Saturday, September 22, 2018

Here's the full Home Pitch Advantages rules my league is using. What do you guys think? And what would work best with my Skaven?

Home Pitch Advantages

At team creation, each coach chooses a Home Field Advantages [HPA] from the team lists. That advantage is in effect for all home games. Choosing no option is still choosing a HPA. HPA can be changed during the off-season and costs 1 team RR in moving costs. A new HPA can be chosen for free if a team is being started from scratch (or re-started). HPA do not apply for friendly matches. All playoff games are played on a neutral pitch and no Home Pitch Advantages apply.

Deflated Ball: (BALL) This high quality and not at all tampered with ball is made of extra thin leather with precision stitching - meaning it spirals easily and flies gracefully through the air, improving the ball handling and catching abilities of all players. This ball confers a +1 on all Pass, Catch and Interception rolls. Add +1 to all scatter rolls for distance (kickoffs & throw ins) as well since this ball makes anyone look like Soaren Hightower. [Elven Union, High Elf, Slann, Wood Elf]

Extra Spiky Ball: (BALL) This ball does not bounce when it lands in an empty square after being thrown in, kicked off, or leaving a player's hands. Additionally, if a player rolls a natural 1 attempting to Catch or Intercept the ball, the player is treated as being attacked with the Stab Skill. This roll is made even if the player the ball bounces to could not normally attempt the catch (prone, stunned, no hands, etc.). [Chaos Renegades, Dark Elf, Khemri Tomb Kings, Khorne Daemon, Necromantic Horror, Norse, Orc, Vampire]

Master-Hewn Ball: (BALL) Dwarf masons make a ball with a weight to it! During a kickoff the ball only scatters d3 rather than d6 (does NOT stack with the Kick skill), and gentle breezes do not affect it on a changing weather result on the kick-off table. If the Master-Hewn Ball lands in an empty square after it is thrown in, kicked off, or leaves a player's hands, it does not bounce. This ball confers a -1 on all Pass rolls. If a player rolls a natural 1 on any Catch or Interception rolls, they are placed prone with no AV or Injury roll. [Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Ogre, Undead]

Sticky Ball: (BALL) Alchemists invented a ‘unique’ substance making the ball easy to pick up and hold. Just don’t ask what it’s made of! This ball gives a +1 modifier to all Pick Up, Catch and Interception rolls. But the stickiness makes passing hard. The ball imposes a -1 penalty to Pass rolls (doesn’t apply to stunty players as small hands prove to be an advantage). Also, any player holding the ball is considered to have the skill Safe Throw but only for the ability related to fumbling the pass. Players who already have the skill Safe Throw cannot fumble. [Amazon, Goblin, Lizardmen, Simyin]

Warpstone Ball: (BALL) This ball, carved from sacred warpstone, shimmers. Getting a read on the ball's location or trajectory is tough to do. This ball imposes a -1 penalty to all Pick Up, Catch and Interception rolls as a result. Sometimes during play, a phantom ball - impossible to discern from the real ball - appears. Besides kickoffs, whenever the ball bounces off the ground and there is not already a pair of balls in play, roll twice on the scatter template. If both results have the ball land in a empty square on the pitch, place both results - one is a phantom! If only one result would end with the ball in an empty square, use that result. If both results would have the ball in an occupied square or off the pitch, the home coach chooses which result to use. Players may not Pick-up, Catch or Intercept a ball if they are already carrying one. If a ball later lands in a square with the other ball, the two balls merge. When a player carrying one of the two balls crosses into the End Zone, roll a d6. On a 1-3, the ball was a phantom and vanishes. No touchdown is scored in this case and the player may continue their turn. Finally, exposure to the warpstone makes the player improvement process a little more exciting! Each coach may re-roll ONE die (not both dice) for a single player's Improvement roll. (Note: This could be a player for 'either' team. Once a die has been re-rolled by one coach, the other coach cannot affect it.) [Chaos Chosen, Nurgle, Skaven, Underworld]

Best Fans in the League: (FANS) These supportive fanatics know the game, know the rules and know how to be their team's twelfth man! Instead of rolling on the Throw-in template, the home team coach gets to choose the direction the fans throw the ball in. On a Cheering Fans or Brilliant Coaching roll, the home team gets to add twice it’s FAME to the roll. On a Pitch Invasion, it takes a natural 6 to Stun or KO the home team’s players, regardless of the away team’s FAME. Finally, during the Post-Match sequence, the home coach gets to select which of the two dice rolled for calculating earnings they get to use. The away coach has to use the other. This choice is made BEFORE the winning coach chooses to re-roll their d6 or not. [Amazons, Dark Elf, Halfling, Human, Norse, Orc]

Boisterous Rabble: (FANS) This crowd comes out for a good time and look to get properly involved in the game! They don't care who wins as long as the game is fun to watch. Each team’s FAME is increased by +1 to a maximum of +2. If a player is pushed into the crowd add +1 to the result of the injury roll. These lunatics don't just stay in the stands! Any block or foul made against a player adjacent to the side-lines is treated as having one extra assist for the acting team. In addition, no opposing player adjacent to the side-line can assist a block or foul unless they have Guard as they are dealing the frenzied mob. The ale flows freely among the rabble and both teams get a free Bloodweiser Babe inducement. [Human, Necromantic Horror, Simyin, Undead]

Disturbing Fans: (FANS) This crowd does not look, sound or smell right. Maybe it’s pustules, tentacles and disease or maybe it’s facepaint, piercings and costumes. The crowd just makes the away team nervous. The sidelines and end zones are treated as if they are under the effect of a Disturbing Presence for the away team only. This stacks with player’s Disturbing Presence as well. [Chaos Chosen, Chaos Dwarf, Goblin, Nurgle]

Diverse Fans: (FANS) Blood Bowl teams tend to draw most of their fans from their specific race, nationality, or sub-group. But this team has broad appeal. Whether it’s because they mix multiple races on the roster, because they are so generic, or because they bring in a whole new fan-base (like animals?), they draw more fans than normal. During a match, these teams add +1 to their FAME, potentially taking it to 3! Also, the home team gets to make two rolls during the Fan Factor stage of the Update Team Roster Post-Match step and keep the higher roll. [Chaos Renegade, Elven Union, Human, Underworld]

The Upper Crust: (FANS) The posh crowd are happier watching violence than getting involved... nutters! If a player would be injured (i.e. stunned, knocked out, or suffer a casualty) by a result on the kick off table, roll a d6. On a roll of 4 or more, the injury is ignored. If a player is pushed into the crowd, they are put straight into the reserves box. These fans even get upset when players don't exhibit 'proper sportsmanship'. If a player inflicts a casualty (Badly Hurt or worse) while fouling and did NOT roll doubles, roll a d6. On a 1-3, the fans exhibit their extreme disgust and the referee bows to their wishes, ejecting the fouling player. This call can be argued as normal. [Brettonian, High Elf, Human, Khemri Tomb Kings, Vampire]

Apathetic Officials: (REF) Whether they don't get paid enough or are just a bit thick, the officials at this venue just aren’t that involved in the match. Each team gets a bonus bribe. Additionally, each coach can choose to apply a +1 to any armor rolls from fouls but doing so will get even these lazy referees to blow their whistles and eject the fouler. (This ejection can be argued or bribed away as per normal rules.) [Goblin, Ogre, Undead, Underworld]

Invested Officials: (REF) This stadium’s officials care about the ‘sanctity of the game’ - whatever that means. They know the rules and pay attention! All fouls result in an ejection. This ejection can be argued by the head coach or bribed. But paying off these strict referees is expensive. Bribes cost twice their normal cost as inducements. (That means Goblins have to pay what every other team normally pays! They hate playing here!) [Brettonian, Elven Union, High Elf, Lizardmen]

Astrogranite: (STA) This artificial stone was all the rage in the ‘80s, and some stadiums still keep Astrogranite for its extra-grippy surface - plus it's entertaining when the players fall down! Add +1 to all armour rolls (except fouls). Also, if a player fails a GFI on astrogranite, roll a d6 on a 1-3 they are knocked down as normal. On a 4-6 the player remains standing and there is no turnover, but they cannot continue their action. [Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Khemri Tomb King, Vampire]

Colosseum: (STA) The pitch is set in a pit. Players cannot be pushed out of bounds. If a player would leave the pitch for any reason, they are instead shoved into the stadium wall (which in many cases is adorned with spikes!) The player is knocked down in the square they were pushed from and an armour roll is made for them with a +1 modifier. In addition, the ball cannot scatter out of play; instead return it to play using the throw in template as normal but only move it 1d3 spaces rather than 2d6 spaces. The stadium is well known for the spectacular games (and halftime shows) it hosts, and visiting teams can expect a sizable allowance to make the match more interesting. At the choose inducements step of the pre-match sequence, each coach has an additional 2d6 x 10k gold pieces in petty cash. (Each coach rolls 1d6, add the results together then multiply the result by 10,000. Each coach gains that much petty cash.) Both teams also get a +1 bonus to the fan factor roll at the end of the match. [Chaos Chosen, Necromantic Horror, Skaven]

Desert Sands: (STA) This pitch is hard packed sand. It’s gritty and HOT! On weather rolls, a roll of 2 or 12 results in Sweltering Heat while a result of 3 or 11 results in Very Sunny. Additionally, all players get a -1 modifier to KO recovery rolls due to heat exhaustion. The pitch also seems to draw out the bloodthirsty gladiator inside the home team. After declaring a blitz, a home team player gets one extra GFI for use on this action. [Chaos Chosen, Khemri Tomb Kings, Lizardmen]

Ice!: (STA) A violent sport on Ice? It'll never catch on. The players are assumed to have been issued appropriate kit to traverse the ice; skates, snowshoes or enhanced cleats. But ice is always slippery! Failing a GFI on ice does NOT cause a turnover unless the player was carrying the ball. After a ball bounces, it moves +1 square in the same direction. Also whenever a player is knocked down, they slide 1 square in a random direction (use the scatter template and the D8). If they would slide into an occupied square, they do not move. If they slide off the pitch, make a normal injury roll. If they slide into a square with the ball, the ball bounces (and moves +1 square as per normal bouncing rules (for this pitch)). [Chaos Renegades, Dwarf, Norse]

Media Center: (STA) Every game played at this stadium goes out live on the Cabalvision network. A jumbo screen in the stadium shows slow motion replays off the best hits! Star Players - keen to get in front of the camera - can be hired at 20,000 gold pieces less than their standard rate. However, the increased scrutiny means only linemen can foul or assist on fouls with anonymity. If anyone BUT a lineman (defined as a position you may have 10 or more of on your team) fouls or assists on a foul, the refs will eject the fouler, regardless of whether doubles were rolled or not. This ejection may be argued as per normal rules. The press coverage also means each team gets +1 MVP. The same player cannot receive both MVPs. [Khorne Daemon, Necromantic Horror, Ogre]

Medical Facilities: (STA) This well-heeled stadium gives both teams top-notch, first class medical assistance. If an Apothecary fails to reduce a casualty to Badly Hurt (i.e. both casualty rolls result in MNG or worse), the Apothecary is not considered to have been used and may be used again on another casualty roll later in the game. [Amazon, Elven Union, Skaven, Slann, Wood Elf]

Michelin Star Power: (STA) The cooking facilities at this stadium are the toast of the Auld World and fans make this stadium a bucket list destination. While playing at this stadium, the home team can hire the Halfling Chef inducement (perhaps world renowned Wolfgang Puckleberry?) for 100k less than normal. However, it costs a lot to maintain such a high-quality kitchen. The home team only gets to roll 1d3 for winnings as opposed to the normal 1d6. If they won the game, they can re-roll the 1d3. [Brettonian, Halfling]

Muddy Pitch: (STA) The playing surface at this stadium is one big slipping hazard - whether intentionally or due to poor maintenance is up to you. GFI is risky in the mud. GFIs fail on a roll of a 2 or less. The good news is that while the mud does make players slip and fall, it also cushions the blow of such slips. This pitch applies a -1 modifier to AV rolls resulting from failing a dodge or GFI roll. Unless they have experience, players down in the mud have a hard time trying to stand up. When a visiting player tries to stand up, roll a d6. On a 1, the player fails to stand up. This is NOT a turnover and does NOT trigger a new AV roll. The mud coats the ball as soon as it hits the ground, creating a -1 penalty to all Pick-up rolls. (Does NOT stack with the penalty from Pouring Rain.) [Amazon, Lizardmen, Simyin, Skaven]

Poorly Built Dungeons: (STA) Security is non-existent and it really shows as the stadium is packed! Both players add twice their fan factor to 2d6 to determine how many fans show up to support each team. FAME is calculated normally. The chances of keeping a committed fouler under lock and key aren't great when the dungeon locks are unreliable and the bars are surprisingly wide apart. At the start of each drive, after players have been set up, each coach rolls a d6 for each player that has been sent off for any reason. On a result of 5 or 6 the player is returned to the reserves box and can be used as normal starting with the next drive (they will always miss at least one drive). You might think both teams would make more gold from the gate but since most of the fans snuck in, both team get 1d4 instead of 1d6 when determining how much each team earns. The bonus for winning and FAME are normal. [Goblin, Ogre, Underworld]

Rickety Stadium: (STA) There aren't enough seats, exposed nails stick out of every surface and maybe there's even a weird smell. This is a stadium only a home team could love! At the end of each drive, the away coach rolls a d6. If they roll a 1, some of their fans have had enough and walkout, reducing their team’s FAME by 1 - this can take it into negative figures! Note however that the team's winnings at the end of the match cannot go below 0! Additionally, instead of a regulation ball, they use a limpin’ squig (or some other live animal). At the beginning of each coach’s turn, if the ball is on the pitch and not in a player’s hands, it will scatter one square to an empty square if it can (reroll the direction of the scatter if necessary). It's trying to get away! Poor maintenance continues on the pitch, which is little more than a rectangle of grass with a few rocks roughly dividing it in half. When the kicking team sets up for a drive, they may choose to treat the line of scrimmage as being the normal line of scrimmage or one row of squares into either half. This creates a temporary mid-field line for this kickoff which the receiving team must adhere to when setting up their players and which is used for the purpose of awarding a touchback. In addition, the limit of 2 players per wide zone during setup does not apply to either team. [Halfing, Nurgle, Simyin, Undead]

Royal Stadium: (STA) This team has been invited by an actual monarch to make their home in the official royal stadium. As a result, the common folk cannot get in with the increased security scrutiny. Re-roll any Riot and Thrown Rock results on the kick-off table. The re-roll stands even if it is another Riot / Thrown Rock (sometimes the young aristocrats do really get into it!) The smoothly maintained elf grass gives a -1 to all AV & Injury rolls when players are knocked down by a failed GFI or dodge. In addition, the retractable dome encourages perfect Blood Bowl weather. Re-roll any Weather results other than "Fine". The re-roll stands even if it is not Fine Weather (the Dome has malfunctioned!) Finally, from team flags and noisemakers to giant foam pointing fingers and woodcut portraits of popular players, this stadium sells it all. Plus, luxury boxes sell to the rich and famous! In the first step of the 'record fortune and fame' phase of the post match sequence, each coach rolls an extra d3 and adds it to their total winnings. The winner of the match does not get to reroll this d3. [Brettonian, Dark Elf, High Elf] Sacrificial Altar: (STA) This team made a deal with a devil (or some supernatural power). But hey, if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying, right! Before declaring an action with a Big Guy (player who only has Strength skill access on a normal improvement roll), you can choose to sacrifice one of your players on the pitch to increase the chance of the Big Guy succeeding. The sacrificed player makes an Injury roll with a +2 (devil’s have super-Mighty Blow, dontcha know), and any injury is automatically Badly Hurt (no casualty roll). In exchange, the Big Guy automatically succeeds on his negative trait roll (Wild Animal, Bone Headed, etc.) and suffers no ill effects of failing any other dice rolls other than ending his turn - including not suffering a turnover. [Chaos Dwarf, Chaos Renegade, Khorne Daemon, Nurgle]

Spring Floor: (STA) This crazy pitch is imbued with some weird magic giving it a natural bounce and spring. Crowds come early to point and laugh as the away team gets used to the odd feel. But it sure gives an advantage to those players who know how to use it! Every player is treated as if they have the Pro skill but can only use it on landings (Leap or Throw Teammate). Additionally, the pitch helps players regain their feet. If a player must make a dice roll to successfully stand up they get a +1 assist from the springy pitch. Other players only spend 2 MV points to stand up. [Halfling, Slann, Wood Elf]

State-of-the-Art Stadium: (STA) Because this stadium is decked out with the latest in instant replay technology, wireless communication, and whiteboard markers for both teams, each coaching staff operates at the highest level. Each team gets an extra RR in the second half. Additionally, at the start of each drive after the first, each coach rolls a d3 and adds their support coaching staff (not including the Head Coach). If the result is higher than the number of team rerolls they currently have, they gain a bonus team reroll. [Dark Elf, Slann, Vampire]

Stiff Wind Stadium: (STA) This stadium is located somewhere the winds are strong and consistent. Each team has favourable winds for passes and throwing teammates for one half. One half the wind is in your face. Instead of using the normal scatter template for this match, use the throw-in template pointed in the direction of the wind. In the fierce wind, kicks scatter 2d6 instead of 1d6 squares. Throw ins from the crowd travel in the direction the wind is blowing if coming from the sidelines - the endzones work normally. When the wind comes from your back, calculate the range of passes as if the thrower was one square closer to the end zone (passing coach chooses which of the three squares). When the wind is in your face, calculate the range of passes as if the thrower was one square further away from the end zone (defensive coach chooses which of the three squares). The home team decides if they have the favorable wind in the first or second half after they learn if they will be kicking or receiving. [Khorne Daemon, Orc, Wood Elf]

Thunderdome: (STA) At this stadium, real men (whatever, you know what we mean!) play a violent sport violently. Before the game, the home team takes the pitch and does an intense battle chant, psyching their opponent out. Before each half, the home coach can choose to give up one or two RRs. If they do give up those RRs, the away coach is forced to give up the same number of RRs. Additionally, the team captains ritually slam their heads together at the start of each half - as is tradition! After setting up for the first drive of each half, the player on the pitch from each team with the highest SPP (coaches choice in the event of a tie) rolls a d6. On a 1, the player is KO’d from the impact. On a 2, the player gains the Bone-Head trait for the rest of the drive as they cannot fully shake the effects of the concussive blow. (If they already had Bone-Head, they become Really Stupid; if they were already Really Stupid... well, nothing can make that worse!) On a 3, the player falls to the pitch, Stunned. On a 4, the player falls to their knees, Prone. There is no effect on the roll of a 5. On a 6, the player is so fired up they gain the Frenzy skill for the duration of the drive. (If they already had Frenzy, they gain the Piling On skill; if they already have both… well, nothing can make them crazier!) [Dwarf, Norse, Orc]

Submitted September 23, 2018 at 03:12AM by PlotHook

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