Saturday, June 15, 2019

respect the lion (the story of your life:understund)

Publication: Understanding is a subplot of "The Story of Your Life" novel written by Ted Chiang in 1998

history: Leon is a common person who suffers brain damage, to heal he is given an injection that increases his intelligence. Leon decides to get more injections to raise his intelligence even more.

personality: Leon considers humans "children" but loves the intellectual aesthetic and will do everything to get it.


beats a military test:

"The name of the doctor who visits me is Clausen, and he does not behave like the rest. Judging from his attitude, he is used to wearing a mask vagueness before his patients, but today It is a bit uncomfortable. Pretend an air of sympathy, but it is not so homogeneous like the routine noise made by other doctors. -The test works from the following form, Leon: you will read some descriptions of various situations, all with a problem. After each one, I want tell me what you would do to solve that problem. Seat. -I've done this kind of test. -Very good very good. - Type a order, and the screen in front of me full of text I read the script: it's a problem of organizing priorities. Is realistic, which is not usual; the scores on that type of test are too arbitrary for the tastes of the majority of researchers. I hope before giving my answer, although Clausen is surprised anyway before my speed. -That's very good, Leon. -Pulsa a key on your computer. Test now with this one. We continue with more scripts. While I read the room, Clausen worries about showing only distance professional. My answer to this problem is of special interest to him, but he does not want me to know. The script it deals with office politics and the fierce competition for a promotion. I realize who Clausen is: is a government psychologist, maybe military, probably a member of the Office of Research and Development of the CIA. This test aims to evaluate the potential of the hormone K to manufacture strategists"

can generate gravitational fields:

"I acquire years of education every week, accumulating guidelines every time greater. I see the tapestry of knowledge human from a more perspective wide that nobody has ever had; I can fill the gaps in the drawing there where scholars have never noticed that something was missing, and enrich the fabric in places where they thought I was full. The natural sciences have the clearer guidelines. Physics admits a beautiful unification, not only at the level of the fundamental forces, but also when considering its extension and its implications The classifications as "Optics" or "thermodynamics" are straitjackets that prevent the physicists see innumerable intersections. Even leaving aesthetics aside, practical applications that have been overlooked are legion; years ago that the engineers could have artificially generated fields Spherical and symmetric gravitational"

has high motor control:

" My control over the body follows increasing. Now I could walk over burning coals or nail me needles in the arm, if I had those inclinations. However, my interest for oriental meditation is limited to its application about physical control; no meditation trance that can reach me is as desirable as my mental state when I form gestalts starting from the component data"

It has great strength and flexibility:

"I know my body again, like if it was the stump of a mutilated suddenly replaced by a hand of watchmaker. Control my muscles Volunteers are trivial; I have a Inhuman coordination. The abilities that usually require thousands of repetitions for its development are a my scope to the second or third attempt. I find a video with a shot of the hands of a pianist playing, and in little time I can duplicate the movements of your fingers without having a keyboard before me. Contracting and Relaxing muscles with precision, my strength and my flexibility increase"

can master martial arts with ease:

"The muscle response time is thirty-five milliseconds, for conscious or automatic actions. Learn acrobatics and martial arts it would not require much practice"

high pain resistance:

"I have somatic awareness of functioning of my kidneys, of the absorption of nutrients, from glandular secretions. I am even aware of the role played by the neurotransmitters in my thoughts. This state of consciousness requires a mental activity more intense than the one I would live in a stress situation caused by epinephrine; a part of my mind supports a state that would kill a body and a mind normal in a matter of minutes"

It has high reaction speed:

"Now I must plan my next Actions. First, I must devote myself to some simple improvements for self-preservation, starting with the martial arts training. I will attend some championships for study possible attacks, although only I will undertake defensive actions; may l move so fast to avoid the contact even with the fastest attack techniques"

Lion can divide his mind into sections:

" To improve still more my mind, I can only resort to artificial increases. What I need is a direct mind-computer link, which Allow to download and upload contents, but to achieve it I must create a new technology. Computing digital is not adequate; what I have thought requires scaled structures nanometric network-based neuronal Once I have the basic ideas outlined, I dedicate my mind to multitasking: a section of my mind takes care of create a branch of mathematics that reflect the behavior of the network; other develops a procedure for reproduce the formation of paths neuronal on a molecular scale in a self-healing bioceramic medium; a third designs tactics to guide the private industrial research of way that produces what I need"

high deductive skills:

" I have gone out to the outside world to return to observe society. The sign language of emotion that already knew it has been replaced by a matrix of interrelated equations. The lines of force twist and lengthen between people, objects, institutions, ideas. Individuals they are like tragic, animated puppets independently but tied by a network they choose not to see; could resist if they wanted it, but very few do. At this moment I am sitting in a Pub. Three stools away feel a man, habitual of this type of local, who looks around and sees a couple at a table in a corner dark Smile, make a gesture to waiter to approach, and he lean forward to speak confidentially about the couple. Do not I need to listen to him to know what is saying He is lying to the waiter, with ease and spontaneity. Is a compulsive liar who does not for wanting a more exciting life that the one that takes, but to be delighted with the facility that has to deceive others. He knows that the waiter keeps on the sidelines, and that just pretends interest (which is true), but know that even so the waiter swallows the story (which is also true)"

It can alter the emotions:

"I have developed skills that remember the control techniques mentality offered by advertising in the yellow press. My control over somatic emanations allows me now provoke precise reactions in others. With pheromones and tension muscle, I can make someone else respond with anger, fear, compassion or sexual excitement Certainly, what enough to make friends and influence about the people. I can even provoke a reaction self-sustained in others. Associating a particular response with a feeling of satisfaction, I can create a positive reinforcement loop, like biofeedback; the body of the person will reinforce the feeling itself same"

It has a detailed auditory level:

" The apartment door Reynolds is also open. I'm going through the hall and I enter the living room, hearing a hyperaccelerated polyphony of a digital synthesizer"

blood pressure may increase:

"simple: increases blood pressure quickly and enormously. If I continued without obstacles for more than a second, this loop would take your blood pressure up to infarction levels - perhaps 400, 300- and it would blow up the capillaries of your brain"

It can alter the intelligence of others:

"Reynolds detects it instantly. Although it is clear by our conversation that has never investigated the production of loops of biofeedback in others, it It gives an account of what is happening. To the doing it, it slows down your heart and dilates the arteries and veins throughout its body. But my real attack is the other more subtle recurrent loop. This is a weapon that I've been developing since that started my search for Reynolds. This loop causes a dramatic overproduction of antagonists neurotransmitters in their neurons, preventing impulses from passing through its synapses and eliminating activity cerebral"

He can deactivate his senses:

" <Have you ever thought about ...?> Suddenly it projects only silence. It is a point to talk, but I can not predict what he is going to say Then it arrives in Whisper form: -... orders for self-destruction, Greco? While saying it, a gap in my reconstruction of your mind fills and overflowing, with its implications touching everything I know about him. It refers to the Word: the phrase that, when pronounces, destroys the mind of whoever listen out. Reynolds argues that the myth It is true that each mind has a similar trigger incorporated; what for each person there is a phrase that can make her an idiot, lunatic or catatonic And he maintains that he knows the right phrase for me. Automatically unplug all the sensory data, directing them to an intermediate zone of short memory term."

Submitted June 16, 2019 at 04:10AM by the-paradoxical

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