Saturday, September 28, 2019

September progress

Managed to get quite a few titles in but my progress is slowing down as I'm left with less and less titles to play.

  • Dark Souls 2 - Scholars of the First Sin [Dropped]

Man, I'm pretty sure that someday I'll love this game. This is the last one of the Dark Souls trilogy I have left to play but it just doesn't click with me, everything feels... off, idk. I'll put it down for now and maybe in the future I'll finally get it and love it.

  • A Normal Lost Phone

I can't remember why I bought this game or where I saw a recommendation for it but I enjoyed it pretty much. It is one of those phone games that lets you fool around someone else's phone and uncover some secrets. The story was cool and besides a frustrating puzzle it was fun to mess around with.

  • Spider-Man (PS4)

Saw a great deal for it and I just couldn't help myself. This feels amazing to play and swinging around Manhattan can be super relaxing. The story is very well crafted and there's a nice emphasis on the juggling of Peter Parker's personal life and his super hero alter ego. And man, the ending hits you like a train of feels! I wasn't ready for it and managed to get a tear out of me. It felt a lot like when I was a wee boy seeing Sam Raimi's Spiderman for the first time and being blown away. Only this time I'm playing as him and it feels great.

  • Blasphemous

I've had my eye on this bad boy for a while now. Being a big fan of the studio's previous games (The Last Door) I was curious to see what would they come up with and hearing it had a Dark Souls influence only hyped me more. The game, luckily did not disappointed me at all. Amazing animations and art-style serve a basic but satisfying combat system. Simply wonderful !

  • D4 - Dark Dreams Don't Die

Hey, did you know that my favorite game ever is Deadly Premonition? well, guess what? It is getting a sequel! I'm over the moon but also, someone mention how there's an easter egg on that trailer relating to Deadly Premonition's director (Swery)'s previous game D4 - Dark Dreams Don't Die. So I had to play it! It flew under my radar because initially it was supposed to be an Xbox exclusive with episodic format that latter got ported to PC and never got beyond the first three episodes of the story and Swery said he's done with it so, tough break. Still tho... I loved it! Maybe I'm just a fanboy but there's a wacky charm all over where the surreal and the mundane mix together in such a refreshing way. I love it!

  • Tales From The Borderlands

I really don't like Borderlands, not my type of game, but Borderlands 3 got so much press that I couldn't help to be a little excited for it... but I wasn't about to buy Borderlands 3 and hate myself latter so I looked at my Steam library and found that I still had this unplayed. I installed and I have to say had a really pleasant time. The dialogue is a bit stiff but the delivery is very good thanks to the amazing voice actors. The story is crazy but cleverly presented and funny all the way!

  • Killzone 2 & 3 [Dropped]

After dropping Killzone 1 I tried my best to get into Killzone 2 but I just couldn't I made it maybe half way through the campaign when I reached a difficulty spike that was the last nail in coffin. I'm sorry Killzone, it's not you, it's me.

  • Fallout New Vegas [Dropped]

As an avid fan of all things apocalyptic and post apocalyptic things I always had a grudge against not liking Fallout because they are massive games that could make me happy but saddly we just don't like eachother. I gave Fallout New Vegas a decent chance but it just didn't click. Something about the tone or humor of the series + the 50s aesthetics and all that brown and green and the monsters look stupid and... and... and... I just don't like it. I tried! sorry

That's all for me this month! I still have quite a few games left to play but I'm not super excited for them so we'll see how things progress! Have a great weekend!

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 10:43PM by EverySister

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