Friday, November 1, 2019

Another search... [Buffering...][21+][Fandom]&[Historical]&[Original Content][OH MY][Lots to read, so have fun.]

Hello again! I had some good luck the last time I posted here and connected with some pretty cool people. I've updated this IKEA instruction manual aka this post with more ideas. Still searching for additional partners for some excellent story-telling!

Fandom Ideas

  • STAR WARS (SEQUELS)1.. Young Poe Dameron and Young Ben Solo adventures and possible, complicated romance. 2.. Poe Dameron and Finn – enough said. 3.. Rey and Poe Dameron. [Age-Gap], much? 4.. Poe Dameron and LEIA?? [AGE-GAP], MUCH??? 5.. AU-Poe Dameron SOMEHOW becomes a loyal soldier in the First Order. I’ve never written Poe as a “baddie” and, from careful character examination, such a thing would be completely out-of-left-field for Poe. But, perhaps, there was a trigger event that caused him to lose faith in Leia and the New Republic / Resistance. This plot wouldn’t necessarily (but it could?) involve a romance with Ben/Kylo; I’m also open to OC’s for it.
  • STAR WARS (ROGUE ONE) – Jyn and Cassian. I love their love/hate/love/hate/love relationship. This would most likely be (read also: will be) a [slowburn romance].
  • STAR WARS (PREQUELS) -- OBI.DALA. aka: Obi-Wan/Padme Amidala. I’ve always had this conspiracy theory that Anakin unknowingly uses his super-"Chosen One"-Force powers to make Padme fall in love with him over a period of time. Because, honestly… [insert “tada” Will Smith meme] @ Padme … [insert “ooo wow” Drake meme] @ Tantrum Anakin
  • MARVEL/MCU – Any fans of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”? I would leap at the chance to write for Dr. Jemma Simmons. Possible romances: 1.. obviously-Leo Fitz 2.. Grant Ward 3.. Lance Hunter 4.. Bobbi Morse 5.. Bruce Banner 6.. Tony Stark 7.. Carol Danvers 8.. T’Challa 9.. Erik “Killmonger” Stevens
  • DC/DCU – I love Dick Grayson. He can literally date anyone/everyone and breakup with anyone/everyone and they still love him afterwards… because how can you not? Possible romances: 1.. Harleen Quinzel 2.. Barbara Gordon 3.. Zatanna Zatara 4.. Clark Kent??dontjudgeme 5.. Jaimie Reyes 6.. Roy Harper 7.. Open to OC’s. I’m not sure how I feel about 8.. Grayson/Bruce BUT I could be convinced… maybe. For plots, I could go with Young Justice days leading into Nightwing days or Batman 2 days. AU’s involving Grayson as a part of the Justice League could be fun.
  • MCU/DCU CROSSOVER – I think Dick Grayson and Peter Parker should be considered OTP. Just think about it. They’re literally made for each other, okay? Let’s do this.
  • BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (REIMAGINED) – This is a longshot BUT… I would be thrilled to write a Lee Adama against his favorite character foil/love interest Kara Thrace.
  • AMAZON’S “THE BOYS” – I have an OC based on T’Challa/Black Panther I’d love to try out.
  • A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE – Not HBO’s version. (Books: read.) Past a certain point in the tv series, I was yawning. Open to any and all [canon], [AU], or [Modern] timelines. Romance ideas: 1.. Jon Snow/Theon Greyjoy 2.. Jon Snow/Robb Stark 3.. Jon Snow/Sansa Stark 4.. Jon Snow/Ygritte. Additionally, I have an Ironborn OC and a semi-OC (based on a canon, VERY minor character) from Dorne. I’d also be interested in exploring an AU wherein Ned Stark never returns from Robert’s Rebellion, and Catelyn Stark is serving as ‘regent’ of the North on behalf of toddler-Robb.

Historic Ideas (No “fantasy” elements… just straight up history.)

  • TUDOR1.. [FxM] Anne Boleyn struggles with her family ambitions of becoming Henry VIII’s queen and being attracted to the king’s best friend and notorious philanderer, Charles Brandon. 2.. [MxM] A young Henry Tudor and his childhood best friend/”big brother” Charles Brandon explore a burgeoning (and secret) romantic relationship.
  • ELIZABETHAN1.. [FxM/F] Mary, Queen of Scots and widow of the late King of France returns to her homeland and is immediately thrust into the drama that is her claim to the English throne (as cousin to Elizabeth I). She could be reunited with a childhood friend and drama/romance spawns from there. She could also be caught up in an affair with a French or English diplomat who may or may not have ulterior motives. 2.. [FxM/F] Young Elizabeth Tudor, prior to Mary’s death.
  • HELLENISTIC GREECE – [MxM] Explore the relationship between Alexander of Macedon (Alexander the Great) and his childhood companion/right-hand-man Hephaestion Amyntoros. They can be young men living amidst the turmoil and uncertainty of Alexander’s father’s court life – or they can be well-within Alexander’s campaign to conquer and unite Greece and Asia.
  • HELLENISTIC EGYPT – [FxM/F] Hypatia of Alexandria was and is a renowned philosopher. Even as a woman, she was respected by men for her intelligence. She was unafraid to challenge men in political or philosophical debates. As a teacher, men and women alike traveled from far distances to learn from her. I would love to explore a plot in which Hypatia either meets her match in a man who challenges her intelligence in a healthy way and have a romance bloom from there. They could begin as rivals – or not. In history (and in cinema), she has a student (Orestes) with whom she could establish a romantic relationship. As far as plot struggles and drama, this was a time of religious turmoil and persecution in the Roman province of Egypt. There is plenty to pull from there.
  • RENAISSANCE – [FxM] The Borgias. Enough said, right? I would like to give Lucrezia Borgia a chance to redeem what is (I think) an unfair portrayal in HIStory. She is “known” as a seductress, a user of poisons, and a powerful manipulator. What if she was simply caught up in the Borgia web and wasn’t really any of those things at all? – Or, perhaps, she WAS… to certain degrees. Regardless, she loved her family and, as many prestigious Italian families were at that time, fiercely loyal to them. I would like for her to find genuine love with someone while she is passed from politically-advantageous marriage to marriage. I also would not mind exploring the [taboo] relationship between Lucrezia and her favorite brother, Cesare.

Original Ideas

  • RELIGIOUS CULT – Our characters would be born into and raised in some sort of isolated, religious cult or commune (a la M. Night Shayamalan’s “The Village” or something similar). One could be the son/daughter of the cult leader. They slowly realize that their life isn’t “normal” and begin to seek out ways of escaping.
  • NEAR-FUTURE SCI-FI – I would like to explore some sort of plot that takes our characters out into deep space. Earth could be establishing colonies on other moons or colonizing Mars. It could be in the beginnings of these attempts or a time when such things are already established. There are a ton of possible plot points to create drama in the setting. Our characters would be caught up in it somehow. Whether they are shipmates or individuals from warring factions. We could get into military aspects, scientific, or just plain ol’ mining expeditions. For this, I am drawing inspiration from the Ridley Scott’s “Alien” and also the book/tv series “The Expanse.”
  • SLICE-OF-LIFE – College roommates, exploration of sexuality. Does everyone have to be labelled “gay” or “bisexual” or “straight” – or can someone just be attracted to another individual simply based on feeling emotional or physically comfortable with them? One of our characters can have just “come out of the closet” as gay following a confusing/repressed time in high school; (s)he can claim to be 100% comfortable with it and hiding the fact that they really aren’t. The other character can be “straight” just because (s)he has never considered anything else.
  • IN A ROCK BAND - [Insert 80's hair-metal band lead singer "YAAAAAAAAAAoooww" here.] Brooding bassist, charismatic singer. Romance blossoms. Were they childhood friends? Frenemies? Opposites attract? Does the rest of the band disapprove? How would the fans react? Perhaps the plot is set in a decade where one absolutely did not discuss homosexual relationships out in the open? Either way, ohhh noooo.... so much 2000s emo-dramaaaa....

About Me:

  • I am a woman; I am in my early-30’s; and I am demi. If any of those are a no-go for you, SORRY! I’m just being up-front and honest about it.
  • I’m college-edu-macated. I had a career for 7 years and decided it wasn’t making me happy anymore; therefore, I resigned and moved on. I’m in a bit of a transition period right now. Burdened by a Millennial’s college-debt, high-cost-of-living problems.
  • Without making this sound like a dating app summary… yes, I am a huge nerd. I am a fandom freak. I am a history geek. I attend comic con’s. I cosplay. I have husbands and wives that are actors and fictional characters. (I mean, Ben Barnes. He’s my husband. Y’all didn’t know?) But I’m not deluded. I know Ben Barnes is not actually married to me. I just call him my husband; because…. Look at him? I can also kick your ass in Fantasy football, drink you under the table, and contour my face like a pro with drug store cosmetics. Sorry... really, really not sorry.
  • I am also extremely empathetic and form emotional bonds with people. Likely I will do so with you if we talk for longer than one day and end up clicking. That’s not to say I’m gonna stalk you and propose that we d8 irl. Just be aware, in advance, that I might ooc-bother you at various points during a day with memes or other random thoughts.

My Writing:

  • 3rd-person, past tense. 1st person and/or present-tense is weird for me.
  • Paragraph/novel
  • Post-length varies; I will put as much effort into a 1-para post as I will into a 5-para post.
  • I don’t expect “mirroring”
  • I do write out a character’s inner-dialogue; I also, in other instances, write in a “show don’t tell” manner
  • I prefer using face-claims over art/anime
  • Discord, g-docs, or email. Idk what is a Kik or chapsnat or toktik.

My “Musts” for a Role-Play Partner:

  • 21+ years old. No exceptions. My writing does include adult themes and possible NSFW content. No offense to those 18-20-year old’s. I remember being that “old,” rp’ing my heart out, and being really freakin’ great at it. However, I myself am old enough to where if I got pregnant in high school, I could be your mom. The thought weirds me out. Love you, but…
  • Ghosting. If we’re rp’ing for a week, and you’re just not into it or something comes up, ghosting is 100% cool. I’m not going to nag you. But if we’re writing for two or three months and you suddenly disappear, I will probably literally cry.
  • Willingness to Teach/Learn. (That sounds... like a "that's what she said" joke. My bad.) If you are an expert at “X” and I have a limited knowledge of “X,” I am more than willing to learn about “X” from you or through Wikipedia (etc.). I would appreciate the same amount of interest/effort from my rp partner.
  • Trigger Sensitivity. I have triggers; you might have triggers. Be open and honest about them. Conversely, you may have themes that you want to include, but I’m not comfortable with – or vice versa. Let’s talk those out beforehand.
  • Proactivity versus Reactivity. I DO NOT want to be the only one driving the plot/scene forward. If your posts are limited to simply reacting to what I wrote and not giving me anything new to go off of, I will lose interest very quickly.
  • Realism. Look-a-here, friend. If my character has a thought that they think and show no physical signs of thinking that particular thought, your character shouldn’t know it. Unless they’re a telepath, of course. Also, if our characters are at tea-time and suddenly a monster shows up to wreak havoc on the Empire State building and the whole world goes into immediate apocalypse mode… just… no. We can discuss it beforehand, of course… but coming out of left field with it ain’t cool, brodie. ALSO, I do not mind damsel-in-distress moments, but I do not like writing a perpetual knight-in-shining-armor character against a “COME AND SAVE ME – I NEED ATTENTION” character.
  • Availability. I work. You work. Let’s be respectful of each other’s time. There will be days when I can post multiple times. There will also be days where I’ll be tired af. Posting once or twice a week AT MINIMUM is my comfort zone. But I can and will be motivated to post more than that. Additionally, I get triggered when someone says they will be available to write on [Day X], but they end up not being around. GAWD. I coulda been out getting my nails didded, but here I am in front of the computer waiting for you. That’s not to say I’m infinitely impatient or do not understand when “things come up,” but if you repeatedly break promises? I can.not. with that.
  • OOC. I just happen to think I’m a pretty cool person to get to know ooc. You are probably a pretty cool person, too. If you aren’t into getting to know your rp partner and don’t want to talk ooc, we probably won’t click. At. All.
  • Honesty. If you aren’t feeling what we’re writing, just say so. I won’t get offended. Rather, if you DON’T say anything, I actually WILL get offended. I don’t want to bore you. Nor do I want to take the plot in a direction that you dislike. Communication is key.

I typed this all out in Microsoft Word. With 1-inch margins, this sentence is the beginning of page five. THIS IS PROBABLY MORE THAN ENOUGH, RITE???????

Anyway, “hmu” through Reddit messaging (not chat), and we can exchange alternate contact information there. Be sure to include the keyword I hid somewhere up there in that novel I wrote SO I KNOW YOU READ EVERYTHINNNGGGG. I KID, I kid. There's no keyword. (Have fun trying to find one, though? 😬)



Submitted November 01, 2019 at 10:56PM by reddjedett

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