Monday, March 25, 2019

国外有几个人读过三国?未来美剧版? [转载] 【亚马逊书评】三个王国 by 亚夫拉航 on 2016-10-04

Three Kingdoms (Chinese Classics, 4Volumes)

龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com三个王国(中国古典文学,四册装)龙腾网


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LuoGuanzhong (Author), Moss Roberts (Translator)
罗贯中(著),Moss Roberts(译)


Book Description
Publication Date: 2008
One of the four greatestliterature piece from China. Enjoy the adventures of Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and SunQuan now! One of the Four greatest Chinese Literature. Collect them all:Journey to the West, Three Kingdoms, A Dream of Red Mansions, Outlaws of theMarsh.
中国四大名著之一。四大名著包括《一路向西》(Journey to the West),《三个王国》(ThreeKingdoms),《红色豪宅里的一个梦》(A Dream of Red Mansions),《沼泽边的不法之徒》(Outlaws of the Marsh)。一起来感受刘备、曹操和孙权的传奇历程吧!

Customer Reviews
I can't read (classical) chinese, but myimpression of the translation is very good. ”
Arthur Danskin  |  18reviewers made a similar statement
Arthur Danskin,18人赞同

Now that I have gotten far into it, I canhonestly say that this is a great book for anyone that has heard about it orjust curious about it.
Quentin |  17 reviewers made a similarstatement

Characters are epic and complex and hestoryline is iaginative and rich.
lolo  |  18 reviewers made a similar statement

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com最佳评论龙腾网
By "g_l_p"
First off, you have to read the fulltranslation of this book. I read the 1976 abridged version of Three Kingdomstranslated by Moss Roberts first and thought it was pretty good, but felt thatthe story wasn't developed enough and lacked cohesion. Then a few years ago Ifinally found and purchased the full unabridged version published by theUniversity of California Press and also translated by Dr. Roberts. This is thefull-blown epic from start to finish with all the details and many of thetranslation errors of the previous editions eliminated. The prose was also improvedand flows eloquently throughout the book's entire 3000+ pages. Three Kingdomsis the tale (part historical, part legend and myth) of the fall of the LaterHan Dynasty of China.
Itchronicles the lives of those feudal lords and their retainers who tried toeither replace the empire or restore it. While the novel actually followsliterally hundreds of characters, the focus is mainly on the 3 families whowould eventually carve out the 3 kingdoms from the remnants of the Han. The Liufamily in the Shu kingdom led by Liu Bei, The Cao family in Wei led by Cao Cao,and the Sun family in Wu eventually led by Sun Quan. The book deals with theplots, personal and army battles, intrigues, and struggles of these families toachieve dominance for almost 100 yrs. This book also gives you a sense of theway the Chinese view their history: cyclical rather than linear (as in theWest).
The first and last lines of the book sumthis view up best: "The empire long united must divide..." and"The empire long divided must unite..." If you are at least a littleinterested in Chinese history (ancient or modern) and culture this book is amust read.
首先,你读的译本一定要是完整翻译的。我曾读到一本1976年版的,由Moss Roberts翻译,是删节过的。当时还觉得“这书好棒啊”,读着读着就觉得故事发展得不充分,剧情散乱。几年后我终于买到了加州大学出版社的未删节版,也是Moss Roberts博士翻译的,但是细节完整,而且上一版的各种错误也订正了。我这才知道这是怎样一本史诗巨作。全书语言极其优美,流畅而富有张力,简直感觉不出这是一本厚达三千多页的大部头作品。



A fine, if somewhatmodernized, translation of the classic.
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.comBy D. Mok
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com很好的翻译,就是有点直白化了龙腾网
D. Mok
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms"is possibly the most famous and important novel in classic Chinese literature.Not only is it the earliest of the "Four Great Books" (as evidencedby its more archaic language), but it created a complete cultural phenomenonwhose impact is still fresh today -- just ask all the young people today who,without having read a word of the book, still know the characters from thestrategy and fighting video games released by the company Koei. And how manyliterary works can claim to have had a direct impact on history as this book,which was used as a strategy text by the great Manchurian leader Nurhachi andhis son Hongtaiji?

I'd read the original archaic text when Iwas about eight years old, so obviously my views will be heavily slanted by myfamiliarity with this text. On approaching this translation, what I find is awell done, respectful and informative translation that doesn't quite nail thetone of the original text, but will be a good read for modern readers who don'tread Chinese.

And to be honest, Chinese is extremely hardto translate into English. Just the fact that subjects, articles and pronounsare often omitted from a sentence is enough to cause nightmares for aChinese-English translator. And even by Chinese standards, The Three Kingdomsis a work whose linguistic economy is staggering. In one page, this book canconvey the deaths of half a dozen characters, three to four battles, multipleschemes, and include four or five "tribute" poems, to boot. Such isthe style of this work, and it could not have been easy for translatorMoss Roberts to adapt this style into English. And he has done thejob remarkably, for though I don't think he was able to convey the flavour andrhythm of the original language (the question is, also, whether that would havebeen possible), his translation makes a good read, and strives to be faithfulto the original text, down to the chapter divisions and the inclusion of the"tribute" poems which frequent the book. This was an essential piecein the style of the book and I was joyed to see the device retained.

There are instances scattered throughoutwhere I felt the tone of the language may have been misinterpreted, or dilutedby the language barrier. Obviously, I'm not a Chinese professor (as Prof. Robertsis), but as a native speaker, I felt his translations sometimes didn't quitehit the mark. For example, in the original text, one poem on the character CaoCao distinctly used a word which meant "deception" or"guile", but Prof. Roberts adapted it to "craft", whichdilutes the disapproving tone of the original. When Yuan Shao refused aid toLiu Bei on account of his son's illness, his advice to the messenger was"if he is in trouble, he may seek refuge with me", which suggests patronage,not "find refuge north of the river", which suggests a tacticalmanoeuvre related to geography. These are but two examples and you cancertainly argue that the meaning of the original text is up for grabs, but as aChinese native speaker and reader, one who has grown up with this text andre-read the book hundreds of times, I still find the translation a little off.There is also no attempt at creating period flavour in the language -- thetranslation is modern, not aiming to add archaic English flavour to try to reflectthe age of the original Chinese text. This may be a good point, however, sincethe use of archaic English added to the language barrier might have resulted ina book that's very difficult to read. I think Prof. Roberts sacrificed flavourfor clarity, a fair tradeoff to the benefit of the translation.

Again, the question is whether an Englishtranslation (or any other translation) could ever be accurate in this way tothe original. Personally, I do think many of the discrepancies in meaning couldhave been avoided, or ameliorated. However, as aforementioned, for a readerwho's never read the original, this issue won't affect his/her enjoyment of thetext. Just the fact that there is a translation of this extremely importantwork of Chinese literature is a cause for celebration, and for those people newto this realm, this set of books is a great discovery.


实话说,中文本身是很极难翻译成英文的。光是各式各样的省略,就能把中翻英的译者们活活虐哭。至于《三国演义》……就算以中文书籍的标准来看,此书也堪称“惜字如金”了。在书中的某一页里,作者连着摁死了近十个人物,描写了三、四场战斗,交代了好几个计划方针,还写了四、五首“颂词”。《三国》就是这么个行文方式,想必担当翻译的Moss Roberts也觉得很不好处理吧。我一直认为,中文古典一旦翻译就会失去原作的风味、再也找不到原有的气韵,在这一点上,虽然翻译Moss Roberts也不能例外,但他的翻译也相当优秀了。从文中也看得出译者在尽可能的“忠于原著”,不论是那些章节分类,还是时不时出现的诗词,都做了最大限度的还原。这些内容对于全书的风格来说非常重要,能看到这些部分被保留下来真是太开心了。

只不过,纵观全文,我觉得有很多微妙的部分是被翻译错了。或者说,是因为语言本身的问题,原来隐含的意思被消弱了。当然,我本人不是中文方面的专家教授(Moss Roberts教授才是),但作为一个将中文当做母语的人,我觉得有些地方的翻译确实没说到点上。例如:在中文原著中,曹操有一次说了一个大意为“欺骗”“欺诈”的词,结果我们的Roberts直接翻译成了“技巧”,这下原话里面隐含的贬义便没有了。还有一次,是袁绍因为自己儿子生病了,所以拒绝帮助刘备,他交代使者传达的原话大概是“如果刘备有了麻烦,就到我这儿避难吧”,隐含的意思是“到时候我愿意提供帮助”。结果Moss Roberts教授把这话翻译成了“如果他有了麻烦,就到河的北边寻求保护吧”,这话听起来倒像是一种战略指导了。当然,看到这两个例子,您或许会认为这种偏差只是见仁见智的事情,但作为一名中文母语者,一位将《三国演义》从小看到大,不知道读了几百遍的读者,我觉得这个翻译还是有点问题。而且,这个译本也毫无展现古中文美感之意——翻译的语言完全是现代化的,甚至也没有加上点古英语来显示语言的古典气息。考虑到古英语对于现代读者来说可能难了点,翻译这样做也无可厚非。总而言之,Moss Roberts教授为了保证译本的清晰和流畅,牺牲了一部分语言的美感,现在的这个版本正是两方权衡的产物。


Quite possibly thegreatest book I've read
龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.comBy Reza龙腾网
I first became intrigued with the ThreeKingdoms's historical events when I played the game Dynasty Warriors 2 for PS2.Afterwards I was desperately searching to find the best novel translation andfinally bought the 4-volume box set translated by Moss Roberts which is theUNABRIDGED version(make sure to get this edition as it tells the whole storyw/o leaving anything out).I then set out to explore the 2200+ pages of Chinesehistory and I must say, it was a fascinating experience. I initially graspedwhat was going to happen in time but there was so much other details to thestory and idealisms portrayed. Leadership, loyalty, heroism, military tacticsand warfare, treason, and even romance play such a significant role in thisepic novel.

"The empire long united, mustdivide" and "the empire long divided, must unite" pretty muchopens and closes the novel perfectly. Heroes such as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, ZhaoYun, and Huang Gai portray such loyalty that it would be kind of hard toimagine in today's society. From the other reviews I've read, most people thinkLiu Bei (Xuande) is the protaganist of the novel and this seems very true sinceRoberts lauds Bei's characteristics and portrays Cao Cao of the evil andcunning type. Personally, I think anyone can choose their personal protaganistand for me that would be Zhao Yun because of his undisputed bravery andloyalty.

Another character that I admired wasprobably Zhuge Liang for his awe-aspiring military tactics. Zhuge was the beststrategist of his time and he wrote several books on warfare but unfortunately,most were destroyed but you can still buy one of his famous books, "TheArt of War." Warning, spoiler ahead:
This book has its sad moments particularlywhen someone important or someone who contributed a lot to his lord dies.You'll feel sympathetic towards those who fought hard as well as the ones whodied. When the book starts, it's during the impending collapse of the Han thenaround 220 is when the real three kingdoms come into play: Shu, Wu, and Wei.It's sort of like a battle to the death of who would emerge victorious and indeedthere was. Military tactics are exploited on each side and betrayal iswidespread. In the end, it would be Sima Yi's family who would unite Chinaunder one rule, the Jin Dyansty.
我以前在PS2上面玩过真三国无双,所以对三国时期的历史非常感兴趣。为了找到此书最靠谱的译本,我搜啊搜啊……总算是找到Moss Roberts的未删节版了。买了之后,我一头扎进了这部巨作里,开始了攻略两千两百多页的漫漫旅程。我得说,这可真是一场奇妙的旅程啊。一开始我还只专注于搞清发生了什么事,随后我就发现,书中的内容可不只是这样而已。书中的那些故事,还有其中的各种理念,都被细致地传达了出来。从王道、忠诚、英雄主义、到军事策略、战争、背叛、甚至是浪漫的爱情……都构成了书中非常重要的一部分,真是史诗巨著啊。

“天下分久必合,合久必分。”——小说以这句话为开头,最终也以这句话收尾,简直不能更完美了。书中像关羽、张飞、赵云、黄盖这样的英雄真是忠诚的化身啊,现代社会里应该很难再找到这样的人了吧。在我看到的一些评论里,好像大部分人都觉得刘备(玄德)是全书的主角,嗯…..既然作为翻译的Moss Roberts也称赞过刘备的美德,还说曹操就是邪恶和奸诈的化身,那刘备就是了吧……不过对于我来说,如果让我穿越到一个人身上当主角,我肯定选赵云啊。赵云又勇敢又忠诚,这个大家都承认吧!

还有一个角色是我特别喜欢的,那就是诸葛亮。这家伙真是雄才大略啊。诸葛亮应该是那个时代最好的策略家了吧,他还写了好几部讲解战争的书,不过不幸的是,其中大部分都没了。但你还是能买到他最著名的一部,叫做“The Art of War”。(译注:话说这个名字还真没有辨识度啊…应该是《兵法二十四篇》)另外,关于《三个国家》的剧情,我在这里先剧透一下哦……


Submitted March 25, 2019 at 01:56AM by robot301_02

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