Thursday, October 3, 2019

Grade-A smut

~= THE SPACE SUCCUBUS =~ Golden eyes peered out from deep within the halls. The innocent assistant stared back at them. He tried the nearest access, but to no fruition, the station had lost power for a while... could this... thing, have something to do with it? He had no idea, but he couldn't take his eyes off of them. His own eyes fluttered under their intoxicating visage. In front of the window she stepped, heels with a thick step upon the plating the last thing he would ever remember. ...


===ACT ONE - PART ONE=== "Enemy communication intercept. Security Level Elevated. Summary downloaded..." blared over Donk Cache 32's radios. Rebecca ignored it, as most always did. Her clothes ran through the station's washing machine with a quiet hum and an occasional rumble against the metal below it. "This must have been the fifteenth cloning cycle I've had to wash this damn thing." she grumbled to herself, watching the green and black lace dress smear the glass with soap. Suddenly, the lights flickered. The machine began to sputter, and came to a stop. She sighed deeply, getting up and prying open the door, removing her skimpy outfit. She slipped back into the warm fabric, luckily, it had seemed to have had just enough time to dry. She fluffed up the lace around her upper hips to just cover her perky bum, and tightened up the corset strings. She smiled to herself. At least anyone with a flashlight could get a glimpse at her. She pulled on some black stockings with matching lace and clipped them to her garters, finally buckling herself into a pair of black leather boots. She strode out of the dorms confidently, and pushed herself through the confusion in the halls. She headed west, through the new arrivals coming to a powered-down station. Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream blared over the radios. "What is your location?!" a gruff voice asked. There was no answer. "Repeat, location! Now!" it insisted. The order repeated multiple times before giving up. "Guess I'll just stay out of maintenance halls I guess." Rebecca said to herself. She had an important 'appointment' to get to anyway, and luckily for her, it was with a trustworthy individual. ... ===ACT ONE - PART TWO=== Rebecca slid shut the access to the bathroom, putting the toilet seat down carefully and unclipping her PDA from between her ample cleavage. She knocked on the wall to her left twice. After about a minute, her PDA softly beeped. She typed in her code word, "532 Andromeda" and sent the message. After another soft beep, the panelling slid open, revealing another much thinner wall built into the girders, with a round hole near the middle. She put her fingers onto it, strumming her nails on it slowly, a smile curling across her lips. Suddenly, out of the darkness on the other side, a thick cock slipped through the hole. It was only half-erect, hanging down from the rounded edge of the hole, and into Rebecca's soft palm. She had plans to change that. Leaning over, she lifted up the warm flesh and gave the tip a firm kiss, suckling it slowly onto her wet tongue. It quickly began to spring up, becoming rock hard in a matter of seconds. Moving to the floor, she took it further into her mouth, her plump lips slippingover the head. It twitched in her mouth excitedly. She took it in a firm grip, stuffing it upon the inside of her cheeks, and back out. A moan escaped from her throat as the hot flesh dripped precum, the taste inoxicating her. She leaned into the cock completely, her lips pressing just inside the glory hole. The stranger's cock slid gently down the back of her throat, and back out, causing her to gasp deeply. She stroked the cock hard, "Come on, hun. Don't you want to cum, yet?" she asked. Rebecca directed it to her cleavage and pressed it in between her plump and robust breasts, juggling them in her hands. The warm tits stroked the skin of the cock, their nipples red and erect, poking from the lace of the dress. She moaned, unable to stand another moment without the sweet taste of cock in her mouth. Her toungue danced across his flesh, her lips gripped upon him like a vice, his shaft squeezed in on by her chest. A groan escaped from the other side of the wall, and a stream of hot cum finally let loose down Rebecca's throat. She groaned as it slid down into her belly, his flesh escaping her mouth with a hard orgasmic throb, resting on her cheek and ejecting its warm semen across her hair and forehead, her flushed cheeks and lips, dripping down to her swollen tits, pooling in her pressed cleavage. "Time for more dry-cleaning..." she laughed, her fingertips dipping in the thick, gooey cum, raising a pinch above her head as it strung, then swallowing more through her lips. The cock receded back into the darkness, satisfied, and Rebecca slumped against the wall, smelling of semen and sweat, her own fingers drifting under her dress. She spread her legs and began to play with herself furiously. Her moist pussy was already dripping from stimulation, and begged to be served. She twisted and turned in the stall by herself, the smell of the stranger still thick in her nostrils, his warmth covering her like an inviting blanket. Masturbating with one hand, the other strung cum across her breasts and face, her lips sucklingon her wet fingers. She began immersing herself completely in the taste. Ecstasy built up in every nerve, her clit radiating pleasure as her fun came to a peak. Her body spasmed and her throat let loose a loud cry, stiffening up before coming down from her sexual high, slumping down into the corner, her eyes fluttering shut and her mind drifting off to sleep... ...

===ACT ONE - PART THREE=== Rebecca awoke hours later with a start. The light above her was back on. There was no sign of anybody bothering her, the mess across her body since dry. She unlocked the stall doors and stepped out, washing herself at the basin. The girl smiled at herself in the mirror, very satisfied with herself. "I'll have to do that a lot more often." she thought, her loins excited again already at the thought. She turned to leave, and tried the main doors. They wouldn't budge, and red lights flickered along the top edge. Bolted. But why? She grumbled and turned, at least the maintenance hatch might still work. Indeed it did, and she stepped out into the cold, unfinished corridors. Suddenly, the door slid shut with a slam, and the bolts hammered down inside the doors. A shiver crawled up her spine. Her thick heels echoed with each step as she made her way along the tunnels, her hand delicately sliding against the walls. Each door she came across wouldn't budge. Faint red lights lined the corridors. She kept walking, her boots reverberating off the metal walls. A clatter of steel came from behind her, and she stopped dead in her tracks, her body turned towards the noise. Nothing there. She even forgot her PDA back in the stall, and it would be a miracle to find a flashlight anymore. She increased her pace, panting in fear. Something was after her, it had to be. Suspicion gripped her quickly beating heart, and she turned down a side corridor. She pressed herself against the other side of the wall, in a shadowy corner of the tunnels. Her booted footsteps still echoed down the halls, and... "... Wait." She listened intently. Those weren't her footsteps. In fact, they were getting louder. She stumbled through the darkness in terror, further down the side hall before abruptly hitting a dead end. She whipped around to face a pair of golden orbs at the far end of the corridor. Her voice let go little short of a whimper as the orbs began to get bigger, swaying to each side with heels clicking louder and louder as the eyes came close. The red lights of the door behind her illuminated a seductively curvy body, a woman with red hair falling along her shoulders. A pair of very ample breasts, perhaps E-cup and a half, rested in an intricate bra and corset. Red leather and black trim, curling into spikes, her belly and most of her chest exposed, and barely a cover over her crotch. Her arms and legs had similar hip boots and full arm gloves, the ends of which laced back and forth with shining black string. Her thick high heel scuffed to a stop. She leaned in to the terrified girl, her black eyes and glowing golden irises clear as the mysterious woman's breath grazed across Rebecca's lips. The woman raised her clawed fingers to the girl's cheek, and pulled her in to a passionate kiss. She moaned, pulling away after a brief moment. Her facial piercings and intricate earrings shone in the light, the bits of metal trailing from below her lips to her eyebrows leading up to an eerie revalation. Rebecca stared at not only a perfect body and glowing yes, but a pair of thick black horns, appended with spiked metal etched with runes. The apparent demon opened her lips to finally speak, "Sweet girl. Your body is ripe for me, isn't it?" she asked cryptically. Rebecca could only shudder in fear as the demoness stroked her neck gently. "Do not fear, girl. My love for you already is undying. I am a mythic entity known as a Succubus. My name, for the moment, is unimportant to you..." she said, leaning in and stealing another kiss. The succubus took Rebecca's hair and shoulder in her hands, pinning her up against the door behind her and pressing her ample bosom upon her own. Her long tongue flitted over the girl's neck, "You are perfect. Your touch, your scent, I want it with me." she hissed, her fangs nipping at Rebecca's lips. Rebecca's fear was palpable, yet... she somehow felt comfortable. The warm embrace of this demoness felt right. But... was that her power, perhaps? She was a succubus after all. Her thoughts continued, as did the demoness. She no longer ad to pin the girl down, and her hands slid down her waist. She lifted up her skirt, pressing one hip between Rebecca's legs, hoisting her right leg up around her back, her heel pressing into her backside as the succubus teased at her wanting sex. The demoness effortlessly pulled aside her lace yellow panties, pressing into the girl's sweet spot. She kissed at her "victim's" neck, nipping at it gently with her sharpened teeth, "Now now, aren't you glad you didnt get away?" she asked. The girl only moaned in outward reply, though inside, she couldn't help but agree with the demon. She shivered in ecstasy. The succubus brought her closer... closer... she neared the edge. As the electrifying intensity of orgasm began to wash over her, so did the familiar feeling of white hot pain. The demon had bitten her again, but this time, just above the collarbone, and very hard. Blood rushed out from the wound as the demon leaned back and smiled, easing the girl to the floor as cum rushed down her thighs, and her body camdown from orgasm into haunting unconciousness. ...


===ACT TWO - PART ONE=== Rebecca awoke with a start. She sprang upwards, her eyes adjusting to a bright room. She looked around, grasping at her smooth shoulder. But, that was the odd thing, it was still smooth. When she went under, there was a gaping hole, wasn't there... ? After the realization passed that she was free of wounds, she looked down. She was in the nude, laying between satin sheets and a velvet blanket. She began to kick her legs in fear. The blankets came off, but to her horror, not in the way that she expected. Where her feet where supposed to be were two cloven black hooves, shined and glinting in the faint light of the room. A hunch brought her fingers to her skull. Two long, curved horns sprouted neatly from her scalp, parting her hair. A cursory examination at her teeth and claws proved them to be longer and sharpened. Taking a deep breath to steady her beating heart, she took a look around the room. It was illuminated, yes, but not how she expected. There was only a candle upon a wooden table beside her, and threst of the room was supposed to be dark, according to her mindset. However, each dark pocket was visible to her eye. A hand mirror lay beside the single flickering candle. She grasped it, and looked at herself. Two golden irises stared back at her, fire flickering in deep black pools surrounding them. Her hand clutched her chest. What had she become? "The Succubus... she did this..." she thought aloud, and as if summoning the devil, the wall on the far end of the room slid open with a motorized hiss. In stepped the too familiar demoness, the wall sliding back behind her. "Welcome back, my darling kin." she said to her, outstretching her gloved arms. She too had a new appearance, but it was minor. Her eyes glowed with fervor, a testament to her arcane power. Her long boots had been replaced with similar hooves, though fitted in a red leather wrap, laced along the sides towards the bottom. Laced stockings connected to her corset with girders. Faint purple wisps of smoke rised slowly from the palms of her handon occasion. She would seem a female of the Space Wizard Federation, were it not for the replacement of a voluptuous white beard with voluptuous breasts. "Sister. You flatter me with your quiet gaze, but it is rather unbecoming of our breed, is it not?" she stated. Rebecca caught herself, her jaw still slack with shock from the entire situation. "What are you? Who are you?" the terrified virgin demoness asked. The more experienced of the two laughed, "So curious and demanding already, are we?" she said, "My full, formal name is Valersquade Qi Sinnet Orh M'yggi. You may call me Valersquade. Like I explained to you before sister, I am a Succubus from a distant hell-planet full of other of our kin. You are on board my shuttle, your weak human magically blood converted to the strong calling of the demonic." Rebecca gave her a horror gaze, and Valersquade only chuckled. "Oh, what? Do you find it a sin? It was a long, arduous process, and I had to slay you several times over to complete it." she explained, pointinto the bright red rune on the flooring. The material used to make it was chipped and flecked away periodically into motes of energy which flashed then disappeared into thin air. "That is made of your blood, sister. You are only awake because my magical craft has granted you life. Be thankful sister, and embrace your new calling." the succubus said. "New calling? Which would be what, murder people like you do?! You monster!" Rebecca screamed. The succubus only laughed, "Murder? Petty killing is beyond us. No, your new calling is much similar to the one you chose in your past life. The only different part is that I will be training you in the mystic arts, to harness the power latent in the fresh new blood that flows through your veins. Your attraction to lust, seduction, sex, that will remain the same. You were the perfect canidate for conversion, a slut who craved the humblest and most natural of animalistic instinct, to have nothing more but a healthy dose of semen in her belly." Valersquade crossed her arms"Your conversion isn't completely done however, and no acceptance under a new wing would be complete without a little... initiation." The succubus snapped her fingers once, a large explosion of dark violet smoke erupting from her fingers in several wisps which hung in the air for a moment. "See you soon, my lovely, slutty sister." The smoke spiralled towards Rebecca, and she knew naught but darkness once more... ... ===ACT TWO - PART TWO=== Shackles clasped over the succubus' hooved ankles and wrists. Silvery chains with gilded swirls led to sturdy loops in the wall, in turn securing whoever lay in the ornately designed cuffs. Rebecca blinked to conciousness, still in the same room as before. However, the rune had almost completely disappeared from the floor. Only several few flecks of blood remain on the ground, almost unrecognizable from its previous form. She tugged at the chains futily. Candles of different heights were laid upright in a circle around her, basking her in a golden light, giving her the appearance of an object of worship... or a sacrifice. She had the instinct to scream as she hung from the restraints, but stymied her throat. No reason to alert Valersquade. Such a thought cursed her however, as the demoness once again made a perfectly timed entrance. "It appears as if the conversion is more or less complete, my lovely sister. Time for your initiation." she said, and without another word, she raised her arms in front of her, plms down. Violet energy began to swirl around her fingertips, and up her arms. It spiralled for but a moment before gathering into a ball, which split from her hands and drifted in front of her, hanging in mid-air. The succubus grinned, and the energy split into eight evenly sized segments. Each segment began to convulse violently, expand, and take shape into monstrous figures. Each one stepped forth from dark smoke, violet purple muscular demons with grand spiralling horns, large claws and thick hooves, a thick member hanging down from each of their legs. Their grinning mouths held sharp teeth in each, their faces more bull-like in appearance than humanoid, as were hers and the succubus'. Valersquade stepped from between the gap in her new party, "Unchain her. Use her for your carnal desires. You will be expected to continue for no less than twenty-four hours, and those unable to fit into the group will be tended to by me." A wicked smile curled across her plump lips as her long tongue flitted across them in anticipation, "Get to work." With the word, two of the demon lackeys both grabbed Rebecca and unchained her, forcing her to her knees. The rest gathered in a circle, two slapping their thick cocks across her cheeks and lips, grunting for her to service them. A new mentality struck her. An immortal life full of sex, an eternal body, perfect and ripe for use, and mystic powers with grand, unknown potential... A cockhead passed into her mouth in embrace of her position. She had been unchained because Valersquade knew that she would now be willing. She knew that her new sister would not be able to resist the scent and temptation of cock to be pleased, to gain power from the pleasure of others. How did she know that? Her mind was suddenly filled with such instinctive thoughts. She continued to suck hard on her demon's member, switching to one beside it, gripping more in her hands, stroking them. Another instinct hit her. It was only a thought of one word, a word of great power. "Xyjnn." she muffled with cock in her mouth, and was awarded with a sudden surge of hot cum flowing down her throat. The two demons she was stroking also came with equal groans of ecstasy, coating her head and shoulders with streaks of semen. "Careful now, you don't want to use them up so soon, do you? We just started, after all." Valersquade said, two of the demon cocks in her gloved hands, gripping them mercilessly. "You have almost twenty-three hours and fifty-seven minutes to continue this, sister." Rebecca came to another startling conclusion. Such an amount of time... how would she ever manage it? The thought was wiped free with little effort however, as one of the demons gripped her cum-soaked hair and shoved her mouth upon his own dick. The one immediately behind her stood her up on her hooves, teasing at her moist pussy with the tip of his penis. He pressed it in, taking the virginity of her new form, as moot as such a status may be for one of her kind. She braced herself stroking two others, Valersquade leaning to suck off a fifth, jerking off six and seven, and eight beginning to enter her body as well. This was a life she could get used to, very easily...

===ACT TWO - PART THREE=== The demons showed no relent in their mission. Twenty-two hours, fourty-three minutes. One hour and seventeen minutes to go. Rebecca had been throatfucked, her pussy wrecked, her ass ravaged, her tits squeezed over every cock, her hand never without a hard shaft, and been splattered with enough cum to justify several bukkake sessions. Even now, gooey cum hang from her face and dripped into the thick puddle on the floor. Her cunt and ass oozed it, her belly was gorged from all of the loads she had swallowed. And Valersquade had kept this up as well, the demons alternating between the two, in every position imaginable. One at a time or all at a time, the demons seemed not to wear in the slightest. Even her sister had joined in, a snap of her fingers erecting a thick purple cock with a bulbous head, which even now hung between Rebecca's legs, dripping a thick stream of cum. Each bounce against her ass was met in turn by another thrust into Valersquade from behind as a demon enjoyed her tight anus. Neither of thefemale's holes seemed to get any looser, the grip of each like a vice, almost seeming to shift to accomodate the various difference in size and shape the minions had, optimization to both give and receive the best experience possible. Fifty-eight minutes. The demons were on a last, brutal stretch of fucking. They came at full force, more frequently than ever, their seed running down each succubus and down a drain in the far corner of the room. Thirty-four minutes. The minions finally showed signs of relent, but Valersquade showed more intense passion. Lips locked together as the two demonesses held one another in embrace. Eleven minutes. Rebecca had been pinned down in a firey display of her sisters lust for her, being pounded in her cunt relentlessly by Valersquades conjured cock. The magic powering the demons begins to fade, and they lack the stamina to do much else than circle the two and masturbate. Fourteen seconds. Valersquade empties the last bit of her seed into Rebecca, her thick cum oozing out fromher hole as they lay together in a tangled embrace upon cold plating made warm by the result of passion. The sex minions fade into motes of energy, and return to Valersquade. Zero. "Syllndre Qi Sinnet Asmat D'ruslan." the freshly initiated succubus said without a second passing from her sisters twenty-four hour command, what felt like eternity before. The two rose to their hooves, were washed clean by a snapped fingers worth of arcane magicks, and slept happily and deeply holding one another upon the bed. ...

= END BOOK ONE = Katilyn Centifat

Submitted October 04, 2019 at 08:41AM by thefaparchive

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