Thursday, March 28, 2019

[ROLEPLAY]A night out at the martial arts tournament in Shanghai

Previous characters:

Li Wen (Last name-First name), male. Disgraced Quantum physicist working for the Chongqing Logisitcal University of the CPRA (LEU).

Lisa Shou (First name-Last name), female. Li Wen's coworker, and longtime employee of the LEU.

A night out at the martial arts tournament in Shanghai

“Ladies and gentlemen! We have a winner!”The announcer boomed through the audio installation of the Shanghai Invitational Martial Arts Tournament. “Small-Frame-style tai chi practitioner Tian Kung’s has defeated heavyweight MMA fighter Chun Amir by ring out!”

“Now, we have a special treat for all viewers who came all the way over to view live. Tian Kung has offered up his entire $2 million winning prize to whoever can resist him in the ring.”

“Just let me place my palm on your chest. If you can tolerate my touch, you win.” Tian Kung declared.

In the audience, Sun Yang sensed an effortless victory. He might have some tricks up his sleeve to keep his prize money, but even the most skilled martial artist could pull one that under the eyes of a military trained man that fast. “Just you wait Shu and Li. I'll show that the Chongqing Logistical Engineering University of the CPRA doesn't just employ nerds like you. We still have some real military men like myself around.”

Lisa Shu couldn’t just see their brawny coworker so confident, and not tease him down a notch. “Who’s the nerd here calling our Uni by its ugly full name? Or are these the only big words you know?”

Immediately, Wen joined in on the banter “Ha ha, I don't have to take you up on that bet. You muscle-mountain probably won't get picked as an opponent. Tian Kung probably doesn't wanna part with his prize money, so low chance they pick 2 meter something you. In fact I've got you a better bet, if they don't pick you after all your grandstanding a few second ago, you owe us the next round of drinks.”

“You've got yourself a deal Wen, but if they deign to chose me, then I'll take your recently acquired handheld Brownian motion paddle perpetuum mobile clock. ”

“Big words again?” Lisa mercilessly continued her campaign of teasing. “Besides, that gimmick is called ratchet, not paddle.
Oh, and you better accept Li Wen. All you've got to lose is essentially a broken clock from Aliexpress, and I must say im quite thirsty for another round of drinks. Or are you too afraid our ‘muscle-mountain’ here might actually win the bet?”

“Of course I’m in! I proposed the damn bet”

Having heard this, Sun stood up to his full height and raised a muscular arm. “It looks like we have our first volunteer” the announcer broadcasted. As Sun walked down the audience and entered the ring he felt in high spirits. He was about to win $2 million bucks. Even if by some fluke he did lose, he had still saved his wallet another round of drinks, and already won Wen’s latest tech gimmick.

Once Sun had entered the ring, and opening pleasantries had been exchanged, the true test for $2 million began. Tian Kung had even let Sun inspect his arms to disprove that any tricks were being used. As agreed upon, Tian Kung placed his open palm squarely in the center of his challengers chest. If this simple touch could be resisted for a short 30 seconds, Sun would walk away $2 million richer.

Within moments Sun’s face was starting to contort. Meanwhile Tian Kung’s look remains as focused as ever. This unexpected result left the crowd guessing for answers. Did Kung have a hidden taser somewhere? Was Yang Sun secretly and actor? Or was this is the power of Small-Frame Tai Chi. Of which he claimed to be one of the few practitioners of the style left.

A short while later, with only 10 seconds left on the clock, Yang Sun could be seen grimacing in pain, contrasted heavily by Tiang Kung continued stoic look. A semicircle of blood had become visible on Sun’s hands as he dug his nails into the palm, defiantly distracting himself from the onslaught on Tiang Kung’s simple touch.

But with the clock at only 6 second left, Sun staggered away from Tiang Kung’s still outstretched palm. “With only 6 second away from being a millionaire, our challenger cannot triumph over Tian Kung’s electrifying push-hands technique. Do any other audience member dare defy his mighty palms, and take Tian Kung up on his $2 million challenge?” The announcer announced.

Back near Wen and Lisa’s table, Sun slumped down into his seat from before. Sun seemed more puzzled at the strange manner defeat than upset about his loss. As the group silently watched the next couple of challengers all collapse within 15 seconds of facing Tian Kung’s push-hands technique, Wen tried to cheer up his friend. “Hey, don't let yourself feel down man. See these other challengers lost too, and worse than you did.”

Quickly Lisa joined in, “Yeah, what Wen said. What happened though? You seemed to be in pain, but he was only touching you. You even recoiled by yourself, you weren't ‘push-handed’ anything.”

“I don't know man, he just touched my chest dead center. And suddenly it felt like I got tazed in my back. He even showed me his hands before we started, there was no tool or anything on there. And we're from Chongqing LEU, so we’d know if the military had developed any weird wireless taser-like systems. To be honest, all I really care about right now is figuring out how he did it, the $2 million never felt attainable anyway.”

“I guess you could ask Tian Kung, but I'm not sure he’d be willing to share. Alternatively we could run some tests on you back at the uni, I’m sure the boys in the BCI & exoskeleton department would be helpful, and willing to play ball” Wen suggested.

“Well, it can't hurt to try, lets see if I can meet up with Tian Kung backstage. We can finally put these military accolades we’ve been collecting for our brave lab work to use”

Once the group had found the entrance to the backstage area of the arena, they were easily let in. They did not even have to resort to flashing their badges and bluff their way in.

Tian Kung greeted them amiably: “Ah the first challenger of tonight has returned I see, and this time with friends. I must commend you on your stalwart resistance, you lasted a full 24 seconds. Most challengers collapse within 15. But tell me, why have you come to meet me? A rematch is out of the question.”

“We’re here from the Chongqing Logistical Engineering University of the CPRA, we are interested in how you managed to subdue our friend so easily. Could you explain us how you did it?” Lisa responded.

Tiang Kung became visibly upset upon hearing the words CPRA. His previously welcoming demeanor quickly became guarded as he spoke: “I permitted your friend to enter the backstage area because he proved to have a steady mind and body when when we faced off. I did not permit the army to waltz and misuse my hospitality. ”

Seeing the conversation going south within this short exchange, Wen felt compelled to interject: “I believe what Shu meant to say was that we are scientists first, and CPRA-funded second. All three of us are curious as to how you managed to knockdown our colleague.”

“Now you say you aren't military, but you come here certainly introduced yourselves as such, not to mention all those obnoxious medals you’re wearing. I cannot treat your lack of knowledge of Tai Chi, you should never have grown unknowing of the ancient arts in the first place.”

This unexpected resistance and dislike of the CPRA was something new to Lisa. She had joined LE university straight out of high school, and only ever really socialized within military circles. Exasperated she responded: “It's 2035 in the Information Age. You can surely excuse us for not knowing this one specific thing.”

“China’s martial arts should not be considered some “specific thing”. It demands more respect, both for your country’s sake, as for your ancestors. Please leave me, I have nothing more to talk to you about.”

“But…” tried Sun, but Tian Kung had already closed the door which had been opened so welcomingly only a moment ago.

“Go on ahead” he said. “I'll convince our mister Tian to explain us”.

Back at the hotel, where Sun has just met up with Lisa and Wen again, he could proudly share that Tian Kung was willing to meet them in at the LE university all the way in Chongqing. On how he convinced Tian to meet them there he only replied cryptically: “Let's just say these medals aren't just for show, and come with some actual perks”.

Submitted March 28, 2019 at 01:25PM by JarOfKetchup

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