Sunday, June 30, 2019

190303 LOONA S-Plex Fansign + 11 More LOONA Fansigns

Hello everyone! I’m back again with more fan accounts. This time… This is my very long, very late fan account for TWELVE Loona fansigns. Yes… twelve. These fansigns include the dates OT12 fansigns 190303, 190309, 190317, 190324, 190330, and 190406, as well as the following solo member fansigns. Jinsoul 190526; Choerry 190602; Yves 190609; Chuu 190616; Go Won 190623, and Olivia Hye 190630!

Proof/OT12 pictures of all six butterfly fansigns:

Of course, it’s impossible for me to go over every single detail from every sign, this would be an entire book if I did. And I felt like it was too many events to split up in to different posts and turn in to spam -- so I’m going to make an overview of all of the fansigns for a general account! I hope you enjoy!

First, I have been attending Loona fansigns for quite a while, and I try to go to every single event if possible (fansign, concert, fanmeets, festivals, etc). I attended all six Butterfly promotion fansigns. I attended the Loonaverse concert for both days, but due to the Kakao M album production issue, the fansigns did not start until a couple of weeks after the concert.

Second, I need to give a big huge thankful shout out to r/Loona for being instrumental in me attending so many fansigns. I opened a group order for albums to help myself get in, and due to their support, I was able to get in to all that I tried for. Thank you!! I’m going to break down highlights by members, and group all their fansigns together in to each member section for ease of reading!


Heejin and I have a love-hate relationship. Okay, that’s obviously exaggerated, I love Heejin to death, and she is truly one of the sweetest people on the entire planet. What I mean is -- Heejin is always seated first at fansigns no matter which order they are sitting in (for half of the Butterfly fansigns, they switched up the seating order).

This means that I’m always the MOST awkward with Heejin, simply because I’m always still quite nervous. It takes some time to get through all twelve girls at the fansigns, and by the time you’re halfway through and it’s been 15 minutes, you’ve gotten comfortable enough to open up and not be as withdrawn and nervous with the members. Poor Heejin always gets me (and everyone else) at their most nervous! The first two fansigns, I was exceptionally socially inept and barely was able to talk to her, since it had been some time since I’d seen them at the ++ fansigns. I stumbled over my Korean a lot, but she was always so patient with me! One time, she grabbed my hand and said it’s okay, slow down~ Talk slowly, don’t be nervous!

Also, it’s well known that Heejin is incredibly pretty. She has very unique features -- a lot of Koreans think she is mixed, only half-Korean, because they think she looks a bit foreign. In person she is so delicate and her deep voice is really smoothing. She’s very patient with my annoying dumb self!

She says her favorite song on xx is Curiosity, and favorite ++ song is Yeolgi (Heat). When asked her favorite solo, she told me couldn’t choose, but if she could choose one to perform herself, she’d like to do Egoist! She said Butterfly made her feel proud as a member of Loona, because of the strong message it had for their female fans. I asked her which country she’d like to visit for fun (not work) if she could choose anywhere. She said she’d want to go back to Europe!


Hyunjin is a really hilarious person to me. I think she’s such a troll -- but her unassuming appearance and innocent demeanor makes people underestimate her. She’s ALWAYS playing with, annoying, bothering, laughing at, and being silly to the other members. I think her cutest interactions are always with Yeojin. Her and Yeojin mess around a lot. Hyunjin also is really cute with Haseul, the pair play around a lot during fansigns! I LOVE her.

At the first fansign, I told her that if I got another cat, I would name it Bread, for her. She looked at me with these huge saucer-like eyes and goes “Don’t do that.” LMAO. That’s it, just “don’t do that”. I laughed so hard I didn’t even get a chance to say much else. The third fansign, I told her that Around You was still one of my absolute favorite of the solo songs, and she grabbed both of my hands and started singing the song to me, serenading me right then and there on the spot. I swear I almost jumped bias ship that day.

Hyunjin is one of those people that you look at her and at her MVs and think she’s a very soft spoken, quiet, innocent person, but in reality she’s SUPER mischievous and has this great, super dry sense of humor. At the last fansign for xx, when they were in “casual” clothes, I said that I liked Hyunjin’s personal sense of style, since she had dressed herself. Then she looked at me and goes “This is the first thing I pulled out of my closet,” in the most deadpan voice ever. Anyways, the lesson today is that we should all stan Hyunjin and stream Around You.


I know it’s all missing Haseul hours right now until she comes back from hiatus, but at the fansigns she was all positive energy and bubbly, just like we all know her to be. Haseul is one of the easier members for me to talk to, and I don’t really know why. Of course, ALL of them are easy to get along with and talk to, but Haseul is just a very warm and open person, and really is the “mom” friend. She really takes you under her wing. Her English is very good since she studied in America, so even though her and I mainly speak in Korean -- she still can understand me if I don’t know a word in Korean.

I told Haseul at EVERY. SINGLE. FANSIGN. That I really really loved her short hair. She told me when they first brought up the idea of cutting it to her, she was all for it, but she shortly after they cut it she was nervous about it. She wasn’t sure if she was genuinely in to it. But after it leaked and especially after the concert when her hair was confirmed and she saw all the super positive keyboard smashing about it, she said she regained a lot of self confidence in it, and now she realizes it’s a good style on her!

I asked her what she thought her strongest song on xx was (as in, which song did she personally perform the best?) and she thought Where U At and Colors were her personal strongest! But she really loved Satellite and Butterfly as well as really the entire album.


The cutest resident lentil bean, maknae Yeojin. Yeojin is one of the most determined members to get you to come out you shell there is. She draws on you with her sign pen, grabs your hands, fingers, arms, anything she can get her hands on really. She looks at you really deeply while you’re talking to her and really listens to everything you have to say! Yeojin always remembers my name and calls me “unnie” whenever I see her at the events.

Yeojin also has really good English. Even though I converse with most members in Korean, she actually really likes to talk in English to “practice”. I think being the youngest, he English skills are still fresh in her mind from school, and she also has a lot of confidence to practice. At the last fansign, she was telling me about her hobby, but had to ask Haseul to translate words she didn’t know, and it was so cute! The person behind me who was talking to Haseul was a friend, so she didn’t mind interrupting to ask Haseul to translate for her.

Yeojin told me about her favorite hobby, which is nail art, and how she practices on herself and Olivia a lot. She wanted to really practice a lot over the break between xx and Burn. She said she is going to ask BBC if they’ll let her do some nail art stuff or show of her work/do vlives and such on Loona’s various social media!

She said the only downside to Butterfly and Hi High promotions was that her tight hairstyles sometimes gives her a headache and the ++ era especially her hair took so long to style :P


VIVIIIIIII! Vivi is just so, so sweet and also incredibly hard working. She is ALWAYS putting in extra hours to perfect her Korean for not only her group members and company, but for fans as well. Of all the members, Vivi’s English is the best. Because my Korean isn’t perfect and she is also still learning (but hers is still better than mine) she is actually the one member it is easier for me to speak with in English than Korean. I believe it comes from her being from Hong Kong, where English is a very commonly spoken language and also one of the “official” ones, in addition to Cantonese. However, when fans who speak Cantonese occasionally do get to converse with her in her native tongue at fansigns, you can instantly tell the difference in her demeanor! While speaking in Korean and English, she is a bit more reserved and has to think about her answers and what she wants to say, but as soon as a fan speaks to her in her native tongue she gets super animated and bubbly and excited. It really is super heartwarming to see, and I’m sure it makes her feel genuinely happy as well!

Vivi is also a really great artist. I’ve gotten post its form her before where I asked her to draw things and she has such an elegant, feminine, and beautiful art style. I asked her what she would want to do if she weren’t an idol, and she said she missed her modeling days, but mostly she’d want to be “a creative”. She’d want to be an artist and paint. I asked her if she would ever consider uploading her art to Loona’s sns, or draw on camera, and she said she’s afraid she’d be too shy… but if Orbits wanted to see it, she might try!

I asked her what the hardest part about living in a foreign country was, as I too live in Korea but come from a far away place. She said making deep connections was hard at first, because she wanted to talk to people but the language barrier made it hard. She said she is a very open minded person and likes to connect with people and it’s hard when language limits that. But, she said, she’s very happy here, and wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.


As I said in my past fan accounts for Loona, Kim Lip has always been the easiest for me to talk to. I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s just her and I that “click” the most, or we are on the same level as far as interaction goes, but I always look forward to talking to her the most!

I know it’s pretty obvious at this point, but Kim Lip is a fucking visual. She’s incredibly gorgeous in person. Her dark hair is a huge departure from her blonde, and she said that she was nervous about it at first because most fans had gotten to know her only with blonde, and she was nervous that they wouldn’t like the dark hair as much. But now, she thinks it makes her look sexy.

She also said that right now, she’s trying to really study English. She really loves all the international fans and feels bad that she can’t communicate with them as much as possible. She gets a lot of fan letters and messages from international orbits on the fan cafe, but she wishes she could understand them more and even respond back. So, she told me she’s been really studying hard, and wants to learn more English. She suggested we study together -- her English, me Korean! I said by the next comeback, both of us will be fluent. She shook her head and said “Unnie I think I’m going to let you down one more time…” (The first time was apparently when she promised she would learn English by xx comeback :P)


Full disclosure: Jinsoul is my bias. My ult girl group bias. I love her more than anything in the world, and I always make sure to tell her that when I see her at fansigns. At first, Jinsoul and I were a bit awkward because of my language barrier, but now that I’ve been improving and we’ve chatted on more occasions and I’ve given her lots of gifts and fanletters, I’m a lot less awkward and more comfortable! She now remembers me by name and is really sweet when it’s my turn to see her, and I’m very grateful for that.

At the third fansign she said she thinks my Korean is getting better, and I asked her if she’s studying any languages right now. She said she’s studying a bit of Japanese, so maybe it’s for their upcoming Japanese debut? She told me she’d seen some of the pictures from fansigns that I’ve posted and said they’re really nice, so I was having a slight (read: MAJOR) fangirl panic moment knowing she’d seen my photos.

At her solo fansign, she asked me if I had dyed my hair. At the Butterfly fansigns I had my natural dirty blonde hair color, but before her solo I’d dyed it black. She said that the black hair looked nice on me, and I thanked her for remembering. I asked her if she was interested in dying her hair soon too, or if she was happy with her blonde. She didn’t answer verbally, she looked at me with what I can only describe as the 👀 emoji. She looked like she WANTED to say something/give a spoiler, but wasn’t able to :P Maybe we’ll get dark haired Jinsoul for Burn after all…

I also told her I was SUPER happy that they were doing solo fansigns again -- and she said yes, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it? I asked her (and other members) to do more in the future. She said she wanted to, and that maaaaaaybe it was in the cards… I asked if maybe Unit fansigns were as well, and she said she doesn’t know if it’s in the plan yet, but she would love to either do a Mix/Max & Match anniversary fansign, or do newer Unit stuff!


Choerry is an impossible ray of sunshine, literally vitamin C in human form. You just can’t be sad around her. She’s a very fanservicey person, loves to interact with the audience and pose for cute pictures, as well as act “4D” and weird for fun.

Choerry also likes to practice her English although… well, she really really tries lol. Her English is quite good actually! But she’s also says the funniest things. One time she asked me if I would ever consider keeping cockroaches as pets, since a fan had given her a “toy” one at this particular fansign. I told her I would be way too scared to own cockroaches and she said she heard they’re super loyal and friendly. I gave her the most horrified face I could muster and she laughed and said if she ever wanted to get a “scary” pet that the members would kick her out.

Choerry said she couldn’t pick a favorite song on xx, because she liked them all and also really loved to perform them, but one of her favorites to perform is Colors.

At her solo fansign, I told her that I’d bought a lot of albums (because of my group order) to get in and that a lot of international orbits really wanted to own her albums. She said that made her really excited. When I told her how many I bought, she made the >:O face and said that’s way too many and “WHY?!” I said because I really wanted to see you of course! I told her I hope she is happy today and she told me “If I eat unnie’s love, I’ll always be happy.”


Yves is another member that I really vibe with. Yves is totally unfair in person, she is sooooo kind and loves to give lots of fanservice. When you speak to her, she looks at you like you’re the most important person in the world. She remembered that I used to have a different hair color and at her solo fansign, she asked if I had dyed it recently, and said the black looks very nice on me. (big uwu)

I told her I had been watching Gashinas lately and that the show really made me miss my grandmother a lot, and it was a very wholesome, if not emotional, show. She said, “You cried a lot while watching right? Sometimes I cried when we filmed emotional scenes. I miss my granny a lot, too.” She said she felt really lucky to be a part of such a wonderful project.

I also apologized for my Korean when I stumbled over some words, and she said “You always say that and I always say it’s good!” (Which is true, I do). When she said she noticed I dyed my hair I told her she has a good memory, and she retorted back immediately with “And you have good Korean!

At the first xx fansign I had brought with me a jacket I had custom made that I called the “orbit” jacket, which had various pins, patches, and lettering that related to Loona. Originally, I had brought the jacket to show it to all the members. Yves saw it and told me that she really wanted one. She asked how much she could pay to have me make her one and I told her that I’ll give her mine at the next fansign! Which is really funny in retrospect, because I actually…. Really really loved that jacket lol, I kind of wish I didn’t give it away, but since it was given to Yves, I’m happy. :) She really loved it and wore it for a bit, and at the next fansigns she said her mom keeps it now (she doesn’t trust it at the dorm!) and had put it up on display in her house!! Here’s a few pictures of it and her with it and when she wore it for a little while! :)


I still maintain today and until the end of my days that Chuu was born to be an idol. She has the perfect demeanor for it, the perfect social skills, and knows exactly what to do or say to bring a smile to someone’s face. She is PERFECT at fanservice. No on has her beat! Like Choerry, she just exudes a happy, bright energy that is totally infectious.

I’ve said it before, but one of my favorite things about Chuu is that she loves skinship. Every single fansign I’ve ever gone to, no matter what, she ALWAYS holds my hands while I talk to her. She takes both of my hands in hers and holds them while we speak. She also is really encouraging when I stumble on my Korean. She helps me slow down and also helps me try to say things (when she can understand). Her English is really cute. She also really, really, reallyreallyreallyREALLY loves America. Anything about America. The food, the cities, the buildings, the music. She wants to go to America SO BAD. She asked me if she could come back to America with me, but I told her that even though I’m American, I live in Korea :P She said that her home is where I am. She said her and I should study English together so she can go to America with confidence.

I said that I need to study harder myself. She said I’m already good and don’t need to. But, won’t that make me lazy? I told her. She squeezes my hands and says, “Isn’t laziness the key to happiness?”


Go Won and I are admittedly an awkward pair :) And not in a bad way! Go Won is a very soft spoken and thoughtful person, and doesn’t talk or ramble more than she needs to, which I respect! She’s exceptionally sweet and so so so pretty. She’s also TINY -- incredibly petite in every single way. She’s very soft and dainty all over. I was worried that since I am usually a bit awkward with her at OT12 fansigns, that at her solo it would be even more so. But!

I was pleasantly surprised that she seemed more relaxed at the solo fansign! She remembered my name and some things I said to her at the xx fansigns, and also that I had played Rock Paper Scissors with her from the audience at previous fansigns. I told her I wanted to challenge her at all upcoming events to a game and keep score of who wins the most. I asked her if she’d like to play and she got really excited and immediately put her hand down to do it! We did best 2 out of 3 and tied twice, but she ended up faking me out and beating me in the end. I’ll keep you updated on who wins in the coming months :*

I asked her if she would like to try any new hair colors or if she preferred blonde. She said she thinks her blonde hair looks really nice on her skin tone and that she wouldn’t mind keeping it for a while longer, but if they wanted to change her hair color she would also be excited to try anything new!


In a previous fan account thread, I said that Olivia was my precious awkward gothic baby, and that still holds true. Olivia is a real knock out, in person she just exudes this mysterious cool persona, but when you talk to her she’s actually a full stop nerd who loves to ramble about geeky stuff and things she’s been into lately. I love her deep, husky voice a lot. I think it adds to her cool persona.

Because most of the time Olivia is last, I usually get to chat with her a bit longer, and my favorite thing is to ask her is what her favorite game/anime/show/movie etc is right now, because she usually likes to talk at length excitedly about the things she likes, and it’s really cute! She said she’d love to practice new and old concepts alike and that she was really excited to do both the Fire and Cherry Bomb covers. She said she’d love to do even more Loona songs with hard choreo, but when they have to sing too it’s a bit hard, which I totally understand. But she really loves doing the boys’ choreo just as much as Loona’s!

At one of the xx fansigns I asked her which OT12 song was her favorite, as well as her favorite solo. She said she likes Hi High, favOriTe, and Curiosity a lot. Her favorite solo -- she couldn’t pick. But she still really loves Egoist lmao.

Well that about does it for me! I have a few more extra misc pictures this way, including from the two days of LOONAVERSE concert as well as fansigns. It’s not much, but I’ll upload the HQs I took over time (when I’m not so busy!) I know that was a long read, but twelve fansigns is… a lot. Thank you for reading this massive wall of text if you made it this far! Lately I have been trying to post more short snippets and also do lives from events on twitter.

I hope to continue writing Loona fan accounts for a long time (maybe not as long though… that remains to be seen). I also want to again thank r/Loona and everyone who joined my group order for albums, as well as I hope that all Orbits one day get the opportunity to meet the girls in real life some day! They’re totally and unequivocally worth it, all 12 are amazing, talented, kind individuals! Who is your bias? Who would you love to meet one day?


Submitted June 30, 2019 at 07:01PM by kikistiel

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