Monday, September 30, 2019

One Winged Devil vs Atlas

The crowd applauds Jarfolomew as he slowly walks to the back, his head down. But they all know what's next. One Winged Devil's music hits and out comes the inaugural FBE World Heavyweight Champion! The lights all turn red and the music, coupled with the red lighting, goves off a dark, unforgiving feel. He makes his way down to the ring and waits for his opponent. But it's not Levitate that plays, it's Fairly Local by Twenty One Pilots! After Atlas revealed that he had become The Devil, the crowd anticipate even more what's going to happen next, but suddenly, the lights cut out. And when they return, Atlas is standing behind OWD in the ring! OWD turns around and immediately backs away, seeing Atlas' new look. He has died his hair blonde and wears red facepaint covering his whole body. His signature white, black and red tights are replaced with just dark red, with bits of black here and there. The main art on his body is the sapphire sword painted on his back, looking even more menacing than ever. Atlas laughs at OWD and the bell rings. The match is full of high spots immediately as Atlas goes to the top rope for an Infinity Elbow, but OWD joins him on the top and hits him with a Poisoned Frankensteiner from the top rope to the canvas! 1, 2, kick out! Atlas then later regained momentum when OWD had the Devil's Asylum in, but Atlas lifted him up and planted him down with a Powerbomb onto his knees, followed by a Gunsmoke Knee which busts OWD open! 1, 2, no, kick out! The next spot saw OWD lying on the apron. Atlas then climbed to the top rope and went for an Infinity Elbow but OWD moved out of the way, sending Atlas crashing down hard onto the apron back-first! We then find Atlas and OWD fighting on the announcer's desk, and Atlas is able to get OWD up for a Rogue Driver, and he hits it through the announcer's table! Atlas then in the ring locks in the Rogue Lock, but OWD escapes and nails him with a vicious Superkick to the face, which leaves Atlas bleeding on the mat. And then finally in the 22nd minute of this crazy World Title Match, Atlas has OWD up for a Night Terror Buster, but OWD reverses it into a Devil's DysTopia! 1, 2, 3! OWD has done it! Once OWD had left with the World Title, Atlas slowly got back up using the ropes and demanded a mic from the timekeeper's area. "I may have lost tonight, but motherfuckers I still have a tag team title shot next week on Firestorm with u/ReceiverofDeception and whoever the fuck we're facing, it doesn't matter, we will be crowned your new FBE Tag Team Champs. And once I've won that title, I will be using my rematch clause for the Intercontinental Title! Firestorm XXVI! u/ConorCulture you better ready for the Infinity King when he comes for you! Oh yeah, and one last thing FBE faithful... STAY SHIT!" he shouts through the mic before leaving the arena.

Submitted September 30, 2019 at 11:46PM by ImThatWrestlingGuy

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