Sunday, July 29, 2018

Weekly Trolling Report (7/22/18 - 7/29/18)

Greatest negative Δk for this week: -8953 with 117 posts, by /u/RapIsShit
[Δk or "delta k" refers to the total change in karma]
Lowest average karma per comment: -239 with 4 posts, by /u/HappyBoyOne


Author: /u/ifckstacy Avg. this week = -67 per comment
Score: -2212
Subreddit: /r/mildlyinteresting


Post text:

A minute? Huh. I saw it in like 2 seconds but I'm pretty smart like that (I know Reddit hates when you say your IQ, so I'll just say it's pretty high and leave it at that). I see a few people in this thread didn't see it all, which interestingly is an indicator of psychopathy (Just one of those little factoids I picked up along the way, cuz, you know, smart and all).


Author: /u/RapIsShit Avg. this week = -77 per comment
Score: -1247
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

If you’re not an artist then don’t fucking respond to my post dick face. Can’t believe I wasted time on a talentless piece of shit human being like yourself.


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -977
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

I’m still trying to contact that douche u/amontrealnarwhal


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -887
Subreddit: /r/ICanDrawThat


Post text:

Goddamn, you gonna draw the album cover or not?


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -788
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

I'm sure they'll have a lot to say about you over there.


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -712
Subreddit: /r/ICanDrawThat


Post text:

I said you’ll draw us an album cover and my opinion is the only one that matters.


Author: /u/ew_fart Avg. this week = -32 per comment
Score: -630
Subreddit: /r/combinedgifs


Post text:

Is that supposed to be a hit on scientology? Jfc when will reddit get over the edgy attitude towards the religious? Just because he has different beliefs than you doesnt give you the right to discriminate.

Edit: oh its ok okay to discriminate because it's not the religion that YOU approve of. Got it. Never change, reddit. No wonder scientologists sue u guys so much 😒


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -568
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

No I’m not. I’d like to see you write better lyrics dipshit.

Oh yeah nice little edit dipshit. I’m still waiting for your lyrics.


Author: /u/SmellyDanglyLabia Avg. this week = -8 per comment
Score: -495
Subreddit: /r/greentext


Post text:

Why do you insist on calling everything fake? This seems to be legit. This dude is probably a low T neckbeard Fortnite player who can't please a women so he watches alphas like myself do it for him

Today's generation of kids is very immasculated so older men like myself get to pick off and nail the hot girls who won't be happy with a pansexual gender fluid loser. My side chick is 18 (my daughters college roommate 😛) and she is always complaining about weak feminine men


Author: /u/PrettyFriendlyGuy Avg. this week = -15 per comment
Score: -480
Subreddit: /r/ICanDrawThat


Post text:

Not yet


Author: /u/PrettyFriendlyGuy
Score: -422
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

That's what I'm talking about. Do you by chance know anyone that's an artist? We need an album cover but haven't found anyone willing to help on Reddit.


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef Avg. this week = -72 per comment
Score: -377
Subreddit: /r/PrequelMemes


Post text:

He called him a "weeb" and criticized amine.

Pretty sure the frend isn't the uncultured one

/r/animemes blows this place outta the water

Edit : OwO what's this? Unfortunately downboating me won't improve your me me quality. Get some real culture starweebs




Author: /u/HappyBoyOne Avg. this week = -239 per comment
Score: -352
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Nice to meet you, and we are gonna take the world by storm with our music.


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -332
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Thanks bruv


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -313
Subreddit: /r/ICanDrawThat


Post text:

Yeah like he said we don’t yet but I can describe our sound if that helps.


Author: /u/HappyBoyOne
Score: -307
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Usually a lurker, but I made an account to ask to be your guitarist, I've been playing for 5 years and I've been in two separate bands that played locally, I specialize in black metal, but I'm willing to learn and adapt if need be.


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -305
Subreddit: /r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut


Post text:

🚨 Fake news 🚨


Author: /u/SmellyDanglyLabia
Score: -291
Subreddit: /r/politics


Post text:

His show will be cancelled soon. The ratings have been awful for a Showtime series.

Turns out that hatred of conservatives doesn't sell outside of Hollywood


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -269
Subreddit: /r/PoliticalHumor


Post text:

Nah you're doing the metal gymnastics, trying your hardest to discredit what I say and failing. If I'm boring you, stop replying. It's really that easy dipshit.


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -224
Subreddit: /r/funny


Post text:

Lol imagine being so dumb you can't even use a self checkout properly. It's not rocket science people 🤦

Lol sorry I can't relate I've NEVER had an issue with self checkout

Low intelligence people waste so much time on trivial matters. going through life not not even learning to use machines they use in their lives. Sad really


Author: /u/ew_fart
Score: -223
Subreddit: /r/oddlysatisfying


Post text:

Are you saying Polish like the country (Poland) or polish like when you polish something? Because both could be used in this context. Your lack of sympathy for redditors caused you to make this mistake and i think you should clarify. Downvoted

You should probably proof read your comments from Now on.

Good day.


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -216
Subreddit: /r/pics


Post text:

Eh if she's supposed to be the general not really. You can still totally tell it's a girl. Real mystique would transform better than that

Plus midsection aren't part of the mystique part 😜 lyk the movie 🎦 . Lots of potential wasted there. C+


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -213
Subreddit: /r/trebuchetmemes


Post text:

Thats Cuz catapaultx actually v works. Trebuchet are a joke weapon that's why it's a meme, Cuz it's hilariously bad. Catapaultx conquer kingdoms. Trebbies are some French nonsense - their record in historic wars speaks for itself


Author: /u/nonouiswrong Avg. this week = -37 per comment
Score: -208
Subreddit: /r/NoMansSkyTheGame


Post text:

Hes a straight up scam artist why are people still supporting this man? He could work on this game for decades or wouldn't really make up the 8 figure sum he SCAMMED BUYERS OUT OF AND DIDN'T OFFER Refunds.

He deserves every single drop of scrutiny and criticism coming his way when he debuts the 5th layer of polish on his giant turd of a game


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -204
Subreddit: /r/PrequelMemes


Post text:

Spot the sub that recycles the same 2 dozen beaten like a dead horse to death 🐴 jokes over and over 🔂


Author: /u/ifckstacy
Score: -195
Subreddit: /r/ProRevenge


Post text:

Illegal? Nah, porn is being pushed on kids constantly, along with other depravity, but I'll stay on point. Have you even seen the trash on television, even cartoons? It's deplorable. My kids are 10 and 11 and the school started teaching sex-ed. Think about that, 10 fucking years old. Of course I pulled them out of those classes, but most of these "parents" don' progressive 😒. This is what happens when Libbys win the cultural war, as they've done; we're living in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.


Author: /u/ifckstacy
Score: -186
Subreddit: /r/trashy


Post text:

I "dated" a chick for 2 years like this (she had a one night stand 6 months into the "relationship" so down to the minor league she went) and im tellin ya she'd buy me gifts and suck my dick like a fucking turbo powered shop-vac 😂 I mean, I still faked the role but I obviously didn't tell her she was just a disposable peice of side meat; it woulda broke her mother's heart, lol (real nice lady, she used to bake chocolate chip cookies for me, nom nom 😄)


Author: /u/HappyBoyOne
Score: -186
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

That's sweet, is there a way I can hit up the other members?


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -184
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Umm if you read my post you’d know that I just started a band. Not that hard to read buddy.


Author: /u/nonouiswrong
Score: -180
Subreddit: /r/soccer


Post text:

Lol Liverpool gloating all week about transfers and then this disgrace the same week... ROFL

Its Dortmund lads 🤣🤣

Lol humiliating. From cl contenders to jokes in a matter of Muhnths 😂

Edit :Lol if you disagree im assuming you just watched the clip and not the whole game Cuz lol


Author: /u/PrettyFriendlyGuy
Score: -178
Subreddit: /r/ICanDrawThat


Post text:

With large amounts of semen too


Author: /u/PrettyFriendlyGuy
Score: -171
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

A new member?!? What's up my man? Ready to get fucked up and make bad ass music?


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -170
Subreddit: /r/GetMotivated


Post text:

He waznt that funny tho.. He's no Amy Schumer. Now that girl is reinventing comedy


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -170
Subreddit: /r/PoliticalHumor


Post text:

Listen, I know its hard for you to understand basic English, but I'll try my hardest to explain. I've noticed from some of your comments on this site that you have extreme homosexual tendencies. This caused me to believe that your request for an angry metal song was a veiled attempt to coax me into writing you a love song. Is that clear or do you need to retake high school English?


Author: /u/SmellyDanglyLabia
Score: -168
Subreddit: /r/Tinder


Post text:

Like most guys on Tindur he probably can't get a woman IRL so he has to try to do it online

My daughters don't do online dating, they're both beautiful and can meet guys at work or at the gym. And, if they're like their mother, they're great in the sack lol


Author: /u/YupYouMadAndDownvote Avg. this week = -30 per comment
Score: -165
Subreddit: /r/NSFW_GIF


Post text:

They have to. Dude's dick is below average LOL

Edit- tiny dick neckbeards got angry lmao


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -164
Subreddit: /r/soccer


Post text:

Eh who cares about these scrub teams?


Author: /u/ew_fart
Score: -164
Subreddit: /r/me_irl


Post text:

-looks at your post history

-sees your a pretty lady

-gives you upvote

teehee 🤗

(Btw I'm 180lbs w/ a BFP of 5%) #Jacked


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -160
Subreddit: /r/GlobalOffensive


Post text:

Eh were they gamers too? If you had never even heard of them or don't even know their names are they worth the attention on this sub? Wow.. A pro gamers parent dies, I'm sure they're so glad they're being mourned.. On aCS subreddit 🙄.

Isn't it kind of rude/disengenupus to offer condolences for someone if you don't even know their name?

Why can't dude be left alone to mourn? Why is his family crisis newsworthy.. In context of pro gaming? Why should the sons fame be such a prominent part of the family's mourning? U really think they want reddit coverage of it? Did you read the tweet? Even he doesn't want it on his mind today YET this is on track to be the biggest thread here today.

Strange times we live in these days


Author: /u/whyamionthisWeb-Site Avg. this week = -4 per comment
Score: -158
Subreddit: /r/funny


Post text:

loser stop caring so much about stupid internet points


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -154
Subreddit: /r/MurderedByWords


Post text:

Eh women still rnt as violent and death causing as men tho 👨‍👨‍👦. For every Womaan that's declared war there's 100 men that hav- they're too insecure at about trying 2 be alpha n stuff instead of to resolve things peacefully ☮️ , (atleast for most of recorded history, India and GB. From Mesopotamia to trump)



Author: /u/nonouiswrong
Score: -151
Subreddit: /r/PoliticalHumor


Post text:

Wow real avant guard humor here.

DAE Le trump = LIAR???

Wow such funny


Edit : hey you guys wanna hear a real joke??

🌚Obamacare 😂


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -148
Subreddit: /r/ICanDrawThat


Post text:

Hey guys, his bandmate here. We’re looking for something very vile, think like a mixture of Slayer and Cannibal Corpse album covers. I want as much sacrilegious stuff as possible (decapitated Jesus, satanic crosses, hidden 666, burning bibles). Also include sacrificed babies if possible. Make it offensive as you can.


Author: /u/Bakeville Avg. this week = -4 per comment
Score: -147
Subreddit: /r/justneckbeardthings


Post text:

shut the f*** up asshole, /r/UpvotedBecauseGirl that's right /r/UpvotedBecauseGirl, wake up and smell the kibble, reddit votes with its dick and I'm doing you a favor by makeing you aware of how shitty that makes this place so take a stroll over to /r/UpvotedBecauseGirl and realize how dumb you sound when you try to white knight this girl and pretend like your focusing on her cosplay when We. All. Know. your only focused on her boobs


Author: /u/SmellyDanglyLabia
Score: -145
Subreddit: /r/politics


Post text:

Why is everyone so focused on Russia when there's much bigger issues to worry about? We should just move on


Author: /u/ew_fart
Score: -145
Subreddit: /r/thisismylifenow


Post text:

Well it doesnt matter. It's actually illegal to film somebody if they dont want to be filmed.


Author: /u/ew_fart
Score: -142
Subreddit: /r/comics


Post text:

Only slightly relevant, but I seriously have a 9.5 inch penis. Most chicks are actually afraid of it. Sometimes I wish it was smaller. The only chicks that can take it are size queens and they're normally kinda slutty and I dont want STDs 😞

Edit: it appears we were no longer talking about penis XD my bad. I thought "get off" and "Mr. Bone" in the same sentance meant we were talking about penises( penii?) My bad!


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -137
Subreddit: /r/Ice_Poseidon


Post text:

Meh both are like solid 4/10s.

Knees are too fuckin sharp that's not sexy


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -134
Subreddit: /r/todayilearned


Post text:

Eh wtf does acting have to do with surviving a war?? Oscar's really are worthless soon story trophies and meaningless awards holy crap - before you shoot me down watch the awful movie in question... 🌚


Author: /u/VeganJusticeWarrior Avg. this week = -45 per comment
Score: -131
Subreddit: /r/funny


Post text:

As someone who regularly interacts with Mexicans at the taqueria on my street this joke or whatever is really insensitive. It's basically minstrel... just like blackface.

No not all Mexicans are savages that beat each other with shoes and wear du rags WTF??

Comic boox are objectionable enough to begin with you dint need to add more racism.


Author: /u/IDontCareWhatYouWant Avg. this week = -4 per comment
Score: -131
Subreddit: /r/greentext


Post text:

Jesus Christ. Leave this sh•t on Reddet. Dont bring this here. Maybe the mindless beta f•gs there would enjoy it but this is just garbage and has no place here.


Author: /u/CarrieFisherSucks Avg. this week = -41 per comment
Score: -130
Subreddit: /r/WatchPeopleDieInside


Post text:

I don't think it is automatically a dick move, maybe this is the adults first time watching a live game. They paid to get in, so if they have a shot to score a free ball from a player, then why not let them? If the player wanted to make sure the kid got the ball, he should have walked over instead of expecting a child to catch a ball. This is something that could have been prevented.


Author: /u/nonouiswrong
Score: -127
Subreddit: /r/casualChildAbuse


Post text:

Boo hop cry me a river your ears are pierced.

Gosh life must be soo hard Cuz they did that to you


Author: /u/Bakadonkey Avg. this week = -45 per comment
Score: -125
Subreddit: /r/politics


Post text:

Why do you hate Putin so much? Is it because he’s richer then you’ll ever be? I’m guessing that’s also why you hate Trump?

You democrats need to grow tf up

Edit: I’ll say this again. Downvoting because you disagree with someone is against the Redditquette. Knock it off or I’ll notify the admins.


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -124
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Hahaha thanks bro


Author: /u/ifckstacy
Score: -120
Subreddit: /r/ProRevenge


Post text:

Parents should be doing this. My daughter doesn't need to learn, hell, I don't even want to say it but it's a mothers job. Of course, feminism destroyed the nuclear family so now kids are raised by nannies, preschools, and the public indoctrination system. Conservatism is Gen Z's counter-culture, tho, and the pendulum is swinging back. MAGA 🇺🇸


Author: /u/PrettyFriendlyGuy
Score: -120
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

He called you a dipshit twice. You gonna sit there and take that? Pussy.


Author: /u/ifckstacy
Score: -119
Subreddit: /r/UpliftingNews


Post text:

Chick has a nice ass, too 👌


Author: /u/ifckstacy
Score: -118
Subreddit: /r/greentext


Post text:

Sigh... have a downvote 👎


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -117
Subreddit: /r/GetMotivated


Post text:

People in dark times will laugh at the stupidest things honestly. A butt joke? Yeah real avant gard humor there. Women are funnier get over it 💃


Author: /u/SmellyDanglyLabia
Score: -117
Subreddit: /r/EarthPorn


Post text:

Wow that's so rude. Just because you're incapable of taking a quality photo like this doesn't make it rude. Be more considerate and stop ruining other peoples Reddit experience 🙄🙄

Edit -stop the dang downvotes. It's a violation of Reddiquette to downdoot for a diffrece in opinion 😡


Author: /u/ew_fart
Score: -117
Subreddit: /r/oddlysatisfying


Post text:

What are you talking about? I didnt put a period in between from and now.


Author: /u/vladimirlenincel Avg. this week = -38 per comment
Score: -115
Subreddit: /r/PoliticalHumor


Post text:

Why Global Warming is a hoax:

  1. Record Ice

In 2014 there was record sea ice in Antarctica in fact a global warming expedition got stuck in it. Arctic sea ice has also made a nice comeback in 2014. The Great lakes had record ice Lake Superior only had 3 ice free months in 2014. You’d think that in the hottest year ever that ice would be melting like Al Gore said.

2014 saw record snowfall in many areas, remember when they said that global warming would cause snow to disappear and children won’t know what snow is.

  1. Record Cold

In 2014 we saw all kinds of cold records remember the Polar Vortex? You’d think that we’d be breaking all kinds of heat records in “the hottest year ever”

  1. Oceans Are Rising Much Less Than Predicted

Al Gore predicted that oceans would rise 20 feet by 2100, it looks like were on track for about a foot. 80% of the tide gauges show less rise than the official “global average”. Many tide gauges show no rise in sea level, and almost none show any acceleration over the past 20 years.

  1. Polar Bears Are Thriving

You’d think that Polar Bears would really be in trouble in 2014 “the hottest year ever” but they are thriving.

  1. Moose Are Making A Comeback

A few years ago the moose population in Minnesota dropped rapidly and they immediately blamed global warming, then they did a study and found out it was actually wolves that were killing the moose. Wolves have been taken off the endangered species list and are now endangering other species so they opened a wolf hunting season in Minnesota and the moose are coming back. It turns out it had nothing to do with global warming in fact the years when the moose population declined were some very cold ones.

  1. 99% of Scientists don’t believe in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming

You’ve probably heard over and over that 99% of scientist believe in global warming well the opposite is true. That talking point came from a study where only 75 scientists said they believe in global warming on the other hand over 31,000 scientists have signed a petition saying they don’t believe in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming.

  1. Nature produces much more CO2 than man

In 2014 NASA finally launched a satellite that measures CO2 levels around the globe. They assumed that most of the CO2 would be coming from the industrialized northern hemisphere but much to their surprise it was coming from the rainforests in South America, Africa and China.

  1. It Isn’t Actually the Warmest Year.

If you look at the satellite data 2014 was not the warmest year ever in fact there has been no global warming for over 18 years. The Reason they can say it’s the warmest year is because they are using the ground weather station data which is heavily influenced by the Urban Heat Island effect, many of which are near pavement. Even still they had to cherry pick that data to get at the warmest year ever and it is only the warmest by only two-100ths of a degree within a dataset that has a variability of a half of a degree. The fact they they had to ignore accurate data and fudge sketchy data to push their agenda proves (IMHO) that climate change is a hoax.

  1. The Hypocrisy of the Main Players

One of the main reasons you can tell that global warming is a hoax is that the main purveyors of global warming live lifestyles opposite of what they preach, they all own multiple large homes and yachts and they fly around the world in private jets pushing their propaganda. Not to mention some people such as Al Gore actually profit from Carbon Taxes and other green energy laws. If they actually believed what they preached they would be leading quite different lives.


Author: /u/imthebest199 Avg. this week = -62 per comment
Score: -114
Subreddit: /r/politics


Post text:

Why do Trump haters insist on being stupid? You’re less successful, is that why you hate on him? He’s doing a great job as president.

Stop acting as if Obama was a perfect president and show some damn respect to the United States of America!


Author: /u/PrettyFriendlyGuy
Score: -114
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Damn straight


Author: /u/SmellyDanglyLabia
Score: -113
Subreddit: /r/politics


Post text:

Who cares where the flags are made? Hillary and Obama both had campaign materials produced outside the country


Author: /u/VeganJusticeWarrior
Score: -111
Subreddit: /r/funny


Post text:

Yeah but I dunno if Dr seus coulda pulled🐟 that off if he was a woman tho..🐟🐟

Plus it would've only been 47 words🐠 Cuz of the pay gap🐡.

➕ You RLY think themyscira has very good English teachers?? Sinsearly Douwtful 🙆 ¿📙


Author: /u/HappyBoyOne
Score: -111
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

I have friends of friends that would be willing to help, I'll text them and if they agree, I'll message you the number.


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -110
Subreddit: /r/gifs


Post text:


O great a pun thread at the top 😴

Can't you guys come up with anything new?

You're not even trying to make a legit pun just shitting out one word wtf is this nonsense? 🙄

DAE Le beaver pun?


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -110
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Yeah that’d be sick! We’re a deathcore band, but that style isn’t hard to learn. You’ll fit in great!


Author: /u/PrettyFriendlyGuy
Score: -109
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Just PMed you. We're going to blow up the internet.

Edit: see you guys in the spotlight or hell(whichever comes first)


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -108
Subreddit: /r/blunderyears


Post text:


Lol if you consider morphing into a different stratosphere of odd lookin "hope".🕵️ Even a Harry Potter spell won't hit enuff magic.

Aren't you supposed to hope 4 like.. good things?🙏

But anyways smile on the left actuality seems genuine 😁- on the right not so much.. His lips make a smile shape👄 but the eyes them tell a very different story 👀


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -108
Subreddit: /r/watchplantsgrow


Post text:

Oh great a bunch of potheads invading gardening threads. Don't you guess have your own sub for your pot smoker vids? This shit is illegal most places for a reason


Author: /u/SmellyDanglyLabia
Score: -108
Subreddit: /r/politics


Post text:

His service doesn't matter. If he truly loved the country he would have his wife become a citizen

I support our troops 100% but we should be kicking illegals out regardless of who they are married to or related to


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -106
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Really? A guy in this thread just asked to join. Plus I already have a drummer and bassist, so lay off the douchebaggery.

Edit: you like Mastodon, so you must be a stupid little pretentious shit.


Author: /u/nonouiswrong
Score: -105
Subreddit: /r/sports


Post text:

Lol this is such a waste tho...what's that dude need sneakers for? 🙄

Wouldn't it make more sense to give it someone who actually would use them? Seems not totally thought out

It would've been classier to autograph some gloves or perhaps a wheelchair wheel 🎡 no?

Edit : function over form Yall. U really think if that guy had a choice of anything to get signed he would pick shoes? I'd bet that would be one of the last options for some reason 🤔


Author: /u/ifckstacy
Score: -103
Subreddit: /r/greentext


Post text:

🇨🇦 Legal age is 16 bb 🇨🇦

Feels good 😩💦💦


Author: /u/nonouiswrong
Score: -100
Subreddit: /r/PoliticalHumor


Post text:

See now atleast you attempted to actually make it funny unlike this post here


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -100
Subreddit: /r/blackmagicfuckery


Post text:

Just performing in an Olympic style sport counts as "black magic" now? 🙄

Christ this place has gone down hill - these girls aren't even bronze medal caliber honestly 🥉

Although maybe if they wore some bikinis there would be some magic.. In my pants 👖 NAMSAYIN? But not this upside down nonsense. Boooooring


Author: /u/IDontCareWhatYouWant
Score: -100
Subreddit: /r/gaming


Post text:

Nice job there kiddo. Admit to being a drug addled user on the internet. It's not like anyone can trace that back to you or anything, amirite? 🤷

D.A.R.E. Don't y'all remember Tony the Tiger or are you one of them 12 yr old edgy millenials these days that thinks 'Lets get out school, because drugs are f•cking cool!'. You're not doing yourself any favors by dabbing buddo. Do research, better yourself. Mariguana is one of the leading causes of teenage deaths these days. Don't become a statistic, i hope you read this and will walk away a changed man, I 👏 want 👏 to 👏 help 👏 you 👏.

You got this, kid 🤗💪

Whoops , I forgot the Hivemind is an endless circle jerk , how dare I give my fellow Reddeter constructive criticism. Let me rectify my mistake , i meant to say "no u, topkek, general kenobi!". Downvote brigaders really f•cking annoy me 😒😒

Edit : I am totally appalled at the people downboating me, has Reddet really become this left wing? Open your eyes people, our children are dropping in the streets left and right from all their drug abuse.. we need to rectify this , for the better of the next generation


Author: /u/RapIsShit
Score: -99
Subreddit: /r/metalmusicians


Post text:

Trust me, I’ve listened to my fair share of band like Mayhem and Burzum. But you’re seriously gonna sit here and fuckin tell my that my delivery is worse than Cannibal Corpse. Fuck that. Those talentless shmucks wouldn’t know a good song if it came out of their ass. BTW angry teenagers played a part in all of those bands, so don’t fucking front.


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -98
Subreddit: /r/blackmagicfuckery


Post text:

Meh its just a laser engraving. Of... Some dice 🎲

There are literally trillions of interesting subjectz to do art of. And he chose some dice 🎲.

Y dice 🎲?

Wen It coulda been some titties


Author: /u/MichelinStarChef
Score: -97
Subreddit: /r/funny


Post text:



Author: /u/SmellyDanglyLabia
Score: -97
Subreddit: /r/politics


Post text:

Nobody cares about Manafort outside of the left wing echo chamber


Author: /u/nonouiswrong
Score: -96
Subreddit: /r/soccer


Post text:

Thats really ironic actually

Cuz Liverpool played like a bunch of 16 year old girls today 😂

Due to reddit's 40,000 character post-limit, only the top 85 comments are displayed here. The rest of the 160-comment report can be viewed at

Submitted July 29, 2018 at 01:09PM by DownvoteTrollingBot

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