Sunday, January 27, 2019

Kaylee Lincoln, a punchy girl

Name: Kaylee Lincoln

Profession: Mercenary

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Nickname/ Codename: Handmaiden

Age: 19

Appearance: Kaylee is strong for someone of her size, standing at 5’0” she works out often and has for most of her life giving her quite a bit of muscle but she has a small and agile frame

Personality: Kaylee likes to project confidence and that makes her seem pretty cocky, but unless she’s fighting you, that confidence crumbles under the slightest shove like a tower of cards. She’s easily embarrassed and very self conscious. She can go from a blushing flustered mess from someone saying her hair looks nice one second, to an ashamed mess if someone says it looks bad a second later. However in a fight the cocky confidence becomes real, combat is where Kaylee feels the most comfortable and will constantly taunt her opponent except for one situation. She isn’t the kind to get mad at people, but when someone threatens the life of her or someone she loves, Kaylee changes. She loses all control and fills with cold rage, she projects complete tranquility as she rips into what ever opponent has wronged her, but if she is betrayed that cold rage become hot fury, she goes berserk and can think of nothing but destroying the one who betrayed her.

Likes: Exercise, Impressing People, Punching

Dislikes: Boredom, Lack of motivation, her power name, people who fuck with her


Shape fisting… she didn’t know when she came up with it: she is able to change the shape of her hands

Drawbacks: she can't shapeshift her hands into anything she wants, for now her hands remain flesh and bone, and can't take on qualities of other things. But the main drawback is that she can’t shape shit her hands into anything very large and any damage to a part while shape shifted stays, so if she changes her hands to have clawed nails and someone breaks them off, she won't have fingernails.

Skills: Hand to hand combat

Backstory: At a young age Kaylee began doing boxing, not with real people, just for fun on punching bag her father owned. He parents saw how much she enjoyed it so the signed her up to do something… Karate.

It wasn’t her favorite but she loved fighting and throughout her early years she did multiple martial arts, but punching was always her favorite. She would box with people bigger and stronger, but they lacked her skill, and she was able to beat them. It was something that brought her joy and her family pride. Until she killed a man.

The man wasn’t an innocent man, but it didn’t change the fact that his blood was on her hands. She was 16 and and she was visiting a city with her parents, the family was walking about when a man came up to them with a gun to mug them. Her parents handed the man their belongings and then her put the gun down, and as soon as he did, Kaylee’s fist was on a direct path for his throat, she put all of her strength and rage into the hit, as well as something she didn’t know she had: Her power.

As the fist flew towards the man it changed, the bone in her hand jutted outwards, forming ragged spikes on her knuckles, and they pierced his throat. Whatever she hit caused him to die, and his blood covered the four ragged spikes coming from her knuckles. Her parents were horrified, Kaylee felt nothing but cold rage. She didn’t notice the spikes returning to the inside of her hand, or the flesh covering the holes once more, but she knew that something was different.

Over the next year Kaylee fully realized her ability and cluelessly gave it the name of Shape-fisting, since it sounded like shape shifting. However it wasn’t for a while until she learned what fisting meant, though it was too late since she couldn’t stop calling it that.

After the event however, her parents grew a bit distant. They were thankful for how she had stopped that criminal but… the never saw any signs of guilt or remorse for the life she took. Kaylee saw no reason to feel that way, why  would she? Her parents didn’t see it like she did, and they stopped encouraging her to keep fighting, the tried to stop her. Her last two years living with them were some of the worst. He parents tried to kill her passion but she would only let it die with her, she would continue doing what she loved even if it was over her parents’ dead bodies. Eventually it had to be.

Her parents weren’t so loving after her first kill but it wasn’t just because of what she did, it was also because of how she did it. They of course had heard about heroes and villains who wielded great power, but they had held no love for them. Her parents viewed the superhumans as unnatural and wrong, they helped nobody because they only brought danger in their view. Kaylee had never fully understood the sentiment, she secretly idolized the superhumans, but she played along and spoke of them as if they were dirt, just like her parents would.

But when she discovered her own abilities she didn’t feel like hiding it anymore, she was quite open about her admiration, and used her powers often around her parents, which made them uncomfortable and disturbed. They didn’t love their daughter anymore. She wasn’t their daughter anymore.

What did her parents think was necessary now that the child they had raised had become an abomination? The couldn’t have her, in their lives, so the found someone who said he would remove her. They didn’t think much about what he meant, but if they had cared more about what they were doing they would have realized they hired a hitman on their own daughter.

So eventually the day came and Kaylee’s parents left her home alone, while they went shopping, and that was when their gun for hire arrived. She sat alone in her room as the man walked in, but when she saw her door opening her hands shifted immediately. Her finger tips became more pointed and her skin receded, then her fingernails became sharp claws at the end of sharp bone fingers. The man barely had time to point his gun before for fingers were buried in the side of his neck. Kaylee knew who sent him. She didn’t know they would go this far.

Her parents had intended to come home to an empty house but they opened the door to find their abomination, dead hit man next to her, staring right at them. Her eyes filled with the same cold rage for the fateful night of her first kill. They immediately began to plead for Mercy, but they were silenced by Kaylee licking a bit of blood from her clawed hand. Her thoughts were nothing but a calm river made of flaming rage. She looked at them and the cold staring melted and heated in to fury. The last words they ever heard was their daughter speaking a calm “No.”

To pay for food while she lived in her parents house, Kaylee worked as a hired muscle, which was difficult since she tended to end up in places where she was ogled by guys and occasionally girls, some which she was more open to than most but it was hard to be a bodyguard when you were blushing and trying to not look at someone. So eventually she ran out of money but then somewhere presented her an opportunity. That place was DEVIL.

RP: Kaylee approached the front door of DEVIL and tried to calm her nerves, she needed to appear confident in a place like this, she knew nothing except for it's reputation, and she didn't want anyone here to think of her as weak, she might end up killing a student, or a student might end up killing her! She shook off that thought, negativity would only hinder her. She steeled her nerves and projected false confidence as she opened the door and walked into DEVIL.

Submitted January 28, 2019 at 07:51AM by Broshinsky997

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