Sunday, June 16, 2019

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #4: R2M19 - Gioia Arancini and Nico Wolfram vs. ???

The results are in for Match 17. The winner is…

The Black Label Society, with a score of 67 to the Fairy Fellers’ 57!

Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Black Label Society 23-17 It was a close match, but ultimately BLS pulled ahead, 7-5!
Quality Black Label Society 24-20 Reasoning
JoJolity Tie 20-20 Reasoning

Voters and Judges both thought BLS took this match by slim margins, but large enough to send the villain team to the next round intact. If you thought escaping prison was bad, you should try escaping a deadly sandstorm!

Location - I-69 in Texas:

Gioia Arancini sat silently in the back of the Bus, Schioppo and Kris badgering Noriko as she drove. Sofia and Connor chatted quietly in the middle, and Ric and Stefan still hadn’t reported back from San Diego. Gioia didn’t miss them, but they had sought out a lead on gang activity in Latin America. Much as she hoped it might have been a road to more information on Saint Cecilia, there was another name floating around, and one that was gaining traction in the hemisphere faster and faster: XII Street.

Gioia looked down at the package she and Sofia had found in Florida, marked with ‘XII’ and containing stolen jewelry along with a note in Portuguese. Ever since then, she’d been hearing echoes of the name XII Street within the Stand-using world. It might not be Saint Cecilia, but it might still lead to answers - if not about her father, then about the many other goings-on she and her teammates had discovered.

The bus still in motion, Sofia clambered back to the seat next to Gioia. “What’cha thinkin’ about?”

Gioia nodded downwards at the box in her hands.

“Oh, that thing, huh?” Sofia paused for a moment. “You know, Connor was just telling me about something he and Noriko found in the Knife Emporium. Apparently some of Ronnie James’ shipments to the same area we found that thing in have gotten intercepted. I think it might be the same people as our dead drop.”

“Hm,” Gioia said softly. “If only we had a way to track this…”

Her thought was interrupted by a sharp vocalization from Noriko, resulting in a yelp from Schioppo and a hearty laugh from Kris. The wannabe cowboy, now missing his hat and sunglasses, scrambled back through the aisles of the bus to join Gioia and Sofia. Gioia raised a silent eyebrow at her teammate but continued to speak. “If only we had a way to track these packages that are being intercepted, we might have a way to find this XIIth Street.”

Schioppo’s eyes lit up. “If it’s a tracker you’re looking for, I met someone in Chad who might be able to help.”

Location - Outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:

The sun beat down heavily on the group that was mingling in the southern Brazillian villa. The collection of youths and the middle-aged, mingled and joked and insulted and laughed together as a family, but their connections were something other than blood.

“Augh, hot out today… Hope there isn’t much to do today…” An older man, a short beard stained white with experience.

“Ai, I hear that, camarado. Fingers crossed the Boss goes easy on us… I don’t think I could stand any kind of honest work in this sun!” replied a younger man, no older than 20, eyes hardened but not yet set.

“Ah, what do you garoto mudo know about honest work, eh? Ha ha!”

“Oh, so you did a lot of ‘honest work’ with the cops, barba cinzenta?”

“Ha! Do all the punks your age have such biting tongues?”

Laughter and merriment permeated the villa, but slowly started to fade into a low rumble. The two men looked at each other slightly confused. They stood at attention, though, as they heard a woman’s authoritative voice ring out.

“... What the hell are you all doing here? It’s a goddamn holiday. Go see your family or friends, or something. Get the hell out! Take the day off!”

A loud cheer erupted from the packed villa.

Location - Somewhere in Montana:

Little Big Clyde Longbarrel sat on a plastic deck chair outside of his RV somewhere in Montana. Now that the Eternal Consumption Engine was no more, it was time for him to return to travelling the continent hunting cryptids full-time, and his vehicle was in need of some updates for that to happen.

Littlefoot napped in a chair next to Clyde, still in her khaki pants and labcoat, worn out of an attempt to feel more human. Clyde sighed. She didn’t need to adopt ‘human’ traits like clothes to be a person, but this was just a phase. She’d be back to her confident self again soon enough.

As Clyde mused, his phone began to ring. Curious as to who would be calling him, he answered in a lazy drawl. “Little Big Clyde Longbarrel, Cryptid Hunter, speaking.”

“Hey, it’s me, uh, Schioppo Fucile!” came the excitable voice on the other end of the line. “We met in that safari match, you turned into a giant and all!”

Clyde smiled at the memory, before looking back to Littlefoot with a frown. “Y’know, kid, I’ve got a bit of a bone to pick with you,” he said sternly. “Taggin’ Littlefoot as one a’ the animals made her doubt her personhood, and now she’s goin’ through a whole tiff about it.”

The line was silent for a few moments, then the voice of Schioppo turned into what Clyde could only assume was colourful swearing in Italian combined with a mess of apologies. “I also tagged myself as an animal that match, I didn’t mean anything by it! Besides, the people running it didn’t count me or her towards the final total, if that, uh helps,” Schioppo said. Clyde could hear the nervousness in his voice.

“I’ll tell her,” Clyde sighed, still a little grumpy. Ah, well. The kid seemed alright, he could hear him out. “So, what can I do for ya? Got a cryptid or rogue Stand user that needs huntin’?”

“Uh, something like that,” Schioppo answered. “Not a cryptid, but my friend needs your help tracking down a Stand user that might give her clues about her dad. You know, I’ll just put her on the phone, if that’s alright.”

There was a brief period of scrabbling on the other end of the line before a new voice, much more...well if he were inclined to be a bit rude, highfalutin’ spoke, with a clear Italian accent to it. “Hello, my name is Gioia Arancini. Schioppo says you can help me.”

That name was familiar. “Are you the gal whose Stand can turn things into paper? Think I saw yer match in the swamp.”

“That is correct. That was me. While I was there, I found a dead drop for a gang who called themselves ‘XII Street’ that’s been intercepting a good deal of packages coming into Florida and South America. If I can find this XII Street, I may be able to find a lead on the woman involved in my father’s disappearance.”

Clyde thought to himself. “I liked yer style, and I know a thing or two about tryin’ to find your family. Tell ya what. Since you seem t’ have a good head on your shoulders, I’ll lend a hand. You and your team meet me in Sweetwater, Colorado. There’s a kid there I met when I was in France who I think could help ya out.”

Location - Outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:

In her Villa’s private quarters, the leader of the XIIth Street Gang sat, alone with her own thoughts, in a rare and complete quiet. Where before, even so far removed from the public spaces, she would still hear the chatter and laughter of her men, her soldiers, those who followed her, now all that was there to distract her was the low hum of the air conditioning. The room was dark, lit by a single yellow desk-lamp as she looked over notes and pictures, reports and connections. Sitting on her desk was an imported american newspaper published some weeks back, with a front page story about a small Floridian town where all the inhabitants had abruptly ended their own lives. Seated next to that was a photograph of a young Brazillian man, labeled with his name:

“Rico Suvente - ‘Dis Generation’”

Her brow furrowed. She glanced her eyes to the far side of her desk. A pair of cough syrup bottles, both labeled ‘Wilkinson’, sat on top of a dossier. She grabbed one of them, turning it over a few times in her hands. Though her face betrayed no signs of emotion, her grip on the bottle tightened, coming close to crushing it in her hands. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and pocketed the bottle.

As she stepped towards the doorway, she grabbed a red bandana, emblazoned with the silver letters “XII”, and tied it around her head. It was not her bandana originally. Along with the newspaper, it had been sent to her from America, after her agents had found and mourned the body of its owner.

“... I’ll make those bastards pay.”

She strode out of her office, leaving the second bottle on her desk where it laid. The dossier it was sat down on was headed in bold letters, the name of another organization, which it was a report on.


Location - Sweetwater, Colorado:

The town of Sweetwater’s Pride Celebration was a sight to behold, festive enough to rival much larger cities such as New York, São Paolo, and Toronto. This was to be expected, given the town’s history. Founded in the 19th century by F.C. Sinatra and Caroline Sweet, the town was a safe haven from both the law and outlaws alike and only grew as the lovers turned it into a local industrial powerhouse. Yet, despite its growth, the cozy, "old Western town" never lost its sight of its founders’ soul, maintaining a vibrant queer community from then through today.

This year was no exception, with virtual idol Dokiro-chan giving a free concert that was fortunately less explosive than her recent New York performance. Even if they were “visitors,” her teammates were also out in force for the parade, with Demis Roussos, Millie Cialda, Nico Wolfram, and Autumn Jasper celebrating alongside the locals as they waited for Clyde and the Fairy Fellers, whom they’d agreed to meet.

As the parade began to wind down, a bus drove into town, an RV close behind. The bus cleanly slid into a parking spot next to the Visitors’ location, and the RV pulled in next to it a little less easily. Clyde and Littlefoot hopped out of the RV, and with a few Stand-based gunshots, the cryptid-hunter’s RV was much smaller and far more competently parked.

The Fairy Fellers began to pile out of the bus, joining Clyde as he approached the Sweetwater Visitors. An excited Schioppo made a beeline for the real-life cowboy and his emotional support cryptid, offering overzealous compliments and apologies to both before Sofia and Noriko joined that group to rein the NEET in.

Gioia, Connor, and Kris approached the Sweetwater visitors while Clyde was occupied with the rest of their teammates. Millie excused herself to make sure 「Birthday Cake」 didn’t make one of its trademark faux pas and ruin the whole thing. Kris made a few harmless jokes towards Autumn that fell flat, and Connor and Demis quickly found themselves in a friendly chat about nine-ball and Demis’s cybernetics.

In all of this, Gioia and Nico were quiet for a moment, before each stepping off to the side. Gioia extended a hand to Nico in greeting. “My name is Gioia Arancini. I take it you’re Nico?”

“That’d be me.” Nico nodded, his hands by his side. She certainly seemed nice enough, but he didn’t quite know what to make of her assured confidence. “Clyde says you could use my help?”

“He seems to think you’re particularly qualified to track down this gang that may have the answers I need.” Gioia noticed Nico’s reticence and withdrew her hand. He blushed, and shrunk into himself. “Sorry. I, uh, don’t do handshakes,” he muttered.

Clyde, having extricated himself from Schioppo and the others, joined Nico and Gioia, about to clap the boy on the back, and holding himself from doing so. “Trust me, I’ve been on a hunt with this kid and he’s a reliable partner; you can count on him. Plus, the two of you would make a good team, the things yer Stands could do together.”

Nico paused. Autumn and Demis had both stumbled across Who’s Next and had both returned rather shaken from what had happened. They had both recovered soon enough, thankfully—he spent an afternoon talking to and consoling Autumn after her ordeal—and he was being asked to leave his team and go into the fire himself?

Yet, Clyde had faith in him from their time together and trusted Gioia as well. He wouldn’t have picked him if he didn’t have a strong reason to do so. Although he didn’t feel fully comfortable with leaving the town and team he had called ‘home’ for the past months, he thought of the advice Chul had given him before he left: ‘It’ll take time and leaving your comfort zone, but you’ll eventually learn what you like, what you dislike, and what’s important.’

“Alright. I’m in.” Even if he didn’t like the danger, he wouldn’t, couldn’t let more people get hurt if he could stop it.

Location - Somewhere over the Southern United States:

Having left from the Sweetwater airport a few hours ago, Nico and Gioia sat in First Class, courtesy of Ric’s credit card, and a few inches between them. Nico was notably relaxed, something Gioia attributed to not needing to fear the touch of anyone else. Gioia looked up from the notes on XIIth Street as a flight attendant came by with a cart of drinks. Gioia took the coffee offered to her, Nico asking politely for some milk.

Gioia sniffed the coffee, unable to keep her lip from curling. Nico cleared his throat. “Uh, Gioia, is the coffee...alright?” Gioia frowned, looking down at it. “...It smells horrendous.” she said in a deadpan voice. “The aroma is awful, like the airline has used only the cheapest possible coffee beans for this. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were still grounds in it. Although I will admit I did not expect much different.” She smiled to Nico. “You’re a lot wiser, I suppose. It is difficult to mess up milk.”

Nico took a sip of the drink. “I really just… like chocolate milk, really.” he muttered. “Caffeine isn’t something I can really deal with too well.” He took another sip. “It’s not really hot cocoa, though. I really like cocoa, although nobody in America besides Millie seems to know how to make it right.

Gioia contemplated the cup, and downed the coffee in one gulp. Nico blinked. “Uh, Gioia, didn’t you say the coffee seemed bad?”

“Absolutely putrid.” she said, taking out a chocolate covered espresso bean from some hidden recess on her person and popping it in her mouth. “But I’ll need the energy. Gangs aren’t anything to play around with, of course. I’ll need to be in top form, for the sake of my father.”

“Oh. What’s he like, your dad?” Nico asked politely. He was going for his own reasons, and he felt asking to hers would be a good way to learn more about his ally before they actually arrived.

She looked up to the ceiling of the plane, contemplative. “He is….” She thought about her wording a bit, continuing with more forcefulness in her voice. “His name is Melanzane Arancini, and he is a very proud man. He was the one who taught me ballet, and he has demanded only the best from me, as well as the other ballerinas. I will admit I am rather proud myself, for living up to his standards.” She smiled to herself. “Never let it be said that the Arancinis succeed due to nepotism.”

Her smile fell. “I… cannot help but fear for him, somewhat. It has been so long since I’ve managed any information. Some part of me can’t help but fear for the worst.” Her hard exterior seemed to fall away a little, leaving Nico seeing someone vulnerable, scared. She forced her voice to be kept steady. “Whatever he has been doing, I would still… I would still like to see him.”

“I’ll do my best to help, I promise.” Nico said. “I just want to help people honestly. Nothing as noble as trying to find my father.” He looked downcast. An outcast among a people he despised, but an outcast nonetheless. “I don’t really have any of that to worry about, but...I don’t think you should be worried about him.” He looked up to her. “I’m sure he’s waiting out there for you to rescue him,” he stated, seriously.

Gioia rewarded him with a thin, but honest smile. “Thank you Nico. Though, I can’t imagine how wanting to help others could be ignoble, or less noble than what drives me.” She fiddled with her glasses. “I’m glad to have you with me.”

Nico smiled sunnily in response. “And I’m glad to be here.”

Scenario - Outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:

Clyde and Corazon’s joint investigation had proven successful, the fruits of their labor being the location of the XIIth Street headquarters: a villa on the outskirts of the city. After getting a rental car, Nico and Gioia began the drive out. Any other time, the two may have liked to explore and enjoy Rio’s hustle and bustle, but there was work to be done and little to be said. The trip was quiet. The warm air hung over them like blankets as afternoon passed and the sun descent towards the horizon. Some would call it peaceful, but it was more a calm before the storm.

Eventually, they arrived at the given coordinates, parking a ways away to cover their approach. Gioia and Nico made their way through the underbrush, tense as what awaited them only to find...nothing. The villa was entirely deserted.

“It’s… Empty? But this gang is massive… Why would their headquarters be abandoned…?” Nico glanced around tensely.

“Keep on your toes… Look around,” Gioia prompted. Sitting on the desks and tables were cups and plates, sitting on tables and fences, some with a scant amount of food still remaining on them. “This place was occupied until recently. The people here must have all been sent away for some reason... “ She looked at Nico, then the path forward, gesturing for the pair to move on.

They spotted no one else as they made their way to the back of the villa. They came across a large metal gate, leading to a pool area.

“That’s the last place to check, before we try our luck inside the buildings…” Nico mumbled. He grabbed the heavy lock mechanism and lifted it with some difficulty, but was stopped from opening the gate by Gioia. “What are you…?”

Gioia pointed to the hinges, rusted with age. “This gate hasn’t been kept clean for years,” She summoned 「Love Kills」, Nico turning to look, and transformed the hinges to paper. “The sound would ring out for miles. If anyone is still here, they’ll come running.”

Nico nodded and pushed open the gate. The two of them strode towards the pool at the very back of the villa, tall walls enclosing the beautiful location. Like the rest of the base, it was empty, with no sign of life.

“Alright then,” Nico said, “That’s all the outside taken care of, we should go back and search-”

“Lookin’ for something?”

A voice came from behind them. From the other side of the gates, a tall woman stood, dressed in red and black, a bandana atop her head, cutting an imposing figure. As Gioia had predicted, the gate opened with a deafening creak, as the woman strode through and closed it behind her, locking the mechanism without breaking eye contact with the two intruders.

“Who are you? Identify yourself!” Nico called out with an angry voice. He watched the woman carefully, trying to pick out any tells for her motivations and actions.

The woman’s already annoyed expression furrowed further, her frown deepening to a scowl. She pointed at the ‘XII’ sitting above her eyeline. “They sendin’ blind people now?”

“XIIth Street? Where’s the rest of your organization?” Gioia prodded.

“I sent em’ out, told em’ to take a day off. Everybody needs some peace and quiet now and then… Me, most of all. Like a goddamn daycare when everyone’s here… And besides that, I figured makin’ the place empty would be good enough bait for your boss to send some reconnaissance over.”

“Bosses? What-”

“Gioia, look!”

Nico interrupted her companion, pointing at the hands of the woman who stood in front of them. Dripping from her knuckles was no small amount of blood. Emanating from her body, too, Nico felt a tidal wave of anger… Kept just barely beneath the surface. Not hidden…. Contained, would be the better term.

“Oh, this? It came from the two punks who were digging around inside the building. Thought it was pretty weird that the Black Beetles would send over a pair of nobodies who weren’t even Stand Users… Makes a bit more sense now, though. I saw that little trick you did, girl. Don’t think you can fool me.”

“Black Beetles…? What are you talking about?” Gioia demanded.

“You playin’ dumb? Your friends said the same thing… Right up to the point they were coughin’ up their own blood.”

“Would you shut the hell up?!” Nico exploded. This two-bit crook wasn’t listening to a single thing they were saying, and it was starting to piss him off. “We don’t work for whoever the goddamn Black Beetles are! Besides, it’s not like it matters anyway! You’re outnumbered, bitch, it’s two on one! Now you’re gonna answer some of our goddamn questions!”

“Nico-” Gioia tried to calm down her partner, but he was interrupted by their opponent.

“Would you shut your goddamn trap, dumbass? I don’t care if there’s 10 of you dumbasses.” Her voice was peppered with the tell-tale signs of deep anger. Though she didn’t raise it, it still seemed to carry much further on her force of will alone. “You could bring a damn army down here. In this place, it wouldn’t mean jack shit… Right now, you have no chance of escape from my 「Tribe Called Quest」.”

From behind her, like a shadow, a figure emerged. It’s mouth was a forest of nail-like teeth, restraints of metal jutting out from its body, the black-and-red looking like a bloody shadow. Nico felt the red flush of anger depart, leaving his cheeks pale. He didn’t need to read deeply for this emotional tell… The Stand was a wild monster, kept barely under control. All Stands are manifestations of the fighting spirit, of an aspect of a person’s soul… Standing behind the woman, her Stand was a manifestation of pure rage.

He wanted nothing more in the world than to run, in that moment. Panic took over both him and Gioia, but as they tried to lift their legs and move to a more favorable position…

“What… Is this…?!” Gioia stammered out. Her bag, her legs, her clothes… Her whole body, indeed, felt as though it had weights sewn into it.

“Who… Who the hell are you?!” Nico cried out, a dark crimson haze coming over the battlefield.

“... Good frickin’ grief… Your boss really didn’t tell you shit, did they? I almost feel bad, now… Listen up, ‘cause I’ll only say it one time! My name is Pão de Queijo! I’m the leader of the XIIth Street Gang! And I got some beef with the Black Beetles…”

She cracked her knuckles and took a fighting stance. Her 「Tribe Called Quest」 shook with rage, its eyes darting between the two of them.

“So, sorry in advance if I play a little rough with you two.”

Location: The sunset-lit villa which acts as the base of the Latin-American XIIth Street Gang! Currently mostly empty, besides the Gang’s most dangerous member, the leader, Pão de Queijo! A Map of the Arena Proper is located here. Each individual square on the map represents a space of 2x2 square meters.The purple, pink, and red squares represent the starting positions of Gioia, Nico, and Pão, respectively.

The arena is surrounded on all sides by 10-foot tall stone walls, with a ground floor made of faux-wooden floorboards.The beige squares represent 10-ft tall Stone Pillars, which hold up and support an awning-like wooden roof. The grey squares are a set of cast-iron benches, and the green squares represent beautiful arrangements of potted flowers kept on display. The large blue area behind the players is a swimming pool, around 12 feet deep, and finally, the silver squares behind Pão represent the metal gate used to enter the pool area. The gate is currently closed shut, with a heavy and unwieldy unlocking mechanism in the best of times, made incredibly difficult to open by the current steady increase of Gravity.

Goal: Defeat the Boss of the XIIth Street Gang!

Boss Information:

Name: Pão de Queijo

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Occupation: Gang Leader

Appearance: Pão stands at an imposing 200 cm in height, with an extremely well-built form. Her hair is black and tied in numerous thin braids which resemble dreadlocks, and she wears a bandana on her head with the letters “XII” written on them in large font. She wears three silver-necklaces which once again spell out “XII”, and a short-sleeved crop-top with an “X” shape cut out of the chest area. She wears black arm sleeves that end in an arrow-like point at the wrists, and off the back of her shirt, numerous strips of multi-patterned fabric dangle off. She wears loose-fitting black pants, and a pair of gladiator sandals. From her pants, multiple metal charms shaped like “X”s and “I”s hand off, and at the back, a large piece of black fabric dangles off, almost like a tattered half-Pteruges. She wears a perpetual stern expression, or scowl of annoyance, on her face.

Art of Pão and her Stand by the wonderful Boy George, Noodle, and Faye respectively.

Personality: Pão is no-nonsense and aggressive, keeping a focused demeanor at basically all times. She often comes off as rude and uncaring, mostly because she has no desire to hide the way she really feels about people or situations from the world. She is blunt and somewhat violent, but far from a fool; she possesses strong leadership traits and organizational skills, and is fanatically respected in her organization. She believes that Power, the ability to enact change on the world, is the most valuable thing on the planet, and that without Power, ideals are simply meaningless platitudes. To that end, she seeks power in all forms to make sure she is able to avoid her own ideals falling to that fate.



Strength: 5 (From gifted natural strength and as a result of intense physical training, Pão’s strength is enough to strike fear in even the toughest of fighters.)

Agility: 5 (Due to careful training, Pão has retained extremely high speed and flexibility despite her strength, as well as honed reflexes and agility.)

Endurance: 5 (A life of hardship has resulted in Pão being able to sustain extreme amounts of damage before going down, and intense training has resulted in a seemingly unending well of stamina to draw from.)

Special Skill - Gravity Training: 3 (Pão has used her Stand to supplement her own training, and as such has built up a tolerance to its effects. She can retain nearly full normal physical capacity up to three Gs, and can sustain up to five Gs for prolonged periods of time with only minor ill effects. Even past that point, she can still withstand the effects of higher gravity longer than other people, though even she does have a limit. She is also able to withstand rapid changes on the direction of gravity on her body that occurs from Gravity Redirect Zones)

Special Skill - Street Fighting: 2 (Through numerous scuffles and combats, Pão has self-taught herself the basics of fighting; she is able to put her full strength into her attacks, and is somewhat proficient at simple grappling techniques. To call it a fighting style, though, would be a slight to all who consider the martial arts their life; it is less a style, and more a brutality.)

STAND NAME: 「Tribe Called Quest」

Stand Type: Mid-Range Power

Stand Appearance: 「Tribe Called Quest」 appears as a large, masculine humanoid, with a menacing aura. As a manifestation of Pão’s focused rage, 「Tribe Called Quest」 gives off the impression of a barely restrained monster; it’s face set in an eternal scowl, its only noises, low growls and impassioned screams of anger. The Stand has numerous metal rings connected to its body by thin rods, with strips of cloth dangling from them like rags. It also has a mohawk-like headpiece of metal adorning its skull. Textured on the Stand’s body are numerous arrows which point downwards towards the Stand’s feet, including a large one on the middle of its chest which resembles a deep V-Neck.

Art of 「Tribe Called Quest」 and its User from Boy George, Noodle, and Faye respectively.

Stand Ability: 「High-Gravity Zone」 - 「Tribe Called Quest」’s Stand Ability is to turn the world within its range into a High-Gravity Zone. It is a simple and direct ability; upon its activation, every person, object, and Stand within 「Tribe Called Quest」’s range will feel Gravity double instantly. Over time, the gravity within the Zone will gradually increase further, at a rough rate of 1G per 45 seconds. The only thing spared from this Gravity increase is 「Tribe Called Quest」 itself; even Pão is subject to this ability. At any time, Pão can ‘pause’ the gradual increase, causing gravity to stop increasing further until she resumes the effect. However, Pão has no way to lower the gravity in a High-Gravity Zone; the only way to do that would be for her to dispel the effect entirely, at which point she would be forced to start over from 2x Earth’s Gravity once again.

「Gravity Redirection」 - Within 2 meters of its physical form, 「Tribe Called Quest」 possesses a secondary ability; it can change the direction of Gravity within that 2 Meter Zone to any direction it wishes instantly. This gravity will of course be equal to the current gravity within the larger High-Gravity Zone, and once again affects everything; Objects, people (Including Pão), and Stands (Excluding itself).


Destructive Power: A (「Tribe Called Quest」 is able to effortlessly bend steel and crush through stone, and theoretically, the increased gravity within High-Gravity Zones is able to increase forever, to an infinite force.)

Speed: D (The Stand itself moves with no incredible speed, and beyond the initial doubling, the increase in gravity within High-Gravity Zones is fairly gradual.)

Range: C (「Tribe Called Quest」 can move up to a maximum of 20 meters away from Pão, and High-Gravity Zones similarly will always be in a 20-meter Radius from Pão’s position. 「Tribe Called Quest」’s secondary ability of Gravity Redirection only affects the area in a 2 meter radius of the Stand’s body.)

Durability: C (The amount of damage that 「Tribe Called Quest」 can take is entirely average for a Stand, although it is worth once again reiterating that it is the only thing that is immune to its own High-Gravity Zones and Gravity Redirection, and that the ‘Damage’ that those abilities inflict to Pão do not transfer to the Stand.)

Precision: S1 (While the Stand’s physical movements are about average precision, around D Rank, all of 「Tribe Called Quest」’s abilities are completely indiscriminate and affect every single thing within range, including its own User. The Stand’s senses also leave much to be desired.)

Team Combatant JoJolity
Fairy Fellers Gioia Arancini “Maybe I can't keep my balance because I'm putting too much force into it... I have to propel it more carefully, like a rocket... In a straight line...” This environment changes the things you can do with your Stand quite heavily. Turn that setback on its head, and use this unique situation to your advantage!
Sweetwater Visitors Nico Wolfram “No regrets. About anything that has happened on our journey at this point or will happen or will happen from this point on. I will regret nothing.” You may have been unsure of whether not to help Gioia, but your mind is now set and you’ll see this through to the end. Play an offensive role as much as possible!
XIIth Street Pão de Queijo “The fight he had with the other guard, even though it was vicious and extreme, it was just simple punching... But, this! He's gone beyond normal human physical movements!” Make use of your own physical strength as much as possible!

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Submitted June 17, 2019 at 03:00AM by Logic_Sandwich

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