Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Resonant Powers


The Resonant Powers emerge through interactions between a human's central nervous system and magical organisms called Nanyms - a portmanteau of nano- and nymph.

Nanyms are pervasive, existing everywhere in nature and in all living things. They are much like coral in that they are identical to each other, but can also link together to assume a large variety of physical shapes/forms, and communicate instantly regardless of distance, meaning they can think/act as one, which allows them to form a single magical network around the entire planet. Nanyms will then 'infect' a person and trigger an immune response, allowing them to innervate a host's CNS with the goal of strengthening of their heart-brain-connection - primarily by way of the vagus nerve - so that a human can effectively 'download' the magical software from the Nanym-network. When this 'download' is complete, humans can see/feel/perceive all of the Nanyms within their body and immediate toroidal field, thus enabling them to draw from the magical power which fuels the Nanym-network.

Here’s what the Nanyms look like, and the stony coral that inspired their creation:

"Resonance" is the phenomenon of a human life force vibrating or oscillating at the same natural frequency as the Nanym-network. The Nanym-network achieves coherence with a human life force through 1 of 6 primary frequencies and, therefore, only 6 forms of Resonant Power exist. Each power corresponds to what can be thought of as the 'Domains of Self,' or the fundamental ways in which humans tend to experience, grow, or navigate through the world - Socially, Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, Environmentally, and Spiritually.

The manipulation or expression of a Resonant Power is known as 'Conduction', which refers to the transmittance of magical energy through a human medium.


Resonant Powers are, firstly, limited by the number of Nanyms within someones toroidal field. The more Nanyms they are aware of/can draw from, the greater amount power available to them.

Secondly, the strength of a person’s power is proportional to the size of their toroidal field. The larger their field, the more Nanym’s within it and, therefore, the more energy accessible to them. The size of a person’s toroidal field is also subject to change over the course of a lifetime. New users of each Resonant Power have smaller fields than more experienced ones. However, there is cap on the size/strength of a person’s toroidal field relative to which Resonant Power coheres with the frequency of their natural life force.

Finally, the physical body is a limiting factor. Though Nanym-coherence involves physical alterations so as to ensure the human form becomes an efficient conductor for the flow of Nanym energy, there is still always resistance in the conduction of any current, and the human body, no matter how greatly altered, can only hold so much energy. Toroidal field sizes are proportional to each form of Resonant Power as a way of ensuring optimal coherence on the physical level. So, use of a power causes deep exhaustion and fatigue when used rapidly, in great excess, or unwisely. In rare cases, such as when inexperienced users are unaware of how to properly Conduct appropriate energy-levels from the Nanyms, or perhaps during times of incredible stress when a user is pushing their limits, a user may draw too much energy and temporarily disable their Resonant connection to the Nanym-Network, preventing them from accessing it’s power and, thereby, rendering their own disabled for limited time. It is rather uncommon for a user to draw so much energy that they permanently sever their own connection to the Nanyms and lose their Resonant power altogether, but it is not unheard of.

Forms of Resonant Power and the applications of their Conduction:

  1. The Resonant Power of Social Magnetism - Conduction allows users to charm/attract or repel others within their toroidal field, making targets feel an immediate pull, bond, or an extreme revulsion. They can form powerful friendships, are known to be incredibly popular, and their powers of seduction are confounding. Users are capable of enhancing their beauty in the eyes of another, manipulating hormones, and exuding a physical presence that is immediately felt by others. Seemingly the least powerful of the 6 in terms of raw capacity, they are nevertheless the most rhetorical and influential in human affairs. And though they possess the smallest body auras of any other form of Resonance (meaning that they draw from the smallest number of Nanyms), their Conduction is able to exert itself over a significantly larger area. They are known to be excellent performance artists, actors, politicians, and leaders.
  2. The Resonant Power of Neural-Impulse Control - Conduction allows users to manipulate the discharge of electric signals in their own body and in others. They can energize their minds to achieve higher levels of focus, quicker physical reflexes, deep concentration, and increased processing speed of thoughts and information. They are able to suppress pain and increase pleasure. They can also manipulate their neural hardwiring, allowing them to re-structure/organize their minds to optimize the retrieval and storage of information, enabling abilities like perfect memory and execution of tasks. Advanced users can establish mental links with those inside their toroidal field, allowing them to control thoughts, induce pain, or disorient another’s senses, as well as block them from certain parts of their own mind. Some can even stop a person’s heart by ceasing its contractions. Others can induce fatal seizures by short-circuiting a mind with an abundance of neural impulses or, conversely, render someone brain-dead, leaving their mind an empty shell that merely performs necessary physical function. They are brilliant individuals and, for this reason, extremely dangerous.
  3. The Resonant Power of Physical Augmentation - Conduction allows users to alter their flesh, blood and organs, largely by integrating Nanyms directly into physiological processes. They can enhance all physical abilities well beyond peak human capacity, such as increased speed, strength, endurance, stamina, metabolism, and restorative sleep-states. They can reinforce and change the size/shape of their muscles, fat, nerves, skin, hair, nails, etc, and can manipulate body temperature and storage, as well as stretch all physical limiters to reach full potentials. In short, they can achieve physical mastery. They are commonly warriors, but also athletes – sports are dominated by them. They are also known to be incredible dancers. Unlike other forms of Conduction, users of the Physical Resonant Power draw all external Nanyms within their toroidal field directly inside of their bodies to aid them (i.e.; their field is empty, and their concentration of internal Nanyms is significantly higher than other humans, Conductor or not).
  4. The Resonant Power of Empathy - Conduction allows users to directly observe the flow of Nanyms within the toroidal field of another, enabling them to fully interpret/understand, replicate, and (for highly experienced users) directly manipulate the emotions, moods, temperaments, and actions of another. They can see layers of emotions, understanding when one is hiding behind another. They can perfectly navigate someone’s emotional state and interact with them in order to achieve any desired state, whether it be happiness or anger. And they are by far the most diverse group of Conductors, with many different sub-skills that range from very weak in power to very great. Some can give their emotions to another with a touch, some can sense emotions over great distances. They can forge emotional bonds that, if kept open, allow them to sense when a person is in great danger or turmoil, even locate them by their ‘emotional scent.’ They can unlock another’s potential by tapping into their perfect/ideal emotional state. Those who have mastered their abilities can detect lies and heal emotional wounds, even create illusions by triggering emotions that make another believe something is the case. A few can see emotional echoes from the past, and can feel the emotional residue associated with places, inanimate objects, and people who have died. They are the wisest of the 6, with the greatest understanding of toroidal flow/body auras (i.e., the movement of bio/electromagnetic information).
  5. The Resonant Power of Nature Attunement and Communication - Conduction allows users to understand the state of the Nanym-Network within a given location, usually limited to what is within their own toroidal field. They are unique in that their own life-force naturally attracts all Nanyms not within their toroidal field, bringing the Nanyms closer to supply a constant stream of environmental feed-back. Users can communicate directly with nature by speaking verbally or touching physically. They can become instantly familiar with their environments, discern the nature of events based on the movements of plants, animals, rocks and trees. Because of their connection to the larger Nanym-Network, they are able to perceive the patterns of natural forces in the world, such as shifts in tectonic plates, natural disasters, and weather systems. All users can sense the overall well-being and conditions of their immediate environment, no matter what biome (forest, desert, mountains, tundra etc.), while those with more subtle awareness can even sense naturally occurring chemical reactions. They understand the structure of the world and thus, are generally always in tune/synch with the natural order and harmony of all things, especially their own place in it. Users can tell when something truly unnatural has happened within their environment, sense ecological danger, can influence plants to grow and animals to aid them, and for those of true mastery, alter the weather. They possess the most dynamic toroidal fields/auras in terms of shape, size, and spin, and are largely disinterested in human affairs.
  6. The Resonant Power of Life-Linking - Conduction allows users to connect with and directly influence any living creature that has Nanyms within it. They share the closest coherence with the Nanym-Network, possess the greatest Conductive ampacity, and have by far the largest toroidal fields/auras. Thus, they are the strongest Conductors and possess the purest form of Conduction, allowing them manipulate Nanym energy in its most ‘raw-state’ and shape it as they see fit. They can form energy constructs, energy blasts, protective shields, and link the souls of others to create spiritual bonds. They are capable of enhancing the Conductive abilities of another with Resonant Power. They are able to increase the vibrational intensity of their own life-force and, therefore, increase their own power, as well as draw from the life-force of every living creature within their toroidal field. In many ways, they are resistant to the effects of other Resonant Powers, and can absorb Conduction used by another, which can then fuel their own Conduction. For masters of this type, users can kill someone by stealing their life force, and - rarest and most dangerous of all - breathe life back into the dead. Their power has untold limits and is regarded with the utmost fear, respect, and awe. They are the rarest of Conductors, and many believe this form is Resonant Power is a myth.

Here’s a basic model of the Resonant Powers:

The Greek terms coincide with the frequencies associated with each Resonant Power. There is also a connection between these frequencies and functional brain states in a human, which I can explain if anyone is interested. I can also explain the thermodynamics and underlying physics involved in the energy transfers that make Conduction possible, for anyone wondering about all the heat.


The actualization of one’s ability to Conduct a Resonant Power is characterized by a 3 part process, called Revision. It consists of:

  1. The Affliction
  2. The Shattering
  3. Reanimation

  1. During the Affliction we see the initial onset of Nanym-immune-responses and the production of CNS modifications. The experience of this process feels as though an individual has a serious bacterial infection, and the stages of The Affliction are determined by the following symptoms:
  • Disruptions to the sense of smell; sometimes rapid onset of unpleasant smells, the experience of scents which are not present, or synesthesia
  • Headaches and vertigo
  • Mild disruptions to cognition – difficulty remembering/confusion
  • Fever and sore muscles, specifically back pain
  • Angina/chest pain*
  • Cardiac Arrhythmia, first subtle and then extreme**

***5 & 6 are both signs that the heart-brain connection is being innervated

  1. The Shattering is characterized by 3 events:

  2. A high frequency EMP, which happens upon full Nanym-innervation of the sinus node and intrinsic cardiac nervous system.

  3. An incident of cardiac arrest.

  4. The actual Shattering, or strengthening of the heart-brain connection.

Once innervation of the Nanyms is complete, a powerful EMP is created to signal the Nanym-Network that a human is ready to establish coherence. As a consequence of this EMP, cardiac arrest follows, marking the moment before coherence occurs. Finally, The Shattering; because a cardiac arrest has taken place, the heart must be restarted. For this to happen, the Nanyms burrow a very thin hole in the chest cavity***, allowing the Nanyms external to one’s body to directly access to the heart. The enables the Nanyms to produce Refibrilation (a magical shock to induce a new cardiac rhythm). Refibrillation restores heart function while establishing Nanym-Network coherence, and the combination of both is what strengthens the heart brain connection, making Resonant Powers available.

***The burrowing of this hole is an important feature. Whenever an individual Conducts their Resonant Power, the energy exchange produces a glow. As their mastery over the Nanyms and experience with Conduction grows, this glow spreads from the heart through the entire CNS. The light produced by Conduction makes it appear as if the body has been broken at the heart, with a shatter-like-web extending/glowing along the rest of the CNS. The appearance is similar to the Japanese art of Kintsugi (repairing pottery with gold), and the human appears to glow from within, with the bright spot extending from the chest. This is where the term “Shattering” comes from. It can be visualized like this (though keep in mind, this image is an external representation; the actual glow would be within, and would appear to move along the CNS according to its individual shape):

  1. In the Reanimation phase, Nanym-Network Coherence is complete, enabling one to perceive all the Nanyms within them and their immediate toroidal field/body aura. They can then Conduct the energy of the Nanym-Network through their bodies via the heart-brain connection, in whatever form corresponds to the frequency of their Resonant Power.

This process, as related to the changes in ones toroidal field via the strengthening of the heart brain connection, can be seen here:

Another unique feature is the existence of something I call an “Operator,” which is ‘born’ in the Reanimation phase. It is an extension of the Nanym-Network’s sentience, and takes the form of a cuboctahedron made entirely out of Nanyms – meaning that it can dissolve/disappear, and cannot technically be destroyed. When present, the Operator is constantly moving and revolving; it ‘rides’ a person’s toroidal field, and is said to surf the stream of their consciousness. Its job is three-fold; (1) to more efficiently harness the Conductive energy of all Nanyms within in a person’s immediate toroidal field and body, (2) to monitor their physical/mental/emotional activity, and (3) provide direct lines of communication between the Conductor and the Nanym-Network. A Conductor may use their Operator to get information from the Network about a great number of things; the weather halfway around the world or the temperature of the ocean at a certain depth. It can be used to “listen” to the Nanyms in a different room and hear a private conversation. They can even search for another Operator, allowing a user to speak with another Conductor. Operators can find areas with greater Nanym-concentrations, and even make ‘requests’ to the Nanym-Network for more Nanyms to be sent to their location if a fight seems imminent. Each Operator has an identity, or distinct personality and voice, and can literally speak to their Conductor. Operators are a reflection of how the Nanym-Network perceives the Conductor and, in many ways, they are a Conductors greatest tool; part friend, doctor/personal trainer, cellphone and assistant - they know the time and have GPS abilities, have Nanym-Network search capabilities (like Google), instant communication; they can diagnose physical ailments and monitor health, guide the development of one’s Conductive capacity, and record events and interactions for future reference. They have an extensive and impressive array of abilities, their use is largely determined by their personality, and by the Conductors way of employing them.

(The Operator can be seen in the bottom right hand corner of the previous image, albeit incorrectly shaped).

Hope you enjoyed?

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 04:30PM by terminal_reject

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