Tuesday, June 4, 2019

When they invent Magnedetectors

This makes a whole lot of sense. I mean, I’ve never been talking to anyone around here, have I. Nope. (not yet, anyway). None of the people, the brains around me have helped me very much, have they. Nope. So where has all my stuff been coming from? All the unified brain activity? The future that’s where. And that’s located in the superconscious of the people living, in their potentials... but never did it actually enter their conscious now (yet, will do shortly). That just feels right. I was back here, and everything else I was.... was in the future, beyond my death.... and not only that but I lived there in such that they (you) caused me to be alive back here.


And yes, the future you guys are in, is the future they relegated to me. You are suffering and dying exactly how I was forced to. What they ‘gave’ to me, is exactly what they gave themselves for a future, that’s the future they gave you. And yes, it traces right back to here, to me. My future is your future. My condition is your condition. You suffer what you do in your future because of what they did to me. My calculations couldn’t come to solution here, so it made a black hole and is sucking everything in with it. So I suppose my attorneys there in the future, standing for me and the planet as a whole, are looking for the king pins of causality here in my now, tracing them back through time. Jesus, explains why my working life as such, has panned out like one ridiculously complex court case, eh. As soon as you reach your conclusions, that guilt will travel back through time and hit the relevant causal parties, letting them know exactly what their behavoiur causes.


Ha, that tooth. That fried tooth, all that was left of me. That was evidence wasn’t it. How good was that little thing. I was so proud of that. It has a life and a consciousness all of its own. It even wees. What a wonderful little baby. I always knew it had a great future ahead of it. Bound for exceptional fame and reverence. Giving hope and joy. Lightness and wisdom and entertainment. It will always succeed, that little one, always one step ahead, always has an answer. And it’s just some sticky tape and magazine cut outs. Yeah, but what is it really made of huh? Tuff stuff. See, it never ever fails.


That was created after they took everything and I escaped by the skin of my teeth. I wonder what you guys have been through.

So what are your conclusions I wonder? Yeah AB played a big part – he could have helped but didn’t. But yeah, he was threatened. I’m sure you have your tracers on it all. Evidence manifested down the line, in your time? How deep was it all buried? I bet you’re as sexy as fuck.... I love a smart arse. You must be some fine, fine, lawyers on this case. You know me better than anyone ever has. How strange is that. Have you tried an archaeological dig at my old place in coorabell yet? Look for my diamond there. I threw it away. That belonged to my mother. I knew you’d find it again one day. I made a piece of art about it but it got lost. Something about a diamond left ‘at the side of the road’ only to be found once they finally invented magnedetectors.... whatever the fuck eh lol. What, so some weird arse new invention's on my side finding things I left around by my actions. Good on it. Who’s a good boi.


“Why’d you throw it away”

“It was an accident”

“Why didn’t you look for it?”

“I didn’t want to get my nails dirty, apparently”

“But it was a diamond... and it was your mother’s”

“Yeah, and it was also one of my only possessions left after everything was taken from me. But at that time, it looks like I had a greater value on my nails, my body, than on that diamond. It was also a bit risky, and it was behind my cabin, in a bushy bit, and the terrain was rough. And... there were snakes there. Big arse brown snakes. It wasn’t exactly safe And I dunno... it had an air of que sera about it”

“Did you agree with it?”

“Yes and no. It was a long time ago too, now. I was sad about it. I thought about it, then I decided not to. I had the feeling too, that like myself.... someone would find it one day... in my name. They would find it because I was great. I wore that in my nose for years. Its rainbows used to light up in my eye. It may have been that one or its partner.. I’m not sure what happened to the other one.. I think it was stolen with my bag. You’ll find all sorts of discarded stones around there if you look, too. Some really weird stuff happened there. It’s a hot spot.”


I left that premises because I went down to Melbourne and was physically assaulted by a practitioner. I came back black and blue. My landlord saw my bruises. He knew I left because I was scared. Practitioner knew my address there. I was heavily hounded after that. That practitioner knew I was from the future. He told Dimple. Dimple told me. I never understood wtf he meant. I get the feeling that’s all he understood about me though. That I was from the future. Obviously saw me as a threat though, eh. I still don’t like talking about it in public. I tried to forgive him... I have in some ways, but seriously... who the fuck DOES that?

Anything else you’d like to ask, while I’m here, from either side of the courtroom?

“Did the above have any lasting effects upon you?”

Less than you might think. I kept a low profile. Because of that but mostly because of my erm... “parking tickets.” Two birds with one stone on that one.


Did anyone else help or not help you during that time? I wrote a bit to DrH. I thought he might be able to help. There is a missing piece of writing, and it had incense written on it. It was posted to him. I also emailed him. His secretary told me to fuck off. I also emailed Dan. He sent back a message and at the time it came across as bitchy and sarcastic, it was something like “are you near a phone?”. It came without a phone number, so how else was I to take it. Eventually I received assistance from a friend of an old friend. A down to earth one. They got me out of there but it was only a short term fix. I ended up in that Ashram where the guru’s inability to process his anger towards me caused a woman in his audience to hang herself. Lovely.


And as for that phone thing... When I was first harassed to breaking point, when I was in Darwin, when Dan was in (internal)script, he also wanted me to phone him. Strange. Don’t know how the fuck I was ever supposed to do that. Dan never liked AB, in the inner. AB used to tease him and pick on him. He was quite harassed within. And he had sadness and a little jealousy that I always liked AB the best. However, he never actually helped me even though I straight out asked for his help. Straight up. No practitioner ever did.


My favourite was that healing centre owner in Byron Bay, who threw away the very last of my belongings – blanket, pillow and such, behind the salvos bin in the shopping centre car park, presumably donated for all the homeless people in need. She knew it was mine. She knew I was homeless. I told her it was all I had in the world. I begged her to leave it be. No one else could see it, only she knew it was there (stashed around the side of the building, under the floor, it was on some stilts with boards covering the gap to the ground, and the place was only used during the day. I could get it out without anyone even seeing me, and it wasn’t visible. I wasn’t sleeping there, just making sure my blanket and pillow was safe so I at least had a blanket to wrap myself in and a pillow for my head, at night. She knew this, I told her. And I didn’t have the mental capacity at that time to figure out another place to put it. That was the best I could do). I would never have even found it if I had not rang the security company on her front door and demanded that they call her and ask what she had done with it. Holy shit. Says it fucking all, doesn’t it. It was just too much to ask, and after all, she was only in the business of providing healing to people who could pay for it. Not even if all that healing was, was a small dirty gap under her rented premises, for a blanket, for some daylight hours.


I never fully recovered from all that. Emotionally, mentally, financially. Once you’ve been there, it never leaves you. When I’m around town, I always find myself looking for places I’d be safe to sleep if I’m homeless again. I don’t have a home, still. No money. No security. I’ll probably end up there again some day. Maybe that’s how I die. I’ve even considered going homeless on purpose, because how and where I am living often feels even worse. How has this manifested for you in the future? Are you guys too, kind of homeless? Or just in a fucked up situation, no matter which way you turn? Yeah... me too. Find my Justice, find the truth and we both shall have it. Well that’s enough traumatic reminiscing for one night. Goodnight. And all my best to the case.

Submitted June 04, 2019 at 08:29PM by FridgeMagnet_ https://www.reddit.com/r/QueenOfTheEarth/comments/bwrfvu/when_they_invent_magnedetectors/?utm_source=ifttt

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