Wednesday, October 30, 2019

29[M4F] Continental US - Bimbofication TPE

My dating profiles tend not to be a list of requirements that you need to be/have, followed by what I am/have. Yes, if you want to talk about the meta, then sure, that’s what every dating profile is. But, what I mean to say is that you won’t get a bulleted list for me and one for you, followed by something that says ‘reach out if you’re interested’. Generally speaking, what I’d like to accomplish is a writing which describes what I would like to have out of our future relationship, and through that writing, I’d like you to get a feel for who I am, and what I bring to the table.

There are actually a rather large number of items/topics that I’d like to cover over the rest of my profile, so please do strap in and get comfortable. That is, if you are hooked and would like to continue reading in order to find out what treats may arise. If not, then no worries at all. Feel free to duck out now before things get too intense. If you make it to the end, then I’m thinking we might have a good chance? Maybe?

Ok, so to start off, I’m going to hit the topic of monogamy, or lack thereof, to be more specific. Currently, I’m in an open relationship, and her and I have been together for about three years now. We are ethically non-monogamous for a number of reasons which I’m happy to talk about in more detail with you through dm’s if you’re interested in knowing more. I’m happy to teach you about non-monogamy if you don’t know much, or I’m happy to tell you why it works for me/us as well. Overall, this paragraph is meant to lay my non-monogamy card on the table and let you read it as you see fit. 

There is also another card which pairs with this, and it is that, ideally, I would prefer you to have at maximum one partner other than myself ( if you are also non-monogamous ). This is simply for keeping track of things. Sometimes in polyamory, folks can have 3, 4, 5, etc partners. And honestly, I just don’t want to keep track of all that, from a safety perspective. So, if you are someone who is poly already or in an open relationship, I would very much like both you and I to stick to two partners : ourselves, and one other that you may or may not currently be with.

Now, with all of that said, if you are not poly/open, I have a deep understanding for what that may mean if we were to get involved. If you are open to my current situation, but maybe a little hesitant, please ask me questions. Please do share your thoughts. I would like to do what I can in order to make you feel comfortable as we move forward from this point on.

Alrighty, so let’s see…I’m thinking that I will add in info about topics as they come to mind and in no particular order, so, on that note, let’s talk about age. I’m 29 and will be 30 in April of next year. As an almost-30-year-old, I do not view age ( or other items that we will get to later ) through the same lense that most people view it. That is to say - Age doesn’t really matter to me. There are of course some exceptions to that statement, but overall what I would like to point out is that if you are ‘younger’ and reading this, or ‘older’ and reading this, and my words are resonating with you in some way..don’t discredit yourself simply because there is an age gap. I wouldn’t, and I don’t.

Distance is a key factor which plays into any relationship. Most of the time folks will search for a partner who lives very close, or maybe not too far away from them, so that the two can get in that face time on a regular basis. I do not think that I am particularly searching for that. And what I mean to say is that I’m extremely open to having a fairly large distance between us, if that ends up being the case. I think it foolish to limit my search for a partner to literally my immediate area of 20 miles or so. The likelihood of finding a really intense match is not very high if I’m stubborn and do only that. And I’m not saying that a match close by is not possible, just that there are so many people out there and it is probably more likely that I would find someone I connect with if I were to open up my search parameters. So, with that said, I am planning on doing some ‘distance searching’ by changing my location up every now and then. I’ll be popping into different cities ( virtually )  from time to time in order to expand my options and see what different connections can be made. 

Now, with that said, my home city is currently Austin, TX, but I will be moving to Buffalo, NY at the beginning of the new year. So, if you are reading this and you are not in my home town, then this is where we would have to start chatting about long distance relationship scenarios, which we can dive into more detail if we get to that point.

Normally, I don’t think that most people think about relationship ‘types’ outside of things like ‘monogamous’, but I want to dive in fairly deep here. I am looking for a specific type of relationship, because I have been involved in the BDSM lifestyle for a number of years now. For me, having a relationship which falls under the BDSM lifestyle is indeed a must have. Now, before you jump ship here, I am fully and completely understanding if you are someone who has had little to no experience in the BDSM-sphere. It can absolutely be scary, and daunting, but, I am extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help you understand what might be involved in this area of the relationship. So, please do not let this be something that sways you toward saying no right off the bat. And with all of that said, if you do have experience in BDSM, don’t be shy! It’s one of my favorite things to talk about and discuss so please do ask me anything that you might be curious about or want to know. 

Regarding the type of dynamic that I am looking for : I identify as a Dom and so for that reason I would be looking for you to be my sub. I am not a switch by any means and I have never and will never submit in any way within a relationship, when it comes to the BDSM portion of the relationship. I want to point this out for one main reason : If you are a switch and you have a need to dominate and flex you Dom muscles every now and then, this would be the only place where I would issue a word of warning. I understand what it means to have those needs and to have a way to express them as well, but in our dynamic, I cannot in any way offer you a way to satisfy those needs. This would be a scenario where you would either have to be ok with just being submissive within our relationship, or else possibly find another partner who you could be dominant with . If however you only identify as a sub, or have an interest in exploring submission, then we should be just fine.

Next, I do want to take some time to go into a little detail regarding the specific kink that I am looking to explore within our potential relationship. This is fairly important to me mainly because exploring new kinks allows me a number of outlets/experiences/relationships that I do not have with my current partner. A large part of the appeal of polyamory/open relationships for me is that each relationship is different. The feelings are different, the experience is different, and the relationship itself is different. So for that reason, I do think it would be a dealbreaker if you did not want to at least explore the following…

The kink that I want to explore and dive into is bimbofication. And for a brief summary, if you don't know what bimbofication is, here is my take : 

Bimbofication has two main objectives. The first is to bring you to a point where your physical features are hyper feminine. In essence, you can think of this as being “high maintenance”. Ideally, you would be in a constant state of being “done up”, where your hair and makeup are always done nicely, your nails are maintained, you take care of your body, and work out to stay fit, etc. Your wardrobe would consist of outfits which show off your feminine features, and some women like to get lip filler or botox done in order to really accentuate their feminine features as well.  Though my own personal tastes don’t lean toward botox or lip fillers, so long as the other things mentioned are maintained. I would indeed like you to be hyper feminine, but not extremely plastic or fake looking. The main "plastic" that I would ultimately want you to have would be breast implants or enhancements, depending on your current size and what you need. r/bimbofication shows an amazing variety of different bimbo looks. Many of them are ones which I would personally like to move toward with you, but we should talk about what your look will ultimately be. Since every girl starts from a different place, they also end in a different place. Not every bimbo is a “dumb blonde” ( I actually prefer dark hair or fashion colors honestly ).

The second part of bimbofication ties in with the first, but also has a heavy rooting in a D/s dynamic. The dynamic is most closely aligned with a Master/slave, or TPE ( total power exchange ), dynamic in that the bimbo is expected to give up complete control to her Dom. The specific details of where I want to have control over the dynamic are yet to be determined. This is the part that I would want to explore with you. What I can tell you is that I want to maintain a very strict, highly regulated dynamic between the two of us. In general, this would likely include things like daily tasks, having a set of rules that are followed within the dynamic, and having most/all decisions being made by myself.

Beyond having control within the dynamic, bimbofication also has a third part which ties in with the second. There is a very prominent sexual and objectifying focus within the relationship. The idea, is that you would move toward being a sexual object with no other purpose but to be used by me. This would transpire to all parts of our relationship. You would be expected to be ready to be used at any point in time throughout the day and should be always working toward thinking of yourself as a bimbo object that is meant to sexually satisfy. The extent to which e take this can obviously be negotiated and isnt so.thing we have to take to an extreme. It would all depend on how comfortable you are with docing into everything.

If you’d like to stick around for chapter two ( the part where I write my autobiography ), then this is the part where that begins:

Let’s see, let’s see, ah yes. I think that first and foremost mentioning the fact that I am a creative type may be of some use. I am an artist ( I do naughty BDSM drawings which depict scenes of submission and other kinky things ), and I also spend a fair bit of time in my shop working on my woodworking projects ( I make those dope epoxy river table things that you see on etsy and YouTube all the time ). And my creative bone is fairly important to me. I do need to have time in my life to keep flexing my creative muscles. If you are also a creative type, let’s chat about our projects together. Would definitely love to hear/see what you do.     Ah, yup, here’s that stream of consciousness thing I talked about. I’m like, middle/left, in terms of my political alignment, and many other social issues which plague these great states of america nowadays. Generally speaking, I will likely agree with or lean toward a more “left” opinion when it comes to basically any issue that you may think up. This isn’t always the case though. Sometimes I can be surprising. But with that said, I honestly don’t often discuss many issues which could be considered “political”, with the grand exception of the environment and climate change. I do talk about the environment. A lot.

I work for a non profit called the Sierra Club, which is an environmental organization devoted to helping slow, prevent, and reverse the effects of global warming on Earth. The cause is something that is exceptionally close to my heart and something that I’m more passionate about that almost anything else in life. This topic is easily a non-negotiable/deal breaker because of how much it means to me. So I would throw in a word of warning here that if you are someone who doesn’t have an interest in fighting back against climate change or if you don’t “believe” in it ( massive fucking eye roll ) then we most certainly will not work out ( sorry you had to read so much before you found this, if you do fall into this category! ). 

As a result of the above, I adore the outdoors, and I will expect you to climb mountains with me. Within our relationship, and literally.

Staying fit is really important to me. I try to work out as many times as I can in a given week, and as part of your bimbofication, I hold you to that standard as well. I see no reason for me to have a “dad bod” when I’m asking you to be fit. I’ll be fit with you. Promise. Right now, I’m doing at home workouts, but starting at the beginning of the year I will be back to doing MMA, Boxing and hopefully some BJJ ( If I can find a place? ). I certainly don’t expect you to take part in martial arts, but you are certainly more than welcome to join me in that endeavor!

Bonus Content - I wanted to add in a couple more items here that I find particularly important. Another rather prominent part of my personality is that I have a few nerdy tendencies. Meaning that I really enjoy anything related to fantasy gaming, cons, anime, etc etc, and I do play a decent amount of video games. My nerdy side is definitely here to stay and not something I would be willing to sacrifice.

Intellect is important to me. Recently, I've actually realized that a lot of the really awesome content that I use to understand and know off the top of my head is sort of..gone. And that was extremely disappointing to me. So, I've made the shift toward re-educating myself, so to speak. I've been using YouTube as a tool to find different lessons related to math and science which are helping me get back up to speed on topics that I use to have a good handle on, and I'm spending some time re-learning a few things.

I think that's it for now. Huge congrats if you made it down here. If you did, its probably a sign from the divine ( lol ). But anyway, I'm bound to get some folks calling me wack. Doesn’t matter tho. I’m not looking for them...

Submitted October 30, 2019 at 03:02PM by OnlyLonelyOne

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