Saturday, December 7, 2019

[DISCUSSION] Understanding Wikkani Witchcraft. Scars, Teeth, and Fingernails

Understanding Wikkani Witchcraft. Scars, Teeth, and Fingernails

Wikkani witchcraft has several offshoot practices wielded by the three sects of the Trinity Culture, these being the Knights Templar’s Synoptic Order, The Wikkani Witch coven and the Rosicrucian Reds. It is based primarily on an ancient form of philosophical mind ethics called Epistomalic Mediation to which all branches of modern psychology evolved from. However the most infamous part of this practice is the way that OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and Tourette’s syndrome are utilized as assimilated weapons.

Symbolic hand of Wikkani influencing children and animals in the year 1254 AD

All other forms of witchcraft such as Voodoo, Santeria and Palo Mayumbe all use the power of suggestion to manipulate people’s beliefs and moods. They can cause damage or be used to invoke fraud by manipulating the belief systems and moral values of the people they put spells on through the power of suggestion. But these pale in comparison to the skills of Wikkani and Obsidian witchcraft.

For example a Palo Mayumbe or Voodoo man might ask dead people’s spirits for advice for a paying customer, or even conjure a demon spirit to exact revenge. Once again, these are all based on the power of suggestion, and only affect the person if they fear or believe these spells. In short, they are not real, unless you make them real in your mind. Essentially, they’re con artists to a very good degree.

However Wikkani witchcraft works in a very different way. It is not based on any supernatural beliefs. It works by causing involuntary responses through presenting images and stimuli that the Wikkani Witch or Warlock exposes a person to. This makes it the only witchcraft that will produce a guaranteed response from a person whether or not they have a belief system. In other words, Wikkani witchcraft is very real!

Because the craft works by provoking involuntary triggers in the mind, it is vastly founded on the system of OCD and Tourette’s syndrome, often forcing people to have looping invasive thoughts and disturbing feelings and sensations. What is even more remarkable is that the witchcraft also works on many species of animals.

According to an expert in abnormal psychology, Dr. Maroni, Wikkani witchcraft is often honed by practicing on dogs, cats and birds. The witch presents the animals with certain sounds, images, colors and feelings which provoke certain responses. As they get better at matching the responses they aim for, they eventually graduate to practicing on people.

It is a common thing for Wikkani witches to send a cat to kill another pet in the house. Or make a dog perform odd looping behaviors, such as licking themselves overtly, or bite out its fur. They do this temporarily, but it shows how they start to make a connection to forcing involuntary mental tics and queer behaviors in the mind. Animals act as stepping stones to later spells on human beings.

In one nightmarish case, Jeni Bell, a twenty three year old Wikkani witch from New Orleans was somehow able to make big spiders in front of her restaurant gather in the thousands! She was able to make them run in fast creeping swarms and had them loop around in a wide circle. Bell performed this ghoulishly entertaining trick every other week to bring attention to her mother’s failing restaurant.

Dozens of people would watch her do this outside in the front patio, where she had the spiders run in different patterns over the curbs and flower gardens there. The young blonde witch enjoyed the attention it brought her and the restaurant. Many visitors were fascinated by the pretty blue eyed girl who could make spiders do tricks.

But when a DCSF officer came to collect custody of her infant daughter, Bell sent the massive horde of spiders on to the DCFS agent! The woman agent was swarmed over by thousands upon thousands of wolf spiders, but suffered only a few bites.

Even so, she was frightened so badly that she ran into the Fat Tuesday parade and collapsed on the street, causing a temporary stop to the parade. Onlookers were equally horrified by this creepy witchcraft trick and seeing the black woman running with thousands of spiders crawling all over her body onto the crowded boulevard, they too screamed so loud that it could be heard all the way down Bourbon Street.

This vulgar display of black Wikkani power had cost Bell, as she was arrested and institutionalized for some time afterward, also losing custody of her daughter. Dr. Maroni adds that Obsidian masters such as Anarchoma of the Bronx New York, Dark Riddle of Chicago, and Minerva Rienstandt of Dallas Texas also seem to have a number of terrifying witchcraft ‘tricks’ using swarms of spiders. But this falls not into supernatural or paranormal feats, but in skillful manipulation of the animal’s response centers in the brain and primitive nervous system.

To prove this is not supernatural, Dr. Maroni herself knows of a regular entomologist who can do the very same trick, but with only about four or five spiders at the max. But technically it is the same spider trick, despite the major lack of numbers. As to how Jeni Bell or Anarchoma knows how to control thousands of them at the same time is still a mystery.

Because they can invoke animals to respond in certain ways, such as having an owner’s dog turn on its own owner, these psychological practices appear to be supernatural in origin. But they are not.

For example, some people have reported having had a Wikkani send birds to attack them, or have their dogs commit suicide by suddenly jumping into a lake. Some have reported being scratched viciously by their own cats; all from certain cues and gestures made by a Wikkani witch.

These are absolutely true events, but they are not supernatural events. They are just results from a Wikkani witch’s skillful manipulation of the brain of the animals they encounter to act out strange unnatural behaviors, including mauling and biting. Some have even reported Wikkani witches making the dogs of their enemies attack their own children.

In Boston, one Rosicrucian witch (Dara Less) even used a parrot to steal jewelry from a shopping mall and she did this for over four years!

The same stimuli can work on humans as well, causing all sorts of detrimental effects on the victim. All of them experiencing some acute but severe form of OCD or Tourette syndrome during the time of the spell. So you can see just how dangerous this witchcraft is even in its early stages.

When a Wikkani witch masters her craft over animals she then graduates to humans.

In Wikkani witchcraft culture, if an adopted preteen witch is raised by them (they are called Brownies, just like the Girl Scout’s Brownies) they are expected to master ‘animal magic’ by the age of sixteen. From the age sixteen on, they practice on people.

This system is incredibly effective, and warlocks and witches from the mentioned orders, have a powerful skill that is always being honed and refined as the practitioner grows older.

Gratefully most of these effects are temporary and short-lived and although a bad ‘spell’ from a Wikkani might have a person suffering for hours, it can go away soon after they relax their mind and go about their normal lives. But when it is used by a master of the craft, it can cause horrible nightmare disabilities.

But calling on this skill eventually causes damage and pain for its user as well. For the most part, most witches that use Wikkani witchcraft are perfectly fine health wise, but if they begin to practice an extreme version of it called Obsidian Mediation (or Obsidian Witchcraft) they risk hurting themselves in the process.

If Wikkani witchcraft was a pistol, then comparatively Obsidian Witchcraft is an atom bomb! Obsidian Witchcraft is bar none the most dangerous witchcraft in all history and existence!

And it has some unique bearings on its users. Masters of Obsidian Witchcraft have certain bodily impediments they suffer from. These appear in the fingernails and teeth.

This can actually be seen in an MRI or CATSCAN, as with controversial performance artist and Wikkani witch, Marina Abramović.

Serbian High Priest Marina Abramović, the secret older sister to the late Phantasma Djuric and aunt to Dark Riddle and Dark Sable, is so powerful in Obsidian witchcraft that the affects actually show in her brain.

When she tells people, 'I am different than normal people, my brain is different!' That is what she is talking about, and technically speaking, she is right.

The damage and alterations appear as a queer black dot in the brain matter, literally a dark spot in the mind.

This is probably why Marina Abramović can do so many seemingly impossible feats of endurance, even at her old age.

Abramović never admits her ties to the Wikkani order, as she prefers to keep them a secret, but she bears all the hallmarks of them, and is readily known as the high priestess of the European branches. She is still stationed in Amsterdam to this very day.

She has admitted in the early 80's that Obsidian Witchcraft is what gives her the power to test the limits of her body, endurance and its connections to the mind.

Due to her tumultuous love/hate relationship with Anarchoma and Dark Riddle, Marina tends to stay in Europe, but you can view some of her performance work from old video spots in MOMA (Museum Of Modern Art) as she is regularly invited there to perform and exhibit.

Next to Farina Djuric, Marina Abramović is probably the most powerful Wikkani witch in all of Europe.

Practicing Obsidian Witchcraft puts a massive strain on the central nervous system, particularly a part of the brain that regulates the connecting tissues of the nerves to the bones and teeth.

It can cause episodes of nerve pain in the mouth, teeth, and body for short periods of time. It resembles multiple sclerosis in this way, as it comes in periodic flare ups, some so severe that they can incapacitate a witch for some time, until the episode fades out.

Some researchers even believe that practicing the extreme form of Obsidian Witchcraft actually causes a form of Multiple sclerosis, but their in no scientific basis for this theory.

This is called 'Crux' sickness, an episode of relapsing pain that visits the witch after a major spell effort of Obsidian witchcraft is performed.

The trade off is the immense power that Obsidian Witchcraft gives its users. Such power it provides that it can change the life circumstances around the user, often making their lives more financially stable and makes the user highly respected among their peers and associates.

But despite boosting the user's artistic skills, intelligence and charisma, it does have a negative effect on health.

When a master of Obsidian Witchcraft begins to excel or gets extremely strong in the craft, they begin to have rapid fingernail growth and loosening of their bottom teeth.

Because the nerve that is affected by this practice runs directly through the lower jaw and bottom teeth, the teeth can become very painful and sensitive at times, and soon they lose cohesion and begin to get brittle and fall out of the mouth entirely.

This is why masters of Obsidian Witchcraft have missing lower teeth. The fewer teeth, the more powerful the practitioner is.

If a witch has no teeth on the bottom of her mouth at all, it is a sign that you are dealing with a fantastically powerful Wikkani and it is best not to provoke her!

But most Wikkani witches being beautiful often disguise this by wearing false teeth. In the latter part of her life, the high priestess Phantasma Djuric used false teeth in the bottom part of her mouth. This was confirmed by many of the victims she decimated using Wikkani Obsidian Witchcraft.

This was the case with the beautiful and infamous Phantasma Djuric, who in her last two years of life had no bottom teeth at all and had ever growing fingernails, to which she had to cut everyday of her life.

The rampant fingernail growth is a side effect of the pituitary gland in the brain that gets affected when the Obsidian craft work is being used.

It also explains why she was able to defeat so many other witches from so many other orders all across the world so easily, as she was one of the very few Wikkani who had mastered Obsidian craft work.

Many cultic witches grow their nails into ‘talons’. They do this by carving their nails into a certain short, but very sharp shape. Then they use nail hardener to increase the strength of their makeshift ‘claws’.

After so much use of the hardener, and the strategically shaped fingernails, they can use their fingernails as talons and it is not uncommon to hear about people needing stitches from a witch’s mauling.

Another bodily sign to look out for is a ritual scar on the right wrist. A ritual scar is just that, a ritual scar. This is a scar that varies in size, but is usually a deep keloid scar always set in the right wrist.

This symbolizes that a witch or warlock has taken on an apprentice. This means that they have grown strong enough to start training a ward or apprentice. They need to do this to continue their ‘species’ and not go extinct.

Dr. Maroni notes that these cultic witches from these orders have a dreadful fear of going extinct and will often revert to consensual incest in order to keep their covens going. This is why they adhere to such rituals.

These ritual scars are very intimate and personal and symbolize the strong bond between the mentor and apprentice. Some may fade as time goes on, but even a very old cultist who has gone through with this ritual will still have a scar that you can make out if you look closely.

Acknowledgements: Dr. Paul Ursaw. Jane Aduie. Manuel Person. Dr. Krist Maroni. Bronx Health care. Dr. Degan J. Dansereau, MD. Adrian Lewbaski. Mardi Gras. By. Motley Krewes. By Julia Kamysz Lane

#wikkani #wikkaniwitchcraft #phantasmadjuric #witchcraft

Submitted December 07, 2019 at 09:01AM by CindyMorrisonwatts1

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