Friday, December 6, 2019

PvP in D4, COULD BE FUN, even for those who don't want to participate as a combatant. Here's How!

PvP can a should 100% be amazing in D4. Players shouldn't be forced into it. But for those who dabble down this road. There should be a some amazing things to experience, and encourage not only replay-ability. But beckon for other players to try their hand at legend, fortune, and glory.

I really hope Blizzard has at least 1 person completely dedicated on the D4 team for only PvP. This person can make PvP not only fun, but completely balanced if they understand the framework of the other systems. I have no doubts I could handle this if I was a part of the team.

At the time of writing this the 2nd feedback blog was just released and itemization along with other things are still up in the air.

So every system needs to have rules. But how do we work on PvP when we don't know how damage and game play will be calculated yet?

Well we work on the things that can be independent of those systems we are waiting on.

Such as:

  • Arena's flavor based on region and those who may be running the fighting scene in each region.

  • Announcers - They should fit into the region nicely with their own story, and quirks.

  • Players who participate in the matches - What can they experience, enjoy, or expect for being put on a grand stage.

  • Spectators - Players who just want to watch, perhaps cheer on general bloodshed, or a friend. What part do they play?

  • League of Fighters - With all these regions and arenas you would think there is a circuit people can run if they choose be it as a fan or a fighter. When gold is involved, you can be certain that organization will occur when enough of it flows.

So let me start painting a picture for you all of what the Dry Steppes could be like.

But first we need to make sure we have some simple data tracked that is linked to each player's character.

Every single character / player needs to have some back end data stored.

(This Spoiler is somewhat lengthy, but it tracks what simple data should be stored. It isn't much to look at by itself but for those who like to think about how games work it gives some insight on the back end.)




















































































































Ranked_ for all the above also

This data is will be used to enrich not only the players journey we are keeping tabs on, but all players who interact with their journey in some way.

Region Flavor + Announcers

I'm going to focus on the Dry Steppes. I think its ruthless, wasteland feel has my creative juices flowing. The idea that its a harsh environment and you may encounter things here that aren't seen elsewhere in the world are enticing to say the least. Lets start with the ones who run the show, and a little background on who they are, and how they came to be.

A band of fallen known as the "Death's Hand". They have struck fear into the wasteland while being mercenaries for hire, They have also made quiet a few men rich who had the guts to wager for them during their time in the ring.

"Bonez, the Earth Shaker" -
A Fallen Overseer who looks to have eaten 2 other overseer's. A completely massive and intimidating being, who seems to be a freak of his kind. He wields what looks to be leather wrapped and steel reinforced siege ballista shaft (15-20 feet long) with a large rectangular boulder on one end, and an black and grey colored metal doubled sided pendulum style scythe head on the other. He is adorned with large, gold, razor-sharp, spiked bone armor on his back and forearms. Covered in what seems to be old dried blood around the base of each spike, some of which he used as warpaint. His skin tone is a dark purplish black. His toe and fingernails are bone white, long, talon-like, and sharp, he has spiked bone growths from his knuckles. His eyes are a brown and yellow iris, with brown pupils that glow red when angered. His hair is in a short pony tail that goes straight up, salt and pepper in color. Bound so tightly and cut at an angle, that it looks like a broomhead sticking up. He has a small goatee which is braided and grey, that match his bushy grey eyebrows. He doesn't speak with words much, mostly gestures and grunts. When he shouts in battle, the ground trembles and his enemies are stunned in shock, and often immediately try to flee, if they come to still alive. (Think Doomsday from superman for the protruding bones, merged with Bane from Batman's upper body physique and disproportionately smaller head, mixed with a Fallen Overseer.)

"Azura, the Priest of Death" and "Ssipp, the Hungry" -
A Fallen Witch Doctor who has carries a blue flame assorted skull stacked staff in one hand, and has a chained and armored fallen hound, who's more round then skinny, with what seems to be acid dripping from its mouth, in the other. He wears a yellowed bone helm of some beast as a helmet. He has a long serpent like tongue which adds a lisp when he graces us with his voice. A grey robe, with side slits for his long insect like legs. Which is cinched at the waist by what seems to be a colorful poisonous snake eating itself. His legs and arms are bandaged like a mummy would be but poorly covered. He has reptile skin gloves with silver nails with gems on them. He has feathered wings of what seems to be a black vulture. His skin tone is a faded cobalt blue. Eyes are never seen, as blue smoke emanates from the eye-holes of the bone helmet.

"Stitch, the Spiteful Kamikaze"
A Fallen Lunatic who wont shut up. In the annoying gotta make a comment sort of way. He is unlike his kin. He has been blessed or cursed with the ability to reform himself after he detonates. Which can take some time, depending on how big of a boom he wants to make. He has found it useful to sew together his pieces to reduce recovery time. He more commonly can cause pieces of his body to break off at will, and become timed explosives. He may leave them as land mines, or toss them towards enemies, Him and the big guy have some fun interactions with one another. The big guy thinks its funny when he blows up, and often likes helping him do so, without his consent. His skin color changes depending on his mood. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder, because he cant find a way to die, he lost track of his age a few millennia ago.

"Maddash, the Swift"
A Fallen Imp who is the leader of the group "Death's Hand". Smaller then other fallen imps. He is very swift in not only his actions, but decisions. This one is a faded dark yellow slightly orange in complexion with oddly large amethyst crystal like eyes. He is rumored to be half fallen imp, half treasure goblin(his mothers side). He wears a hourglass talisman with yellow and black sand in it, that he guards with his life. As the rumor's goes it was his father's which he stole from the treasure goblin king's hoard, along with his mother! His father abandoned them for their safety when he was a child. He was hunted and eventually executed for his thievery, by the goblin royal guard. He wears black leather boots, with intricate golden inlays with amethysts. He is sometimes seen as the imp that he is. With a tangerine-beige hood and cloak hiding most his facial features except his bright eyes, pig like nose, and mouth. His horns are shorter then normal, and don't poke through his hood. But the outline of them are there. They do a good job of creating shadows within the hood to hide parts of his face. He has one protruding lower incisor tooth on the left side, with a gold cap and dangling golden Amethyst earring hanging from it. That always shows. He has a small walnut brown utility belt with several small pouches on it. Each side hangs daggers that seem to shimmer in the light, phasing in and out of this world. He is so quick that in combat he often appears as a blur, others would call him a whirling dervish. He learned how to be fast when he was young. He was captured when a group of Demon Hunters came upon him and his mother, killing her for her satchel he and their belongings were in, at a young age. For weeks he was their prisoner used by a few of those Demon Hunters as target practice. He learned to be fast and to dodge, because his life depended on it. He watched many of his kin fall to their aim. He somehow managed to survive long enough to buy time for his escape.

For years this unusual and outcast band of Adventurer's were hired to carry out tasks for a local fighting baron, among other underground jobs in the region. One day that baron thought he would muscle them over on paying them for a job. It was the last decision he and his men ever made. Since this group often enjoyed watching and participating in the organized fights in the past. They thought of no better endeavor then to take over the business for their own. In the land they were already campfire folk legends of, well for their kind at least. Who says a hell spawn cant earn respect of humans?!? Or maybe it is just fear...

This little group runs the show when it comes to any fight within the Dry Steppes. They do it all, and sometimes they still like to get in the ring to keep their skills fresh, or just crack some skulls.

Arenas and events scheduling:
Lets discuss venues within the region and how "events" will be rotated over a timeline.

So every area will have several different locations for pvp. Instead of every single area being open at all times, and spreading out pvp participants and spectators. It will be like a traveling circus for each area of the world.

6 days active, 1 day travel and prep for the next location.

With the different types of pvp, the rotation will be staggered so if combatants(players) and or spectators(players) want to follow only 1 type of event or singular regions events they can. They will just have to travel to the correct area that has that event active for that week. Each area will have special flavor to their rule set alongside the general rules that are followed everywhere else for that specific event.

Example Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Dry Steppes 1v1 + 4v4 Region Special (Brawling) Gauntlet 5v5 2v2 + 3v3
Fractured Peaks 2v2 + 3v3 1v1 + 4v4 Region Special (Brawling) Gauntlet 5v5
Hawezar 5v5 2v2 + 3v3 1v1 + 4v4 Region Special (Brawling) Gauntlet
Kejhistan Gauntlet 5v5 2v2 + 3v3 1v1 + 4v4 Region Special (Brawling)
Scosglen Region Special (Brawling) Gauntlet 5v5 2v2 + 3v3 1v1 + 4v4

So this is shaping up to be a "league" within sanctuary. That is the whole point. Some may not want to be involved at all, that is fine. Some will want to be in the fray. And for others, its time for us to be allowed to enjoy the in game action as your avatar. Through the match, live. Being able to participate in it as well. As the spectator some people enjoy being.


Think about this:

Dry Steppes - Due to its atmosphere ... I feel like paying homage to Mad Max Thunderdome has to happen here as one of the arenas!

Think about it, a giant metal caged dome. Spectators can climb on it to their fancy, picking the spot they want to spectate from, and then be able to zoom in, to view the arena from their characters vantage point, through the cage.

Players will be able to choose to spectate if they wish. They will be able to buy seats in some venues, first come first serve in others. And perhaps even one or two might be in an open pvp area so perhaps that low level shouldn't be in the front row taking one of the best seats in the house. Or that one guy who keeps spamming stupid stuff in say is dealt with in the audience by his peers. (The potential for more action to happen outside the ring then in it for a pvp area, could make for some great streaming and youtube videos as well as just general memorable events... imagine half the audience is in a brawl and both combatants notice and completely stop their fight to watch.

So players spectating will be able to do some fun things. (Understandably some things may need to have cooldowns to avoid spamming.)

  • Cheer
  • Hiss
  • Boo
  • Start a chant
  • Join a chant
  • Insult
  • Taunt
  • Throw food (Changes upon venue and vendors)
  • Throw drink (Changes upon venue and vendors)
  • Throw gifts (Changes upon venue and vendors)
  • Stand
  • Sit
  • Celebration Dance
  • Wave colored towls or flags of their favorite class, corner, or team.
  • In some arenas, spectators will vote on random x factors that are added to the battle, to mix things up.
  • Spectators will be able to wager bets against other unknown spectators during the announcement period with a small cut for the bookie NPC. (Gold Sink, we need those)

This would certainly add a very interesting atmosphere to not only watching pvp in the actual game. But for viewers through streams... showing them that joining the world offers special benefits for their patronage in being a spectator. And being a spectator in the actual game can be even more fun.

So what about the combatants?

  • The atmosphere in game will be like being in a real stadium. Being an actual combatant on a grand stage. You will hear the cheers or boos, and feel the love as well as the hate.
  • With the stored data of players win/loses we can have Announcers!!! Not only calling out their win and lose records. But as they gain reputation they can unlock special features. Such as titles and nicknames. These announcers will all be flavorful for their own personality, the area, and arena. Unlike in the past where games have a story going and it gets to a players name it doesn't have the audio to play it. Players will be able to use a phonetic alphabet to have the announcer actually say his, her, or the teams name to everyone attending the fight!
  • Players will be able to unlock introduction music for their entrance into the arena. As well as music if they are victorious. This will be unique depending on the arena and or region.
  • During Gauntlet matches, their music will play each time they defeat an enemy before moving to the next opponent, as well as perhaps announcer commentary.
  • Winning tournaments or matches will unlock rewards as your reputation grows.
  • Specialty cosmetics as well as uniques.
  • Taunts, Victory Dances, as well as entrance showboating will be things players can acquire.
  • Players will be able to wager bets for gold on their own victory.

For the players who don't want to pvp, or spectate. They will hear the cheers, boos, and sounds of the battle, as they come close to these arenas. As well as the droves of players flocking to this locations, inciting them to at least take a look at the event. For those who aren't tempted at first. They will hear the tales. Eventually curiosity, or just a much needed reprieve from slaying demons, or looking for upgrades will pull them into the action.

This creates a whole world, within the world of sanctuary. This creates replay ability. This is immersion.

A fighting game within sanctuary is PvP gold. Not to mention the possibility of an Esport... Blizzard needs to make some revenue. I would rather see them selling PvP team towls, flags, and chants to players rather then some of the other options.

Not to mention with this kind of driving force behind pvp being good... will make them actually make pvp amazing. Which I see as a win, win.

Dota was within Warcraft 2, look at how that turned out!

This is the kind of brave new feature that turns heads, and gets praise from the gaming community if done correctly.

(The above is solely my idea, Zerkkin. A concept of my own creation, within the world of sanctuary from "Diablo")
a little about myself at one point I was a professional gamer. I have in the past applied to Blizzard as well as other studios. Never once got even a interview anywhere. "lack of experience in the gaming industry..." what a catch 22 i'm sure others have also found themselves in. But this, is the world we live in.

On a side note, if any Artists want to try their hand at any of the "Death's Hand" members would be really sweet to see. I know art can help motivate and show things people sometimes cannot see otherwise.

Thanks for reading if you got this far. I have a lot more, much more in depth thoughts then this for things such as talents, skills, attributes, itemization. Will see how this post fairs first though.

Submitted December 07, 2019 at 08:10AM by Zerkkin

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