Friday, May 31, 2019

Saturday, June 1st

Today is:

  • Dare Day

Dare Day is a day dedicated to daring people to do things they normally wouldn’t do. The origins of Dare Day are unclear, but a formal Dare Day has been celebrated in Manteo in Dare County, North Carolina since 1976.

  • Dinosaur Day

Today we celebrate those large, extinct reptiles: dinosaurs. Scientists believe they first appeared about 245 million years ago, at the beginning of the Middle Triassic Epoch, and existed for about 180 million years, going extinct about 66 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous Period. The period when they lived is called the Mesozoic Era. During this time they went through many changes, and various species of dinosaurs replaced other species. Some dinosaurs were bipedal, meaning they walked on two legs, and some were quadrupedal, meaning they walked on all fours. Some switched back and forth. Some were covered with feathers, while others had what was almost like body armor. Some ran fast, and others were slow; most were herbivores, but some were carnivores. There were at least 700 species of dinosaurs, and possibly more than 1,000.

There were big biotic changes at the end of the Cretaceous Period, and many other animals and plants died at that time as well. There are many theories as to why dinosaurs died out, including disease, heat waves, cold spells, changing sea levels, a large amount of volcanic activity, the emergence of egg-eating mammals, or from X-rays from an exploding supernova. One other common theory is that an asteroid smashed to earth, spread ash widely, and shifted the earth's climate. However, it is not believed that all dinosaurs died out at the same time. Rather, it is believed they had been declining during the last part of the Cretaceous Period. Scientists also believe that some dinosaurs may have evolved into birds.

Richard Owen, an English anatomist, came up with the word "Dinosauria" in 1842. The word comes from the Greek word "deinos," meaning terrible or fearfully great, and "sauros," meaning reptile or lizard. He applied the term to three animals that fossilized bones had been found of over the previous few decades. The remains came from reptiles that were both larger and had more vertebrae than any found before. The earliest known published record of dinosaur remains was in 1820, and many fossils were found in the 1820s and 1830s. Many other kinds of dinosaurs were found in the years following the 1842 naming as well. Fossils of dinosaurs have now been found on all seven continents.

  • Don't Give Up The Ship Day

Don’t Give Up The Ship Day commemorates the enduring words alleged to have been uttered by Captain James Lawrence of the USS Chesapeake as his ship was being taken over by the British and he lay mortally wounded on June 1, 1813. Although Lawrence had orders not to engage in battle, he met the HMS Shannon close to the shores of Boston. The ensuing battle was the bloodiest frigate fight of the War of 1812, and the ship was lost to the British. Under normal circumstances Lawrence would have been held responsible for his defeat, but instead he died a hero and his words have lived on. The phrase became the unofficial motto of the Navy, and two months after the Chesapeake’s loss, the USS Lawrence set sail in its captain’s honor. The Captain of the Lawrence, Oliver Hazard Perry, had the ship’s mast emblazoned with the phrase.

  • Drawing Day

Drawing Day was started in 2008 with the purpose of “making some noise worldwide for the sake of art.” This day is about remembering the love we have for making and viewing all kinds of drawings. The goal of Drawing Day is to get a million drawings made all around the world on this day.

  • Flip a Coin Day

Flip a Coin Day is a day when all decisions can be made at the flip of a coin. The origin of the holiday is not known, but coin flipping itself dates back to Julius Caesar, who is said to have flipped a coin when the right choice was unclear. His image was on the heads side, so this was the right or “yes” side of the coin. “Navia aut caput”, meaning “ship or head”, became a coin flipping game in ancient Rome. Later in England, the game became cross and pile, and in the United States as Indian or Wheat, named after the two sides of the Indian Head penny.

  • International Children's Day
  • Heimlich Maneuver Day

Dr. Henry Heimlich came up with the Heimlich Maneuver in 1974. Also known as abdominal thrusts, this procedure is used to dislodge food and objects from the throat of a choking person. As the American Red Cross claims over 3,000 deaths are caused by choking each year, celebrating Heimlich Maneuver Day is an important way to raise awareness and help save lives. The origin of the day is unknown.

  • Global Day of Parents

On September 17, 2012, the UN General Assembly proclaimed that Global Day of Parents would be held on June 1st each year. This day was made to honor parents throughout the world for their commitment to children.

  • National Black Bear Day
  • National Bubbly Day
  • National Cheer Coach Day
  • National Family Recreation Day
  • National Go Barefoot Day
  • National Hazelnut Cake Day
  • National Pen Pal Day
  • National Olive Day
  • National Nail Polish Day
  • National Pineapple Day

In a salad, in a drink, or on a pizza, there really is no place where pineapple can't be used. That's perfect, because today is National Pineapple Day, and we want to enjoy as much of it as possible!

Pineapple is native to the tropical and subtropical parts of the Americas. The first written references to it are attributed to Christopher Columbus, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, who found it in the West Indies. Natives were not only eating pineapple at the time, but were also using it to make wine. The Europeans gave the fruit the name they did because it resembled pinecones.

The Portuguese helped spread it around the world. They brought it to the island of Saint Helena shortly after they arrived there in 1502. They then brought it to Africa, and then to India by 1550. By the seventeenth century, pineapple was growing in most tropical areas of the world. Today, the biggest producers of pineapple are Brazil, Costa Rica, China, India, the Philippines, and Thailand.

The pineapple fruit ripens in about 5 or 6 months after flowering starts, and it weighs between 2 and 4 pounds. Some of the main health benefits of pineapple are on account of bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that is found in its core. Bromelain is anti-inflammatory, a digestive aid, a muscle relaxant, and a fighter of tumor cells. So there is no need to temper the amount of pineapple you eat today—it's good for you!

  • New Year's Resolution Recommitment Day
  • National Trails Day
  • National Prairie Day
  • Turtle Races Day
  • Stand For Children Day

On June 1st, 1996, the Children’s Defense Fund organized the largest demonstration for children in US history. It took place on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where over 300,000 people were in attendance. Out of this event came an annual Stand For Children Day, as well as a non-profit group called Stand For Children. By the second year, over seven hundred events were held in all fifty states. Throughout the years children have been helped on this day in ways such as these: they have been the recipients of donated books, clothing, and food; they have been enrolled in healthcare programs and had healthcare screenings, and playgrounds have been built for their benefit. The main focus of the group Stand For Children has been education. The group has not been without controversy, and criticism has sometimes been directed at it for a perceived closeness to business ties, as well as its education policies.

  • Say Something Nice Day
  • Oscar The Grouch Day

This day celebrates Oscar the Grouch’s birthday, the day on which he is the grouchiest. Episode 3,866 of Sesame Street revealed that Oscar’s birthday was on June 1st, and many characters celebrated Oscar’s birthday on the episode. Oscar does not want a happy birthday, and bets Telly that no one will be able to do something grouchy for his birthday. Throughout the episode various characters bring Oscar gifts, and do so in a grouchy manner. Maria reads him a poem that says “Happy greeting to you, irritating Grouch. Have a rotten day from here on out!” Big Bird brings him a gift but doesn’t say anything to him then or the rest of the day. He receives a box that has no gift in it, and is given a chicken and mint pie with sardine frosting. He hits a garbage can piñata that breaks garbage onto him, and is treated to a rendition of “Grouchy Birthday to You!” Oscar sees he was mistaken and his friends can give him a grouchy birthday. But, Telly then gives him hugs and kisses. Oscar thinks the best thing about birthdays is you don’t have to celebrate them for a whole year after they happen.

  • Wear a Dress Day
  • World Milk Day

Happy Celebrating

Submitted June 01, 2019 at 02:52AM by NotJ3st3r

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