Friday, May 31, 2019

👽💉🔣Queens of Code - Episode 1 - The Foundation PART 2🔣💉👽

The “Workroom” and by workroom I mean containment facility turned workroom is buzzing with life as the queen rush trying to figure out how to turn things that could kill them into a work of glam couture.

Cassandra - I don’t want to say Mari set me up, but I've pulled a plague doctor look and the last thing I want is to be read for being unoriginal.

Elle - So this is the 3 or 4th snake look I've done, I’m not saying I’m tired of snakeskin but I’m tired of snakeskin

Bridgette - Who the fuck is an SCP?

The queens are busy at work when all of a sudden the main doors swing open

We’re Back Bitches

Diana and Mary walk out from the door, surrounded by D-Class Personnel. They wear the faggiest shit they can, stuff that really screams, I host an online drag competition and I’m proud of that. “Hey Ladies, we're back to help you with some walkthroughs!” says Mary. “We aren't here to tell you if we hate your look or not, more so guide you on the right path and help you understand what we want to see”.

“Hey Hey Hey miss Anita, how is your herpes couture coming along,” Diana asks as she pulls up to Anita's table, it’s strewn with plenty of special effects makeup.

“Well, I’m thinking a something with plenty of boils, rotten flesh and other bodily assortments. I’m also planning a reveal of a brain, multiple arms and Multiple legs? I’m also wanting my look to have a high fashion edge!” She spurts out

“Well, I think the reveals take away from the high fashion edge because on one hand your giving us Alexander Mcqueen Runway and on the other hand your giving us special effects show” Mary replies back

“Huh, I guess, I just feel like that takes away parts of the SCP because-” Antia states

“Well good luck with that Anita!” Diana states cutting her off, as the two walk away

Anita - I’m not sure how to feel over that, It feels like they aren't feeling the reveals but I am, I’m not sure what road to take here...

“Hey Aurora, look like you have a lot of nature-esque materials here to work with? I didn’t know you got song of Genesis” Mary asks.

“Well I’m digging the environmental theme so my look is to show the scp’s influence on the deterioration of humans and human-made objects while showing the rest of nature to thrive. I planning. I want to do an emaciated full body look (paint my face in gaunt, paint on a ribcage or smth, the walk will sell it more too. basically nude, but use animals/nature that are thriving to cover parts. my thoughts on that were e.g. flowers over tit area, starfish or equivalent over tuck. these look beautiful against the decaying human.” Aurora replies back, a shot to her table shows the lack of a real “outfit”

“Well, I think in a challenge like this an outfit is necessary to not be in the bottom, this isn’t the time to pull out the body paints. Another issue I’m seeing is the issue I had with some other girls is keeping the key visuals of the SCP’s, ie textures, shapes, colours. So I think your idea is good, there just needs to be more of an "outfit" and a bit more of the actual appearance of the scp” Diana replies back

“okay okay, I have some thinking to do hahaha. thanks!!. I hope to pull it out of the bag and become a fashion queen!” Aurora chimes back with.

“Good luck girl, can’t wait to see how this turns out”, Mary says before the two walk off, the camera stays on Aurora who pushes her current stuff to the side and slams down on the table.

Aurora - Thought process, check. Outfit idea, girl, let’s star that part over.

Bella’s table has a lot of religious imagery as well as gold and black. “Hey Bella, how is your look coming along” Diana Questions

“Well, everyone is saying I have the hardest scp, but I found it quite easy to gain inspiration from it, It’s super interesting and I have a vague idea of what I’m doing. I think I’m going a Pietá look but heavily distorted” Bella replies back

“I think this sounds good, You're taking a key theme and elaborating on that, which is great! I really can’t wait to see you tie in the noose ;) to the look” Mary states

“Umm what noose?” Bella asks

“Bye good luck, don’t fuck it up, bye” Diana and Mary say walking away

Bella - Well that went positive, I really would like an early win this week.

Bridgette's table is empty, spare a felt hat. “Hey Briagattoni, how is the look coming along?” Mary Asks

“Umm well I…. Have a concept... “ She replies back

“Which is…?” the hosts ask her.

“Well, I have a felt hat, with ruffles and some rocks? Very lucy fur. May something to do with weeping angels?” she says back

“Okay this headpiece isn’t working for me, it’s too bulky and the weeping angels don’t make sense to me. Try looking at the actual… SCP “ Diana says back

“Yeah aha okay, let’s…. Try that” Bridgette says as she throws the felt hat to the ground

Bridgette - This isn’t good. I can see why the judges aren't the biggest fan, I’m just back at square one and we-

Cass’s station has a decent amount of red, style printed fabrics on her table, as well as flowers. “So… this is an interesting set of materials, what are you thinking?” asks Diana

“Well, I was thinking plague doctor meets…. Day of the dead? Like a Mexican take on it…” Cass says

“Huh, Well, The challenge was more get a culture take on an scp and less… merge two concepts together? If you get me? I’m not saying don’t do it, but it might be too derivative from the key idea” Mary replies back

“I can see, I’m just thinking about how to make it more unique and less “just a plague doctor”, I’ll figure something,” Cass says

“Good luck girl! Don’t fuck it up” Diana says as they walk away. Cass looks stumped

Cassandra - I feel confused on what to do, I really think I’m missing one aspect more than the other here.

The girls pull up to era’s table, filled with a lot of religious and cosmic imagery. “Hey Era, how are you find this challenge?” Diana Questions.

“Well I have an idea, but it rests on a concept and I really want to make sure it ties into the scp. This SCP always gives me the Vibe of cosmic horror, mixed with a bit of glamour and religious imagery, so I wanted to run with that and do a look where I reimagine the Virgin Mary as a cosmic threat.” Era Replies back.

Diana and Mary both pull a questionable face at it, with many asking “Okay, well it’s a good idea but just remember we want some form of visual resemblance, say colour, texture or shape, to the actual SCP. Don’t get too caught up in the symbolism if you get me”

Era turns to say “I’m planning on taking stained glass elements from the look and playing with it, I think the concept works because it’s on brand, well for me at least”

“Well, umm, good luck with that girl. Can’t wait to see how it turns out” says Diana as her and mary walk away

Erathatelle - Well the girls gave me some feedback, but I’m really just sticking with my guns on this. I love my idea and I think it will work. I’ll show you! I’ll show you all! MUAHAHAHA

Kitties Corner (heheheh) is coated in green fur and a selection of natural objects. “So how is it coming along, kitty,” asks Mary.

“Well, I feel inspired by the whole constant exposure to the song grows fungus all over people's bodies idea and decided to base my look around mushrooms. Specifically paracest.” She replies

“The pokemon?” Diana stares confused back

“Well yeah, I’m thinking a mossy gown with green skin and mushrooms growing out my head.”

“I think it’ll lay in the execution this look, I’m really excited to see the final product,” says Mary before they walk off

Kitty - Well, I know I have good ideas, I just struggle with getting them out my brain and on to the mannequin. Unnghh, let's hope this time is different.

“Hey Mari, how are you doing?” Asks Mary. Her table is covered in scraps of metal work and plating

“Well I feel glad that I got to pick out who got what, I just wish I tried to stump the better girls more hehe” replies Mari

“Ohh that's good, now tell us about your look this week? You picked your own SCP, are you happy with it?” Diana Chimes in

“Well, I think this one suits me and my style the best, so I hope it works out for me. My idea is to do a lolita, steampunk look, I want to look like I’m becoming one with the machine, so I’m thinking a gold/copper outfit with wires and metal popping through my body” she replies.

“Huh, I think that sounds really good, a lot of it comes down to the makeup over the look, so it is really about the execution here” Mary replies

“Well luckily selling looks is my talent, thank you ladies” Mari Sates

“Okay, well good luck this week! And If you fuck it up, it’s 100% your fault!” Diana says as she walks across to the next table

Marianna - I feel confident, I really hope the judges eat it up as much as they did here

“So Princest, you’ve struggled with look challenges in the past? What are you thinking this time” asks Mary

“Well, I think I have a clear inspiration with [REDACTED], something that’s heavily covered in black fringe, and by a possible facekini?” Princest asks

“So I think you have good ideas, you just struggle to get them down, so I think the execution is key here, I’m excited to see how it looks when finalised,” Diana says before the two walk away

Princest - Look challenges aren't my strong suit, so I’m hoping for the best this week. There’s some optimism about my look which is helping me a bit.

The girls pull up to rains station, there’s a mess of wires and fur strewn around her. “Hey rain, so you were assigned one of the more vague SCP’s? How’s it coming along” Diana asks

“Ok so like... I want to come out with a bone mask on and then like a raggedy dark long wig and shit right and initially the look is just this big like ominous cape , anyway so since the whole deal is that the SCP is from like an app, while on the runway I would drop the cape to reveal an outfit underneath, lined with like electronic wiring and shit and then I would remove the mask and I’d have makeup underneath with the same sort of digital concept, coloured wires painted across my face etc, but the makeup would also maintain a skeletal aspect and then if possible I’d like to enter the runway through a mirror frame. Yeehaw” Rain Rambles.

“Okay, well I think the concept is cute, You just need to make sure that reveal is high fashion and couture, that's what we're wanting. The mirror feels a bit too much almost like we're going to much into gimmick territory” Mary Replies.


“Okay then good luck with it, Excited to see what you come up with this week!” Mary says back as the two walks over to the last and finale table

Rain - I feel much better after that walkthrough, I feel a win coming.

“Hey miss Satina, how is your tragedy coming along, we can’t push you this time,” asks mary

“Well, I think, and I know you're both going to pop off, but I am planning something costume…”

“Didn’t we say exactly not to..” Diana interrupts before satina cuts her off again

“Well my SCP is a play and I’m doing a look based on the kings daughter, Alinda. I’m adding some chains, blood, you know a dick of death hehe”

“Well… I think it’ll be interesting to see uwu, good luck!” Mary adds before the two walk away

“So ladies, that was all terrible, the fact you chose to -” Mary states before Diana cuts her off “We like to joke ahahaha, but ladies tonight joining us on the judging panel is the one and only, Del O’Ryan and some bitch named kornacopia. Good luck and don’t fuck it up.

Bridgette - Oh my gosh that’s Del O’Ryan! Acclaimed 4th place on RDR5 and a professional in serving gender crises repacked as runways! OMG that's Kornacopia! She was on RDRAS at some point!

Era and Rain are working on there looks in a corner of the room. “I wouldn’t work with the stretch fabric if I were you, it’s hooker fabric, and yes I am fabric shaming you” says era after seeing rains outfit. “Well, why would I take advice from you?” Rain snaps back. “Point out one bad look I’ve pulled,” era says with more inflexion in her voice. “Huh, what seasons you even been,” rain says and she turns around.

Erathatell - Oh but she really wants to fight

“I’ve been on three fucking seasons and smashed all of them, so please fucking elaborate on where my looks have been shit” Era snaps back as the girls start to draw attention to themselves. “Your Dragula was burning was shit, your Miss Universe was shit, you shit” rain says. “Didn’t stop me fucking winning bitch, you can’t say they're objectively bad, I think it’s your taste that’s the -” Era says before rain cuts her off with a “Well I said what a said, #erawasrobbed never took of for a reason”. “Do you think your two forced wins given to you by miss child fiddler UK makes you more qualified than me?” Era shouts. “Listen I’m done with this, you asked me to point out where I think your shit and I did,” says Rain before storming off.

Bridgette - Can they stop giving Diana material for the episode god

Marianna - I asked Diana if could be carried in by d-class personnel, she said no :(

The girls are busy putting the finishing touches on their looks and getting prepared for the runway, Antia asks “What was the fight about yesterday? Like there’s no need to go at it, It’s childish if you ask me, also stretch fabric is good if you have big tittes just saying”. “Well it was nothing big, it was just a petty-” era beings before rain buts in with “We were just having a kiki it’s no big deal”. “Can you stop cutting me the fuck off it’s annoying” Era shouts back, “Girl you need to stop getting so worked up it’s pissing me off how sensitive you're being to this shit, I only callled you a hooker” Rains snaps at her. “You know what… I’m done” Era says as she storms off, the room goes eerily silent.

Anita - Ann I oop…

Rain - I think era is overreacting to this whole thing, she just needs to chill the fuck out for once

“So… um.. How is everyone's looks coming along?” Aurora asks hesitantly. “Well, I think you're a fucking bitch for asking… jk. I did a look based on paracest, I like my look, Idk how well it fit” replies kitty. “Oh fuck work, I’m really happy with my extra limb couture, nothing like a kick of skin rot to gag the children,” says Anita while drawing boils on her face. “I still don’t know who the fuck an scp is tho?” she throws in while laughing. “Oh girl I did some high fashion shit this week, Idk how it went,” says Bridgette.

Era walks back into the workroom and takes a place at the mirror. “I’m fine, I just want to move past it”

Erathatell - Rain has been getting on my nerves lately, tbh i was going to quit there but you know what, no. I’ll show her.

The camera cuts over to kitty, sitting in the corner, looking like the shits been scared out of her, Cass is sitting next to here talking about there looks. “I’m convinced I’m bottom two this week, I’ve definitely got the worst look here,” Kitty says to cass before she shouts over her “No, I have the worst look this week, I’m in the bottom”. Antia walks over and tells cass “If you're in the bottom I’ll pull a SCP-173 on Diana”. Kitty breaks down into tears over her look, “I’m just really bummed out over this, it feels like shit looking at all your looks and I feel like I’m going home”

Kitty - I know looks aren’t my strong suit but I really wanted to do well here, I was so excited for my look this week

“Kitty your look wasn’t that bad kitty, you make it sound like the worst look on the runway tonight” Anita throws in. “Idk If I want to continue with this, it always ends up like this” she replies as she walks out the workroom, Anita chasing her screaming “You aren't doing this again!!! Not this time bitch!!”

Kitty walks back in, “Sorry for doing that to y’all, I really just had to get that out”. “Kitty you looked stunning, If anyone should be worried about bottoming, it’s me this week.” Era says

Erathatell - I’m known as a look queen, and I feel like I’ve let everyone down with my look this week

“Girl your bottom is like everyone's else's safe sit the fuck down” Antia tells her. “I feel like I haven’t spoken a lot to everyone here, what's your name sweetie?” Princest says as the girls erupt into a full screech. “Well, I’m the gender fluid drag child of Angie apathy, Anita dragname, but you can just call me your’s Pinterest” Antia replies back, “no call the bitch a whore” rain shouts.

Princest - Well I’ve always felt like an image sharing site from the start

“So did you think my choices were fair this week?” Mari asks the girls. “You sabotaged me!!!! iF i’M bOtToM iT’S Ur FaULt!!!!” Kitty screeches back. “I think the only person Mari truly sabotaged was herself, looking like miss metallic boo boo the fool over there” Says Bridgette, in a playful but shady tone.

Marianna - I’ll give her a fake laugh, only one she’s getting this season

“But seriously, I don’t think she was shady with her assignments, but there didn’t seem to be much logic or reason behind the assignments.” Rain adds in as Bridgette throws in a nods of agreement”. “If I’m bottom I’m blaming that Asian whore Anita!” Cass says with a matter of fact tone as everyone glares at her. “I’m kidding…. Kinda”.

Cassandra - That's my two minutes of airtime up

“To be Honest, I love all your looks this week, but Antia yours is my definite favourite”Auroa chimes in with, “Well I loved your’s as well hehe,” Anita says. “Tbh I think us as girls are all in agreement that antia is the winner this week” Satina throws in, before era cuts her off “On a scale from 1 - 10 how likely am I in the bottom - ”


The room screams in tangent, “oh… okay then” finished era. The girls have a laugh as intertwined with them doing their makeup and rushing around finishing there looks, shots of Bella eating a ham sandwich in full black makeup is show

Bella - What? a bitch gotta stay fed

MSMSMSM by SOPHIE is blasted as the metallic, clinical runway is absorbed in white static light. Diana walks out, wearing the same blood red fur mermaid gown, with acrylic shards. Her skin is painted in a crystalline red, and she has the same headpiece on. She’s serving SCP-009, Red Ice eleganza.

”Welcome to the Current main stage of Queens of Code! Hosted by the lovely site-19 in the [DATA EXPUNGED].”

” Flashback Mary, are you SCP-173? Because nobody can take their eyes off you”

“Well, I do threaten them with a little bit of violence first, SKSJSKJSKJS”

Del O’Ryan, We can’t wait to hear your opinion on our girls [REDACTED] looks”

“Girl, the only thing that I have [REDACTED] was that Glass & Parton Lip sync”

Kornacopia, Is it true that you have been channelling SCP-2912 throughout your online drag career?

“Yes, I am boo boo the fool :(“

”Tonight we asked the girls to serve their best SCP inspired Couture, Whores! Start your engines! And may the best ██████ Win!”


“Great work this week ladies! I’m excited to say, nobody bombed! Now If I call your name, please step forward”

Aurora Coral

Bella Esmerelda


Elle Crimsion



“You are all… Safe. Now safe doesn’t mean nothing here, some of you did great work this week and almost missed out on a stop at the top… others were closer to the bottom. This will be reflected in your scores. You may go to the back of the stage”

“So let’s start out with Anita Dragname.So firstly, The reveal is much improved from what we saw in your walkthrough, it’s streamlined to one big reveal that makes a lot of sense, It works, It tells a story, It adds to the look as a good reveal should. I Enjoyed you taking inspiration from Russia, It worked with the SCP and It showed your ability to combine aspects of the scp in a high fashion way. The Preveal look is very uniform, I enjoyed the flesh tones in the collars coming into this Stalin esque look, However, It felt if you fell into the trap of dressing up as the SCP in some ways.” Diana says

“Hey Anita! So firstly, The reveal is much improved from what we saw in your walkthrough, it’s streamlined to one big reveal that makes a lot of sense, It works, It tells a story, It adds to the look as a good reveal should. I Enjoyed you taking inspiration from Russia, It worked with the SCP and It showed your ability to combine aspects of the scp in a high fashion way. The Preveal look is very uniform, I enjoyed the flesh tones in the collars coming into this Stalin esque look, However, It felt if you fell into the trap of dressing up as the SCP in some ways,” Mary adds in

“I really liked how you incorporated the origin of this SCP, with the Russian winter attire. I personally don’t care for salmon, but the color scheme as a whole was cohesive. I was waiting for you to amp it up, and at first the blood underwhelmed me, as I’ve seen that done numerous times before. But, when you took the coat off, I lived.” Korn says

“Moving on to Miss Briagattioni Ravioli. Large Scale improvement from the walkthrough, like vast. I love seeing the approach you took with this look and taking advice with removing bulk from the headpiece. I guess this is the opposite of my water look, because now your pandering to all my favourite things, modern art, comme des Garcons, Japanese inspired design techniques. I love the inspiration and the look is high fashion, it’s runway ready, it something I would want to wear. You had a real challenge, with an SCP that doesn’t fit your style and it is to most iconic scp of all time, and you really picked up and delivered. It might just be because this is literally a lot of things I love rolled up into a look but I am Obsessed.” Diana states

“Bridgette without a gown?? Something isn’t right. I really loved your approach to this: how you took just a couple minor details of your SCP, coupled it with high-fashion inspirations, and turned out a great look. The rock-inspired color palette is gorgeous, I love the unconventional shape of the kimono, and the rock/glitter headpiece is to fucking die for. I do worry that, realistically, this might be a bit difficult to pull off given time constraints, but that’s not too much of a distraction from how captivating this look is.” Korn throws in

“Hewwo! I’m a big kid now! Uwu. To start, I think you did a great job representing your SCP. Even with your walk making the scraping sounds I thought that was a nice touch. On to your outfit, I thought was a total serve. I thought the headpiece with the waving thing going on was super fucking cool paired with that kimono and that pattern I thought it was all super edgy super fun and super fashion. The Japanese influences scattered throughout were amazing. I think it was a little deviation from the original SCP, but I didn’t mind cause it all tied back together and honestly your original SCP looks like that one baby thing from Toy Story that's all fucked up so kudos to you for making it high fashion. The only part I didn’t really get was the choker with the steel wire and stone, I know it was a nod to your SCP but I think you did everything else so well that this wasn’t really needed. The hair was fine, but I think something like a straight pulled back black wig would have tied in the japanese aspects together better and would have been more effective. Overall, great job!!” Mary says

“Hey Erathelle! You were worried this week, so let's start with the positives, a Really visually stunning look, you really took every part of your scp and made it work. The stained glass and exploding star motifs, the galaxy print, the crystals. All really stunning because I love shiny things. The way you incorporated the themes of the look is really great, I think you transferred your ideas that you mentioned in the walkthrough really well. I’m an absolute sucker for galaxy print, irradecents and gemstones, so I’m currently in love and thinking about how shimmery this look would be under the light. I don’t understand the growth on your legs? Is like covering both? is it on one leg? Just refine the writing style. Overall, A stunning week!”

“Hey Era, omg!! I really thought yours was the coolest SCP to work with and I think you did it justice. At first when you walked out, I was like girl what the fuck, armor? But damn you really sold me. I thought the colors of the galaxy along with the metal were a cool and interesting way to contrast themes and ideas, and the halo on top matched with your exploding star wrists gave it a grandeur feel to it. I can't explain it, your look isn't high fashion, but in that same vein it totally is. It’s innovative and new, and taking risks is a great way to stand out. Keep it up!” Mary says UwU

“This was good! I love an iridescent look, and I think you took a really nice approach with it. I’m not entirely sure how the battle armor relates to the SCP, or if it’s even meant to. But, using the stained glass and LEDS to create these intense arrays of lights and colors really resulted in something beautiful. I did see some elements of your SCP, obviously through the iridescent coloring, and how you made the lights intense and blinding. I think that another way you could’ve incorporated it is making yourself very pale and colorless to show how the SCP is immune to itself. But, overall this was a solid look.” Korn says eating her chicken

“Hey Miss Marianna! So firstly, I love the story your telling, little details like the ponytail being stiff and you face being frozen are neat touches. You translated the SCP into a look very well, it tells the story of it and it matches up with your look. It’s recognisable as the clockwork virus, and the runway presentation shows that clearly. The Reveal is Super cool and fun, but it feels heavily unrealistic? Did you make a skin coloured body suit? Is this just a great nude illusion? How did you make it? A lot is missing for me to picture how this is realistic. There’s also an issue with how clunky it would be. The skirt reveal was also a bit pointless like I think this would be strong if you just walked out in the revealing look. The outfit is a tad basic for me, the bronze overcoat is cute, But the rest of it is just kinda “meh”.” Diana States

“I have mixed feelings here. The first look has an odd silhouette for a steampunk inventor. When I think of that, I don’t think of a blouse and shorts. The gold and black colors were good together, but the lavender felt out of place in that color scheme. I actually really liked the reveal though. The skirt was so cool, and I liked how some parts were still normal and some had begun to transform from the virus (confused about the skin falling off though). I think if you had taken the second half of this look and ran with it, it could’ve resulted in something really good.” Says Korn

“Hey there! Jumping straight into it, I really enjoyed the shorts moment that was going on, I think they’re an underused garment in fashion. The shorts with the boots was cool. I also really liked the reveal into the skirt thing that was going on, I appreciated that. I think where you lose me in all of this is the color scheme, we have coral, lavender, and red which are cool colors, but I don’t think they really go well with the steampunk coppers and browns that you were using. And then we have LED’s going on as well, I think I just got lost somewhere. The outfit in and of itself isn't very grandeur, but I think if you had gotten the color scheme to work well together I would have overlooked that. I do wanna give props for conveying your SCP well though, and personally to me you had one of the hardest ones to translate.” Mary adds.

“Hey Rain!! So let’s talk about the positives, I really enjoyed the way you wrote it, like a real entry, That was fun. I have to give you credit to combine the two contrasting themes in your SCP. The motherboard reveal was well executed and it was an interesting and fun take on the SCP. However, the two outfits are a touch basic, the first is really just a trenchcoat + mask and the second is just a bodysuit with some wires. However, I do like the detailing and design of the metallic lines on the trenchcoat. The mirror aspect felt almost tacked on? Like it made sense to the SCP but with the look, I felt meh? I wish you had made an Abraham leavy style corset out of black, reflective material, that would have been cooler. The second look feels almost a bit crafty? Like it feels like a low budget Hollywood movie costume. I really wish you opted for a more couture silhouette.” Diana States

“Hey Miss Drizzle! To start, I want to commend you on the way you wrote the entire document itself. It made it really fun to read, almost like a chapter in a book that I couldn’t stop turning. The first outfit itself, I thought was cool. I really enjoyed the black trenchcoat with the gloves and the nails. I think I preferred it over you reveal. That’s not to say that your reveal was bad, but bodysuits are a tad simplistic. It doesn’t leave room for much of an interesting silhouette. However, I really appreciated that the wirings all led back to the black fabric, almost like a real electronics piece. Overall. I can’t say that I hated anything about this look, but I would have preferred a better reveal. I do want to commend you for the workshopping you did from our walkthrough, I think you managed to get everything in a way that wasn’t overwhelming.” Mary Adds

“I loved the way you formatted this document, it really drew me in. Unfortunately, I’m not 100% sold on this outfit.The first look was sort of dull, aside from the metallic detailings, which I really liked. With the reveal, I enjoyed the wiring aspect a lot. I honestly would’ve liked to see you potentially go full out with this idea of the app’s inner workings, both physically and conceptually. Bodysuits* can be good when done right, but for a design challenge I wanted to see a little more. You started to break the surface with this for me, but I would’ve liked to see you go even deeper into the details of your SCP, such as behavior and effects, rather than just appearance. *Unless you meant a catsuit, in which case ignore this ksksksk” Korrn states

Hey Miss Princest!Your look is actually pretty nice tonight, it’s giving 80s B-movie monster meets bangie girl bling and I can tell you're living your fantasy on that runway. The walk is well thought out and makes sense. I really love the makeup under the facekini, it’s a stunning mug. The facekini was a nice club kid edge to the look. However, we specifically stated not to dress up as the SCP and I feel like you kinda failed that in some regards. I would have loved to see something akin to aquaria at the MET this year. I think it was very surface level compared to certain looks on the stage, like this scp had a lot of themes to work with (self-admiration, vanity, lust), and while you kinda touched on it by making your look sexy, I wanted to see you go deeper. Another issue I have is it was written really confusingly? Like you say it’s a bodysuit but you attach fringe to the legs? Execution of looks can be a real issue for you, just google or ask terms you aren't sure off and remember to write necklines, where legs and arms cut off, etc.” Diana states

“I know design isn’t your strong suit, but this look just missed the mark for me. Honestly, by itself, I don’t think the look is bad. I love the black pleather fringe moment going on, and the look was genuinely a bit creepy. Unfortunately, you just recreated the actual SCP itself, rather than doing a look inspired by it. I would’ve liked to see you draw from how the creature can’t be spoken or written about and its general behavior, rather than just how your SCP looks.” Korn Adds

“Hey, it's one of my sisters! To be completely honest Princest, I was a little disappointed. You had my favorite entrance look so I was hoping you would bring some of that energy moving forward with the design challenge. But, what came on the runway was sort of just a bodysuit and fringe. I said this to Elle too, but a bodysuit and fringe just end up reminding me of Kennedy Davenport’s death becomes her chicken little crystallization look. What I did like of this outfit was the facekini and makeup you had going on. Moving forward, I want you to channel the energy of your entrance look and gag us. I also think competitions have been unkind to you with every first challenge being a design challenge, so I’m excited to move forward with you to see what other tricks you have up your sleeve that we haven’t gotten to see.” Mary says

Ladies… We have made some decisions

Erathelle… Your safe. Keep up the good work

Anita Dragname... Your SCP Couture left the judges ready to burst with glee

Bridgette Antoinette… We couldn’t keep our eyes off you this week and not just because you would snap our necks

Bridgette Antoinette… your the Top Scorer of this weeks challenge

Anita Dragname… Your safe but you did absolutely kill it this week






Princest… We didn’t fall in love with your 2521 couture…. I’m sorry my dear but your in the bottom 2

Rain… Your look wasn’t reflective of what we want to see

Marianna… Your look turned out hearts to aluminium

Marianna… Your safe

Rain.. I’m sorry my dear but you are in the bottom two

!Two queens stand before me, tonight you were asked to perform a lip sync to Scheibe by lady gaga, we want Intro to First Chorus then from Bridge to End. This is your last chance, to not only impress me, but also knock a point away from the other queen and gain two for yourself.Good Luck and Don’t Fuck it up

(Lip syncs due by Sunday the 2nd of June, 23:59pm GMT)

Submitted May 31, 2019 at 06:59PM by aidenriley01

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