Monday, June 10, 2019

Fee fee FELICIA and I'm not for sale

My stepdaughters fist dance is coming up!! Of course that means fights between parents and kids of dresses and what's appropriate if you have a teenager you know what I'm talking about...I have two...(yes I'm going gray) the worst fight was with my SD biomom..she had arranged and was trying to force my daughter to go on a date with a boy - no way in f@#$$>; hell ! She will never be pressured to do anything like that, not with anyone, not by anyone. In the end, we won and she is going with my recommendation and going with a group of her girl friends. SD is just in her words not ready to date and was having a panic attack about it. Now she is happy to hang out and be a pretty young lady with her friends.

This reminds me of FFF.

IF you have read the past post you can tell what a lovely and attentive mother figure she was....just a peach...- ok so you know she was anything but.

When it came time to my high school dances I at 16, was well fully grown. I used to play sports and do martial arts so I was in great shape. Never once had my mother ever taken me shopping, gotten my hair and nails done..make up...nothing. (this is relevant)

So one day when I come home in between school and work she walks up all nice and says oh we need to go shopping and have a girls day...all sweet - it was worse then a horror movie I knew something was up.

I asked why? You never want to do that plus I have work and a softball game later. She tells me we have guest and wants me to look my best.

Remember my fellow redditors, I said my stepasswhole was a different ethnicity ... mother fell into his brain washing /mind numbing bullshit.

I tell her no thank I have to work and my team needs me (hello short stop and power hitter plus I was trying for a scholarship)

I go towards the door and out walks the step jerk and I swear a flock..that's what it looked like of the same ethnicity. (Which I have no problem with that's why I am keeping this as vague as possible)

I'm stuck as I cant get in the door but this Male in his 30's walks around me like I'm some kind of....well like you were inspecting a show horse for sale. I don't like it, I dont like him either he just give me the creeps.

Then he looks me in the eyes, sees my Irish furry as he won't let me get by and states. "So much spirit, it will be fun to break her"

It clicks in my head...they were trying to marry me off...fuck this..I'm American, in America..and I'm irish.

I spit right in his face and then punch him and knock him out. (Spitting is a severe form of disrespect) and I tell them in their language that my body is not for sale and Irish will never break...we destroy those who dare try to break us.

I stepped over his body as he's coming around grab my work stuff and game stuff and run to work.

I swore that day no child of mine would ever be forced to do anything she/he didn't want especially dating.

I heard the screaming for days...they had already received money..but they couldn't force me..and since I had made such a show now their name was one would accept me...or my sisters...or even his own daughter I had ruined the family..

I took the punishment, the attempted beatings and they realized they couldn't hurt me anymore physically the did the one thing to make me run away which I will post later.

So I look at my SD smiling and think of what FFF tried to do...and how she will never ruin these moments for my family.

Submitted June 10, 2019 at 10:41PM by watsonwasaboss

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