Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Amber's Little Problem - Part Two [Cheating]

As she stepped in she caught the lingering scent of the musk of her early morning desire. She took a quick glance at the bed and was horrified to see the damning stain her wet pussy had left on the sheets. She stopped abruptly and turned around to arrest Danny’s entrance into the room. However, she miscalculated just how closely he’d been following her. Unprepared for her sudden about-face he careened into her, the hard muscles of his chest colliding violently with her soft breasts. She stumbled backward and started to lose her balance, but quick as thought he wrapped an arm around her waist, arresting her fall. He drew her slowly upright until their chests were touching again. She stared into his eyes, at the ravenous hunger in those sparkling green orbs, and her pussy clenched deliciously as something akin to a tiny orgasm shuddered through it. Her mouth parted and she started to pant, carnal need taking over her body. She stepped in tighter to him, all thoughts of her husband swept away by the raging river of her lust. She reached up to twine her hands into his unruly mop of hair, intending to draw his mouth down to hers, ready to melt in his embrace, give her body up to that awful hunger. Instead, she stumbled awkwardly as he stepped away.


“Sorry about that,” he said, though he didn’t look apologetic in the least. “I wasn’t expecting you to turn like that.” His gaze swept around the room. Did she imagine it or did his eyes linger for a moment on the stained bed-sheet? His scan quickly revealed the modem and router sitting side by side on a small table under the window. “There’s our culprit,” he said brightly, brushing past her and crouching down in front of the table.

Amber could do nothing but stare in confusion as he shrugged the bag off his shoulder and dug out his laptop. A riot of emotion coursed through her body. Desire, confusion, guilt and a tinge of anger warred for control within the confines of her body.

In the end confusion won out. She plunked down onto the corner of the bed, absently flipping the sheet over the telltale stain on her side of the bed. How had she misread the situation so badly? Sure, she was horny as hell and definitely not in her right mind, but that look! A shudder went through her just at the mental image of that predatory gaze and the promise of the carnal delights it held. No, he wanted her, she was sure of it, but what was his game? She twirled a finger through the ringlets of her long brown hair, studying him like a puzzle she couldn’t quite work out the answer to.

“What’s your WiFi password?” he asked, glancing back over his shoulder.


“Your WiFi password. I need to connect my laptop to your wireless network.”

“YogaQueen88,” she replied. “The Y and the Q are capitalized.”

That got his attention. The hungry look was back again. There was no mistaking it. “I take it that you, and not your husband, are the yoga queen?” he chuckled.

“Guilty as charged. Five days a week, religiously, for almost four years now.” She clasped her hands, twisted them, then raised her arms languidly over her head, the motion thrusting her chest out. His reaction was disappointing. He turned his attention back to the computer and started typing.

“Born in 1988?” he guessed, not turning around.

She dropped her hands to her sides with an exasperated sigh. “Yep. Is everyone at Tech Tonic as observant as you?”

“Hmmm?” he murmured, still distracted by the computer screen and completely oblivious to her sarcasm.

“Yes, born in ’88,” she replied, louder this time, biting off each word. “You?”

“1992. I’m a grunge baby.”

She waited for him to volunteer a little more information, but the computer screen had recaptured his attention. There was no conversation for a few minutes as he continued to peck away on his laptop. She lay back on the bed, trying to quell her raging hormones with little success. She was having a hard time shaking the feeling of his arms wrapped around her, his muscular chest pressed against hers. She shifted uncomfortably on the bed. Her pussy was wet again and she didn’t want another stain.

“You wouldn’t happen to know what your connection speed is supposed to be, would you?” he asked.

“150 megabits per second download speed, “she replied. “I’ve been running regular speed tests since the issues started though and haven’t seen anything above thirty megabits for more than a month now.”

He turned around and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “You’ve got some tech game yourself, I see.”

She shrugged. “I run a blog management business, so I’ve had to learn a fair amount along the way.”

“Blog management? What does that entail?”

“I work with a handful of high profile bloggers, basically doing the daily behind-the-scenes maintenance tasks like updating plugins, scheduling posts, applying security updates etc., so they can focus their time on more productive pursuits.”

“Huh, sounds like a good gig. Must have been a lot of work getting it off the ground.”

“It was go, go, go for the first year and a half or so, but as the business grew I hired three virtual assistants to take care of most of the day to day tasks. To be honest, I spend less than fifteen hours a week overseeing things these days. It’s kind of on autopilot now.”

“You’ve got to love the internet. Infinite opportunities for anyone with entrepreneurial instincts and a solid work ethic,” he mused.

What is up with all this meaningless small talk? Don’t you want to fuck me?! she railed at him silently. She contemplated verbalizing the thought, but as urgent as her body’s need was she wasn’t ready to be that bold… yet.

Oblivious to her growing sexual frustration, Danny returned to fiddling with the router.

She flounced back on the bed with an audible huff. This was infuriating. It was like she was being seduced by a man with split personality disorder. One moment he was brazen and commanding, with a look in his eyes like he was going to bend her over the dresser and fuck her until she begged him to stop. And then, in the blink of those dazzling green eyes, he was just an earnest, chatty computer nerd, and the only satisfaction he planned on delivering was the kind that resulted in a working router.

She was contemplating ways to flip the script on this so-called seduction when her cell phone started to buzz on the bedside nightstand. A nervous lump formed in the pit of her stomach at the sound, and a powerful guilt suddenly assailed her, as though whoever was on the other end of the line knew exactly what she was up to and would hurl damning accusations at her if she picked up.

“Gonna get that?” Danny asked absently.

She scooched across the bed and read the caller ID that had popped up on the screen. Brett. Shit. The guilt hit harder, almost a physical blow that left her reeling.

“Well?” Danny prompted, staring at her now.

She shook her head, and the phone went still as the call went to voicemail. “It was, um, my sister. She calls me all the time and she has verbal diarrhea, never shuts up. If I picked up I would have been committing to at least a half hour of listening to her drone on about her three bratty kids.” She drew a deep breath, ready to expound if her challenged the lie, but he’d already lost interest and had moved over to the wall socket where he unplugged both the modem and the router.

A notification popped up on her phone, alerting her that Brett had left a voicemail. She considered ignoring it – Brett rarely called with good news – but ultimately relented and dialed in to retrieve the message.

“Amber. It’s Brett. Sleeping in a little late this morning? Listen, I’ve, um, got some bad news. The board of directors called an emergency meeting at the Seattle office. I’m on my way to the airport now. I fly out in a little over an hour. Sounds like we’ll be at it the entire weekend, at the very least. Hoping to be back Monday night. See you then.” Click.

Click. That was it. No I love you or I’ll miss you. Just click. She set the phone gently back on the nightstand. Strangely, she didn’t even feel sad or angry. She felt nothing but… apathy. She eyed up Danny, who had now finished power cycling the modem and the router and was sitting cross-legged on the floor, hunched over his laptop again. Another lost cause. Men.

She suddenly felt very silly, sitting on her bed in her skimpy nightgown, hoping the friendly neighborhood computer tech would pay her some attention. She got up and made her way to the closet, pulled out a thick woolly robe, and draped it over her shoulders. The robe draped to the floor, covering every inch of her body from the throat down, and very effectively hiding her voluptuous curves. In hindsight, she should have donned the robe before marching to the front door to throw away her vibrator. It would have made her morning a whole lot less awkward, that was for sure. She closed the robe, tied the belt and snugged it tight.

“Take off the robe,” Danny growled from behind her. She almost jumped at the sound, and whirled around to find him standing not five feet away, that raptorial look back in his eyes, pinning her in place like prey waiting to be devoured.

“W-what?” she stammered, utterly confused by this turn of events.

“I said, take off the goddamn robe,” he said, his voice quieter now, but more intense, if that was possible.

She gulped, and her heart started hammering again, but whether from desire, fear, or a blend of both she wasn’t exactly certain. She put a hand on her hip and arched an eyebrow at him. “Why?” she demanded.

He snorted laughter, and his eyes twinkled. “Didn’t I promise to help you with your little problem?”

“Um, yes…”

“Well, I can hardly do that when you’re wearing that big, thick robe, now can I?”

“What does my robe have to do with fixing the router?” she asked.

He laughed again. “The router’s fixed. Applied the latest firmware and everything’s tickety-boo now. You’re humming along at 150 megabits again. No, I’m talking about your other little problem.” His gaze slid suggestively to the bed and back again. “Now, are you going to take off that robe, or do you want me to rip it off of you?”

Her pulse quickened and her pussy clenched again at the rough demand. Hands shaking, she unfastened the belt of her robe, opened it wide and shrugged it off her shoulders, letting it pool on the floor. She stood there uncertainly, again in her flimsy nightgown, unconsciously holding her breath as she waited to see what would happen next.

“That’s better,” Danny murmured approvingly. His gaze roamed up and down her body again and his breathing quickened noticeably. Amber let her own eyes wander, taking in his broad shoulders, strong chest and flat stomach. Her gaze dropped further, lingering on the bulge in his jeans. She licked her lips and took an unconscious step forward, her body moving of its own accord, responding to the urgent desire flaring up within her. She took another step, then another, moving slowly as though to avoid startling her quarry.

He allowed her to move to within an arm’s length of him before raising a commanding hand, stopping her in her tracks. Her stiff nipples were mere inches away from his upturned hand, and the air seemed to crackle with energy in the intervening space. She was trembling violently now, and her breath was coming so sharp and rapid she was nearly panting.

“My, my, someone’s eager,” he murmured. He slid forward a quarter step, his hand, still raised like a stop sign, tantalizing close to her aching nipples.

Touch me, goddamn it! she screamed within the confines of her mind. As though reading her thoughts he relaxed his hand, then gently, almost reverentially brushed the backs of two fingers across her left nipple. She moaned, long and low, at the delicious feel of his hand on her body. She stepped forward eagerly, wanting more, so much more, than just that ghostly touch, but he stepped back in time with her and gave her an admonishing wag of the finger.

He clicked his tongue at her reprovingly. “I promised you I would help you with your little problem, and I will, but since I’ve already fixed your router don’t you think it’s time you did something for me?” That ravenous stare returned, and the blaze low in her abdomen became a roaring fire.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked in a small voice.

He gave her a wolfish grin. “Now, that’s a provocative question, with so many potentially delightful answers. Perhaps, in time, we’ll explore all of the mouth-watering possibilities, but right now, you need to get on your knees,” he commanded in a raspy voice.

Her body responded instantly to his demand. She didn’t think, she just dropped, like a marionette whose strings had been cut. The plush carpet cushioned her landing, and she knelt before him, head bowed, waiting with breathless anticipation for his next order.

He stepped closer, reached down and hooked his index finger under her chin. He applied gentle pressure, raising her chin until she was eye level with his crotch. The already impressive bulge in his jeans had grown noticeably, straining against the fabric of his pants, demanding freedom.

“Unzip me,” he said.

She reached up and began to fumble with the button of his fly. As she worked her knuckles brushed against the back of his cock and he moaned loudly in response. After a few moments she managed to get the button undone, then slowly, deliberately, unzipped his fly. His cock, though still hidden by his boxer briefs, sprung forward as it was released from its denim penitentiary, thudding against the back of her hand. Above her, Danny was breathing like he’d just completed a hundred yard dash. She seized his cock in her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, smiling at the loud groan it elicited. God, it was so thick! She felt a moment of trepidation as she imagined taking that engorged shaft down her throat. She slid her hand up and down the shaft, gently at first, but slowly increasing the pressure of her grip. His groans grew louder and his right leg started to tremble violently.

“Take my underwear off,” he demanded, his voice little more than a hoarse whisper.

She complied, but slowly, sliding his jeans down first, drawing out the foreplay before finally turning her attention to the thin fabric still standing between her wet, hot mouth and his throbbing cock. He reached into the waistband of his boxer briefs and gave his bare member a hard squeeze, summoning a strangled groan from above. She swirled her thumb lightly over the sensitive tip, tormenting him as he’d been tormenting her for the past half hour.

“Take them off.” The words were barely understandable, delivered as they were through clenched teeth, but the note of command, tinged with more than a hint of carnal desire, was crystal clear. She gulped, abandoning her tease, and slid his underwear down until it joined his jeans on the floor. He stepped out of the clothing puddled at his feet, waiting.

His thick cock was literally throbbing, pulsing with an all-consuming need, a primal desire that mirrored the savage lust that was rising unbidden from the depths of her body. All thought of teasing and protracted flirtation fled from her mind. Animal instinct took over and she plunged her mouth over the tip of his cock with a bestial hunger, teeth scraping down the length of him as she took the entirety of his engorged penis down her throat. She slid her mouth back up his length, then gripped the base of his shaft and gave a vicious squeeze. She plunged her mouth back down, over and over again, unrelenting and rapacious. There was no art to the blowjob, no seduction. It was sloppy and wet and borderline vicious, but she didn’t care. Fully in the throes of passion she accelerated her pace, her sole objective to summon forth the hot, sweet cum she’d not tasted in so very long.

Danny had clearly not anticipated the barbaric oral assault, and above her she could hear him groaning loudly, his strangled voice articulating exceptional pleasure, tinged with pain.

“Oh. God. Please. Amber. Slow. Down.” He managed to grate out each word between groans that were growing steadily louder.

She ignored his plea and intensified the pace, sucking, licking, gobbling, glorying in her power over him. She could feel his orgasm building, his body capitulating to her unrelenting attack.

“Stop!” he shouted, but it was far too late. Even as the words left his lips his back arched and his hips slammed forward, his cock pushing violently down her throat. He gave a strangled cry as the orgasm hit.

The cum she’d been craving came spilling down her throat and she drank him eagerly, greedily, sucking down every drop of seed that erupted from his cock. He had his hands in her raven hair now, holding her in place as his pleasure crashed over him in waves. Finally the flood subsided and he sagged against her, totally utterly spent. She slowly slid her lips back from the base of his cock. He twitched violently and gave a loud groan as her mouth slid backwards over the now sensitive tip of his cock, and she couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up from her throat.

“Think that’s funny, do you?” he rasped. He grasped her arms roughly and pulled her to her feet. “I told you to slow down!”

His face was flushed a deep crimson, though whether from the vestiges of his lust, embarrassment at his lack of control, or from anger she wasn’t sure. As her gaze met his own she got her answer. Yep, he was definitely angry. Before she knew it her own temper flared in response.

“Yes, I heard that command quite clearly, thank you very much!” she retorted.

Puzzlement furrowed his brow. “Well, why didn’t you obey then?”

She snorted laughter. “Obey? Sorry Danny, I like a take-charge guy, in fact it can be a major turn-on for me, but if you’re looking for a pure submissive then you’ve definitely got the wrong girl. You’ve had me dancing to your tune ever since you showed up on my doorstep. I needed to level the playing field, and once I got my lips around that big cock of yours it was my turn to call the shots for a bit.” She put her hand on her hip and arched an eyebrow at him. “Besides, do you actually expect me to believe that you’re genuinely upset over getting the best head you’ve ever had in your life?”

His eyes crinkled with amusement at her bold claim, but he held up his hands in mock surrender. “I’d have to be the world’s best liar to claim I didn’t enjoy that. I think my body’s reaction to your all-out oral assault was pretty clear evidence I liked having those lush red lips of yours wrapped around my cock. I just wanted them wrapped around it a little longer. I don’t think Usain Bolt could have finished the 100 meter dash in the time it took you to suck me dry.”

She blushed. “I guess I was a little over-eager. I’ve just been so bloody horny!”

He put a hand to his cheek and opened his mouth in feigned astonishment. “You don’t say? I never would have guessed. You’ve been hiding it so well.” He winced as she punched him hard in the shoulder.

“Not funny,” she pouted. She stepped in close to him, her breasts pressing against his hard chest through the thin fabric of her nightie. This time he didn’t retreat from her, instead wrapping his arms around her, hands cupping her ass and pulling her tighter to him. His cock, impossibly still rock hard even after the enthusiastic blowjob, stood up straight between them, the shaft rubbing against her tummy, the tip nestling in between the base of her breasts. Her heart started hammering and she felt her pussy dampen perceptibly. She reached up, twined her fingers behind his head and pulled his mouth down to meet hers. The kiss was deep and intense, the blonde stubble of his jaw abrading her chin as she hungrily pushed her tongue into his mouth. They remained lip-locked for nearly a minute before finally breaking to gulp in deep draughts of air. After a few brief seconds to replenish their oxygen supply they resumed their primal oral onslaught. As they kissed her hands explored his body freely, kneading the firm muscles of his shoulders and biceps, scratching her nails across his broad back. His hands were doing some exploring of their own. His right hand slid down below her ass, between her legs, and two fingers made their way under the hem of her nightgown and began to slide back and forth, ever so lightly, over the lips of her pussy.

Part three coming soon!

Submitted December 10, 2019 at 10:55PM by GhostWriter69XXX https://ift.tt/2t3t8i1

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