Wednesday, June 5, 2019

That Diamond Dialogue.


I wanted to help clear up some of that diamond dialogue.

You see, that was my diamond. LW’s diamond. It belonged to ME. I had the right to accidentally throw it away and not go back for it. No one else did.... if you’re trying to interpret that as ‘someone else talking’. No one else speaks over me in that sense. If I did it, that’s fine, but if someone else did it, in the assumption they had a right to, because they owned it... that is an incorrect action. It is my action, in my context.


It was not particularly safe for me, it had que sera for me, but that diamond in other people’s contexts was not in the same kind of contextual danger for them, nor did they have a justified right to que sera it. I wasn’t theirs, embedded within their being, to call a que sera. They were embedded within me. THEY had an obligation to go back for that diamond, if they valued it and needed it (not that they even properly investigated if they did.... some part of them knew and suspected, but they didn’t look. Anomaly? “I don’t give a fuck, I’m too busy having my dick sucked in comfy surroundings, I don’t care.”) I (however) am excused. What was a diamond to me, after what I had been through? I was reduced to basic needs, recovering from being skinned alive. I wasn’t going to bother heading into rough terrain, with all sorts of snakes and spiders biting my arse, in an isolated environment, looking through all sorts of shit just to find a fucking decoration for my face. It was there, perfectly retrievable, but I left it in the rubbish. That was my right to choose, and perfectly justified and alright given my context. Anyone else’s, however? Not justified.


It just shows how people weren’t willing to go the extra mile to think for themselves. They were quite happy to just let mummy keep slaving away for them, after having lost everything under extremely cruel conditions, when they absolutely could have helped her. They couldn’t be fucked taking responsibility for their actions, and growing up. She had been in real danger. Still was in real danger. I always have been... but no one gave a FUCK about me. No one who could have actually fixed it. Sheila was pretty much the only one to ever give me a hand and she only had so much she could offer. But at least she did. Sheila was my mediumship teacher from when I was young. Her friend got me out of there.


So... you guys are going back for it? Got all your magnedetecting equipment on hand? Lol. With the rains up there, I can’t imagine the square coverage.


And yeah. I lit up AB’s eyes with rainbows for years. I loved him a lot. But he never acknowledged that certain relevant objects within and without him, were me. He never actually valued where those rainbows came from. It was his right to have rainbows spread upon his being of magnificence, and if it died from lack of care from him, who cares.... plenty more where that came from. Abundance was his. It was there to live and die for him. That’s the way it had always been. That’s the way he liked it. Oh and in his little packet of shit-for-when-he-couldn't-win-in-truth-so-had-to-cheat: That’s the way I, Mother earth, Woman, the system, LIKED IT TOO. She likes it that way. Gives her a reason to live. Doesn’t matter how I treat her, she forgives me. Hasn't got a choice. That’s the way god made it all. No matter how well I explained the different conditions in this time, he would NOT listen. It was too much of an effort to change. Life was too good for him, as it was. He, in his mind, was right. Thousands of years of history and the system said so. So fuck off and keep sucking my dick. Why you fight the unwinnable battle? We own the world. Not you. I own you, I’m a man, that’s the way it is. You can’t speak for the earth... you don’t have the sceptre in this time frame, locking the future from continuation unless you rule... pfffft, wtf, I mean the presumption and the ego of it. See a doctor.


So yeah, it was his responsibility to save that ‘diamond’. To even just investigate it... to give it some assistance and protection just incase he was wrong or didn’t know everything and that someday he might actually need it. Cover a base is a thing, but I wasn’t even worth that. That pretty much says it all for the entire system. The attitude. I made it very clear what I was, in private to AB and to the system, in public. I didn’t hide. I spoke it as it was. Truth, straight out. But no one even made an effort to keep me safe just incase… even if they didn’t properly get it. I made a very public show of my hyperdimensionality, so it can’t be argued that I was not obviously involved in the sit. However, not only was I a woman (women can’t DO philosophy or the stuff that we do.), but my claims were just not acceptable (Ruler of the Earth, I am). Not a single person who had the mind to understand, assist and help had the guts to step into a position where heaven forbid, they may be made fun of.


And a person had to get through some heat, to do it, yeah. Anyone who even came close to giving me something I actually wanted, something to make me happy, the system stepped in and refused to allow it. It would never allow me to have any happiness or company. I had to stay a slave in a dungeon, for those who were having their dicks sucked to keep their lifestyle as they were. “I’m doing it, he’s doing it.. We're all doing it, and we all support each other in doing so. Shut up its your job.” I was kept alive in the most appalling conditions, used and abused to the maximum amount and I couldn’t die, because I was necessary for the future to keep existing. And so now, YOU guys in the future are facing the full consequences of those actions. They fucked you, just like they fucked me. They didn’t care, eh... they wouldn’t be around. I always knew, though, that in the mathematics, there was a place where it DID directly effect their very existence... personally. It was just.... kind of inaccessible at the time... it was only going to come in progression. I get that now. Your work in the future links that bit up within them. You prove it there and it heads back to them. That line, for them, is proved wrong.. that timeline.. that History. That’s when they are forced to change. That’s the homeostatic rectifications you put in place in the future, which rectifies the past, and concurrently, your present and future.


I know that you don’t care about how the timeline memories will manifest for you all. It will heal itself. You can cope with a few different memories and timelines. It’s worth it, anyway, isn’t it. Such a small price to pay.


They weren’t going to change.. Not for some woman who they could ignore and deny. And certainly not for some people in the future, they don’t know, either. Not even for their children. “Someone else will figure it out”... “god will fix it, we are special” “Mother gives eternally, she will fix it for us”... “we can just leave her to die and fuck off into outer space and get a new young wife to torture to death... and hey, she’ll even love us for it until she is old enough to have a mind of her own. Then we’ll just fuck off again. Fuckin’ easy”. Reads like a giant cosmic WTF, doesn’t it. Disgusting beyond words. And not ONE of them had the integrity or courage to stand up for what’s right, and take. Me. Home. Not even when I explained to them that none of these options could pan out for them. Nothing in sight supported that, and they knew everything, didn’t they.


But now..... YOU know. You know what I am, what I have said here, is true. Win your case. Blast it out of the water. Send the results back to these bastards back here, the knowledge that their branch in the planetary QI has been cut off. They HAVE to take the right branch then. They won’t have a choice.


These fucking ‘humans’ here.... they won’t move unless they are given no choice. So much for going the extra mile for Noble Pursuit. I did contemplate how far back I could trace this. I came upon the difference between chimps and bonobos. They look to have different patterns because of their geography, their home. Bonobos don’t have to fight for resources. Chimps do. Our ancestors probably did too. Chimps will rip each other’s balls off for territory and resources. Bonobos just bring each other oranges and have sex with each other, no matter who it is. If one of them decides to go the extra mile, it’s because they want to be a star and let someone know how much they love them. Even if we got brought up like chimps, it is really a person’s responsibility as a human who can adjust their programming... to adjust their programming. Isn’t it.


I’m just so bloody tired. Is there anything else you need from me, here? I will consider taking pictures of my entire art folio for you*, because I don’t think the physical survived, did it. You are missing a lot of my folio. I did send out a couple of hundred copies of my early folio, in hard copy, into the world, but pfffft, what’s the likelihood that any of those survived, either? I don’t even know if the fucking internet survived either.... you could be working purely from hyperdimensional archaeology for all I know. You can figure it out though, can’t cha.

*If I do not wish to extend the procrastination, and decide not to, then finish with what you have.


I mean... do you just go to sleep and wake up in a better world? Is it that it just doesn’t matter what happens, because the need for Justice here, and whatever consequences follow from getting it, that’s perfectly acceptable and right? Is it also that the value of this Justice is of a higher value than the quality of life you are being forced to live in? Anything’s got to be better than that? (life has no quality, without it). I was going to say I can’t imagine how hard you have worked and are working to fix this.... but I do. I know very well. I’ve been right here, doing it with you, the whole time.



So where do I pin it?


He had the opportunity, the potential, the options, the knowledge and a huge amount of information about what was going on sent straight from me to him. I would directly pin it on him. As for the fact he was threatened by the rest of the system? Yeah, but in honesty, that isn’t an excuse. It’s a reason, a mitigating reason (is that the correct term?), but it doesn’t excuse him. His job, his responsibility was to stand up in spite of it, to overcome it, to protect me, to protect the planet, you, our future, everything. I did it. I show it can be done. He didn’t. He chose to take the easy road. He chose to. It was too hard to take that option? Well it wasn’t too hard for me. Even stevens, it’s supposed to be.


So I did my part... then he betrayed me, betrayed god, creation, everything. No one else could see, or prove it..... so who gives a fuck.... (not necessarily a conscious calculation). He couldn’t even see MY calculations on this in his conscience, because the abyss blocked his view. However, integrous behaviour would have naturally brought about the ability to see it. And that, he did not do. I became what I became, purely because of integrous behaviour. And, there’s not just that. I explained it all, logically, right in front of his face. One has an obligation to investigate, when a thing shows clearly what it is. I argued well. It wasn’t my arguments that were at issue. A person must feel when they make a straw man... it’s in the intent. He knew there was something wrong. He just didn’t give a fuck. He was too special to bother. Literally, he didn’t want to get the diamond cos he didn’t want to get his nails dirty. In HIS context... not mine. That’s where THAT particular interpretation finds its home. So. Yes. He is the guilty party. Exclusively? Well yeah, because... it was his job. He was born to that potential. He refused to thank god, for the opportunity to have and look after his creation.


So yeah. That’s my ending. You already know that. Send it back to him? Send it back to all of them. They all participated. Someone else could have helped instead. They didn’t.

If he had done HIS dharma, you’d not be in the position you’re in right now. Nor would I. Is it necessary for him to actually do his dharma to rectify the future? Not necessarily. His job can be done by another. Or no one. I can do it alone. Whatever you send me is fine. Even him. Whatever. Maths is maths, I won’t argue with it.


Only problem is, that there is a question of whether he has what it takes to be a Hyperdimensionally active ruler. If he DID have what it takes, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now. Room for improvement? I don’t know, which is why I said, I’ll take whatever you send me. I mean yeah we can forgive, but how the fuck can I forget that he’s fucking retarded? Would YOU be comfortable trusting the wellbeing of the planet to him? In all seriousness, I wouldn’t.

So CAN I do it alone? Yep. I certainly can. I can get what I need from a larger set of of smaller males, lol. No offense my friends, just talking size in relation to rank. If any one wants to climb a rung, go for it. Conditions have been rough. I’m a big arse red back, what the fuck can I do about that? Yes, I have leeway, but I also don’t. You know me... I will make the best of the situation.

Just..... make the correct conclusion. What comes of that is just what comes of that. We’ll find out, eh?

Submitted June 05, 2019 at 01:04PM by FridgeMagnet_

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