Friday, December 7, 2018

The Doom Slayer Rips & Tears into Battle (Moveset, Stage, Intro Trailer and more!)

To celebrate the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I've decided to repost an old thread of mine I made a couple months ago on r/smashbros to here (as traffic over there has been restricted due to the game being released). I've also made a few major additions and changes to it based off of feedback from that last thread and new pre-release stuff shown for Doom Eternal.

Keep in mind that this is still effectively unfinished until Eternal is released, whereupon a final revision of sorts will be created. Apologies with not providing anything visual to work with besides links, but if anyone wants here wishes to create something based off of this, then go right ahead! Additionally, feel free to provide feedback, critique and suggestions on what to add or change.

To cut back on the word limit, the first few sections (Intro, Playstyle + Attributes and Moveset) are provided as one whole image copied over from OneNote (i.e. click to enhance.)

Alternate Costumes

  • 4 variations of the DOOM: Eternal Praetor suit. All variants possess colour alterations emulating characters from Id Software's legacy titles.

    • Default DOOM: Eternal colour palette
    • Blonde-yellow helmet with a blue visor, leather brown chest/shoulder plates and arms, red gauntlets, dirty green leg armour and grey boots. Resembles William B.J. Blazkowicz as seen in Wolfenstein: The New Order
    • Yellow helmet with a white visor, purple-pink chest and shoulder plates, white arms and gauntlets, blue waist and leg armour with blue boots. Resembles Commander Keen from the series of the same name.
    • Yellow and bronze helmet with light-flesh visor, bronze shoulder plates with flesh-coloured arms and brown gauntlets, a yellow chest plate, red leg armour and orange-red boots. Resembles the Ranger - the protagonist of the original Quake - as depicted in Quake Champions.
  • 4 unique skins based off of Doomguy's previous in-game appearances. These skins utilise modified versions of DOOM 2016's weapons, including; the Combat Shotgun, Plasma Gun, Super Shotgun, Chaingun, Rocket Launcher and BFG 9000, with the Heavy Cannon and Ballista being replaced by the Heavy Assault Rifle and Gauss Cannon respectively. Each skin also uses unique pain/death sounds sourced from their home games and unique head-stock icons. Essentially all the armour variations for the Doom Slayer as seen in Quake Champions.

    • "Unchained Predator": The Slayer in the Praetor Suit as seen in DOOM 2016.
    • "Doom Marine": The Marine Corporal who starred in Doom 3. Has a unique idle animation where he pulls out a flashlight and attempts to stick it somewhere on his currently-held weapon.
    • "Arena": The same armour worn by Doom, the tough-as-nails Tier 6 fighter from Quake 3: Arena.
    • "Doomguy". The classic armour which started it all, worn by the unnamed Space Marine referred to only as Doomguy in Doom 1 and 2. As a bonus, Doomguy's face in all its pixelated, animated glory will replace his character portrait next to his damage meter in a match. Much like in classic Doom, his face acts as a convenient visual indicator for onscreen action.
      • Becomes progressively beaten up as Doomguy takes damage, albeit with the blood cleaned up.
      • Explodes in a shower of sparkles and blinks back into existence if Doomguy is KO'd (a kid-friendly version of the gib death animation).
      • Will glance to the left or right depending on the direction which damage was received.
      • Displays an expression of shock and pain when launched.
      • Grits his teeth while attacking, stopping only when no inputs are made.
      • Grins maliciously when picking up a rare/powerful item. Or any firearm-type item for that matter.
      • Eyes glow a golden colour when his Final Smash is ready to be executed.

Animations + Misc.

  • Character select pose: Facing the front looking to his right, left hand - Doom blade extended - clenched into a fist and raised above his head, with the Super Shotgun in his right hand aimed in the direction he's looking at.
  • Logo: UAC Logo (likely Modern), the DOOM logo (perhaps shortened to a D) or the Mark of the Slayer.
  • Head icon: Simplified front view of the his current skin's helmet. When using the "Doomguy" skin, the head icon becomes a simplified version of Doomguy's classic HUD face.
  • Entrance: Teleports in through hellish energy, pumping a fresh shell into his Combat Shotgun.
  • Idle animations:
    • Raises his arm and extends the Doom Blade, inspecting then retracting it.
    • Inspects his currently-held weapon (changes depending on the last attack used), activating mechanical components should the weapon possess any (in the vein of the inspection animations when first equipping a weapon).
  • Crumple animation: Falls forward while clutching his neck with his right hand; a homage to his classic death animation.
  • Taunts:
    • Pulls out and activates the Slayer's Crucible, performing two threatening ground slashes before putting it away (could act as an edge-kill move like Luigi's kick taunt).
    • Menacingly cracks his knuckles.
    • Pulls out a Doomguy Doll, inspecting it before giving it a fist-bump.
  • Victory Poses:
    • Fights off a horde of Imps swarming his position, the shot freezing on Doomguy in the iconic Doom cover pose (aiming his Super Shotgun at an Imp grabbing his arm).
    • Pulls out the Chaingun with the Mobile Turret modification and unleashes a continuous barrage.
    • Crushes a demon skull with his foot, with the shot panning up to see Doomguy load the Super Shotgun and take aim at the camera, up close and personal (essentially the Doom Eternal teaser trailer from the Demon's point of view).
  • No Contest/Defeat Pose: Slowly claps in a slow, calm manner of tranquil fury.
  • Character artwork: A recreation of either the Classic Doom cover art or Doom 2016 cover art (itself a recreation of the classic cover art) with various Smash fighters replacing the demons (and Samus as the second marine in the classic cover's background).

Snake Codec

  • Snake: Otacon, I've got a large man wearing what looks like compromised power armour. Do we know who he is?
  • Samuel Hayden: That would be the Doom Slayer. I would advise you to vacate the area immediately, unless you wish to suffer a messy demise.
  • S: (Grumbles) I'm starting to second-guess as to whether our "encrypted" channel is actually encrypted or not. Anyways, who are you and what makes this "Doom Slayer" any different from any other green space marine?
  • H: I am Samuel Hayden, Chairman of the Union Aerospace Corporation and the one responsible for the discovery of the Doom Marine. While our own research on him is limited at best, we do know that he has been fighting a rage-fuelled, one-man war against the forces of Hell for centuries.
  • S: Centuries? It's almost as if you're saying that this Slayer-guy is too angry to die…
  • H: In a sense, yes. Our observations have shown that the Doom Slayer moves at high speeds at all times, possesses unparalleled strength and a seemingly innate proficiency at using any weapon he can get his hands on, with guns being a particular favourite of his.
  • S: An affinity towards firearms. Admirable, though they look nothing like what I've used before.
  • H: Most of his arsenal consists of... "borrowed" UAC equipment and demonic artefacts. However, the double-barrelled shotgun he carries appears to be a more personal possession.
  • S: Not that it matters. Those inscriptions on the barrel don't provide any tactical advantage… though that large grappling-hook-blade attachment probably will.
  • H: If you're still planning to engage the Doom Slayer (not that you have any chance of winning), I would advise you to strike him from long range and only when he lets his guard down; most of his arsenal is only effective from short to medium range, while his agility and lethality compensate for a surprisingly lacking durability. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to attend to… dispelling rumours about a "demon incursion".
  • S: Thanks for the pointers. Wait, did you say something about a demon invasion?
  • H: (Intercom in background warns "Demonic presence at unsafe levels. Lockdown in effect.") As I said; dispelling rumours.

Palutena's Guidance

  • Pit: (visibly perturbed) Uhh… when did Samus become a man all of a sudden?
  • Viridi: That isn't Samus, you dope! That is the Doom Slayer!
  • Pt: Doom Slayer? Now that's the least friendly-sounding name I've heard in a while.
  • Palutena: You've got nothing to worry about, Pit. Despite his fearsome looks, the Doom Slayer is quite cooperative - unless you're a demon or happen to be working for one.
  • V: And he's very efficient at that, especially since he's been fighting demons for hundreds of years. I'd almost go as far as to say that he'd serve as the perfect replacement for you, Pit.
  • Pt: … (scoffs) As if... (gulps) Okay, I'll be honest; I'm not feeling too confident about fighting him.
  • V: \Gasp!* Is poor little Pit finally admitting defeat? Time to hang up your wings; Palutena has just found her new bodyguard captain (chuckles).*
  • Pt: NO WAY! It's just that… those guns of his look like they could tear anything to pieces! And he doesn't look all that weighed down by that heavy armour he's wearing.
  • Pl: That's correct, Pit. The Doom Slayer's firearms all deal heavy amounts of damage, while his high mobility allows him to keep the pressure up on his opponents.
  • V: And if he grabs you when your damage is high enough, he'll perform a "Glory Kill" on you, which is a guaranteed KO and even heals him up a bit.
  • Pt: Health recovery on KO? Sounds both awesome and illogical. Is there any way to beat this guy?
  • V: While his weapons may be deadly, they all run off of a limited ammo supply. If he runs dry, he'll be unable to use his special attacks and be forced to use his pistol for standard attacks.
  • Pl: That gives you the perfect opportunity to strike. However, be careful when getting close; he might attempt to use his chainsaw charge to replenish his ammo.
  • Pt: Wha? How does that even work? On second thoughts, I'd rather not find out!

Palutena's Guidance (Doomguy Alt)

  • Pit: I think I've seen that fighter before. I just can't put a name to his face - or helmet for that matter.
  • Viridi: Funny you should mention that. He's had quite a few names over the years, though most people simply call him Doomguy.
  • Pt: Doomguy? You mean the berserker-packin' man and a half!? A 12.0 on the 10.0 scale of badness!? How did he even make it into Smash Bros.?!
  • Palutena: Many consider him to be the king of First Person Shooters. If anything, that would make him the perfect candidate as a representative of the genre.
  • V: Like how Ryu and Ken represent traditional fighting games!
  • Pt: But aren't his games supposed to be extremely violent?
  • Pl: As if to say every other fighter in this fighting tournament isn't violent to some degree?
  • Pt: Right… So what do I have to look out for with Doomguy?
  • Pl: Aside from being his most damaging methods of attack, Doomguy's heavier weapons also increase his mobility options. For example, he can use the recoil of his Gauss Cannon to extend the distance of his jumps.
  • V: I heard that he can do this thing where he fires his Rocket Launcher at his feet and uses the explosive force of the rocket to send him flying upwards. Apparently, they call it "Rocket Jumping".
  • Pt: Rocket Jumping? Sounds both fun and painful. I'll pass.
  • V: Y'know, despite being a filthy human and all, I think Doomguy would make an excellent addition to the forces of nature.
  • Pt: Am I dreaming?! That has to be the last thing I'd expect you to say. But I don't think you'll have much luck; Doomguy always struck me as a "Lone Wolf" kinda guy.
  • V: Hey! I'll have you know that he understands the repercussions if we can't find a way to safely dispose of nuclear waste. I mean, what kind of planet will we be leaving to our children? And our children's children?
  • Pl: I think I'm going to have to agree with Pit on this one. Doomguy doesn't take kindly to authority figures, especially after what happened to his last commanding officer…

Stage - Hell on Earth

  • A stage taking place on Earth during the demon invasion. The backdrop is of a futuristic city in the midst of being dragged into hell, with dominating features including burning/half-demolished building shells, floating landmasses and skyscraper chunks suspended by large tentacles, a blasted hellscape of rubble and large, flowing rivers/falls of lava. Naturally, this backdrop would be scrubbed of any blood, gore (aside from perhaps skeletons) and some satanic imagery in order to pass the PG-13 rating (if the latter warrants such censoring).
  • The stage itself features a wide, flat arena with several stationary platforms and a mancannon in the centre. Additional elements such as hazardous lava/nukage pools and explosive barrels are randomly placed at the start of the map, with the latter respawning after a set amount of time.
  • During the battle, Demons will occasionally pop in to harass the onstage fighters. Successfully eliminating a Demon fills up a meter (indicated by the "weapon upgrade point gained" symbol popping up for every 10 points gained), with each demon contributing different amounts (as listed beside their name):
    • Zombieman (1): Weakest of the standard demons, uses a slow-firing Plasma gun against attackers.
    • Imp (2): Throws fireballs and scratches when up close, but is easily killed.
    • Hell Razer (2): Fires a long-range, penetrating laser. Also easily killed.
    • Pinky (3): Charges down fighters. Weak, but takes greatly reduced damage from the front.
    • Spectre (3): Identical to Pinkies, but are (mostly) invisible.
    • Lost Soul (1): Makes a beeline towards fighters, dealing significant damage and slight knockback upon impact. Dies in one hit from most attacks.
    • Hell Knight (5): Rushes in aggressively with punishing melee strikes. Somewhat tough to take down.
    • Mancubus (8): Shoots fireballs from a distant and has a flamethrower attack at close range. Tough, but slow at moving and aiming at fighters.
    • Cyber-Mancubus (8): Identical to the Mancubus, but fires green globs of acid which produce damaging, acidic puddles upon impact.
    • Revenant (6): Glass cannons which fire high-damaging missiles in bursts and move quickly using their jetpack.
    • Cacodemon (6): Slow, tough flyer which bombards the arena with projectiles.
    • Pain Elemental (7): Continuously expels lost souls from its mouth, which circle the brown ball before being thrown at fighters.
    • Arachnotron (7): Brains-on-stilts which fire high-damage plasma bolts from a mounted cannon.
    • Baron of Hell (10): Significantly tougher Hell Knight which throws green fireballs between melee strikes.
    • Summoner (10): Average toughness, but teleports frequently and summons lesser monsters (Imps, Hell Razers, Pinkies, Spectres and Lost Souls) to protect it.
    • Arch-Vile (20): TBA
  • You may get a rare visitor in the form of a boss appearing in the background of the stage. With lots of health and multiple attacks, these big guys will often require a joint effort from fighters to be taken out. While the bosses are on the arena, no other demons will spawn in (besides those spawned by any Summoner or revived by any Arch-Vile still present on the battlefield)
    • Cyberdemon (50): Attacks by firing either rockets or a high-damage, penetrating laser from its arm-mounted cannon. Can occasionally shower the stage with an artillery barrage. Once brought down to half-health, his Argent Accumulator will disengage, granting the Cyberdemon the ability to create flaming slashes from his arm-spike and cordon off stage sections with tall rock walls, dividing up/trapping fighters. Disintegrates upon death.
    • Spider Mastermind (50): Only takes damage from attacking its head, with bonus damage taken by hitting the face. Attacks include: fairing its rapid-fire plasma chaingun; sweeping multiple lasers across the lower and upper levels of the stage; throwing bombs across the stage; and firing a single, penetrating laser. May occasionally swipe at the stage and flip upside down, hiding most of its head. Once at half-health, gains additional attacks in the form of throwing pillars at fighters and electrifying the bottom floor, damaging anything standing on it. at 10% health, becomes heavily damaged and crippled, only attacking fighters with flailing lasers and throwing pillars. Sinks into the floor upon death.
  • Once the Slayer meter is full, a Powerup will appear in the middle of the arena (below the Mancannon). Each powerup (aside from Mega Health/Armour) lasts 15 seconds and possess unique effects that can be advantageous for different fighters depending on the powerup (I.e. Ryu would benefit more from Berserk than Quad Damage):
    • Haste: Greatly increases movement and attack speed.
    • Invulnerability: Nullifies all knockback and damage received, but cannot protect against falling into the blast zone. Lasts for a shorter amount of time compared to other powerups.
    • Berserk: Greatly increases melee (punch/kick) damage and knockback.
    • Quad Damage: Greatly increases weapon (sword/gun) damage and knockback.
    • Mega Health: Resets damage counter to 0%.
    • Mega Armour: Adds a layer of armour over a fighter, absorbing 100 damage until depleted.
  • If stage hazards are disabled, demon/boss spawns, the slayer meter, explosive barrels and lava/nukage pools will not appear.


  • The Cyberdemon can appear from an Assist Trophy, on top of being a stage boss like Rathalos. He behaves much the same way in his boss appearance but is now standing directly on stage as opposed to in the background. AT!Cyberdemon also has reduced health compared to Boss!Cyberdemon and has all attacks available from the get-go.
  • UAC Field Drone: Slowly flies around the battlefield. Attacking it will cause it to drop its package, which can contain the following:
    • Haste
    • Invulnerability
    • Berserk
    • Quad Damage
    • Mega Health
    • Mega Armour


For this, I tried going for tracks which had a fast pace/were good in action scenarios, to fit the fighting speed of Smash Bros. The song pool below is relatively large for a newcomer, so treat this as more of a pool of tracks the devs would be likely to select.

With the possible exception of the 2016 and Eternal tracks, a lot of these tracks could also be given remixes by Japanese artists (this includes tracks I haven't listed for the above reasons, so don't worry if I haven't listed a track you personally felt could fit here). Bold tracks are my personal faves.

Spirits (* = Effect TBA)

  • The Doom Slayer*
    • The Doom Slayer (Unchained Predator Alt: Rocket Jump) - Reduced explosive damage
    • BFG 9000 (Final Smash)*
  • UAC Field Drone*
  • The Cyberdemon - Increased explosive attack damage
  • The Spider Mastermind*
  • Demons - Increased fire damage
  • Samuel Hayden*
  • VEGA - Reduced damage from Ice attacks
  • Olivia Pierce*
  • Doomguy Figurine*
  • Powerups*
  • Daisy - Increased Jump Height

Unique Fights (Classic Mode/Event Match)

  • All fights are 200hp stamina matches:
    • Multiple weak Marios who attack by constantly throwing fireballs and punching the Slayer when he's close. References the classic Imps.
    • Multiple average-health Warios (Pink+Blue alt) only using Chomp. Halfway through the fight, Warios begin to use the Wario Bike in addition to the Chomp. While on the bike, the Warios won't attempt to change direction unless after hitting a solid wall and take reduced damage from frontal attacks. References the classic and modern interpretations of the Pinky Demons.
    • Two giant Luigis constantly throwing high-damage fireballs. References the Barons of Hell, specifically the fight against the twin Barons in E1M8 (Phobos Anomaly), the last level from Doom 1's first episode, Knee Deep in the Dead. Music: Sign of Evil.
    • A giant Charizard, which has indefinite flight and can only attack with Flamethrower and Flare Blitz. Timers will periodically spawn over the course of the battle, of which only the Doom Slayer can use. References the fight against the Maledict (the final boss of Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil), with the Timers replicating the time-slowing properties of The Artifact. Music: Doom 3 Theme.
    • "Ranger" alt Slayer. Moves around primarily by rocket-jumping around the stage, attacking with Shotgun, Super Shotgun. Quad Damage powerup spawns near "Ranger" occasionally throughout the match. Music: Any of the above Quake tracks (especially Descent into Cerberon or the Quake theme).
    • "Blazkowics" alt Slayer. Increased weight and decreased speed; primarily attacks with the Chaingun, Heavy Cannon and Pistol (carries no Shotgun/Plasma gun). Chicken drumsticks regularly spawn near "BJ" throughout the match. Music: Evil Incarnate, the Ultimate Challenge or any of the above Wolfenstein music.
    • Solo Boss Fight against the Cyberdemon. Music: Nobody Told Me About Id, Cyberdeath or Cyberdemon.
    • Jeanne-alt Bayonetta, who attacks primarily through Bullet Arts. Once defeated, the Spider Mastermind boss is summoned. Once it's health runs low, a Smash Ball is spawned and the Mastermind will become invulnerable to all damage besides that of Doomguy's Final Smash. References Olivia Pierce, her transformation into the Spider Mastermind and the subsequent boss fight. Music: Facing the Spider or Mastermind.

Intro Trailer

Smash Ultimate "New Fighter" intro splash

The trailer begins in an arena made of a yellow-brown stone and adorned with various red, glowing runes, many of which bear a resemblance to demonic iconography. The arena itself sits upon one of many floating islands hanging over a void of orange clouds and possesses a long, bridge-like path leading to a tall fortress adorned with a goatlike skull.

Pit, Dark Pit and Palutena are locked in an intense scrap with Spirit-clones of Bayonetta, Bowser and Ridley in the hellish arena, the latter trio quickly gaining the upper hand before defeating the Light Goddess and her angelic compatriots. Spirit-Bayonetta and her demonlike allies look down upon the battered heroes, the witch-clone motioning to allies to restrain them as Palutena weakly states "We'll never become soulless husks like you", which Bayonetta ignores.

Music begins to set in as the fighters are suddenly interrupted by a distant screech, as the doors of the demonic fortress are raised and waves of creatures begin pouring out. The creatures are of varying sizes and appearances: scrawny, implike humanoids; flying creatures resembling gargoyles; pink-coloured armoured beasts; muscular humanoids with smooth, skull-like heads; enormous, bipedal monsters possessing crimson skin, cloven hooves and goat horns; and floating, cyclopean spheres of red or brown. The monsters make a beeline towards the arena, the grounded creatures scrambling over and pushing each other out of the way as they cross the bridge, with several of them falling into the abyss below.

The witch-clone and her reptilian allies ready themselves for the oncoming horde... only for the creatures to part and avoid the fighters, running either side of them and jumping to other nearby islands; almost as if they were running away from something. Bowser and Ridley look at each other with confused expressions and look to Bayonetta, who is looking towards the fortress gate with a steely gaze. The two reptiles look towards the gate, only to be shocked by what they see.

The trailer cuts to fortress from the fighters' perspective, where the silhouette of a bulky humanoid is seen standing amidst the orange glow from the open doorway. Cut to the first-person perspective of a familiar Heads-Up Display, which begins to scan the 6 fighters. Cut to various close-up views of the mysterious newcomer, including: a heavy green chest plate; a studded left gauntlet with a retracted blade, which pans up to reveal a shoulder-mounted cannon; and an exposed right bicep, which pans down the arm to show a double-barrelled shotgun - decorated with various inscriptions and a two-pronged blade attached to the underside - being held in the hand. Cut back to the HUD, which has identified the Angel Land protectors as "Safe" and the latter victors as " RIP AND TEAR".

Cut to a shot of the newcomer's head or rather, helmet, where subtle facial figures can be seen through the visor. The shot pans backwards away from the head, revealing a massive, imposing figure in a green carapace-like armour reloading his shotgun, with the barrels being snapped into place as the music drops into the iconic riff from At DOOM's Gate.


The Doom Slayer then charges his three victims at a full sprint, who respond by firing off pistol volleys and fireballs the Slayer's direction. He suddenly pulls out a black and red-accented Rocket Launcher, which he then fires at his feet to send him flying high above his victims. He re-equips the Super Shotgun in mid-air, before landing between the two groups and taking aim at his victims. The music finishes as the trailer cuts to the Smash logo right as the SSG fires.

Super Smash Bros: Ultimate



r/Doom mirror link:

Submitted December 07, 2018 at 10:08AM by PublicServant040

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