Friday, December 28, 2018

Rivaldo - Review of a hidden Gem

As I read through all the reviews on Prime Rivaldo one can say for sure, that he is a very polarizing Icon. Either you love him or you detest him. That’s why I was so confused when I found myself somewhere in the middle after using his loan card for 20 games in the weekend league.

So many amazing things, but also things that just felt wrong or at least a bit off.

Should I lock down the coins into an icon that didn’t fully convince me in 20 games? There was no clear answer so I decided to look at his results and not only leave it to my feelings.

20 Games 25 Goals 13 Assists

That was better than I had expected. I was still getting used to the card and missed some good chances, which left a bit of a bad feeling.

How could his stats be so effective then?

He wasn’t actually. A fair bit of chances where missed, especially in the first games, when you try to get used to the card,but more importantly Rivaldo was singlehandedly creating a lot of them.


The 2* elephant in the room is the first thing that cuts deep into Fifa players believes and personal rankings, so it is only fair to address this early on. Make no mistake, it is bad. Is it worse than 3* weak foot? Yes! Do I bang them in easily with my UCL Griezman on his weak right foot? Definitely not. Don’t get me wrong, his weak foot is bad, but over 150 games with Griezman already trained me to not try too much on the right foot. As soon as your opponents know how to move the keeper anything below 4* is a risk anyway and usually does not end well. A miss is a miss, no matter how far you miss (and I missed some shots surprisingly far...)

The second biggest con is his position. Seriously EA, LW? My POTM Hazard is not pleased at all. A CAM or RW would make the card a lot more desirable and those also are the positions in which he shines ingame. Good news is, the difference from 7 to 10 Chem is not that big, or at least does not feel that big, just dare to change things up and learn to not be bothered by 7 chem. It really isn’t that much of a deal. The stats already are amazing. Also I would go for CAM ingame, as he nails this position and his cut inside on RW is just so predictable...


Let’s get to the pros. His shooting on the left is everything you ever want from a shot. Brutal force to nail it into the top corner or bend them like Beckham (where the hell is his icon, by the way?!) with a timed finesse.

Hidden Superpower? His Physical he really is pretty tanky in a good way. Not saying he makes VVD his bitch, but he isn’t easily pushed of the ball by the likes of him and rarely falls over. Especially at CAM this is very useful, as he is able to hold the ball until openings accure.

The passing of Rivaldo is great and can be compared to Kroos passing, if you know what I mean. It is just effortless and you somehow always give the right amount of power to the through ball or overhead pass, that it falls down just behind the defender with enough space to finish the 1 vs 1. Also crosses on his left are a work of art and I highly recommend cutting back and cross in his left from the right side.

Dribbling is very good and I highly advice to give him the “Crespo-Treatment” and apply an Engine chem style to boost that balance which otherwise makes him a bit clunkier. La Croqueta, heel to hell flicks and L2+R2, aswell as L1 dribbling provide very nice tempo changes and makes him trick defenders more often than not. A huge and agile player that’s strong and fast aswell really has something special.


I decided to do the SBC in the end and didn’t regret it one bit. It is a card that maybe misses sometimes close to the goal, when it counts, but that stays close to your heart anyway.

This is a great card which is not perfect, but immensely fun to use. He is big, he is strong, shoots like a sharpshooter on his left and like Carsten Janker on his right. He is different, and just isn’t this perfect Raul like card that literally has no drawbacks. He is that type of card that just isn’t for all. You have to master him, like a stubborn horse, but once you get the right feeling for him he will age in your team like a great wine and becomes better with every game you play him. His 2* weak foot is so prominent that people always try to cover his left side which creates great openings for deadly passes and unexpected runs.

If you get to know and enjoy Rivaldo, I am sure he is one of the best value for coin Icons out there for you, but he will forever remain „not everyone’s cup of tea“.

Thanks for reading!

Submitted December 29, 2018 at 01:58AM by Kuz4n

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