Sunday, January 27, 2019

[Monastic Tradition] Way of the Cursed Moon | A Vampiric Tradition for Monks

The Way of the Cursed Moon is aptly named, for it is a curse to bear to many who join their ranks. Monks of the Cursed Moon are imbibers of the “Cursed Elixer”, a holy water to them compiled of vampiric blood, given only to those that complete the trials of initiation and master their unusual fighting style among other Monks. The Elixer, when drank, grants the imbiber some of the abilities that are shared with the walkers of the night, learning to infuse it with their ki. While not true vampires and not actually undead, Monks of this tradition are certainly just as terrifying an enemy to cross.

Lengthened Claws

You have completed your basic training, went through the trials of initiation, drank the Cursed Elixer and survived. You feel... different, certainly stronger and faster than you did before. However your body has gone through changes, it is paler than it was the night before, and your nails have hardened and grown longer, and you feel two canine teeth growing longer and protruding further downward. You have been blooded, and there is no going back now.

At 3rd level when you choose this tradition, the vampiric blood inside you begins to take hold, lengthening your nails and sharpening them, becoming near unbreakable.

When you make an unarmed strike you can instead deal slashing damage in place of bludgeoning damage.

Additionally, any martial melee weapon without the two-handed, heavy, reach, or special property can be a monk weapon for you.

Kiss of the Dead

Also at 3rd level, you have grown retractable fangs that you use to siphon the lifeblood from creatures and gain a powerful thirst for it.

If a creature within 5 feet of you is unconscious or affected by the stunned, paralyzed, restrained, incapacitated, or charmed conditions, you can use your action to drink their blood.

The creature takes necrotic damage equal to two dice rolls of your unarmed strike damage from your Martial Arts feature, and you are healed for half of the damage dealt.

You can expend a Ki point to increase the damage dealt by another dice roll equal to your unarmed strike damage, and you can increase this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. At level 11, you heal for the full damage dealt.

Additionally, if you feed on an unconcious victim, you can expend 2 ki points to form a blood bond with them. You always know the cardinal direction of a creature you are bonded to if they are on the same plane of existence, and you have advantage on wisdom(insight) checks against them. You can only form a blood bond with one creature at a time.

You can use this ability once per short or long rest.

Blood Magic

At 6th level, you gained the ability to tap your ki into your vampiric blood, granting you the ability to replicate certain spells.

As an action, you can expend 1 ki point to cast the Charm Person, Command and Disguise Self spells without using material components.

Additionally, you can expend 2 ki points to cast the Misty Step spell without any components.

Shifting Form

At 11th level, you have begun to tap into the final powers granted to you by your vampiric blood.

As an action, you can expend 4 ki points to polymorph into a bat, rat, or a wolf. You return to your original form after an hour has passed or by ending the effect(no action required).

This feature uses the same rules for the polymorph spell with the exception that all of your mental ability scores and alignment stay the same as before.

Maledictus Luna

At 17th level, your vampiric power is at it’s height, and you have mastered your body and mind to grant you the most terrifying power in your arsenal.

As an action, during the daytime, you blot out the sun, causing the moon to eclipse it, the sky is blood red and the moon becomes awash with a crimson glow. During this time, it is nighttime, and all effects related to it are affected.

Creatures within 60 feet of you that can see this phenomena must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC of 8+your proficiency bonus+your Wisdom modifier or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of it’s turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Creatures that are immune to the frightened condition instead have advantage on this saving throw.

Submitted January 27, 2019 at 11:09AM by ColinHasInvaded

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