Sunday, January 27, 2019

Anyone else constantly second guessing their choices??

We've been engaged since the beginning of last year and are getting married this summer. So far I've really enjoyed the wedding planning process and we've done all the main big things like choosing the dress, venue, photographer, DJ. Most of that was done last year and the venue and photographer were chosen early last year to nail down the dates.

I would say I'm quite an indecisive person and am generally quite anxious.

As time goes on I find myself looking at reddit, wedding blogs, instagram and pinterest and second guessing the choices I've made.

For example we chose our photographer because we loved her photos. She takes her photos on film, they are in the theme of fine art photography and very light beautiful photos. We also got on well with her and I felt like that was important. As time has gone on, I've been browsing the internet (as you do) and came across other photographers who have a different style (less light and shoot on digital) who also have beautiful photos and Ive been battling with lots of anxious thoughts.. have we made the right choice? Would someone else take nicer photos? Will i regret the decision when the photos come back? Are the photos too light? Cancelling ours now is not an option as we would have to pay her in full now but I can't help but feel like we've made the wrong decision and feeling like shit.

The same goes for the venue. We loved it as it was very us but after booking I felt like was it right? Was it too laid back? Is it big enough? Will the food be good enough? In particular on instagram there are such lovely photos of larger, grander venues and I kept thinking should we have chosen those?

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like this? With all the social media and availability of options at a click of a button I'm getting really stressed out! If anyone else has felt like this are there any tips you could share to stop spiralling?

Submitted January 27, 2019 at 11:51AM by samwise_thegreat

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