Saturday, June 8, 2019

Mummification How-to

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Part 1:

All Wrapped Up In Myself Part 1: Safety Issues With Mummification

Author: Norische

Filed in: health and safety, bondage, mummification

For many people bondage is the most exciting thing within the BDSM realm. The idea that you are helpless, trapped under the ruthless control of a sadistic monster, leads to all sorts of interesting images and fantasies within ones mind. Fantasies that are limited only by the vastness of ones own warped sense of adventure. Within this adventure lies one very specific form of bondage…mummification.

Mummification is one of the most extreme forms of bondage, this intricate form of artwork allows for the slave/sub to become entirely helpless, confined, constricted and immobilized. With the right amount of creativity, sensory deprivation may also be a unique twist that may be added to this wondrous experience. If done properly this form of bondage can provide the slave/sub an intense experience with power exchange, and an extremely emotional experience. The level of trust that must be shared by the participants is extreme, the psychological effect of such a dramatic scene can either allow them to sour to heights far greater than they have ever been able to reach before, or it can destroy all trust and confidence that has ever been shared within the relationship. One must be physically, emotionally and psychologically ready to explore an area of such extreme.

There are three types of basic mummification.

Zone Mummification, this is where very specific portions of the body are wrapped, specifically… the arms, legs, or torso. This experience is not as dramatic as that of a Limited, or Full Body mummification, but the feeling of constriction and immobilization is still present. This is a good way to start out, it will allow the slave/sub to get used to the feeling of constriction and see if they wish to explore further.

Limited Mummification, this is where the body is wrapped from neck to feet; the head is not included in this form of mummification. A blindfold may be utilized to add to the effect, but the most significant thing about this form of mummification is that the nose and mouth are not obstructed in any way. This would be the recommended second step in total full body mummification. The helpless feeling is present, however it is not as dramatic, therefore the possibility for emotional trauma is far less.

Full Body Mummification, this is where the slave/sub is covered from the top of there head to the soles of their feet in some form of wrapping. A breathing tube, ventilation mask, or other form of breathing apparatus must be utilized to guarantee the safety of the slave/sub. This is the most extreme form of mummification and the most dangerous, anytime there is a possibility that the airway may be compromised, extra precautions must be taken. This form is also the most dramatic psychologically; this is not something that should be tried without careful contemplation and a lot of forethought.

There are many safety issues that must addressed before exploration in this area can commence.

  1. Always have a pair of surgical scissors (safety scissors) handy when you start this process. Surgical scissors have one flat dull blade and one sharp blade for cutting, this way you can easily cut someone out of the wrapping without fear of literally cutting them.

  2. Once the process has started NEVER leave the sub/slave alone.

  3. When you are using a material that does not allow ventilation, make sure that your slave/sub does not over heat, even if it is 70 degrees where you are at, he or she may be enshrouded in temperatures close to 100 degrees. Saran Wrap holds in the body’s own heat; it will be a moist heat but it may cause heat related complications that are not pleasant to deal with, and may be life threatening.

  4. Make sure to provide padding between the knees and ankles, even if you are wrapping the legs independently you need to make sure that you put padding between the legs. There is little to no natural padding in these areas and when you wrap the legs it may cause the joints to rub against each other and lead to unwanted and unnecessary bruising.

  5. Make sure the slave/sub has gone to the bathroom prior to beginning, also if you are intending for this to be a long session you might consider the implementation of a catheter.

  6. Never allow the nose or mouth to get blocked. There are a wide variety of items that can be utilized to assist in proper respiration if you wish to do a full mummification.

Mummification is a psychological bondage as well as a physical bondage. There will never be another time in your slave’s/sub’s life that he or she will ever feel so vulnerable, so helpless and so completely out of control. This experience can either allow the level of trust between Dominant and submissive to soar to new levels, or it will destroy any trust that have ever existed between the two. If there is any doubt as to whether or not your slave/sub is ready to cross this line, don’t do it.

To determine if he or she is ready, try these simple steps.

  1. Do a simple bondage scene, preferably with rope or straps. This will give you some idea of how he or she will react to restrains.

  2. Do a complex bondage scene; make sure that the duration of the bondage is over an hour. This will allow you to see how he or she will handle the initial panic of extended restraints.

  3. Do an extended bondage scene; this scene should last between 3 and 4 hours. This will allow you to see if he or she has the patience to handle an extended period of inactivity. Normally full body mummification may take 2 to 3 hours to complete, then you have at least an hour to relish the feeling, and then between and hour and two hours to remove someone from the cocoon.

  4. Do a zone mummification scene, sticking to the arms and legs. Make sure that you do not include the head in any manner. This will allow the slave/sub an opportunity to experience the crushing feeling of mummification. It would be beneficial to both the Dominant and the slave/sub to make sure that this scene is limited in time. If the slave/sub has any difficulty with anxiety or fear, remove them from the wrappings immediately.

  5. Do a limited mummification scene, do a scene that includes all extremities as well as the torso. Start with the arms, then the legs and then proceed to start wrapping the shoulders, torso, abdomen and genitals. Again look for any sign of anxiety, and be prepared to cut them loose at any point.

  6. Do a modified limited mummification scene; this is a scene where the wrapping is from shoulders to feet only, however you include things such as a blindfold, earphones, and a gag. Specifically, this is the stage that you introduce the slave/sub to the sensory deprivation. This will be the final step before exploring full mummification; it is also in this area that individuals tend to start to panic. Psychologically they are helpless and completely without those things that they have relied upon for their daily survival, their instincts, their senses and their ability to flee.

  7. Now is the time you have been waiting for, full body mummification. Take it slow, make sure that you are acutely aware of the panic level of your slave/sub. You might want to consider the implication of a hood on your first attempt instead of wrapping the head itself, this will reduce some of the fear and yet allow the full effect. Your first time doing a full body mummification may be a little awkward but that is only natural, the uncertainty of what you are doing mingled with the anxiety of your partner is intense. Just remember to have the ability to cut them out of the wrappings at a moments notice, and watch them carefully.

Part 2: All Wrapped Up In Myself: Mummification Part 2, Safety and Wrapping Choices

Author: Norische

Filed in: health and safety, bondage, mummification

Mummification is an adventure like no other; it can allow one to soar to new heights within their soul or to fall to the deepest depths of their subconscious mind. The time expended for a full mummification is extensive, and with out the senses to rely on, ones mind tends to wander, fantasize or play horrible tricks. As dramatic as mummification may be psychologically there are only five major safety issues when it comes to mummification.

  1. Over heating

  2. Choking or suffocation (this would include any respiratory problems)

  3. Panic or anxiety

  4. Falling

  5. Dehydration

If you guard against these complications you can create an amazing experience. Being aware of these medical and emotional issues is half the battle. Make sure that you keep a close eye on your slave/sub at all times, NEVER LEAVE HIM/HER ALONE. Be observant and attentive to the slave/sub; be acutely aware of any change in physical or mental state, for example…

  1. Pale skin tone.

  2. Red or blotchy skin.

  3. Blue or purple finger tips or toes, especially in the nail beds.

  4. Blue coloration of the lips

  5. Ragged breathing (noisy, short, chopping breathing)

  6. Rapid, shallow breathing

  7. Shivering, shaking

  8. Coughing, gagging

  9. Excessive sweating

  10. Slurred speech, or inability to speak

  11. Unresponsive

  12. Dizziness

If any of these symptoms are present, use your best judgment. It may be something so simple as a dry mouth and a little water will help, or it may be they are choking and can’t breathe. Always err on the side of caution, if the sub/slave starts to panic, they can do a great deal of damage to themselves, so it is best to keep a close eye on them for any warning sign and if anything does go wrong keep them calm.

Now that you are aware of the safety issues it is time to move on to more exciting things. What type of material will you use for the wrapping. Mummification can be done with a wide variety of wraps, such as cling wrap, ace bandages, and cloth, even leather. Each form of material has is benefits and its detriments.

Cling wrap or Saran Wrap is the most frequently used form of wrapping. This is true for several reasons. First, cling wrap is inexpensive and easy to obtain. Second, cling wrap comes in such interesting colors, and it is still transparent. Third, cling wrap is easily removable, if someone is unsure of how they will react with mummification this is the perfect material to use, one good cut and they are free. Cling wrap also has its down side, first it does not allow ventilation, therefore you must be extra cautious about over heating and dehydration. Also you must make absolutely sure the airway is not blocked, the risk of suffocation is very high due to the very nature of this material.

In most of the articles that I have read they state that you need approximately 75 feet of wrap; personally I find I usually need between 150 and 200 feet of cling wrap to cover to my satisfaction. I also use tape to secure the wrap in place, I love using tape and crisscrossing it across the body after I have it completely wrapped. I may go through four or five colors, creating a wondrous piece of art just waiting to be unwrapped. Speaking of unwrapping, normally when you remove the cling wrap the slave/sub will be drenched in sweat; make sure that you have plenty of towels handy and a blanket to wrap them in, just in case they get chilled, a nice warm shower may also be just what the Mistress ordered.

Ace Bandages are commonly used due to their durable nature; they are elastic and can stretch as needed. You can purchase ace bandages at any drug store or Wal-Mart around, so they are easily accessible. The price ranges on the brand, width and type of bandage you buy; you can get 2, 3, 4, and 6 inches wide. The length varies again with the brand and the width of the bandage. Ace bandages are much more expensive than cling wrap but then again you can wash and reuse the ace bandages, so each has its benefits.

I have read several articles about the use of ace bandages and how easy they are to use, one article that I ran across did have me questioning the experience level of the author. In this article the author stated that you could stretch the ace bandage tight across the nose and mouth and that the mummy would have no problem breathing through the bandage, especially if you pulled it tight. I would like to state that it is very difficult to breath properly through an ace bandage without some form of breathing apparatus and by stretching it tight you are only compressing the nasal passages where the slave/sub will be forced to be breath through his or her mouth. This also presses the lips against the teeth and makes breathing through the mouth questionable at best.

One warning I would like to voice at this time is to please remember that an ace bandage is elastic, hence when pulled tight it can act as a tourniquet. Check circulation and breathing frequently, do not pull the bandage too tight over the head, neck or chest or you will restrict breathing to a dangerous and perhaps even deadly level.

This same author suggested starting your mummification with the head, to add to the suspense of the whole experience. Personally I may put a blindfold on my victim but I would never wrap the head first. I want to leave the air way unobstructed for as long as possible, I also want my slave/sub to be able to communicate with me freely incase of anxiety or problems. I have used a leather hood that had a zipper where the mouth and eyes were and this worked wonderful as well. As much as you want this to be a memorable experience, you don’t want to have to take someone to the ER or call the ambulance and explain it all to the police officers.

When using ace bandages be very observant where the bandage starts and stops, you do not want the bandage to build up in any joint, such as behind the knees, the armpit or between the legs, the added pressure may end up compromising circulation and shorten this unique experience quite a bit. One thing I found to be helpful is to sew together two or three of the bandages, this will allow for less build up and make it easier on you when you are wrapping. I normally use medical tape or the small metal butterfly clips that are provided with the bandage to hold them together. Do not use duct tape on the bandages unless you intend to throw them out when you finish, it will leave a sticky residue on the bandages that make them undesirable for future use. While ace bandages tend to cling to each other I do find that they will fold or slip out of position in areas where curves and bends are, nothing is more frustrating than having to unwrap and rewrap two and three times. Take your time, overlap the bandages by about one inch but remember that you need to allow for the body’s natural curves; when you get to an area that has a natural bend, like the knees or shoulders, over lap the bandage by about half the bandage width this will cut down on the necessity to redo the wrapping.

Ace bandages are more breathable than cling wrap, however they are still an artificial material therefore they are not designed to allow the skin to breath well. The possibility of over heating is not as great but you still need to keep an eye on your slave/sub in case of heat related problems. He or she will end up sweating quite a bit so make sure to give him or her a sip of water every now and then. If the heat gets too bad you can place an ice cube at the back of the neck, the armpit, or the soles of the feet to cool him or her off.

Cloth wrap is the next most common form of wrapping used. Personally I have used this form on occasion, and enjoy it immensely. I always use 100% cotton material, this will allow for the skin to breath and not overheat. I will buy 1 yard of several different colors, then I will cut the material into strips 4 and 6 inches in width, sometimes I will cut 2 inch strips for wrapping the face but I find that those strips normally end up curling up and becoming quite useless even irritating. I will sew the strips together into sections of 15 to 20 feet, I then roll them up and use rubber bands to keep them neat and ready for use. When I use cloth wraps I find using medical tape or safety pins to secure the ends to be excellent choices; I have also used vet rap as a decorative addition to this little menagerie. Vet wrap is a clingy form of wrap that will stick only to itself, hence it will not leave any undesired sticky film like other adhesives might, it also comes in a wide variety of colors, and runs around $3.00 per roll.

This type of mummification is, in my honest opinion, the safest form. You are not faced with a lot of the heat related problems that you have with either cling wrap or ace bandages. You have the easy of emergency release by simply cutting through the material, since the price of material is not as great as with ace bandages you don’t feel guilty about simply cutting you victim loose and throwing away the shredded wraps. Also there are those that find the cling wrap as well as the ace bandages to be more restricting when it comes to breathing, if you merely place one layer of cloth loosely across the nose and mouth area, overlapping about half of the strip then you will find that the slave/sub can easily breath. If you have never done a full body mummification I would suggest to start with this material, it may not be as easy to work with as cling wrap but it is definitely safer.

Leather wrapping is the most rare and definitely the most expensive form of mummification. Normally a soft suede is used as the wrapping, since the hides only come in small pieces you do have to sew together several strips to make it easy to work with. I would suggest using 4 and 6 inch strips, The addition of a leather hood for the head will make things simple and easy to work with. While this form of mummification definitely cost more it does have its benefits; like for instance, the smell of the leather will tantalize the senses and hypnotize the mind allowing one to soar to places within the subconscious that can be reached only when one is free from the boundaries of reality.

Most individuals that use leather as a form of mummification do not use strips of leather however, the majority of leather fans use a pre-made leather cocoon that laces up or zips up in the front. This interesting little plaything is called a body bag; they are rather pricey due to the cost of leather…normally between $800.00 and $2000.00, however they are easy to use and quick. Just slip your slave/sub inside and spend ten to twenty minutes lacing them up and voila!! You have instant mummy.

Part 3: All Wrapped Up In Myself: Mummification Part 3 - The Adventure Begins

Author: Norische

Filed in: how-to, bondage, mummification

Now that you have explored all the safety issues and to some degree you have ventured into the realm of possibilities where wrappings are concerned, now the adventure begins.

Set up a general area that can be used for the mummification, make sure there is plenty of room for the slave/sub to stand, sit and lay down; for you will probably wish to utilize all three positions at some time during this process.

Be Prepared:

  1. One pair of bandage scissors, or safety scissors. Cost is about $3.75 to $25.00 depending on the quality and source.

  2. Several rolls of self-adhesive bandage tape. This comes in several different colors and widths. Cost ranges from $2.99 to 8.57 depending on the width and brand. I personally utilize four-inch wide tape; I get it for about $2.50 per roll at the vet supply store.

  3. The wrapping material of choice, remember that you will need between 75 and 200 feet of the wrapping. Also you might want to make sure that you have a variety of different widths, just for the different areas of the body.

  4. Towels, you need to have between 2 and 4 hand towels available, one for the knees, one for the ankles, and two for the armpits.

  5. Cotton balls, you will want to have a few cotton balls available, this is to put on the nipples and over the eyes (if you plan on wrapping the head completely).

  6. A glass of ice water with a straw, just incase the slave/sub begins to get dehydrated.

  7. Another person to help is always a good idea.

  8. Rope or decorative tape if you are going to adorn your mummy.

Starting the Wrapping

For this example I will utilize cling wrap as the material of choice.

First make sure that your slave/sub has an empty bladder before you start.

Now have him/her remove all clothing, it is also wise to remove all jewelry (if possible), you don't want the jewelry cutting into the skin from the wrapping.

As to body jewelry, I find that sometimes it can get in the way of the wrapping or can tear the cling wrap so I will either encourage the removal or put gauze, tape or cotton balls over the body jewelry in order to prevent a rather shockingly painful mishap.

If the slave/sub has artificial nails on you might want to have them remove them or avoid wrapping the hands. Wrapping the hands with long nails or acrylic nails on will at best tear the wrapping, at worst bend the nail to an uncomfortable position and leave the slave/sub begging to be removed much sooner than necessary. If necessary you can use bondage mitts as an easy solution.

During this whole process encourage the slave/sub to let you know how they are feeling, are they too uncomfortable, are they getting too hot, are they beginning to panic, also make sure that you listen and react appropriately. If the slave/sub asks you to stop, by all means stop; this is a huge test of trust, do not risk the bond the two of you have by being stubborn.


Start the wrapping with the slave/sub in a sitting position. Have him/her extend one arm to the side and begin to wrap. Start about 2 inches below the elbow and run the wrap along the underside of the arm towards the fingers. Hint: You may want to put a piece of medical tape on the end so that it will not slip and you will not have to hold onto it while you are wrapping down the arm. With the slave/sub\'s fingers extended continue the wrap over the fingertips, the top of the hand and up the arm to the shoulder region. Once you are at the shoulder area turn the wrap 180 degrees so that you can now begin wrapping around the arm itself. Take your time and smooth out the wrap as you go, the less wrinkles the better it feels and the better it will look. Over lap the wrap about half the width of the material, continue this process down the length of the arm. Once you get to the wrist again turn the wrap 180 degrees and repeat the original run; wrap over the fingertips, hand, and back up to the shoulder. Hint: Do not wrap too tightly or you may compromise circulation; if skin bulges over the wrap or the wrap does not lay smooth this could indicate that you have wrapped the bandage too tightly. Repeat this process until the wrap is to the desired thickness, normally three times should do. On the final wrapping instead of turning the wrap and going over the fingers, simply proceed to wrap around the arm back up to the armpit. Cut the wrap and take a strip of self adhesive tape and go around the arm to secure the cling wrap. Now repeat the process with the other arm.


Have the slave/sub lie down, raise one leg from the surface and begin wrapping. As with the arm, start about two inches below the joint on the underside of the leg, again placing a small piece of tape at over the edge to prevent slipping. Bring the wrap down the length of the leg to the ankle, and over the foot. Hint: At this point take a piece of self adhesive tape and wrap it around the ankle securing it to itself but remember not too tightly, if you skip this process you will find that the wrapping will encounter problems at the ankle when as you go further along. Now proceed up the front of the leg to the hip. At the hip turn the wrap 180 degrees and begin to wrap around the leg, make sure not to put too much pressure on the upper thigh, and use caution around the genitals, one good nudge and you could end up in a inconvenient delay in your whole process. Now as with the arm repeat the process until you have the desired thickness; over lapping the wrap about half of the width of the material as you go. On your final wrapping do not turn and go over the foot, instead simply continue the rap back up the leg to the hip. Once you have reached the hip cut the cling wrap and smooth out the wrap. Using the self adhesive tape go around the leg at the hip and secure the tape to its self, remember that this type of tape will cling only to itself so you must make sure that the ends overlap well. Repeat this same process with the other leg.

It is normally at this point that I place a blindfold and a set of headphones on the slave/ sub. I find soothing music playing softly through the headphones encourages the slave/sub to remain calm.


Have the slave/sub stand for this portion, there may be some difficulty getting them upright since their legs are now wrapped, just take it slow and if possible have someone help you. Have the slave/sub extend his/her arms out straight, begin the wrap under the left arm, you may wish to place a small piece of tape to secure the end. Now go across the chest and under the right arm, continue the process around the body. Hint: When you get to the nipples place a cotton ball over each nipple and then wrap over it, this will allow you to cut a hole in the wrappings and free the nipples for possible fun and torture, without cutting the skin. As you are wrapping over the chest have the slave/sub inhale deeply, expanding the chest as much as possible; this will ensure that you do not wrap too tightly and constrict the breathing. Continue the wrapping over the chest and abdomen, over lapping the wrap by approximately half the width of the wrapping. Hint: Before you wrap the genitals and hips place a towel folded length ways between the legs from groin to ankles, this will ensure comfort and prevent over heating to a great degree. Now proceed to wrap around the hips and legs. When you get to the ankles, simply reverse and wrap upwards to the chest again, do this process only once.


When you have reached the chest area have the slave/sub lower his/her arms; place a hand towel in the armpit, make sure the towel is folded in half. Have him/her press his/her arms against his/her body to hold the towels in place. Take the wrap and angle it up to the right shoulder, wrap across the back and over the left shoulder. Continue the wrapping downward, allowing for quite a bit of over lapping, when you get to the chest area remember to have the slave/sub inhale deeply so that you won't wrap too tightly. Hint: By the time you get to the thighs the slave/sub may be having a problem with balance, without the use of their arms they may start to weave or tip over. Make sure that you keep a close eye on him and do not allow him to fall. When you get to the feet simply start wrapping upward, until you reach the shoulders. You may want to put some medical tape on the cling wrap at the shoulders to keep it in place. Because of the body's natural curves it may tend to bunch or slip out of place.

Lay the slave down as soon as you have finished this step he or she will not be able to maintain their balance and it is at this point that most people have problems with dizziness, disorientation, and sometimes fall. Remember they have no way to break their fall so don't let them fall if it can be helped.


Some people will use wrap and wrap the neck and head, personally I find this process to be questionable at best. At this point I will take the headphones off the slave, I ask him/her if everything is going ok, and check his/her response time and ability to respond. If I find that they are cognitive and able to continue I will then take the blindfold off, instructing him/her to keep their eyes shut. I will then put a leather hood over his/her head, this hood has zippers for the eyes and mouth, I will have the eyes zipped and leave the mouth open. If I have worked with the individual previously I will utilize a special tube gag that was made for this hood. I do not use this gag unless I know how the person is going to react, due to the fact that it does restrict speech to some degree. Normally I will allow the slave/sub to remain like this, untouched for about 30 minutes to an hour, very rarely have I allowed this stage to go longer than one hour. By this time the slave is beginning to feel "spacey" at best. This plus the heat, the compressed feeling and the sensory deprivation may cause your slave/sub to panic, so keep a close eye on him or her.

The best way I can describe what he/she is feeling is that the experience feels as if you are floating somewhere outside your body. You can't feel the world beneath you; all you can hear is the beating of your own heart thundering in your ears and your breath echoing through your world of silence. Your eyes blinded but to a world of darkness; all you can taste is your own sweat, all you can feel is the very life being squeezed from your body. Seconds tick away time is lost to you; somewhere outside your world seconds become minutes and minutes become an eternity. Just as the darkness begins to play tricks with your mind, just as your breath begins to burn in your chest, someone frees you from your nightmare and welcomes you back into the world as a newborn child emerging from the womb.


When you are ready to release the slave/sub, start with the head. Take the hood off or any wrappings from around the head and heck. Give your slave a drink of water and make sure that he/she is doing ok. Now using the bandage scissors make a cut along the right arm, between the arm and chest. This will cut the top layer across the chest and allow you to put the wrapping away from the chest and shoulders. Once this layer across the chest has been removed, go to the top of the lower layer and gently place the scissors between the slave/sub and the wrapping, cut the wrapping strait down to the feet. Next start with the right arm, start the cut at the shoulder and continue to the fingertips, normally you should be able to remove the wrapping about half way down the arm, repeat the process with the left arm. Now to the legs, start again on the right this time place the scissors between the slave and the wrappings by the hip, cut towards the feet. Here again you should be able to remove the wrapping about half way through the cutting. Repeat with the left leg. The slave/sub will be virtually drenched in sweat so it is best to provide him/her with a towel to dry off with, also it is now that the slave/sub will get chilled if not covered in a timely manner. I always recommend a nice warm shower to get rid of the sweat and bring the senses back to life, you may have to have the slave/sub wait a while and make sure they are not too dizzy or disoriented…you don't need them getting hurt by falling in the shower.

This experience is one that I feel everyone should have, but many are unable to. Do to their own fears they will never know the feeling of soaring through a dark mist, or feeling as if you are sinking to the depths of a mighty ocean, out of control and helpless. This experience is not for everyone, but for those that share in its majesty I solute you, your courage has allowed you to touch the depths of your soul in a way that others may never know.

Submitted June 09, 2019 at 02:54AM by Danmelons

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