Thursday, October 3, 2019

Get Down With The Thiccness Part 9 [Mdom] [Rough Sex] [FSub]

Part 9! Hope you enjoy, I experimented with a more romantic smut scene and I'm curious to see how it is received (I'm writing these pretty much at the same time so I expect this to be finished before Part 8 is even published!) enjoy this penultimate and extended chapter!

The clocks struck 6 PM on this cold winter evening. Campus was quaint and peaceful, as most students had finished their studies for another season until the new year, when semester two begun. Those who where not celebrating their release from the prison that was academic study were packing to take long trips back to their homes for Christmas. The one place around which was nowhere near peaceful or quiet was the student bar; Now beautifully re-designed with Christmas decorations. The most striking new addition was the large tree in the corner of the bar itself, close to the pool table and the dart board. The tree, as well as the tinsel, fake mistletoe and ornaments which peppered the tables and long furnished counter.

Today held no difference than most other evenings from the past week. As exams all over campus where getting wrapped up it was common for students to hang around and have drinks in celebration. Most tables where full of people, creating a loud buzz of voices which rattled throughout the bar, even the music which was booming from the speakers hung up on the top corners of the structure where being overtaken by the all-around cheerful vibe the bar was giving off. The one person in there who was anything but cheerful was Olivia, since her rather steamy and sexual tension-filled date with her co-worker, she had been rather frosty to him. It had been almost two months since that night, and every time he came into work her heart sank with sadness and anger with herself. She would usually have Justin give him agendas per her orders since she was so embarrassed to speak to him face to face. She wanted to desperately to take him somewhere private and tell him why she was being distant; that she wanted to be with him, but she valued her future prospects and if anyone found out she was in a relationship with someone who was known throughout campus as the one who was intimate with a member of staff…she didn’t even want to think about it.

At this moment, she was standing far away from George, on the opposite end of the counter. She was looking over at him frequently, trying not to think about him; regularly thinking to herself that keeping distant helps get over boys.

“Boss.” Justin called from beside her. Olivia shook her head back to the real world and looked at Justin. He slightly nodded to her hands to show her over pouring a pint, it spilling over her hands and into the grate under the glass. She gasped and quickly pushed the tap back up and handed the drenched glass to the disgruntled girl in front of her. Justin moved over to her and gave her a discolored white rag. She took it quickly and cleaned her hands, taking a long huff before giving it back. She rested her hands on her hips and looked across the bar.

“You ok?” Justin asked concerned.

“I’m fine, just a bit light headed.”

“You’ve been saying that a lot recently.” He replied scratching his chin. She looked at him, giving him an annoyed grunt before turning to avoid the confrontation.

“Why don’t you just talk to him?”


“You know who I’m taking about. I’ve seen how you stare at him almost every day. You try to make it seem like you don’t care, but its painfully clear to anyone here that you’re crazy for him.” Olivia tried to tune out his irritating voice, shutting her eyes and crossing her arms under her huge bust.

“You don’t understand. I can’t. My reputation would go down the toilet and what will that mean for me once I get to be someone who can really change this place?” Justin shrugged, looking back over his shoulder to see George working at a steady pace, casually chatting to some of his classmates while he served. Olivia followed his gaze and watched George, she blushed, and felt her heart beat quickly.

“All I know is, it was much more fun when you two were bursting with sexual tension. You were a lot more laid back and less mopey, that’s for sure.” Olivia did not reply, only thought to herself as he spoke those words to her. Her heart suddenly dropped as she spied out of the corner of her eye who walked into the door.

The long blonde hair was unmistakable. The bright green eyes which shone in the light of the bar, smooth pale skin almost glowing with perfection as she strutted into the bar by her lonesome. She was wearing a skimpy, rather tight-fitting tank top with her silver necklace draped around her neck, the green gemstone sandwiched between her DD breasts. Clinging to her toned, thick legs was a pair of leather leggings, them too looking rather tight for her naturally gifted curves. She wore a wide smile as she looked across the bar, seeing everyone’s happy faces and the cheery aura which enveloped the place. Olivia stared at her from the end of the counter, leaning forward to rest her head in her hand which was resting on the wet wooden counter, not caring that the spilled drink and other liquids where staining her lower top as her tits naturally rested on the counter. She liked Amy; she really did. But knowing that she had an odd interest in the same boy she liked made her dislike her as much as many other women on campus.

Before even seeing Amy come into the bar, George was with his friends, casually discussing their exam which was plaguing their minds ever since the week before when they where locked in that hall, in complete silence as they worked through the difficult paper. George was certain that he did well on it, even though at times his thoughts where focused more on Olivia than the textbooks and power point slideshows which was given for him to study thoroughly. Mike, Steve and Emma where all going to be going home for the holidays, even Alexa left early after her mid-year breakdown since she broke it off with John. After today, George was going to be pretty lonely for a while, at least until Alexa and his three good friends came home in January. It plagued his mind since the end of the exam, what would he do with all that time on his hands?

“Hey guys.” The foursome heard from behind them. They all turned to face the noise while George looked up from cleaning a glass. Amy stood behind them smiling happily. They all greeted, including George. She looked up at him and smiled even brighter.

“Good evening, what a pleasant surprise that you’ll be serving me today George.” She sat beside Emma on a stool, winking at him as she pouted her plump lips, giving off her naturally sexy aura to the small group. George could smell her perfume, it was powerful, and delightful. Emma turned to her and started talking like old friends to Amy. Ever since things went pear shaped with Olivia, it seemed Amy had started to see George, Mike, Steve and Emma a lot more than usual.

“What you having?” George asked as he prepared a clean glass for her.

“Hmm…” She hummed softly, eyes dating around the assortment of empty bottles which smartly lines the back wall of the bar.

“Surprise me…” She giggled and watched George as he prepared a smaller glass, scooping up two large ice cubes into the glass before pouring a brown liquid over the ice; the glass filled slowly, getting just halfway full before he slid it to her.

“That’ll warm you up in the cold weather.” He exclaimed before pushing a small straw into the liquid. Amy gracefully took the glass and took a small sip, sighing satisfied before looking into his eyes and muttering.

“Among other things…” She winked and proceeded to suck the straw for the alcohol before setting it down onto the counter. George blushed as he watched her every move, almost like he was in a trance. Emma seemed to notice, as she poked him firmly on the arm asking for another freebie.

“You get free drinks? That’s no fair!” Amy pouted and squinted, humorously giggling.

“Close friends drink free Amy.” George replied as he poured another for his friend.

“Well I guess I had better start getting into your good books huh?” She smiled and raised an eyebrow, her hand resting on the glass while the other slowly moved up her own thick thigh.

“Don’t worry you don’t have to pay tonight. On the house before you go home for winter.”

“Home? Sweetie I’m not going anywhere.” Amy gave a glum look as Mike piped up.

“Why not? Where’s your parents?” He asked, unable to look away from her radiance.

“Oh…my parents are far away.”

“Another country?” Emma asked.

“…You could say that, living with my ex last I heard.”

“Your ex?” All four said at the same time. Amy blushed and tried to hide a slight burn mark around her ring finger.

“It’s a long story, to keep it short I was arranged to marry him, but he was an asshole. My dad loved him to bits, probably more than me.”

“What happened?” George asked, his awareness of his job had suddenly gone, he was much more focused on Amy’s past rather than serving an old student.

“Well, there was this guy I met when I was with this asshole. He was amazing. Handsome, kind…hand a really huge…personality.” She blushed and looked at George, darting her eyes down to between his legs, knowing that whatever he was packing would be as huge, if not huger.

“He made me feel alive…and as soon as it started between us it ended.” Emma frowned and gave her a tight hug.

“It’s ok, life goes on.” The blonde smiled and took another slurp of her straw.

“So how did you end up moving?” George asked, leaning forward now enthralled with her casually chatting.

“I got mad with father, things got really heated and the asshole I called a partner got him to kick me out of the house with nothing more than a couple of changes of clothes and a few coins. I went around the surrounding area, got a job at a bar of all places…ended up owning it. Then thought it would be best to move to another country, best get a new start. So here I am!” The audience looked at each other and all took swigs of their drinks.

“What about the man? The one you loved?” Emma asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. I assume he found someone, a guy with that big a…personality is likely to get a girl…speaking of…Why haven’t you got a girlfriend George?” His eyes widened; he was left with his mouth open as the others turned to look at him for a reply. Amy grinned and bit her bottom lip lightly, eyes seeming to glow. He stuttered trying desperately to not look at Olivia who was still keeping herself occupied.

“Well…I guess I just haven’t really looked…” He managed to answer. Amy scoffed and crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing her cleavage up for him. She stared at him hungrily, she wanted to go in for the kill right there and then, her pussy tingled non stop as soon as she sat down.

“You’re very handsome, I think you would get any girl you wanted if you tried.”

“Why don’t you two go out?” Mike said jokingly. Amy looked at him and back at George, smiling.


“Oh come on guys, leave him alone.” Emma said nudging into Mike firmly.

“George…I think I might have something that will help…” Amy, now standing from the stool took the drink and chugged the last few sips and placed it down lightly on the counter.

“When you finish your shift, come around to my room. Not an invite, an order.” She blushed and winked at him before saying goodbye to the other three, giving Emma a hug and George a peck on the cheek which caused his cock to instantly hit overdrive. She swayed her hips as she left, catching the attention of most of the room as she left.

Olivia left the bar into the staff room when she saw Amy give George a kiss, right now she wanted to be anywhere but here. Her head was in her hands as her mind raced to keep her mind off of him. But with no avail, everything she tried to occupy herself with ended up thinking about how much she wanted him…George, now curious to see what Amy had for him. Slowly eased back into his last two hours of work before he would go up to her room.

The final few hours went by very quickly. As Mike, Steve and Emma all left him in his last hour he focused on work, as well as toying around with what Amy had for him. It helped that Olivia had said to Justin she needed to rest, seeing her made him sad over what could have been between them, now it seemed she wanted nothing to do with him. Once the clock sounded at 8PM, George started to leave the counter. He bid farewell to Justin before asking him to tell Olivia that he said to have a good holiday. After Justin agreed to tell her, he left the bar and began to walk quickly to Amy’s room.

He had got there quite quickly. It had not occurred to him that he was almost jogging to get there. He stood before the large red door, he knocked slowly, moving his hands into his pockets casually as he waited for the door to open. It only took a few moments before the door swung open showing the hourglass outline of a short girl. Amy looked up at him and smiled. George blushed heavily when he noticed that since leaving at the bar, she had completely stripped off her clothing, wearing nothing but a thin white silk robe, tied with a strip of the same material around her waist. Her huge DD tits where practically spilling out of the robe as she invited him in. Slowly, George came into her home, trying to hide his growing erection. Her natural scent was all over the apartment; it smelt good, as the smell invaded his nose he looked toward her; holding her hips as she looked at him up and down with a satisfied grin. She already knew that she had him.

“Like what you see? I decorated it myself.” Amy casually sauntered over to the small sofa in the middle of the room before sitting down and crossing one leg over the other, her naked leg slipping out of the robe showing clear to George. He quickly scanned the small single apartment but would always look back to her exposed leg, trying not to make it obvious.

“Yeah it looks nice.” He muttered as he stepped further into the room. The large window behind the blonde bombshell was covered with a deep aqua blind, not allowing any of the natural moonlight or street lamps illumination to light the room, only the dim lamps and the mood lighting which Amy had purposefully ensured would be more romantic was the only form of light in the apartment. Amy leaned forward, taking a large bottle of red wine from the glass coffee table and slowly pouring the deep red liquid into two large wine glasses, she looked up at him and smiled, making sure she leaned down low enough that her bust was as exposed as they could be without stripping off her entire robe. She wanted to do just that, strip for him and offer her body for him but the art of mastering seduction made her love the foreplay.

“Care to sit? There’s room for one more hun.” She winked and leaned back eying him hungrily. George took the invitation with glee, walking behind the sofa to sit in the seat next to Amy. She turned toward him, pressing her elbow onto her bust to make them look as alluring as possible. Taking a sip of wine she sighed and licked her plump lips slowly, watching his reaction intently. It was clear to her that he liked what he saw, and trying to hide it…All he needed was a little push before she would go in for the kill.

“I’m sorry for the robe, I just got out of the shower and I didn’t have time to change into something more…appropriate.” George shook his head and darted his eyes quickly up and down her body: to her gorgeous face, to her perfectly ample bust, to her exposed thick thighs which took every fibre of his being to not run his hands up and down it before moving up her body. He blushed, looking back up to her as she stared at him.

“Lost something down there have we?” She joked, giggling softly before taking another long sip of wine. Her pussy quivered, already soaking wet from the thought of getting to see a cock like his once again. George cleared his throat nervously and leaned back in his seat on the sofa trying to act casually.


“Don’t be hun, I have that affect on men.” She giggled again, playfully winking at him which made his cock throb hard; his cock raging down his leg. She saw the bulge; she paid no mind to it…she had waited so long for a dick that size she could be patient for a little while longer. She wanted him to be an animal on her, and teasing him to the point of insanity was usually how she would get men to be as rough and alpha as possible.

“So, before I give you this thing we spoke about, can I ask what happened between you and Olivia?” George blushed heavier; he had no clue that there were people who knew about them…

“What do you mean?”

“Come on hun, I know you two had something. She was all over you for months but around October she hasn’t said a word to you, just giving you that longing side eye I know all too much about…”

“What do you mean side eye?”

“That look someone gives when they want to approach you, wants to feel your hands on them wants you all to themselves but feel like they’re too inferior or not worthy…or in Livvy’s case, too proud to give into her feelings.” Amy sighed and tugged lightly at the strip of silk which loosely held her robe around her mouth watering curves, she un-crossed her legs and assumed a kneeling position to the side of George, resting one arm under her boobs to push them up and causing them to almost spill out of the robe, her other hand clutching the half full wine glass. He looked at her, giving the reflex reaction of a strong throb of his cock and a small licking of his lips to moisten them. She smelt so good, he balled his fists up, wanting to touch her body so badly.

“What you need is a girl who doesn’t care about rules or position, to get your mind off of those huge tits of hers…maybe just for a while before she gives into her feelings and comes to tell you how she really feels…”

“You think?” He asked, almost mesmerized by her cleavage, and her legs which poked out of her robe.

“Yep…so what do you say hun…want to touch them?” She grinned and looked for his reaction. She was amused to see him look into her eyes with a look of shock and excitement. She quickly placed her glass on the coffee table and brushed her hair behind her back, then resting her hands on her bare knees. George did not talk, only moved his hand to hers, feeling the soft manicured hands of the blonde goddess. She scoffed, moving her hand away from his and lightly pushed it to tough her knee. Once she felt the warmth of his hand a shot of excitement ratted through her body…it was the unmistakable feeling of adoration; no man could compare with the man she was with right this second. He slowly moved up her leg, a light moan escaping her lips. Amy shut her eyes and let the moment take her away.

George, now slowly getting into the act of feeling her soft, smooth thighs moved up to her hips, then up to her waist. Amy proceeded to undo the silk ribbon and let it drop to the sofa, giving George easier access to her upper body. He did just that, now adding a second hand to her body her brushed his hands firmly up her toned torso up to her chest. She moaned loudly as her soft tits where groped roughly, pressing her thighs together to hold back her orgasm. She breathed in heavily as she felt her hard nipples stabbing the palms of his hands. She opened her eyes and stared at his cock through his trousers. She shook her shoulders, sick of wearing the robe it quickly slipped off of her arms and joined the ribbon on the sofa arm rest behind her. She took his hands and forced him to stay focused on her tits, smiling softly as he moaned, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. She bit her lip and looked back at his hungry, almost animalistic eyes.

“Here let me help with that baby…” She leaned forward, pressing one of her hands on his cheek while the other leaned down to rub his length. She kissed him while she slowly ran her hand up and down the trouser leg; gripping firmly as she ran her fingers across his thick cock. She had already experienced a heavy climax when their lips touched, the spark of lust growing quickly into a raging flame deep in her body. George held her lower back as he explored her curves; moaning into her mouth as their tongues danced. An unzipping sound came into his ears, now feeling a small hand venture into his pants. Amy broke the kiss and bit her lips hard, sending a sharp exhale through her nose and a needy and lust fueled moan. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and roughly pulled it out of his pants. She looked down at it and slowly stroked it lovingly, mouth practically watering as it filled with saliva.

“Hmm, how the fuck is it bigger than his?” She muttered in awe, the warm cock throbbing as she slowly began to jerk him off. George opened his legs up and let her tug off his throbbing cock with both hands. Amy began to massage his shaft as she jerked him off, masterfully showing her skills she had picked up over the years. He had not felt anything like it before, maybe it was the seductive nature of Amy, or how her scent made him want to push her to the floor and ravage her until she was sore. She giggled and looked at him, eyes seeming to shine brightly. Letting go of his cock she stood from the sofa and swiftly moved to sit on his lap, pressing his beast on his stomach while her thick ass cheeks sandwiched it in place. George began to grope her roughly, moving one hand to her clit. She pressed her thighs together to keep his hand in place, her second orgasm close to erupting.

“Make me your slut daddy…fucking ruin me before Olivia takes you for herself.” She turned and kissed him. Thrusting her ass up and down his length as he spewed pre-cum up his shirt. Her hands rested on his knees, digging her nails lightly into his skin. After a few more thrusts Amy finally could not take it much longer, she needed this cock inside her. She moved her ass up to release his cock from her ass. Positioning her throbbing pussy directly over his rock-hard length she pushed her perfect body down; roughly impaling herself on his thick, huge cock.

Her eyes shot wide open and a loud, high pitched moan broke out of her mouth as an intense second orgasm made her whole body shiver furiously. She threw her head back, making her long silky hair flare out across her finely toned back. For her hung partner, he grunted as he started to force her to bounce up and down his cock, feeling his dick becoming wet with her juices and his precum. Her ass bounced up and down as she took his whole length with ease, her loud erotic begs for more making him want to push deeper into her pussy.

Amy began to open her mouth, letting her tongue slide out of the side of her mouth as their bodies furiously smacked together, causing a dry smacking sound to fill the room. Her legs became weak over the incomparable pleasure of getting man handled by a giant cock. If it wasn’t for her hands propping her body up, she would have fallen to the floor for sure. Her pussy was heavenly, it felt like she was milking him of his cum when he thrust up and down into her, her walls seeming to clench around his cock. He throbbed as he pumped more pre-cum inside of her, he was about to blast a load into his blonde cock slut.

He moaned one last guttural moan before forcing her to stat balls deep, thick bubble butt resting on his chest. She let her tongue hang out of her mouth as she felt his warm seed explode out of his large pussy splitting head. She almost lost her mind over how good it felt, feeling herself fill up with his cream. Panting like an animal she looked to the ceiling, desperately trying to keep herself from passing out. After enduring the relentless assault of semen which made her orgasm yet again, she leaned back and rested on her mans chest, breaking hard. He was nowhere close to finishing…

Almost a second later she smiled and groped her tits hard, basking in the afterglow of the intense fuck. She suddenly felt him push her off of him. She slipped to her knees on the floor as George stood over her, pressing his cum covered cock over her face. She looked up lovingly at him, pupils dilated as her pretty eyes glowed. She started to lick his cock clean before taking it into her mouth. She hurried to take his hands and place it on the back of her head, forcing him to own her mouth like he did with her full pussy, cum now flowing out of her like a waterfall, pooling on the varnished wooden floor.

He began to thrust into her mouth, slowly at first, but quickly getting rougher and harder. His cock slid down her throat as she twisted her tongue around his cock. She stared up at him as he fucked her mouth, thinking how hot he looked as she felt a slight pain on the back of her head, he had held her firmly as she kissed his pelvis, tears beginning to form on the corners of her cock hungry eyes. George pushed her head back and forth while he boisterously thrust his whole length down her throat which formed a large bulge down her neck. Spit escaped her full mouth out of the corner of her lips as she began to spank her ass roughly, she was hell bent on making herself look like a slut for him, maybe if she let her deepest desires out for him, he would choose her rather than Olivia. Even though the chances of that happening are slim to none.

Cum continued to slowly pour out of her used pussy, tits bouncing in rhythm with his thrusts. She felt so good, she had not realized that she had reached another climax whilst she sucked his cock, savoring the transferred cum off of his length. She moaned hard as tears streamed down her face quickly moving her hands to grip his behind forcing herself balls deep. She looked up at him, unblinking as George let loose another stream of thick goo down her throat.

The only noise heard in the room was Amy gulping down his cum. Her nails dug into his ass as she choked on his cum, it was too much to take as she coughed vigorously, spewing cum out of the sides of her almost air tight lips. George pulled out as he stopped shooting into her mouth; cock now slowly shrinking back to its semi-erect state. Amy opened her mouth to show him her cum filled mouth, swirling the cream around her mouth and gargling it like mouthwash. She slowly rubbed her clit as she looked as submissive as she could, finally closing her mouth to swallow the last mouth full before opening it once more to show her master that she drank him dry. George panted as he watched her, heart racing as he felt himself get turned on once more. Amy looked down at his third leg, smirking as she wiped the last few drops from her lips with her fingers and suckled them softly, taking in his seed as much as she could.

“Fuck…” George muttered as Amy smiled cutely.

“I can do this all night daddy…” She winked at him and raised to her feet, now standing at the height of his broad shoulders. George held her hips, feeling her thigh rise and wrap around his hip.

“Can we test that?” He replied, feeling his cock press on her stomach as she pressed her body onto his, soft tits pressing onto his chest.

“Oh fuck yes daddy…I’ll always be yours.”

The primal, animalistic fuck session between the blonde cock slut and the hung stud continued into the early hours of the morning. Whether it was Amy straddling him on the bed with her huge oiled up tits bouncing up and down, or George tying her to the headboard with Amy’s handcuffs (which she kept in her bedside table) and fucking her with her thick toned legs wrapped around him as her eyes rolled back into her head, they both never seemed to run out of stamina. It only took Amy feeling his cum in her hair and all over her body when she felt her body physically not want to continue. She basked in the afterglow, rubbing his cum into every crevasse and muscle on her body. He quickly sank off into sleep once his head hit the fluffy pillow. Amy looked over at him and sighed, eyes fluttering closed as she drifted off into a well needed slumber; her mind dreaming of a world where he loved her instead of Olivia.

Christmas Eve. 2 weeks since Amy invited George to her apartment.

It was shocking to George as the snow fell heavily down from the sky, layering the roads and pavements, cars and buildings with a thin coat of snow. It was shocking to him as snowfall was rare for this part of the country, especially this close to Christmas day. He had just gotten off the phone with his family. They were very happy to know that he booked a ticket to come home for new years day, seeing that his punishment for having sex with Christine was now over, he thought it was best to keep his sexual encounters close to his chest. His mind wandered back to Olivia most of the time, especially when his last shift ended. He had hoped that she would have been there to see him go, but alas it was just Justin who saw him off; even Justin had not seen her for weeks, which made him slightly worried for her.

He was standing in his kitchen, looking outside to see the public walk by in their winter coats and hats. He loved the winter, the atmosphere of Christmas, the hot drinks and heating. He felt his phone buzz quietly in his pocket. Slowly fishing it out he looked down at the message. It was from Amy. She had become infinitely more talkative since that night; he had been tempted to get physical more than once with her in the fourteen days since he told her he still thought about Olivia. He still vividly recalls what Amy had told him as they laid together in bed:

“She’ll come around tiger, just give her time. But if she doesn’t you can use me all day and night until you get bored of my body…”

He heard a sharp tap on the door. He frowned confusingly. He hadn’t had any visitors since Alexa had left for home. He approached the door and creaked it open once he made the short journey to the entrance of apartment 5-D. As he opened it his heart skipped and eyes widened. Olivia stood there sheepishly, looking to his feet as she played with her fingers shyly. She looked up at him, smiling apologetically. She looked beautiful: Her hair had grown longer, now almost shoulder length, dyed a dark red. A brown bomber jacket with a fluffy deep red scarf wrapped around her neck, underneath was a jumper which was the same color red as the scarf. A skirt hung to her lower thighs with those unmistakable stockings she wore on their date. He blushed as he looked into her shadowy eyes (thanks to the light makeup she pattered onto herself).

“Hey…” She muttered as she looked into his eyes.

“Hey…” George replied. There was a moment of awkward silence between them before Olivia began.

“Look, I’m going to cut right to the chase…I want to say sorry. I’ve been a real bitch to you since…since…you know. And I’ve been thinking, a lot. I ruined what we could have potentially had together George. And I really hate myself that even though you’re dating Amy now I still feel the same things for you that I did when I first met you…I thought I’d just get that off my chest before I can try to move on.” She blushed, unable to look him in the eye out of sheer embarrassment.

“I’m not dating Amy…” He replied quickly, blushing as much as she was. Her expression changed from apparent sadness to a look of confusion.

“I thought you two…you know…” She muttered before looking around to see if anyone was listening.

“Had sex…?” George shook his head, smiling to her.

“Well, we both where going through a lot at the time…It was just a one-off thing. Never happening again…” Olivia blushed and rubbed her forehead.

“I’m sorry, I’ve made this awkward. Look I’m just going to leave you alone-”

“Can I say something first?” George intercepted her, which made her apologetically react.

“I really like you too. And it might sound selfish but I really wish you wouldn’t care about what these higher up people think about you. I want to be with you. More than Amy…more than anyone.”

“…. Oh…r-really?” She bit her lip and looked into his eyes, both staring into each other’s souls. She did not need a verbal answer. The look on his face told the whole story.

“I’ve been silly, haven’t I? caring too much about my position…Amy told me…about 2 weeks ago. She said if I was thinking about someone all the time. Whether it was in the shower or at work, in a meeting or whatever, then he’s the only person I should worry about not thinking highly of me…you…you think I’m good enough?”

“For anyone with half a brain you’re the best girl a guy can ask for Olivia.” She curled a smile, trying not to cry tears of joy. She leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek. When she leaned back into the hallway, she looked shyly at him. Olivia suddenly felt his hands hold her waist as he kissed her. She kissed back, holding him intimately as they embraced each other. Once they broke the kiss, she crossed her arms under her bust. Looking happier than George had ever seen her.

“So…shall we go for a walk together? Maybe watch a movie or something?” She said, lacing her fingers with his.

“That sounds perfect.” George replied with affection.

Submitted October 04, 2019 at 02:36AM by Zedda1

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