Monday, October 8, 2018

I love blazblue and would like to play BlazBlue, but better. And i'd just like to "get" it more.

Hello, just like to say I really enjoy this game. More so than any other fighter. Before this, my game of choice was KOF which came from the love of 2D sprites and nostalgia from being a child, playing Neogeo and MAME emulators with my cousins, always choosing Choi Bounge lol. I've been dipping into KOF in and out for the past few years, only every playing arcade and single player modes, trying to nail those ridiculous input challenges. It was always way too hard for me. However, after getting the fighting game bug again recently, I discovered that KOF had gone 3D/2.5D and it no longer holds an interest for me. Discovering BlazBlue and it's amazing animation, sprites etc convinced me to buy it for my PS Vita, I dove in.

This game is so fun. I love the character designs. Everything feels intuitive and fluid. I was kinda sucking on the vita version with the thumb stick, so bought CSE for steam. Now it's reallly fun. It's helped me learn basic fighting game concepts and play strategically instead of semi-mashing buttons and hoping for the best. I'm a keyboard scrub (only other option is a 360 controller) but since switching to keys I'm pretty good at beating the AI - I've been getting pretty good with Ragna, playing unlimited mars and getting to lvl 500 on abyss mode. Where as with the the thumb stick or d-pad i could barely hit Gauntlet of Hades (I've learned that learning the move names instead of the move directions to be helpful, as I don't think "oh yeah i need to quarter circle back then B then qc+D" instead i just do the moves and read the situation, remembering what i can combo/ cancel into) and tbh it makes me feel so good stringing specials together and discovering my own cancels and combos. I can pretty much hit Gauntlet...Hades into the D inferno driver whenever I find the opening, finishing the combo, sometimes rapid cancelling and throwing to complete it but that's a bit more tricky. Legit never thought i could do something like that though.

I'm also learning other characters like Noel and Lambda (the latter of whom is really helping me understand the role of projectiles in fighting games), and moving onto slightly more tricky characters with resource management like Hakumen, Arakune and Jin if he counts with his four section heat gauge.

Now, I want to play against real opponents who will destroy me, without a doubt, but I still think it would be fun. My problem is - if I plop down the 20 odd pound for Central Fiction , bypassing the games between Continuum Shift, will I just get absolutely thrashed online or will I find other players at my level? I understand it isn't a hugely popular game, like SF or Tekken, so i'm worried I'll be a small fish amongst the hardcore fans. I mean, i can always "git gud" but I work a full time job and have other interests lol, i dont have hue amount of time to invest.

Also, the story - is it worth getting into? I tried to start the Calamity Trigger story, didn't realise it was a visual novel and tbh I dont feel like reading a video game, i sincerely doubt it's on a a high level of art. But I want to play through the story made just to play as the other characters and see how they all link. I imagine it's very anime trope filed lol.

Also thinking about making a cheap DIY hitbox after realising such a thing existed for keyboardies like me. Im surprised more people dont play with hitboxes and stuff, but i guess it makes specials so easy to do that people look down on it as cheating lol. I guess I'm good because i have a good sense of rhythm and play a bit of guitar and piano. Kinda turns the game into a violent stepmania (and im sick at stepmania!!!!)

Anyway not sure why I wrote all that, I just really like this game and it's nice to share because I'll never meet another IRL naturally who would have any idea what I'm talking about.

Submitted October 08, 2018 at 05:39PM by terminus--

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