Friday, November 1, 2019

Religious homophobes would be funny...if they weren't so sad...

Call it what you like but when two persons of the same sex “marry” they are making a mockery of a Christian idea. Marriage is itself a Christian tradition which does not admit the possiblity that two persons of the same sex can marry.

What did Christian Minard, who “married” her girlfriend expect a Christian university to do? Throw rice and bring a present to the reception?

Off course marriage existed before christanity...and was very different:

Conspiracy alert!

A Denver church agreed to hold a memorial service for a dead woman. Somehow the church became aware that a video of the dead dyke kissing her girlfriend was going to be shown during the service.

Surely, the dyke’s friends knew this would never be approved by a decent, conservative Christian church. Surely, this act was just another leftist trick to force faggotry into Christian churches.

The outcome played into the hands of the leftist dyke scum. The church said “no dice” to the video and so the memorial service for the dead woman was moved to a funeral home.

The next step will be to force a change in church policy. If that change is not forthcoming, then there will be a demand that the government fine the church and jail church leaders who refuse to comply with “diversity” laws.

Thing is a church can't be forced! How can it be a trick if it wouldn't work? They still have the first amendment!

But as I learned from Dr. Henry Makow’s site and from my own experiences with the legal system, the courts in the USA are controlled by Jews and their Masonic lackeys.

There is no pretense any more that the government serves the law or the best interests of the people. Anyone unable to discern the high-handed tyranny in forcing the Alabamans to accept faggot marriage is willfully stupid. The purpose of this vile act is to demoralize Alabamans in hopes that they give up their faith in God. It has nothing to do with justice for the small number of fags and dykes who will get “married” via this tyrannical act.

So only heterosexuals can have special privileges? By invoking god and saying we must enforce biblical morality, you are violating the establishment clause, free association, and due process.

Sodomites are really going to be p*ssed at Judge Roy Moore. He’s just not getting with the program.

What will they do to retaliate against him? I suggest they hold a “Occupy” type protest.

Let’s call it “Occupy my anus.” Every faggot in Alabama can engage in butt sex in order to protest this terrible old white man.

Doesn’t he understand? Butt sex is love.

Feel the love. Or not.

Yeah, how dare he violate the supremacy clause in addition to the above constitutional violations! Oh, and have you noticed that homophobes are more obsessed with gay sex than they let on?

But asking a bigot to realize that sex acts aren't the same as orientation is like asking trump to be honest...

...He also seems to think that Roy Moore is just a good natured troll

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice is a troll who loves tweaking the noses of liberals with his mischief making rulings from the bench. You may remember him from years ago regarding his insistence on keeping the Ten Commandments posted on government property.

Yes violating the Establishment clause is "mischief making"... Sigh...

The study referred to in the title of this post is horribly flawed. The researchers have to know that. Thus, this research, probably funded by a large government grant, falls into the category of State propaganda.

95 same sex households (two moms) were called by the researchers, who also called 95 different sex households (with a mom and dad).

One of my doctoral professors warned me that if research reaches conclusions at odds with common sense, then there’s probably something wrong with it.

Appealing to "common sense" is a fallacy: It's pretty much begging the question.

Having dyke mom vouch for the children’s well-being offers many opportunities for misreporting. It’s a flawed methodology. Thus, the results are worthless.

Any evidence of misreporting though?

If anyone wants to know how well the children of lesbians are doing, then look at their grades, how they spend their time, their goals, their friendships, and their difficulties in life.


One taboo question that should be brought up is whether the children of dykes often turn out to be sexual perverts, dykes, fags, criminals, etc.


Finally, this guy cheers when gays are exposed to be beaten... Or when others cheer gays being shot:


...sigh, there is more to love than sex. Gays know this.

The queers and perverts have a whole new champion in Donald Trump. (Not to mention that the Orlando carnage was apparently neither a “terrorist” act nor a “hate crime” but a ‘gay-motivated’ crime since the killer was a known homosexual.

Really? You can thank the fbi for radicalizing him.

It’s interesting that these liberals (probable homo in this case), can only respond with personal attacks against the writer, as opposed to writing a rebuttal to the ideas expressed by the writer.

Interestingly, when I was a professor, I won three teaching awards. Part of that was due to the praise the students heaped upon my ability to express ideas. But there were always a few insults on the teaching survey forms about like this one. Actually, I got called a faggot more than once, so I learned to quickly ignore destructive criticism, while trying to take constructive criticism to heart.

Off course he doesn't show physical evidence that he was a pics of his awards ect...

Sorry, it's just that these internet tough guys love making themselves sound important.

There’s not a word in the report about barring homosexuals from flying passenger jets.

This graphic reveals the truth about LGBT youth from a pro-gay source.

About how homosexuals are discriminated against which causes their depression...or how conversion therapy harms them...he owned himself here:

Tsk tsk...oh, and he was talking about this suicidal airplane pilot...who had a girlfriend:

Oh an anyomous source said he saw gay porn before his suicidal crash?

They are desperate to smear gays...

Reports say that Michael’s manager attribute his death to heart failure. I guess the drugs and anonymous gay sex, sometimes with AIDs infected, highly promiscuous males, had nothing to do with it.

He had alot of internalized homophobia thank you...

The article goes on to document the celebrity’s warts in a matter-of-fact way that the celebrity worshiping media is incapable of doing.

Can celebrity worship be overdone? You decide.

Yes...look at jesus.

Remember, the crime is not in the “property destruction”, the crime, before the throne of Christ, is walking by this execrable filth and doing nothing. Like an effeminate little sis.

The person writing this is a woman...who likes to think the bible doesn't want her abused:

If you don’t understand what you are seeing, it is an advertisement on a public street for a sodomite hook-up website/app. This fellow has clearly had enough, and did exactly what he should have done. Not one more precious soul, not one more innocent child, will walk by that ad and be scandalized by it.

Two shirtless guys hugging? How is that anymore scandalous than seeing heterosexuals.

If you are sitting there thinking that the ad must have been “legal” according to local statutes, then let me now re-introduce you to the concept of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ, Sovereign King of the Universe. ALL LAWS are subject to His Law. Any laws that are contrary to His Law are ipso facto null and void. Period. Maybe you should worry more about what God Almighty thinks, and less about currying human respect. In other words, MAN UP.

The establishment clause would have a word with you...

Ok, ok, last one...

No, not the cutest ad ever. One of the sickest. From 2015.

Everyone knows that faggots adopt children to rape or molest them, or at least to mind fuck them. I saw this very thing at the university. The mixed race boy in this video is going to suffer. So will children watching the ad.


The two faggots featured in the ad are a real life “couple,” meaning they are sodomites whose lives revolve inserting their penises into each other’s anuses.


Submitted November 02, 2019 at 03:16AM by ryu289

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