Saturday, June 15, 2019

Most of a possible Hornet smash moveset

This is only partly done because there obviously will be more moves that will be in Silksong but these are a few.

Jab - Three hit swing of her needle/Two hits then a multi-hit with some thread

F-tilt - She stabs in front of her/One longer hit of one of her jabs (Idrk for this one)

Up tilt - Upward slash (obviously)

Down tilt - Similar to Cloud and the Belmont's, she dashes in front of her leading with her needle

N-air - Basically like most of the Fire Emblem characters (and Toon Link), she slashes in front and behind her in a circle (I think it would be more like Marth or Lucina)

F-air - Midair F-tilt

Back-air - Backward slash, forward air would have more knockback so this move could combo better

Up-air - Upward slash

Down-air - She dashes diagonally like in Silksong and in the boss fights against her, this move can have a meteor effect (a spike) and you can't jump out of it, similar to Toon Link and Zero suit Samus

I'm not quite sure about the smash attacks, we'll see if there's anything like the nail arts or something in Silksong.

Hornets icon will have the threader thing indicating how much silk she has from attacking enemies, the silk will be used for some of her special moves.

Neutral special (Tap) - Bind, she heals a bit of health, this will completely deplete the amount of silk she has

Neutral special (Hold) - She throws out thread in a whirly circle thing around her, this will act as a sort of shield around her, the longer you hold the button, the more silk is drained (basically the move you see in the boss fights)

Side special - I was thinking she could do her "Throw needle then pull it back like a fishing rod" but I'm sure we'll see something better, like one of the tools or an item, besides I thought the idea could be better used for-

Up special (Midair) - She throws her needle diagonally upwards (like Jokers grappling hook) and if it catches the ledge she pulls herself up and grabs it

Up special (On ground) - Basically what she does in the boss fights

I think maybe there will be a better option with the tools but idk

Down special - I think her counter could work

Grab - Her grabs could be like a tether grab like she throws a string of thread and grabs Someone with it and it could be used to catch the ledge

Pummel - Maybe like a knock on the head?

Forward throw - She can just shove them forward I guess, won't have much knockback

Back throw - She can wrap the opponent in thread and spin around like a whirlwind to then throw them, This will be like Mario's throw

Up throw - I'm not too sure but she could do something like other Sword characters where they throw them up and hop and slash upwards

Down throw - She could drop them on the floor and scoop her needle across them to do some damage

I tried to think of something that could work to be like Hornet's character but grabs and throws aren't really part of Hornet's natural moveset so idk

So that's my idea of how she could work in smash, give me some feedback since I don't know if everyone would be cool with all these ideas, if you guys want me to do one for The Knight since I know a lot of people would rather have him instead, just comment that. Yeah k bye

Submitted June 15, 2019 at 05:50PM by licklelo

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