Adds

“Hey, it's one of my sisters! To be completely honest Princest, I was a little disappointed. You had my favorite entrance look so I was hoping you would bring some of that energy moving forward with the design challenge. But, what came on the runway was sort of just a bodysuit and fringe. I said this to Elle too, but a bodysuit and fringe just end up reminding me of Kennedy Davenport’s death becomes her chicken little crystallization look. What I did like of this outfit was the facekini and makeup you had going on. Moving forward, I want you to channel the energy of your entrance look and gag us. I also think competitions have been unkind to you with every first challenge being a design challenge, so I’m excited to move forward with you to see what other tricks you have up your sleeve that we haven’t gotten to see.” Mary says

Ladies… We have made some decisions

Erathelle… Your safe. Keep up the good work

Anita Dragname... Your SCP Couture left the judges ready to burst with glee

Bridgette Antoinette… We couldn’t keep our eyes off you this week and not just because you would snap our necks

Bridgette Antoinette… your the Top Scorer of this weeks challenge

Anita Dragname… Your safe but you did absolutely kill it this week






Princest… We didn’t fall in love with your 2521 couture…. I’m sorry my dear but your in the bottom 2

Rain… Your look wasn’t reflective of what we want to see

Marianna… Your look turned out hearts to aluminium

Marianna… Your safe

Rain.. I’m sorry my dear but you are in the bottom two

!Two queens stand before me, tonight you were asked to perform a lip sync to Scheibe by lady gaga, we want Intro to First Chorus then from Bridge to End. This is your last chance, to not only impress me, but also knock a point away from the other queen and gain two for yourself.Good Luck and Don’t Fuck it up

(Lip syncs due by Sunday the 2nd of June, 23:59pm GMT)

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 06:59PM by aidenriley01

Does Long Distance Even Work? (Fucking My Dorm Mate)

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