Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nothing is Impossible: Overcoming Aspergers and Becoming a Slayer

Do you ever get sucked into a video game or hobby so much that it consumes your entire life and you neglect just about everything else? Does the world of normal social interaction simply seem puzzling and full of contradictions? Do you ever find yourself asking WTF is the point of small talk and standing up straight and a firm handshake and all these other "meaningless" social behaviors? Do you just not give a fuck about fashion and would rather all people judge you and everyone else on their intelligence or character? Do you have a really good memory and can remember details from childhood that other people have long forgotten? Do you have a weird thing going on with your eyes where one eye looks slightly off center compared to the other eye? Do people say you look "stiff" and "unnatural" in your body language? If so, there's a strong chance you're on the spectrum.

My Background:

Around 1%-4% of the population has Autism Spectrum Disorder and it can lead to an incredibly frustrating experience with women. Growing up, I always had difficulty making friends and staying out of trouble at school. Every school principal would call my parents and tell them that I was different from the others and should go to a psychiatrist to be checked for autism. I ended up being diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome, "a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests." Based on everything I observed growing up, I'm 99% sure I got it from my Dad. As an engineer, he exhibits almost all of my symptoms and looking at him, I could see the "end result" of Aspergers Syndrome if left to grow unchecked into adulthood. He had this weird hybrid between having a somewhat alpha vibe with my Mom in that he wouldn't tolerate any bullshit and would lose his temper and scream when things don't go his way and this weird beta worldview that a man should be a provider and should look to make as much money as possible and take care of his woman. Unfortunately, in the later stages of his career, I realized after my parents' divorce that Aspergers can lead to serious consequences in career. I don't think he ever recognized the importance of workplace politics in any company and always complained about brown nosers and other people getting promoted over him even though he was "smarter" and "more capable." It just never occurred to him that the reason he kept getting laid off was not because of his technical ability or not working hard enough but because of his poor EQ and difficulty in building relationships with co-workers and bosses. There would always be a bullshit excuse for why he got fired every time like "failed to meet performance expectations" or "not a team player" but deep down, I think he always knew that it was because he didn't "brown nose" or mingle with the other co-workers socially.

Looking back now, I'm incredibly thankful for my Dad. Watching him and how his life turned out gave me the clearest example possible of what happens when you focus only on skills and neglect social development. I saw myself going down the exact same path all the way to Age 24. Getting good grades in High School and College while spending the majority of my time playing WoW and League of Legends. Check. No friends or social life outside of online gaming of any kind. Check. No girls even looking my direction or giving me any IOIs. Check. Neglecting physical appearance and fashion to the extreme (around 40-50 lbs overweight with horrible acne and wearing clothes my parents bought me). Check. Landing a "great job" in Finance after graduation and thinking my life would be set. Check.

Ironically enough, looking back, I don't think any of my problems would have been solved if I was born better looking or taller. My Dad never overcame his Aspergers because in his home country, he was average height, and he never had to deal with racial disadvantages in dating so he was able to meet and marry my Mom based on his educational background. Being short and Asian in the United States, I literally don't even remember a single IOI (indicator of interest) from girls growing up. Like not even a smile from a random cashier or a flirty glance from a girl in class. Absolutely nothing, and trust me, after 3-4 years in game, I know IOIs when I see them now and do not recall anything close to the sort throughout High School and College. What's worse, as is often the case of people with Aspergers, I had an incredibly high sex drive and would often masturbate 3X a day while watching porn. I wanted so badly to get laid and have sex with a girl that I finally made a lifelong commitment to learning game and social skills for the sake of getting my dick wet. To some extent, I don't think I would have ever learned game if I was born tall and handsome, as weird as it seems. I would have continued to live in my own bubble like my Dad and focused on video games or technical skills.

Learning Beginner Level Game:

Between ages 22-24, I remember devouring just about every book there is to read about game and seduction. I just found this stuff so fascinating and intriguing on a fundamental level. Here were average looking guys going out and getting laid with nothing but their wits and charm. If there's a book or guide on game/girls, I've read it. Mystery Method, David DeAngelo, NLP, GoodLookingLoser, RedPill, Simple Pickup, RSD, LoveSystems, GirlsChase, Seduction Reddit, Mark Manson's Models, David Deida's Way of the Superior Man, even weird stuff like The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene, Todd Valentine, Ross Jeffries. The saddest thing is that instead of actually going out and practicing, I continued to play video games in all my free time and occasionally try to use tricks and techniques from the books on E-girls (yeah, I cringed even writing this). I kept looking for that magic bullet, that magic line that would just make a girl want to fuck me, going through hours of reading to try to find that little gold nugget, all with this knowledge deep in the back of my mind that eventually, I'd actually have to go out and apply this stuff in the real world. I created a PlentyofFish profile and an OkCupid profile and messaged girl after girl with lines from my pickup reading with no results. ZERO RESULTS. Out of all the stuff I read, turns out there was a golden nugget after all buried in all that reading. LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS. Unlike with girls, I actually went out and bought a gym membership, applying programs and making adjustments as needed. I started out with Rippetoe's Starting Strength and transitioned into Stronglifts 5X5 after hitting plateaus. After hitting a plateau in Stronglifts 5X5 as well, I found the most success by decreasing the frequency of exercise from 3X/week to 2X/week. This is purely opinion and broscience but my best guess is that as my muscles grew, they needed a longer time to recover than I was used to and that was why I stalled. Throw in some HIIT and heavy keto dieting with one cheat meal a week and like magic, my weight started coming off. "Man, this self improvement stuff is so fucking easy!" I thought to myself after doing my first Pull-up ever and noticing the outlines of a six pack for the first time. I even started getting IOIs from girls for the first time in my life. Very rare, but they started happening. Furthermore, I was even forced to update my wardrobe and go shopping for myself because my clothes wouldn't fit anymore. If there ever was a magic pill in life for me, lifting was it.

At age 24, I finally committed to bringing that same intensity at the gym into the field. It was time to do some cold approach. I could see that just sitting at home hitting on E-girls online was not going to go anywhere so I quit gaming cold turkey and devoted all my spare time to learning pickup in the hopes of losing my virginity and getting laid for the first time. I was brimming with confidence. I just lost 40 lbs and got in the best shape of my life. If I could do that, I could do anything - or so I thought. My first time cold approaching was at a mall. Like everyone else, I initially walked around and hesitated to actually approach for the first half hour but I manned the fuck up and walked right up to a Starbucks barista as my very first approach. She was a cute girl from Greece. I thought the conversation flowed smoothly because she answered all my questions without much resistance but when I asked for her number, she refused. Oh well, onto the next girl. I ended up approaching 10 girls total on my first day out and couldn't even get a single number, even though I asked every one of them, even the ones that brushed me off from the very beginning, I walked after them like a retard and asked for their number *cringe*. What a slap in the face. As is often the case with people on the spectrum, I had absolutely no idea what kinds of mistakes I was making in these interactions with the girls and due to overconfidence and ego, refused to acknowledge that I suck and continued approach after approach without making any adjustments, just running the same shit over and over again with the same shitty result. "WTF, why isn't this working? It's GAME! I'm spitting game! Why aren't these girls giving me their number??" I kept thinking in my brain. "Maybe it's the wrong mall". The next day, I went to another mall and approached another 10 girls. Out of sheer luck, I managed to finally grab a number from a cute girl with glasses at the bookstore and texted her like an excited puppy after getting in my car, only to find out it was a fake number...

There's this thing called imposter syndrome where you have self doubt that you're actually qualified to be in a certain job or role in society and keep thinking that surely, there must be someone better than you out there that deserves the position more than you. People on the spectrum don't tend to have imposter syndrome. Most people with Aspergers I know tend to have the opposite problem - overconfidence. It explains why my Dad kept working on his skills and studying up on his engineering knowledge even when it was painfully obvious to any outside observer that it was his poor social skills at work that were holding him back, not his technical knowledge. It's why I kept doing the same thing over and over again with 20 girls straight with no adjustments. I had this stubborn belief that I read all these books on game and should be an expert by now who knew what I was doing. That was how I got results in the gym, why shouldn't it be the same case here?

I finally started to humble myself and learn to kill my own ego. I was desperate for results, so I started reading about game again from various forums and communities. I learned that the longer the interaction goes, the more likely the girl is to give you her number and go out on a date with you. Can't believe I missed that. It's amazing how much you discover how much you missed in your reading when you actually go out in the field and try to apply what you read instead of just mentally masturbating to the material. I went to the local mall again and this time, focused on extending the conversation and introducing topic after topic until the conversation takes off and the girl starts talking about her life. My aspie self somehow made the analogy to a lawnmower. I had this frame that if I pull the string of conversation topics enough times, eventually the engine will start and the conversation will take off. *Cringe*. The results started coming in right away, I finally got 3 numbers out of the 11 girls I approached. With basic text game, I finally set up a date with a hot girl from my hometown. My first date, I was so pumped up! As I walked into the local park, I had no idea how cringeworthy the whole thing was, even after it ended. Looking back, I don't think I did a single thing right but I kept trying to escalate and go for a kiss even though she turned me down every time. In my mind, I was doing everything right. I was being a man and going for the kiss! I was using kino and escalating instead of being a pussy! Why the fuck isn't this working?? If I were to try to find one line to describe my early years of game, this would be it - "Why the fuck isn't this working??"

My big ego was getting in my way again. I kept thinking that there was nothing wrong with my game and I was just getting unlucky. If I just rolled the dice a few more times, I'd get laid for sure. I had to find a new place to approach since I could never find more than 10-15 girls at the mall to approach every time I went. I finally settled on the train station since there's always a constant supply of fresh girls going in and out. It was all about volume and quantity here and my first time at the train station, I think I approached close to 20 girls. I was getting a lot of numbers from sheer volume, not skill. I managed to coordinate and set up 4 more dates. Not a single one of them went well. All of them went pretty much the exact same way. I tried to escalate and got rejected at every advance so I went for a hail mary and tried to kiss close only to get rejected again. Nothing I was doing was working and like a dog chasing its own tail, my logical brain just could not process what I was doing wrong every time and kept going in circles. I started getting desperate and started to try night game to see if that made any difference. At this point, I had close to 250 approaches and still no lays to speak of. I managed to get one kiss by basically pulling a shy nerdy girl from an instadate into me and kissing her before she could react. Things were not going well. Night game was the answer. My first several nights out, I approached girl after girl with no results but one night, I got lucky and pulled a girl from the dance floor up to dance and grinded against her with my hard on before making out with her. Things escalated quickly from there and I batted away every attempt at resistance and finally had my first lay at her place. To this day, I still count this as the best sex of my life since it was my first time having sex. One of the unspoken advantages of Aspergers is that there's less Oxycontin so we tend to last longer in bed. Imagine me, a 24 year old virgin, finally having sex for the first time and knocking it out of the park. There really is nothing that can beat the dopamine rush from that and to this day, I count it as the most satisfying experience in my entire life.

I pulled another girl home from the nightclub after another 2 weeks and this ended up being my first Long Term Relationship. Given how poorly everything else went with girls so far, I was fully expecting to have her leave me within the span of a week and continued to grind out approaches at the train station, finally killing my ego and attempting to anticipate failure in advance this time so I could take steps to lessen its impact. To my surprise, Long Term Relationships were not difficult at all for me and I didn't have any problems maintaining frame or calling her out on her bullshit to maintain boundaries. I thought back to my Dad and his relationship with my Mom before he lost his job and reached the startling conclusion that Aspergers probably provides a competitive advantage in LTRs due to the natural confidence and I don't Give a Fuck Attitude. It's not like there weren't any fights or drama. It's just that at that point, I didn't really give a fuck and every time she threatened to leave me, I'd just walk out the door fully intending to and even looking forward to approaching girls at the mall and train station again but having her call me and tearfully apologize on the phone every time before I drove all the way to the mall. The sex was good because I was able to naturally last a really long time, which is not unusual for people on the spectrum.

Things were looking up. Through hard work and sheer effort, I managed to build a decently muscular body and get into a long term relationship with a white girl. That was when my work life started to fall apart. I skipped all of the company's after work happy hours and social gatherings in order to practice game at the mall or train station. I basically didn't give a fuck about anything else except for game and it was painfully obvious to everyone at work that I was doing the bare minimum to get by while blowing off all the social gatherings. My boss gave me a scathing performance review and basically attacked my technical expertise and ability to grasp new material even though I didn't make a single error and finished my work faster than ever. I was becoming my Dad. This was not going to work out long term and I knew it. I looked around my company and noticed that even though every other department hated them, the Sales Team was the only group that pretty much had impunity from the bullshit of corporate politics. The top sales guy at the company was making well over $600K/year and he was a grade A asshole. The first time I heard one of his conversations with a client, I was shocked. He sounded so fucking smooth and polished. Sounded like a goddamn genius on the phone and was polite and respectful as hell. Completely different from how he was like in person. I knew I had to get in. I immediately asked to transfer from my current Finance job to a Sales role and nailed the interview, emphasizing my lack of approach anxiety and ability to deal with rejection (though I framed it as door to door sales growing up, not picking up girls at the train station LOL). I gave it everything I had. I wanted to prove my asshole boss in Finance wrong so I put in 12 hour workdays 5-6 days a week banging on the phone for leads. The deals started closing and the money started coming in. I was making well over 6 figures for the first time in my life. This was before I got really good at sales so I was purely playing the numbers game. This experience taught me that something must be very wrong with my approach to women. If I could make six figures convincing people to give money to my company, why couldn't I have the same success with women? I saw the other top sales guys in the company had no problems with girls and often hooked up women from other departments after work. i guess when you're producing revenue for your company, it's very hard to get fired. I did start to notice common trends with them though. They were all tall and white/black. No exceptions. Some of the shorter sales guys were struggling with women just like me. I started to realize that life is not this fantasy world where wishful thinking can negate the harsh realities of the world. For the longest time, I had this mindset that race doesn't matter, and height doesn't matter but it was time to deal with reality and accept the fact that when I approach girls, I have an inherently inferior product and will need vastly more game in order to sell it than someone tall and good looking.

At this point, I was making enough money to finally move out and get my own place. I also had all these ambitious goals of starting my own business. I was looking at the numbers and realized that like any other company, I was getting paid peanuts compared to the revenue and value that I actually generated for the business. Even though there was much less workplace politics to deal with, I knew that I had to have equity and ownership if I ever wanted to get rich. My girlfriend was not supportive in any way of my plans to start a business so I immediately broke up with her and deleted everything. No room for negative influences in my life. Had to deal with constant calls and harassment from her for a while but that eventually passed.

Stuck in Intermediate Hell:

I had the loftiest expectations after getting my own place. I made sure that I paid for a place with the absolute best logistics, about 2 blocks away from the best bars and clubs in town. I figured that if I could get 2 lays after 350+ approaches, surely the sky is the limit and I would fuck at least 10 more girls before the end of the year.

WRONG. 1500 approaches later, nothing. It was getting really frustrating because I was doing all the right things from a career standpoint. My business was going really well and I started making as much money from the business as from my old sales job in its very first year. My life consisted of SALES SALES SALES on a 12 hour cycle every day. Every Monday-Friday, I'd do followups and cold calling from 9 AM to 7 PM and spend the rest of the time reading about sales and girls. Every Friday and Saturday night, I'd go out and hit on girls in bars and clubs until 4 AM in the morning. This is all while continuing to approach and hit on random girls on my daily routine, like picking up groceries or walking on the street. I hit around 2000 total approaches before finally getting my 3rd lay. I noticed a pattern. All of these lays were with girls that were highly into me right from the very beginning. Every time I had to go on a date or deal with resistance in any way, I failed. All 3 of my lays were from girls I pretty much got physical with right away and made out with passionately before bringing them home. The sad thing is, even with all this failure, I refused to make any real adjustments. I kept looking for lines and techniques, scouring materials for the best comebacks to shit tests. I was going nowhere and it was getting so frustrating that I decided to bury my ego once more and ask for help from every community I could get my hands on, including Reddit.

I posted on RedPill and every other seduction related forum I could think of and opened up about my frustrations, something I hadn't done since my newbie days when I was complaining about how shitty my dates were going. I received so much advice from well meaning community members but nothing worked when I applied it. Here I was, completely frustrated with lack of results, reaching out to everyone for advice and field testing it, and still failing. I was killing my ego and field testing everything and still getting nowhere. A lot of the advice I was getting was that I was being waaay too aggressive and needed to work on developing empathy. Some advice was pointing out that I was too desperate and needed to have an abundance mindset. Still others said that I needed to hire a coach since it's impossible to pinpoint where you're going wrong by yourself. After trying so hard to implement an "abundance mindset" and "develop empathy" I finally pulled the trigger and signed up for a $3000 RSD bootcamp. I'm not going to go into the specifics because I know some guys claim they actually got great results from it, but for me, I followed everything to the T and didn't notice much improvement at all. I tried meditating and cultivating an atmosphere of fun vibes. I tried raising my energy and vibration levels but didn't get anywhere. I was going out to the clubs every Friday and Saturday and pretty much getting the same shitty results. I was getting laid, but not with the women I really wanted and not at nearly the frequency I'd like after so much effort was put in. It would take me on average 500-1000 approaches to get laid. I've read in comments before that people can't believe I made 2000 approaches and only got 3 lays. The sad and horrifying truth is that this continued for an entire year until I lost count of the approaches but could still count on one hand the number of actual lays. The only shining light at the end of the tunnel is that all the lays I did get turned into fuck buddies, so I knew that if I actually got good at this, I'd have no problem spinning plates, but it was still getting on my nerves. I started to get angry. Angry at American Society for portraying Asians in such an emasculated light. Angry at girls for autorejecting me and not 10 seconds later latching onto a taller guy. I wasn't anywhere close to angry enough to shoot up a school but I could empathize and see why people like Elliott Rodgers existed. They didn't seem like crazy anomalies anymore. Intermediate Hell was absolutely horrific because I felt like I was doing all the right things but still getting bad results. It's like if you had the perfect clean cutting diet and worked out 4-5X a week and still couldn't gain muscle or lose weight, at some point, it's hard to maintain a positive mindset no matter how confident you are.

The Breakthrough: Acting Class

By my 3rd year of game, my ego was completely dead. I didn't give a fuck how many books I read or how successful I was in maintaining fuck buddies or LTRs. I just wanted to get good. I was willing to trade my soul for success with women at this point because I invested so much time and energy and never wanted anything so badly in my entire life. I didn't give a fuck about my successes in business and spent all my free time looking for answers on how to get good with girls. My mindset at the time was "I don't care if I have to make 10,000 or 20,000 approaches before I get good, I don't give a fuck if I die of old age before I get good, no matter what it takes, I'm going to get good with girls to the point where I can pull a girl home every time I go out". I started looking into weird Occult Rituals involving Sigils and spilling blood (they didn't work). Nothing was off limits. If it was something I didn't try yet, I was willing to try it.

Pretty soon, I enrolled in an improv class and made friends with a guy that was trying to become an actor. He introduced me to an acting class he was taking and I quickly enrolled. I mean, I spent $3000 on an RSD bootcamp with no noticeable results. What's the worst that can happen with an acting class? There were quite a few hot girls in the class but I didn't bother to approach. I wanted to give this acting thing a shot and didn't want to get distracted. I was absolutely terrible at acting. I don't think there's a single skill so far that I'm worse at. I ended up paying for private 1 on 1 coaching with my acting teacher since none of these skits were going well and people were laughing at me. He told me that I had to "feel the emotions naturally" and stop trying to act. What he was saying made perfect sense but I had a hard time feeling the emotions in the scene due to my Aspergers so I was about to call it quits when something remarkable happened. He brought a camera over and had me record myself practicing the scene with him. When I watched the footage of myself trying to act for the very first time, a light bulb went off in my head. "Holy fuck, I look so fake and stiff and retarded!" My teacher was kind enough to lend me the video camera and tripod stand so I could practice at home because even though I had no natural talent, he could see that I was really trying and could respect that. He kept giving me advice on how to feel my inner emotions and bring them out and gave me weird assignments and "try to find 5 times in your week that you are angry, try to identify 5 times when you are jealous, etc". I tried to implement it all but didn't get anywhere. I finally got results by meticulously going over every detail in my facial expressions and vocal tonality until there weren't any glaring mistakes anymore. The next week, my professor commemorated me on my performance saying I got so much better he couldn't believe it. Little did he know I go there by mechanically correcting errors in vocal tonality and facial expressions instead of actually feeling the emotions LMAO. This vocal tonality training had HUGE benefits in my business as well. Pretty soon, I was closing deals from prospects that I thought were dead leads. The money was pouring in like never before. I instinctively realized that this was the missing piece. My aspergers brain was focused completely on myself and my own viewpoint and could not zoom out and look at the way other people saw me until I had unmistakable footage in front of me of how weird I sounded and looked. I practiced in front of the camera every day and imitated my favorite actors like Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man and Leonardo Dicaprio in Wolf of Wall Street. I started wearing elevator shoes and making sure my appearance and fashion were perfect before going out at night. At the end of acting class, my teacher came up to me and said he was so proud of me and in all his years of teaching he can only count a handful of times that students came in as bad as me and improved to the level I did. I told me that if I wanted a career in acting, it's definitely not for me since I don't have the natural talent but that I should still be very proud of the progress I made. Funny thing is I don't think I got a single piece of good advice from him that worked. Everything I learned I learned by myself, grinding it out in front of the video camera and practicing my lines over and over again until the body language and tonality were perfect.

The rest is history. With the improvements in fashion, hairstyle, height, and body language & tonality, I started getting more results than I knew what to do with. Every night I went out, I got laid. The girls were getting hotter and hotter. I had to intentionally let some plates go because I simply didn't have enough time to handle them all. After all that fucking, I finally achieved my goal and decided to settle into a happy LTR.

My Advice for People with Aspergers/Light Autism:

  1. Don't view it as a pure disadvantage. Like everything else there are tradeoffs and benefits. You tend to view women as a puzzle to be solved. Other guys get into game to find the girl of their dreams or to indulge in hedonistic sexual fantasies, but you are here to solve girls like a rubik's cube and don't let anyone tell you that's the wrong approach. I wasted an entire year trying to implement advice from normal people on how to act more natural and have a more abundant vibe and learn empathy but that kind of advice just doesn't work for people on the spectrum because something is fundamentally different in the way we see the world. It's like trying to teach a non-native English speaker about grammar and telling them that if you just say the sentence out loud, you can find the error because something will sound "off". Shit like that is not helpful at all compared to other approaches like actually teaching them the rules of the English Language and how they all interact with each other. Ironically enough, it's entirely possible for the non-native English speaker to surpass the native speaker relatively quickly since he's actually learning the fundamental rules of English grammar instead of just relying on feel. As someone on the spectrum, you also come into game with a few natural advantages over other men:
    1. Little/No approach anxiety
    2. Less emotional clutter in your mind holding you back
    3. Ability to give all your focus on one thing
    4. Natural Confidence and IDGAF attitude
    5. Last longer in Bed
  2. It's not about confidence, it's about Looks & Skill. For the longest time, I thought that getting girls was all about confidence and having the balls to approach. This could not be farther from the truth and my own journey is living proof of that. I had massive confidence in my second year, approaching girl after girl with little to no hesitation. I didn't have any insecurities about my height or my race but it led me nowhere. When people say being Dark Triad automatically gets you girls, I say bullshit. A Dark Triad personality combined with Height and Good Looks will lead to massive success with women. A Dark Triad personality on a short guy won't make much difference without social skill. Looks really are as important as everyone says. Lift, LIFT LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT because it fucking does. Dress to impress and use elevator shoes because girls are superficial as fuck. It's hard as fuck to sell a shitty product so why wouldn't you do everything possible to maximize your looks before going out.
  3. Skill in Game is Largely about Body Language, Tonality, Facial Expressions, and Eye Contact. If you're not the best looking guy, you can still have massive success with women by making sure all of these factors are perfect. These will lead to crazy results in Sales as well so hone in on them every day and sharpen them until there are no more mistakes in the way you look and the way your words come off. No more uptalk with girls, Confident Breaking Rapport downwards inflection tonality. No more shitty eye contact. Get a fidget spinner if necessary and stare into it every day until your eye contact is laser focused. People with aspergers tend to have this weird off center look to their eyes where one eye is looking in a slightly different direction from the other eye and it's creepy as fuck. Look up a picture of Jeff Bezos if you want to know what I mean.
  4. Normal Social Skills & Conversation Skills are a lot more important than game. All the flashy game lines are absolutely useless and will lead you nowhere if they aren't accompanied by a strong social foundation. Are you able to have a conversation for longer than 10 minutes with someone on a topic you're not personally super interested in? If not, you have work to do. Sales will teach you faster than anything else things like mirroring, building rapport, and small talk, all absolutely critical for success with women. Do not ignore small talk and having a normal conversation, just spitting game at a girl on a date and escalating is creepy as fuck. If you can't even hold a conversation, then stop looking for advice on RedPill on game related stuff, you should be going out and looking for advice on Sales or how to make friends and influence people. That doesn't mean you carry on an entire conversation with a girl like a normal guy, that also leads nowhere. You have to occasionally use light teasing to spice things up. Emphasis on light teasing, not heavy negging or ridiculous game routines like the cube (tried it, doesn't work).
  5. Ignore Mindset Advice and Focus on Technical Skills that can be Measured. There will be a natural tendency to post on other forums asking for advice when you start to go out and struggle with girls. Most of these pieces of advice will be focused on mindset and other irrelevant factors. If the advice does not first involve sending a picture or video of what you look and sound like, it's useless. Someone with aspergers does not just naturally "get it" the way a native speaker of a language does. He needs to learn the fundamental rules of the language in order to stand a chance. If you're so far up the spectrum that you can't even tell what's wrong when looking at a video recording of yourself, then you'll need to hire a coach or have a good friend who is socially calibrated help out. There's simply no other way to get good than focusing on body language and tonality in front of a video camera. If there was, I would have found it by now.
  6. Learn to Make Adjustments Quickly. I strongly believe that if you take nothing else away from this, you need to read this and internalize it. With aspergers, it's incredibly likely that you'll do the same thing over and over again and be okay with getting the same shitty results because of a naturally high ego and unwillingness to adjust. Normal guys would be like "Oh shit, this isn't working" and either quit or try something new but every time I hear stories of a guy approaching 1000 girls and getting 1 lay, they always fall into the Aspergers/Autism spectrum bucket where they mindlessly grind out approach after approach without making any changes. Let me say this: Nothing is more pathetic and stupider than actually putting in tons of effort into something and getting no results. It's not a badge of honor and a sign of incredible perseverance, it's a sign that something is fundamentally wrong with your approach and you're not willing to make adjustments because of your ego or some other bullshit. Every Sunday, we see football teams that make adjustments quickly at halftime like the New England Patriots and these are the teams that have the most success. Part of the problem is a lot of people on the spectrum tend to immerse themselves in video games in their younger years. Video games are a horrible analogy to life and teaches you all the wrong things. In WoW, doing the same dungeon over and over again is the best way to get good results. In League of Legends, grinding the same champion over and over again is the best way to get good and climb elo. The real world is so incredibly different that I think it's much more similar to troubleshooting a broken computer. If something on your computer isn't working, do you just keep running the same antivirus over and over again hoping it will magically fix it after the 10th time? No! If something isn't working, try something else. If it still doesn't work after trying multiple different things, reach out to experts. This is remarkably similar to how to get results in the real world.
  7. Know the Difference between Dark Triad and Autism/Aspergers. I'll be the first to admit that there's actually a lot of similarities between psychopathy and autism. However, things quickly fall apart once you actually look at the core traits of psychopathy which are "glib and superficial charm". When you're growing up, it can be comforting to indulge in a fantasy of thinking that you're dark triad because you have problems with empathy and mirror neurons just like a psychopath but you're not one of them. A psychopath is actually good with people and can charm the socks off of them upon first meeting them. Your awkward ass cannot. Recognize that you are firmly in the sperg camp, not the dark triad camp. No more fantasies of being a psychopath and having unlimited power. You're a fucking sperg and have a lot of work to do to catch up to the normies let alone develop the glib and superficial charm of a full blown dark triad.

Submitted September 25, 2019 at 10:13AM by Loreing

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