Saturday, June 15, 2019

What is wrong with the MCU

I will start by saying I recently watched Aqua Man and understood one of the ways you have to look at the MCU to understand its flaws. The lack of truth to the core design of these characters is why MCU isn't good. Jason Mamoa is a really poor fucking choice as Aqua Man. They picked a beer drinking biker tough guy to play a character who often has roots in Royalty. Beer drinking is linked with dehydration and they have the Ocean Master loving it?

With that being said it is a good movie in other terms. In terms of a movie starring Aqua Man it is a far miss, but as a fan art of Jason Mamoa as Aqua Man it works. The wild notion of him being Ocean Master supplies enough to make a movie worth watching, but as a way of seeing some ridiculous fun being had with the character, not as a way of seeing Aqua Man done right.

What is really being said when we say the MCU isn't good is it lacks connection with the source material (the true source material and not a version of it), or it suffers from some poor character creation used as plot material or filler (like the humor).

The MCU fans confuse what is being said as us saying there is nothing of quality in the movies.

When Groot says I am Groot to Steve Rogers and Captain America replies with I am Steve Rogers, it is a quality moment, but it isn't the quality moment that is best suited for the fanchise because it requires Steve Rogers to stop mid fight in a battle (to save half the universe) and make a joke. This changes his character and now you can't have him be genuinely serious about what is going on thus pulling away from the harmony of the setting and the characters. The MCU is a comedy stunt show and that is the problem.

Character design like this is happening in place of a strong connected immersion.

It lacks depth. The only deep like things that happen are shuehorned dramas to act as plot material. Iron Man gets upset about the death of his parents so he can fight Captain America and they can make the Civil War movie. Spiderman in the original movie is a young man (typically flawed morally as is common of young men) who basically murders the man he thinks is responsible for the death of his loved one, but later discovers the killer to still be out there, leading him to become in touch with the inner darkness (Venom) (Which is his maturing process) that he ends up turning away from so he can find resolution (repentance) (where he becomes a hero).

Spiderman won an Oscar and became the source material for power being equated with responsibilty (something told to him by someone that is an older man doing what he can to raise someone right) MCU can make a joke but that doesn't mean as much as heroism.

Something else to point out is Thors lack of genuine power and the poor casting/timing.

In the first MCU movies the actor is noticeably younger. This is a character who is basically ageless and yet in the few years that the story takes place he somehow looks 10 years older. In all his years (1000?) he looked late 20s then all of the sudden starts rapidly aging like a normal person? I get that people age but the lack of harmony with the character and the plot is something that has to be done right for it to be art. This is somethimg that disconnects you from the plot because they cast what looks like a late 20 year old as an acient man. His appearance does not match the script and this is the same for his power level.

In Avengers he gets Storm Breaker, teleports to earth, and barely makes a change in the battle. This is a god, The God of Thunder, and he doesn't, in one lightning bolt, take out the entire enemy army.

The nail on the hammer is things like Ronins Armor which is just poor quality. He looks like some weirdo playing dress up, and not like some warrior threatening life. The visual effects not being the only thing lacking in quality. Hulk being impotent is poor character design, Drax vs. Ronin is poor choreography, the cgi in Iron Man 2 is poor (At the end when he is on top of the building), and Brie Larson has at least one moment of bad acting in Captain Marvel.

The point being that there are some moments where I could not believe someone okayed this and put it in theaters. Better said as I couldn't believe Marvel okayed this.

This has led me to understand that there is a general lack of quality in what is being spoken of as the greatest franchise of all time. What is happening?

Think about CGI still being young and that, do to the movies relying on it, they would have to wait to produce these movies properly. This is supported by the lack of quality in character design and plot. If you only have one way to do something perfectly, would you waste that perfect design on something with inferior CGI? Or would you wait until all pieces were ready and in the meantime let "other" versions of this idea be shown?

The truth is that these movies aren't good enough and that means Marvel has done something either wrong or different. These things happen, but when they happen and Marvel says nothing I am left to think that they either do not know that their movies are a lesser version of the source material, or they do know and said nothing about it.

Submitted June 15, 2019 at 02:18PM by JoshuaTChandler

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