Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Original costume idea fell through, backup costume help?

My angler fish costume is falling through, but I have a backup costume/story I need help with. I am not skilled enough to pull it off, so I am going to put it off and gain some experience/skills before attempting it again. Kinda sucks, but I only want to do it if it looks had good on me as in my head. Otherwise I don't do my idea justice.

STORY TIME! Not accurate to history, but thought I'd share to give the vibe I'm looking for. If you don't want the background skip to the bottom

Long ago, women were banned from ocean craft and most long distance boats. They were not allowed to work on them, and only the upper class could ride them.

Often times, having any woman on board was thought to be a bad omen. You were taking the person you were supposed to come back to with you.

This was usually fine. The journey would happen, and everything would go according to plan, or mostly.

However. Sometimes a storm would brew.

Sometimes superstitious men were on board.

And sometimes, the women suffered. Women brought the storms, the giant waves that swallowed ships without a trace. It was the gods will that no woman should be on boats, they would say.

We must appease the gods.

And the woman would be bound and chained. An anchor tied around their waist. If they were lucky, they would be forced overboard right away.

Most weren't.

And they would be forced to jump, for it is a sin to push anyone overboard a ship, and they would drown, reaching for the boat as it sailed away to clear skys.

But other times, the sea takes pity on these women. Painfully, their legs weave together, turning to scales. Their fingers web, toes grow into fins. As they drown, gills grow on their necks and they are forced to breathe the cold, salty water

And they rise again: beautiful, deadly, with a hypnotic yet hoarse song to draw their murderers to the depths with them.


So, now that you get the vibe I'm going for, how would you make an anchor that looks heavy but is light enough to wear all night? I have a way to do the legs as they start weaving together. I am going to take pants, attach 1/2 a tail to each side, attach it to my wrists with clear fishing line, and put holes, gore, blood, and make skin to attach it to. I will rip holes in the pants and use fabric paint to draw on scales. Maybe even a fake toenail, or too far?

I have a white haired wig, I'm going to cut in all different lengths and basically make it look like I've been fighting. Blood on the wig as well.

I have a chain, although I need another one to make it long enough to go around me.

Any other ideas to bring this to life? I'm thinking blood around the nails, so it looks like I've scratched someone. Fake bruises, cuts. Maybe a black eye? Eye liner running so it looks like I've been crying.

Thanks for any help and I hope you enjoyed the story! I'll have to see if I can find the 1/2 finished art project that shows the story progression as well. This has been floating around for a while in my head lol

Submitted October 02, 2019 at 11:44PM by kaylarivers

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