Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Type Me Questionaire!

What is your age?What’s your gender?

27 Female

Any medical diagnoses mentally or physically, that may skew any answers you may give? Please don’t answer if you’re excessively emotional at the moment. Also don’t answer these questions if you are drunk or high on drugs? NOte that if you have a severe mental illness MBTI is absolutely not the place to look for answer to improve this. Please go seek a professional.

Major Depressive Disorder

Are there very significant things in your background that you would like us to consider which may effect your typing?

Had an emotional abusive childhood. Not going to go into details. I was not able to spend time with friends outside of school until after High School Graduation. I never hung out with people before then so my social life was pretty much none until 18. Also don't have close family members so I mostly spent time with my brother as a kid. I'm currently going through consistent emotional stress because of an ongoing degenerative disease one of my parents have. It's been over ten years of the parent living with the disease, but it affects me deeply in the way that I feel inclined to take care of them -- although I have a lot of negative feelings about the other parent due to their lack of emotional and mental support for me as a child. In the end, I have distanced myself from both parents. When I was younger, I was not as emotional. One of the biggest turning point in my life was when the parent was diagnosed while I was a teen. It's been a struggle for the entire family.

1. When you are reading for information or studying for an exam what do you tend to pay attention naturally to most and why? How about when researching what is your methods and what types of information do you naturally gravitate towards?

I pay attention to the general information including key words and try to memorize how they relate. Admittedly, I'm not too good on studying haha. When researching, I gravitate towards interesting information and how they tie into the big picture. Statistics are fine but I don't get too involved into specifics.

2. Do you enjoy taking charge of the situation? If you are called upon in terms of leadership do you feel like you can carry this out?How and why? What qualities sets you apart as a leader? What is your leadership style? Are you a good leader?

I'm a terrible leader. Have zero interest. I try to avoid it as much as I can and don't have the confidence in it. I don't have any interest in controlling people or having any responsibility over others. If I had to be a leader, I would try my best to ensure people's best skills are put to use to optimize the workflow to get things done.

3. Would you call yourself mechanically gifted or like to work with your hands? Do you find that you tend to be a kenesthetic type of learner and/or person in general? Can you describe what kinesthetic activities you enjoy?

I'm too clumsy and not mechanically gifted at all. Actually, I injure myself way too often and don't even trust my own body. Honestly I don't even do many kinesthetic activities. Most of my activities involves a computer. The closest thing I enjoy that involves taking actions is light hiking and traveling.

4. Do you consider that you are a logistical type of person? Do you find that you tend to read in to the finer details of a situation, text, problem, etc... Explain what you mean by this?

I think I covered this before, but overall no, I'm not too logistical. I do find statistics interesting but in terms of how things specifically are connect and the finer details of how things connect, I am not too terribly interested. I love seeing relations and patterns between objects/ideas, but don't care about how exactly with fine details how they are related. I do like reading into the undertones and symbolic reasons/ meaning behind people's actions, but this isn't logistics.

5. What are your hobbies? Why do you enjoy these?

I like gaming the most and have been doing so since I was a young kid. I mostly play League of Legends competitively in solo-queue. But outside of LoL, I play games to relax such as Stardew Valley and Persona series. I used to draw a lot as well -- and unlike a lot of artists I met, I enjoy art when they are done expertly and enjoy "pretty" things. So illustration is right up my alley rather than fine arts. I don't draw as much anymore since I don't find it as fulfilling (most likely due to depression) I sometimes enjoy movies and watching shows, but if I had to choose, I wouldn't spend too much time watching things.

6. How important is efficiency to you? Why? Is it most important to achieve or accomplish? Is it a nice feeling to cross off tasks from a checklist? Why is this? Do you procrastinate and what are your thoughts on procrastination? What is your thoughts about being organized?

It depends. If it's efficiency for me, I think it's pretty important but as long as the work gets done, I'm fine. But if the task at hand concerns many people, I think efficiency is extremely important. Almost 50-50 with getting the job done. In the grand scheme of things, I believe it's most important to accomplish. But for myself, it's to achieve. Simply accomplishing isn't good enough for me in terms of my goals and career. I don't keep a checklist, but if I did and I crossed things off, it wouldn't matter to me at all. A checklist is just something written down on a piece of paper IMO. I procrastinate way too much and I know it's awful to do so. Being organized is important, but I can't seem to do it for the life of me haha

7. Do you set goals? How do you go about this? If you set goals do you accomplish them? How much of these goals get accomplished? Is it something you wish you can do more of?

I don't really set goals per se. I just do things as they come and based on what's required out of me. I tend to focus on goals people set for me or for my job but otherwise I don't really have anything written to be accomplished for myself. I take it day by day.

8. What is your relation with movement and your surroundings? For instance do you prefer a sport or outdoors event? If an outdoors event what is it? And why? If not what type of activities do you tend to engage in? ?

I don't tend to notice my surroundings and remain oblivious to small things that actually happen. But I do notice strange things that other people don't notice because I'm constantly analyzing the scenery. For instance, how a tile doesn't align properly, or how dirty a window is and the shape of the markings. I don't prefer any sports, and for outdoor events, I enjoy sightseeing. But otherwise I stay at home mostly and engage online.

9. Are you always curious? Have more ideas then you can execute. What is your curiosities about? What are your ideas about is it environmental or conceptual and can you please elaborate?

I consider myself a curious person of oddities. I'm most curious about random things in which I would research online. I am a skeptic and always fact check. If something sounds a bit off, I would doubt it. I'm highly cynical. I'm curious about people's perspective, the undertones of why things happen, understanding more about the things I just experienced, played, or watch ---- and random shit that catches my eye on Reddit that I must know more about etc. I would say they're more conceptual than physical.

10. Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some forum? Describe your activity?

Nope. Too clumsy. I bump, I fall etc. I do not like working with my hands. I don't trust my movement at all. I'm mostly sedentary.

11. Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.

I've been described as an artist all my life! I like to make things pretty and love complex / messy designs. I think my biggest flaw in what I do is like I the unordinary. I like to combine things just for the sake that they look pretty. It wasn't until recently that I got more into design. Otherwise I'm definitely more as an artist than a designer. I do appreciate art with great meaning behind it that I think it's hard to execute. I don't enjoy simplistic art unless it's done very skillfully (where I go, "holy shit, I would had never thought of this / I can't do this myself"). I don't like art that's completely open to interpretations. I think a good piece of art should send a similar feeling to everyone without it being blunt / obvious but of course, each individual would have a slightly different take on it.

12. How do you tend to make decisions by thinking about them or consulting your feelings or moral compass?Are you going to base those decisions on others? something else? What is this and why? Do you tend to weigh your prose and cons?likewise explain? Can you describe this process for us? Do you feel like you rationalize your feelings or that you tend to act on your moral convictions? Why is this?

I consult my moral compass a lot but I try to remain objective if the decision is concerning a big group or in a work environment. If other people are involved, I try to ensure that everyone gets what they want although it's not really possible. Unless the subject deeply upsets me and what I believe is "wrong" (in which case I would just disassociate form it), I try to make the most optimal decision without hurting others. I'm naturally indecisive since I spend too much time trying to weight the pros and cons. If the decisions concern my relationship with others (like a friendship/ boyfriend), then I make decisions based on how I feel is right and try to also meet halfway with the other person. I feel in a relationship things are different -- and if you don't fight for what you want out of it, no one else will.

13. Do you enjoy thrilling or adventurous activities? Can you describe the nature of these said activities and what they are. Do you consider yourself a thrill seeker, and why? Have you been called brave? Do you rather be comfortable then brave and see yourself as not liking risks and live a fairly non-risky life? Please explain either way?

To be honest, nothing too thrilling besides traveling and sightseeing. I love seeing architecture, nature, people, and cool things. I love exploring the possibilities. I'm not really a thrill seeker though and live a very safe life.

14. How much weight does past experience play in your life? Why does it matter so much to you? Do you tend to use these experiences some how to make decisions or somehow impact your current actions? Can you describe how this works?

A lot. I reflect too much. When it comes to people, I tend to remember how things "used to be", and have a hard time believing people's outlook and personality doing a 180. This may be due to my past. But I don't, by any means, think that things cannot change. I just find it hard to trust things to turn out differently if I've seen a pattern in the past.

15. In general do you prefer a more deductive type of logic or an inductive type of logical framework? Can you explain why and how it works?

I can't really speak for myself accurately, but I believe I'm more deductive than inductive. I do not like making baseless assumptions unless I know for sure. As long as there are outliers, I don't believe you can logically assume things.

16. Can you often predict outcomes of what may end up happening? Is it a natural reaction to act upon these conclusions somehow by how you foresee how events may or may not unfold?

I think it's half and half? I don't believe I am more skilled at predicting than the average person. I am cynical and untrusting, so I typically always think outside of the box when it comes to outcomes and don't trust the obvious. And no, I don't act upon the conclusions usually because predictions are baseless without facts to support it. If someone asks me, I can make the prediction or I can contribute. But I don't tend to act on it.

17. Do you often trust what comes out of brainstorm? And why? Are all the possibilities equal in weight. Are some more important than others. If there are different possibilities are you as excited to try out at least a few of them or is more or less the correct answer obvious.

Not really. I trust what other people contributed but I am never 100% certain about anything. I think all possibilities have different weight, but I never fully trust anything. I believe when it comes to testing them out, I think it's mostly beneficial to test a few out but if I had to decide, I would be most excited to test the one that seems best.

18. How about positive emotions? Are you aware that you are happy, silly, something like that? Are you always aware of your emotions. Or only when you are upset or have negative emotions? Do you care about your emotions when you are not in a negative mood? Or neither of these? Can you explain this? How do you experience negative emotions or possitive ones?

Yes, I'm always aware of my emotions. I never have any doubt in my mind how I'm feeling... but to be fair most of my emotions are negative. I always care about my emotions and try to keep my environment as stress free as possible. Negative emotions are normal for me due to my depression but I can spiral in my thoughts as they do get very intense. I always know when it's happening. For positive emotions, they are fleeting but I savor them when they happen. It isn't often though.

19. If Mary is sad are you also sad or do you just know, but can’t feel? How important to you if someone is maybe a bit emotional at the moment? Is it important to feel out the mood of the room and are you able to embody this feeling? Does it matter? Is it just more important to be rational or efficient? Can you please explain thoroughly your answer as to how you think you know or feel and how you have to duplicate those feelings or if you just do? If not can you explain why a more rational approach is more appropriate? At work or at school? How about in a friendship? What type of emotional support or otherwise such as proposing solutions or otherwise do you tend to do? Can you explain why you feel this is appropriate or the best course?

I would know she's sad, and also feel sad because I tend to be sensitive to the overall mood of people. Unless I flat out don't like them -- in which case I would just not care as much. But despite that, I'm sensitive to people's emotions -- but I don't believe I per se actually feel them. I usually match people's temperament unless they're too excitable. I can't match that haha. I think it matters to feel the mood of the room so you know what's appropriate to say or do. I don't want to make anything worse for others. As for rational vs efficient, if I have to pick one, I'd pick efficiency. If something is rational but inefficient, then you're just slowing things down and making things difficult lol. It entirely depends on the situation. At work, it's efficiency, and for relationships it's a mixture of all.

20. If you ended up at a social event, don’t ask how or right now ponder the likely or unlikely chance you would actually do this, just answer the question, play along. What happens? What do you do after you get some tasty icecream or some wonderful barbeque. we know you eat it at some point. But besides this? For example, are you the first to approach random people to chat with the or the person who just prefers to be by themselves? Why is this? I usually use the venue of an icecream social or some type of church or community picnic where there are people serving food to you. Do you chat with them? Why or why not? Do you feel you are mentally exhausted burnt out from a social event and have to leave early if it’s a somewhat lengthy event? When you leave, How mentally burnt out of energy are you? Can you describe this feeling explain why?

I don't usually end up going to social events. But in the case I'm invited to one by someone, I would most likely cling to them throughout the night. It sounds annoying as shit, but I honestly don't have any interest in meeting people and not a people person. I get tired of socializing after about an hour or two and would be inclined to withdraw. I will only make smalltalk to people if I feel inclined to (such as something that's work related). I do feel mentally burnt out and would be inclined to leave early typically. Being around people for too long just makes me negative and start to feel anxious. Honestly, I would ideally spend time with people maybe a whole day out of a whole week. Unless it's with a loved one -- I wouldn't mind spending every day with them. I'm not typically authentic or myself around new people or people who aren't close. When it's with people I'm close to, I don't mind spending much time with them since I can be myself.

21. How about spending a long four day holiday weekend at home, with not one person around. No, you won’t be inviting any friends over. Do you enjoy it, may be refreshed, or at the least be fine with it?Or, do you tend to feel either mentally burnt out about it or feeling like that you need to get out of the house, socialize and interact with people? Explain why and what you’re going through or thinking.

I think I could enjoy it and can be fine with it. It won't bother me. I've spent way longer home alone without anyone around. Whether I enjoy it will depend on what I do. I definitely don't need to interact with people.

22. Do you often focus on the details and the method of doing because you want to effect an outcome decisively, and in this effect focus on the methodology of how it’s done, in terms of how you and others are both working on this process. Please explain? Does the process of how you do it not matter that much and whatever outcome is possible is focused upon matter more heavily so you tend to be very goal oriented? If the latter likewise explain?

I think the process does matter if we're focused on efficiency and getting the best results. But if we're just doing any random chore or activity where we just need to get it done, then only the outcome matters. Typically, I care most about getting it done when it comes to everyday things and projects. Unless it's competitive, then it needs to be perfection. As a competitive person, when it comes to work that matters a lot to me, I care about the process too. But everything else is completion driven.

23. How much do you care about your general appearance? Why is this? How about your surroundings, can you describe it?Is it decorated, bare, minimalist, or what? Why do you make this choice.

When I'm by myself, not much. But I am self conscious on how I look. Because of my depression and laziness, my home is a mess lmfao. But idealistically, I would like it to be filled with things I enjoy. I love decor, figurines, and plushes. I am materialistic in that sense, but I don't care about having a nice car or a nice home. I like owning things that matter to me or look nice. I used to obsessively collect figurines and merchandises from a particular video game series I loved. As for how I appear, I like to look pretty and feel pretty. Nowadays I go for comfort, but my appearance does matter. I find that when I look good, I have a more positive outlook on myself. But I can't be bothered to get my nails done or take care of myself completely.I forgot to get haircuts, and scratch way too much. I just do what I need to look presentable.

24. Does the details of your surroundings draw your attention? Are you aware of the enviromental cues and details around you? How much does decor, colors, decoration, the aesthetic mood/setting of the place matter to you? How much do you notice it? Are you generally really in sync with this stuff? Why?

I tend to notice inconsistencies in my surroundings and how everything is put together. The aesthetic mood and setting does matter, but if it's not the main focus, I wouldn't really care too much about it. I'm more open to the entire experience. I do notice it however --- but it's not like it's a big deal. I just appreciate "pretty things".

25. ARe you a fan of the art of debating/argumentation and why?How do you build an argument? Why is this? ? Why do you like or dislike it or tend to do or not do it? Do you like to play the devils advocate? Why? What are you trying to achieve here? Can you convince anyone of anything? How and why do you do this? Please elaborate?

When I was younger, I played the devil's advocate a lot. But I did notice I'd get heated when arguing. I find it hard to separate the argument from the person, themselves. Because of this, I don't really debate as much anymore. When someone has a completely different belief than me that (IMO) reflects who they are as a person, I find I get extremely bothered by it. More than I should. I don't try to change their minds however, because I don't think it's important. It's who they are. However, I am quite judgmental of it. I think the thing that bothers me the most in debates is when people don't agree to disagree or try to understand that people are different. I think it's most important to understand differences. But to me, understanding doesn't mean I have to accept it. So let's say someone is a huge anti-vaxxer, and while I understand people have different beliefs, I would not even try to befriend them. I respect them, but I don't accept their view and can't see myself befriending someone like that.

26. How carefree and unconventional are you? Why?? Do you often enjoy clowning around? Do you care about making a fool out of yourself for the fun of it just to make people laugh

I've been told I don't care enough or take things seriously enough -- but I've also been told that I take myself too seriously. I'm pretty carefree with everyday matters, but get very serious and intense in stressful situations. I've been told I'm pretty unconventional in my way of thinking -- and I don't mean this in a positive or negative way. It has it's benefits and flaws. Sometimes my train of thought would get lost for people and I'd catch myself saying things that vaguely similar to the topic but is actually off topic. But this could be due to a disorder. I've been described "weird" in the words I use and my perception. I don't clown around with most people, but I do with my significant other. Around other people, I would rather not make a fool out of myself, but that's all I do around my good friends lol. They're usually all verbal though. Not through actions. Truthfully, as I get older I try my damndest to fit in and appear normal. This isn't a humblebrag in any way. I feel embarassed of just how offbeat I can be; I think to some SP and SJs, I appear too weird in a bad way and I lack formality. It creates stress in adulthood.

27. What’s our relationship with precision? At what cost are you willing to be precise? Why? What are you precise about? Is it stuff you say or communicate in some form, details of information, or what? How good are you with facts, dates, figures, or little details of a project??

I get too obsessed over perfection and precision. I think it's important in communicating (but people have described me as too generalized and vague in my speech / my speech is really bad), and it's important when you're working to express yourself. I'm good with the generalized ideas behind most facts, but I'm weak with details unless it's the few random subjects I'm passionate about. My S/O have described me as getting obsessed with the weirdest things and having to know EVERYTHING about it. I also know random tidbits here and there, but in terms of expertise, I don't have many.

28. Do you feel you need to understand the entire theory before you proceed to use different parts of it, or does the parts matter more than the Whole? Why? Does laying out the entire argument matter more to you rather then the conclusion or to convince others? In this argument does logical consistency and logical conclusions matter? Will a good argument convince people more readily than trying to force these conclusions? Or do you feel like drawing these conclusions for them on the way is more important? Why is this?

Yes, I believe in understanding things fully before doing anything with it. I would never call myself an expert unless I know the details and the whole. When I argue, I do not care for convincing other people. I only care to explain my thoughts + knowledge + observations and to understand theirs. I believe logical consistency and conclusions do matter in argument but a good argument doesn't mean people will be convinced. A good argument is one that is both logical and serve for a greater purpose. I don't think convincing others is important -- and I definitely support people drawing conclusions themselves.

29. Do you enjoy philosophy and why? What about philosophy do you like? What type of philosophy do you enjoy?

I would say I do, but I don't go out of my way to pursue it. For that reason, I wouldn't say I enjoy philosophy entirely. I just find it interesting.

30. Do you feel like mood matters to you? Why is this? How often does your mood change?

Yes. I'm fairly moody but not outwardly towards strangers. I think mood matters a lot because it sets the stage for what's actually happening. The implications behind a person's actions can be defined by the current mood.

31. Is making up your mind very important? Do you like to change your mind, change your plans? Why? How do you do this? How happy or unhappy do you feel about doing this?

In general, it's important, but I am not a decisive person. With that said, I do not like changing my mind unless it's really needed and it's to benefit the situation. I like to focus on a particular path and work hard to reach it. I don't typically have a Plan B. Personally I'm indecisive because I usually focus on what will work best for myself and others involved --- that I take too long to decide the most optimal choice.

32. How organized would you say you are? Do you feel as if you enjoy organizing your room or belongings? Why?

Not at all. I don't enjoy organizing in general, but I appreciate organization. I organize things by category in a broad sense and when it comes to files on a computer I keep many folders and folders within other folders to organize things. But in my daily life, I don't really organize my surroundings.

33. Do you often reflect and introspect? How do you do this and why?

This is 24/7 to me. I reflect a lot about what's important to me and what has happened to me. I also daydream a bunch too. It's fun to pass time, and when I reflect on the subjects I care about, I find that I am closer to that thing and feel more at home.

34. If people are to describe you what would those descriptions look like? Do you think these are true?

The average person may say I'm withdrawn, offputting, nice, quiet, understanding, offbeat, (somewhat) funny, and self-deprecating. I think they're mostly true since that's how I display myself. It also depends on the group I'm with. If I'm around a group of people that I don't care to impress, I would probably just be described as withdrawn, quiet, and offputting. Around people that know me better, they would say I'm chill, understanding, blunt, teasing, cynical, relentless but thoughtful. When I was younger and even now, I tend to correct people or explain things when someone is wrong. I don't do that as much anymore -- I've been told it ruins the flow of conversations. I chalk it up as my lack of experience in socializing. I think I withhold a lot of who I really am and avoid voicing myself because I don't share too much which can be offputting to a lot of people. I find that I consistently surround myself with NTs the most. Next is NFs and SPs.

35. If you wish share with us what you do for a career and why? Do you enjoy this line of work? Why or why not? What aspects do you enjoy or not enjoy?

I don't have a career for now. I'm doing freelance work and doing some social media managing. I do enjoy it more than anything else I've done, but I find it boring after awhile. I get so damned easily bored of anything I do, but I suspect I have ADD that's undiagnosed. The few times I've taking Adderall, I work nonstop and feel most at ease. I just get bored with routine but I feel most safe with it. And all of my jobs have been previously routine work. But at the same time, I am scared of change and new things.

36. If you were to plan a day for friends what would your day consist of? Why? How about if your friends were from abroad or out of town? Why? Tell us your plans?

Most likely traveling. Visiting neat shops and cool places. Maybe a really cool park, try some cool restaurants, and find really unique live performances. But firstly, I'd make sure that it's something they'd enjoy doing as well. I don't like focusing on myself entirely if it's a friends' day out. For the most part, I'm too anxious to do any of this, but if I was able to, this would be the ideal day. And then, perhaps end the night relaxing at home and talking about our lives and perspectives. Maybe play some video games.

37. How do you relate to your memories? What do you tend to remember? Why? If you were to recount your memories or past how do you do so or do you not do so at all? Does anything in particular trigger memories for you?

I tend to remember things that I've attached meaning to. It could be the smallest events but I like to capture that same mood. Seeing objects that reflect that event triggers memories. Listening to music that I liked at the time when an event happened triggers memories. I also reflect and think a lot, so I would randomly recall my memories too.

38. Do you consider yourself a gamer? Do you enjoy strategy games, chess, or even those big jigsaw puzzles? Can you explain why you like these games? If you don’t play games is there a reason for it or do they not interest you? Explain?

Yup. I enjoy puzzles and strategy but I'm not too good at them. I don't usually think past 2 or 3 steps ahead. I like games with amazing characters and storyline. I also enjoy JRPGs that are turn-based. I love thinking about what to do during battles but my reflexes are shit. I also enjoy League of Legends because I'm good at a few champions I play and I love the idea of working with others to win a game. I enjoy victory.

I'm fairly certain what my type is but I find I share similarities with some other types and would like to see your take on what I am. :)

Submitted February 28, 2019 at 05:36AM by CN--Stars

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