Saturday, September 28, 2019

Story: ASMR Backscratch (F/F)

As Grace set up her camera in front of her bed, Lucy rolled her shoulders to try to sate the itch between her shoulder blades.

It was January and when Lucy glanced out the window, she could see a thick blanket of snow covering the ground. It was barely in the double digits outside and she HATED the cold. Not just because the cold was more unpleasent to her than the heat; her skin became really itchy and dry in the colder months. Her skin was especially dry on her back, where she couldn't reach it. Usually the itching was tolerable, but this morning she took a hot shower after shoveling her driveway. Since the hot water made the dry skin worse, the itching was borderline unbearable. After she exited the shower, Lucy spent a good ten minutes see-sawing a towel against her back before she had to throw her clothes on and leave.

Lucy really wished she hadn't agreed to help Grace film an ASMR video for her Youtube channel today, but she already agreed about a week ago. The last thing she wanted to do was be a lousy friend and cancel at the last minute. 

While Grace wasn't looking, Lucy grabbed a fistfull of her black sweater and rubbed it against her lower back. She quietly sighed in relief but stopped rubbing when Grace looked in her direction.

"Thanks for agreeing to be in one of my videos." Grace said, smiling at her friend.

"It's no problem." Lucy assured her.

"So, I'll give you the same run down I give everyone else. You can keep your sweater on, or you can take it off. It doesn't matter, people find both sounds relaxing. Whatever you're most comfortable with is fine. The video is probably going to be about twenty minutes long and I'd prefer that we do it in one take. Since we're doing it in one take, you're going to have to stay quiet or else we'll have to start over."

"How quiet do I have to be?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms.

"I mean you can breathe, obviously. Other than that, I'm going to have to ask you to not make any noise." Grace replied.

"What if I accidently-" moan "- cough or something. Can't you just edit it out?"

"I don't have any editing software," Grace explained, smiling sheepishly. "And even if I did, I would have no idea how to use it. I've always been terrible with that kind of stuff."

"You should probably learn to edit videos if you're planning on doing this long term." Lucy suggested with a laugh.

"Yeah," Grace scratched the back of her head timidly and that caused the itches on Lucy's back to flare up. "I'm probably going to take some classes online at some point but it's not really a priority at the moment."

"Okay, make no noise except for breathing. Got it."

"Awesome, I'm going to go get a bottle of water. Go ahead, do whatever you have to and lie down on the bed. I'll be back soon. Do you need anything?"

A backscratcher. "No, I'm good." Lucy responded.

"Alright, be back in a few." Grace beamed.

With that, Grace left her bedroom and shut the door behind her.

Lucy was really tempted to take her sweater off, since Grace's nails were short and the scratches probably wouldn't feel as good. She decided to keep it on because Grace hadn't been her friend for that long and she figured being topless would make the situation uncomfortable for the both of them.

To pass the time and to try to occupy herself, Lucy walked around Grace's bedroom and admired the paintings on the walls.

Grace was very talented and it was amazing what she could do with a paint brush and some acrylics. She talked about wanting to get one of her paintings into an art show or an exhibit. That's probably why learning how to edit videos wasn't a priority for her.

Lucy focused her attention on the paintings for as long as she could but, when she saw the table in Grace's room that appeared to have a sharp edge, she finally decided to squeeze some much needed relief in before Grace returned.

Lucy walked over to the table and lifted the back of her sweater up. Then she started using the edge of it as a back scratcher. Lucy let out a soft groan of relief as she rubbed her back against the edge of the table. She couldn't quite get the angle right to scratch the middle but she was able to scratch her lower back, where it was desperately needed.

When she heard Grace's footsteps, she straightened her sweater, dashed to the bed, and lied on it. She took out her phone and started scrolling through Instagram, pretending she was there the whole time.

Even though Grace and Lucy had been friends for about a year, they weren't close enough friends that she was comfortable openly scratching in front of her.

Grace returned with a bottle of water and a back scratcher. Lucy wanted to reach out and grab it, but she resisted the urge.

"You ready to get started?" Grace asked, sitting her bottle of water on the same table Lucy had just used as a scratching post.

Lucy really wished she could use it as a scratching surface again, because all of that scratching made her back itch worse. But damn it felt good...

"Ready when you are." Lucy responded, putting her phone in the pocket of her jeans.

Grace pulled the chair from her desk, sat down, tied her long dark, brown hair into a ponytail, and pressed the record button.

Thankfully, Grace didn't do an intro and immediately started scratching Lucy. Unfortunately it wasn't her back, it was her head. Normally this would have felt amazing, but since her back was covered in dry skin, this caused the itches to flare up.

Scratch my back! she wanted to scream. 

Since she didn't want her friend to have to start over, Lucy bit her tounge and endured it.

As Grace ran her nails along Lucy's scalp, Lucy's back itched worse. She longed for those nails to work slowly down her neck and then between her shoulder blades.

Her back almost itched as badly as it did that one time she feel backwards into that poison ivy bush while she was camping with her friends. That trip had been awful after that happened. After hours of relentless itching, she finally got some privacy and rubbed her back against a tree. The rough bark was a delightful texture against her itchy rash.

Lucy pushed the memory away quickly. Thinking about the relief she got back then just made her current problem worse. She slowly exhaled and resisted the urge to move so Grace's nails would scratch her back.

After scratching Lucy's head, Grace's nails moved to scratch her shoulders and down her arms.

This was torture. Lucy's arms didn't itch badly enough to need scratching and when Grace scratched her shoulders, her short nails felt like nothing through the fabric of the wool sweater. No, they felt worse than nothing. The scratches would have been pretty dull without the sweater in the way, but with the added layer the scratches just irritated her itchy skin further.

Lucy wasn't sure how much longer she could stay silent. Her warm skin just continued to get irritated the longer this went on.

Grace's nails then scraped slowly down between Lucy's shoulder blades.

Lucy bit her lip so she wouldn't cry out in frustration. This was the worst! Grace's nails didn't help to relieve the itching at all. All her nails were doing was pressing the wool sweater against her skin. Lucy wanted to press up into Grace's hands so her steokes would dig deeper, but the last thing she wanted to do was start this all over. So Lucy took a deep breath and stayed still.

Grace slowly worked her nails down to Lucy's lower back, where they were also needed. Unfortunately it didn't help at all.

Grace stopped scratching for a moment. Before Lucy could let out a sigh of annoyance, Grace started using the back scratcher she brought from the other room. Grace's nails didn't help much but thankfully the prongs of the scratcher felt better. Since the fingers of the scratcher were shaper than Grace's nails, it actually did something to relieve her itches.

Lucy bit her tounge, hard, before she could let out any groans of pleasure. She desperately wanted to beg her friend to scratch harder. Instead she let out a slow, calming breath and let her eyes close as she became a little more relaxed.

After scratching most of her back, Grace moved on to use the scratcher on Lucy's head.

Lucy's back felt awesome when Grace scratched it but when the scratcher moved on to her scalp instead, it itched even worse than when she first arrived at her house.

Lucy used all the self control she could muster and took deep, even breaths. If she moved a muscle or made a noise that wasn't breathing, they would have to start over.

This will all be over soon, Lucy thought. As soon as Grace is done filming, you can go home and rub up against the door frame or something.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Grace withdrew her hands and stopped the camera.

"Okay, all done." she announced.

When Lucy lifted her head she saw Grace studying her with concerned eyes.

"What?" Lucy asked, afraid of what her reply would be.

"Are you alright?" Grace questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"As soon as I stopped the camera, you started scratching your back."

Lucy glanced back and saw her hand scratching her lower back underneath her sweater. She must've been so desperate for relief that she started scratching without realizing it.

She quickly dropped her hand, slightly embarrassed. She hoped her cheeks weren't starting to color.

"Dry skin?" Grace asked.

"How did you know?"

"It's normal for some people to get dry skin in the winter. It happens to me too." She explained, showing Lucy the backs of her hands.

It was hard to tell but her skin was slightly dry. She probably moisterizes them since her hands are shown in her videos.

"How badly does your back itch?" Grace asked.

"A little, but it's fine. I'm used to it at this point. This happens to me every winter." Lucy explained, allowing herself a few more light scratches at her lower back.

"Do you need some lotion? I should have some hydrocortisone cream in my nightstand. It's what I use on my hands," Grace suggested, then raised the back scratcher with a smirk. "Or would you rather have a few minutes alone with this?"

Lucy really wanted to accept the latter offer, even though she knew her friend was joking. So instead she just giggled and replied, "No, I'm fine. It'll clear up eventually."

When she saw the concerned look on her friend's face, Lucy smiled reassuringly at her.

"Okay..." Grace said, doubt creeping into her voice. "If you're sure."

After a beat of akward silence, Grace brightened up a bit and said "I have to go use the restroom. Then, I'm taking you to get lunch. My treat, for helping me with the video."

"You don't have to do that. I'd love to get food with you but I can pay for myself." Lucy insisted.

"I know you can but,  come on, it's the least I can do for taking up half an hour of your time."

Lucy hesistated and then smiled, "Thank you, Grace. That's really nice of you."

"Don't mention it."

"But I'm tipping the waiter."

Grace laughed, "Fine, I can make that compromise."

She picked up the half empty bottle of water from the table and said, "I'll be back in a few."

Grace left her room, shutting the door behind her.

Immediately after she left, Lucy grabbed the back scratcher that Grace laid on the bed and sat up, sliding it under her sweater.

She let out a groan of relief as she raked the prongs of the wooden tool up and down her excessively itchy back. She leaned into the scratching and her eyes fluttered shut.

When Grace returned moments later, Lucy quickly dropped the scratcher and straightened her sweater. Unfortunately, Grace caught her in the act.

"Do you need me to scratch your back for you?" Grace asked, getting straight to the point.

No no no no. No way. Asking your friend for a back scratch, at least for Lucy, was a two year friendship minimum.

Lucy quickly shook her head, hoping her face wasn't turning red. She hopped up from the bed and started walking towards the doorway.

"No, it's fine. Come on, let's go eat. I bet your starving. " Lucy rambled, trying to change the subject.

Before she could make it to the door, Grace gently caught her wrist to stop her.

"Lucy, come on. Let me help you, please. I can tell you're suffering." Grace urged.

"Look, I'm fine. Really, let's just go and forget this ever happened."

Despite Lucy's protests, Grace slipped her hand up the back of her sweater.

"Grace, don't. I'm fi-"

Before she could try to back away, Grace slid her hand up farther and scratched between Lucy's shoulder blades, right under the clasp of her bra.

Lucy stiffened in suprise but before she could insist she didn't need help, she leaned into her friend's touch. She let out a sigh of relief.

"How does that feel?" Grace asked.

"Amazing." Lucy responded, barely above a whisper.

"Take your sweater off and lie down again. I'll scratch your back for a while and apply some lotion, then we can leave. I'm not going anywhere until you feel better. Okay?"

Lucy just nodded, still slightly embarrassed.

Grace stopped scratching momentarily and turned around as Lucy, finally sick of this insane itch, took her sweater and bra off then lied back down.

When Grace heard the creek of the bed frame, she went to her night stand and grabbed the tube of lotion.

"Alright, where is it bothering you?" Grace asked, once she was seated beside Lucy on the bed.

"My entire back." Lucy answered.

Grace ran her finger nails firmly down the center of her friend's back. Lucy relaxed into the bed as she took pleasure in the feeling of finally having her itches scratched away.

Grace scratched everywhere from Lucy's lower back to her shoulder blades. The itches died down while she was scratching them, but returned in full force when her nails left that spot.

"Does it feel any better?" Grace asked, worry seeping into her voice.

"No, not really." Lucy sighed.

"Ugh, my dumb nails are too short for this."

"Listen, I appreciate you trying, but my skin is the driest it's ever been. I'm convinced it'll never feel better."

"I have one more idea." Grace stated, then stood and walked to another part of her room.

Lucy lifted her head in time to see Grace approach her with one of her painting tools. It was some kind of knife with an angled edge.

"What's that?" Lucy asked skeptically.

"A palette knife. Don't worry, if you start bleeding or something I'll stop."

"Why don't you just use the back scratcher?"

Grace raised the scratcher in her free hand.

"I never said I wasn't going to." Grace said.

Lucy hesitated, still wary of the knife, then nodded, "If you think it'll stop this unbearable itch, you can take sandpaper to my back, for all I care."

Grace sat back down. She ran the palette knife with just enough pressure between Lucy's shoulder blades and ran the back scratcher over her lower back.

Lucy let out a moan, but it came out muffled since her face was burried into the matress again.

Grace smiled, glad to see something actually worked. She ran the palette knife and the scratcher gently up and down the length of Lucy's back.

Lucy reached back to scratch her sides, but Grace beat her to it. Grace scratched away the itches with the back scratcher, careful not to tickle her friend.

Lucy groaned in relief and she found her eyelids growing heavy.

When she seemed satisfied, Grace put the pallate knife back where it belonged and sat the back scratcher on the table.

Grace uncapped the hydrocortisone cream and added a healthy dose to her friend's back. She massaged the lotion in, making sure the dry skin absorbed it all.

"Tired?" Grace asked.

"Yeah, it's hard to get good sleep when your back itches so badly." Lucy replied.

"Then take a nap."

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Not at the moment, no. I can wait a little while. I'll come wake you up in about an hour or so."

Grace walked across the room and searched her closet. She pulled out a cotton, long sleeve shirt and lied it down on her chair.

"You can put this on after I leave the room. It should fit you, we're about the same size. It shouldn't bother you as badly as the sweater did." Grace explained.

"Okay," Lucy said. "I will. Thank you."

"No problem. I'll be back soon."

Grace walked to her bedroom door, but before she left she turned around and said, "If you need me to scratch your back again or if you need help applying lotion, just let me know. Its not as weird as you think."

With one last kind smile, she left the room.

Lucy put on the shirt Grace offered her and lied back down on the bed on her stomach. She was afraid lying on her back would irritate it again.

Finally satisfied with how her back felt and feeling thankful that she had such a caring and gentle friend, Lucy drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Submitted September 28, 2019 at 12:47PM by scorpiogirl1305

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