Sunday, June 2, 2019

"Give my son your prize, now!"

Backstory: Me and Alex (not his real name) are good friends since we're 7 years old. We went to to the same school and been in the same class, and we both share one thing in common: We love drawing. Alex's mum (EM) has sent him to art class since he was only 6. While I get to join the art class when I was 8 because my family is not doing well back then.

5 years ago when we were 10, the school organized a drawing/coloring competition for students age 8-12. Alex and I are both interested and signed up immediately.

On the day of the competition, all participants are moved into a hall with chair and tables already arranged. We took a seat far away in the back because it's less distracting. At this point, parents are allowed to enter the hall and watch their kids draw. My mum and dad was at work so it was only me that time.

Karen enters the hall and come towards our table. Karen: "I didn't know you'd be participating." I nodded at her and trying to avoid eye contact. Karen and I still hated each other because of the incident that happened at her house years ago (I'll write in the next post)

Karen, suddenly took my unfinished drawing without my permission and placed it next to her son's. Comparing them.

Me: "I'm not done with that yet--"

Karen: "Just let me "borrow" it. It's not like I'm going to ruin it."

Me: "But the time is almost running out."

Karen: "Well, it's your fault if the drawing is not finished by now because you're slow."

Knowing Karen won't give back my paper, I had to take it from her by force. Karen didn't like that, but didn't say anything (thank god) she walked away and her son looked so embarrassed by his mom's behavior.

We submitted the drawing to the table in the front hall. Unfinished or drawings that are not related to the topic are disqualified. Everyone watched as the judges decide who is in and who is out.

*Karen, talking to one of the teacher: "Excuse me, do you think you can make my son win the first place in this competition? "

Teacher (confused) : "I'm sorry ma'am. It is not up to me to decide who will be the winner."

Karen: "You can tell the judges. And then ask them to put my son on the first place."

Teacher: "I can't ma'am. It's not fair."

Karen: "You can. You're the teacher, right? They'll definitely listen to you. "

The conversation can be heard by many people and some walked away because what Karen was trying to do there is absolutely dis.gus.tang.

Fast forward to where they announce the winners. Karen is looking confident as hell while I waited nervously.


I won the first place. Alex got third. I went to the stage and received a trophy, along with gifts (candies, notebooks,snacks) and an envelope which contains money worth RM100 inside it. I got off the stage feeling really happy.

Alex and I congratulated on each other when his mom came and stood right in front of me.

Karen: "How did this happen? My son has been in art class longer than you! He deserves the prize!."

Me: "wat."

Karen: "You must have CHEATED!! My son is far talented than you!! CHEATER!! Now give me your prizes!!"

This 37 year old lady is there literally stomping her legs like a child wanting me to hand over the prize.

Me: "I won, so it's mine. End of story."

Karen: "HOW DARE you talk to me like that I'm an adult. Kids should always listen to adults. Didn't they teach you that at home? Your parents must be so disappointed in you right now!! HAND.OVER.THE.PRIZE."

Everyone saw what happened, but none stopped and help. 10 year old me was already scared to even talk.

Me: "I want to go home."

Karen:"Hand over the prize first then I'll let you go!."

I don't have any other options so I sprinted towards the gate but failed. Karen pulled the collar of my shirt and reached for the envelope that contains money. Her nails scratches my cheek and in defense, I pushed her hard to the ground.


Security guard was called. Few teacher came.

SG: "Whats going on here? "


SG was having none of it and told me to call my mom and go home and let him handle the situation.

I don't know what happened after I went home. And I definitely do not want to know. Alex did apologize to me for what his mother have done, but I don't think he should apologize. From that day onward I swear I would never ever see that crazy lady again in my life.

Submitted June 03, 2019 at 04:55AM by W-A-L-K-E-R

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