Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Lookmaxxing to the Best Version of Me Mentally, Physically and Spiritually

Thank you so much to everyone on this sub, you've really inspired me to take better care of myself and "play the social game" better.

I've never really cared about my appearance but my Dad in his own way has always encouraged me to put forward my best self in a way that I found superficial eg. appearance based. However, I finally understand that while personality, confidence and mindset are important so too (and unfortunately cause of the shit society we live in) are our appearance and first impressions. the world really isn't kind.

While I am not bad looking, I do want to put more effort into my appearance. The current photos I have of me are from 2-ish years ago (for anyone who decided to stalk hahaha), and in my opinion that may have just been my peak. I was also far more healthy, fit, taking care of my appearance, positive and filled with loads of self-love mantra. This was around the time where I stopped considering myself ugly for being black or as dark as I am, and also started embracing my natural 4c kinky AF hair, weird personality ect. I was the epiphany of self-love and care because I reinforced positivity in myself.

However, since then I've really let myself down. I've been dealing with C-PTSD, depression and anxiety ect. and have let myself go. I want to get back to that person I was 2 years ago who was filled with her own happiness. Part of cultivating her happiness was learning to take care of her appearance and love herself no matter what.

So below I've written somethings I want to change and I would love it if you could give me any reccomendations, especially about my big-ass forehead!!!

Things I want to Learn:

  • My eyebrows have always been a mess, So I want to learn how to shape them
  • I've always been afraid of apply lipstick ect. because my lips are very full and uneven/have no shape
  • I can't afford to always get my nails done, so I've brought a Sally Hansen nail kit
  • I like light makeup (like Korean makeup) so I need to develop my own style again

Things I want to Change:

  • I want to lose weight but also create a good habit
  • Deal with hyper pigmentation on my face and body
  • Heal my self-harm scars - though I'm not too conscious of them or upset if they don't go away
  • Just buy a whole new wardrobe. I'm really inspired by Korean Minimalist Fashion so I'm excited for that.
  • Sleep early, eat well and drink loads of water
  • I want to go back to my book-nerd self again
  • Focusing on a good skincare routine
  • Start Martial Arts (and maybe dancing)
  • meditate and positive affirmations--I RECOMMEND THIS TO EVERYONE. DON'T JUST GET STUCK IN LOOKMAXXING BUT ROOT YOUR CHANGE IN BECOMING A BETTER PERSON AND FEELING BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF. Please don't send me hate for this because some may say I am unaware of what it's like to "feel" or be "treated" as an unattractive girl because of how I appear now but I can relate. I had an "ugly" mentality and was "ugly" during my early teens. However 2 years ago my routine of getting up in the morning, dancing in the mirror, greeting myself and saying a positive thing made me look and feel loads better. It made me less focused on my appearance, and instead of how I felt towards myself. Please me kind to yourself, otherwise your lookmaxxing journey will not be the satisfying win and achievement you desire because you still have an "ugly girl" mentality towards yourself. So celebrate all your wins (and loses) and reframe from picking on yourself too much!

Major changes:

  • Save up for breast reduction. I want to look good in the clothes I wear and not have back pain!
  • Considering an eyebrow lift as I look better when they're more raised + I have awful RBF and have a tendency to frown because I turned it into a habit as a kid
  • I am currently wearing my natural hair, so I am considering either dying it brown with highlights or just keeping it black with highlights - what do you reckon and also how do I maintain it?

Just for fun: because I want to avoid social media, and getting stuck in lookmaxxing in a negative way, I've decided to start a journal for my goals, and it's been fun, cutting up images and analysing (positively).

Submitted December 11, 2019 at 10:10AM by rateme0319

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