Tuesday, January 29, 2019

"Here, let me," Hiram offered, taking the rag and gently dabbing at the places Archie could not see. His cheeks were bright red, his eyes glazed over, but Hiram had never seen anyone so gorgeous. Post-coital haze really did wonders for Archie Andrews

Inside Hiram Lodge's private office, a portrait of Veronica hung on the wall right above his desk. It was a large painting with an incredible likeness, almost as if Veronica was in the room with them. In the portrait, she smiled her most genuine smile, the one she wore when she was truly happy. Now adays, Archie was graced with that smile more often than not. It was one of the things he liked most about her. That, and her ability to give him the strength to do just about anything...including survive this one on one meeting with her notoriously criminal father.

"I like having her up there, looking over my shoulder. Keeps me honest..." Hiram said, though there was nothing innocent nor honest about the way he was grinning, darkness seeping into the corners as the fire bathed him in an orange glow.

He handed Archie a glass of amber colored liquid, the weight heavy in his hand.

"It's probably not the sort of thing your father approves of, is it?" Hiram asked, gesturing for Archie to take a seat in one of the large leather chairs across from his desk.

"Uh, rum? No, not really Sir," Archie admitted with a slight laugh, his body sinking into the pliable leather. He had had rum before, at parties mostly where it was diluted with Coke or other mixers - never served straight and sipped from a crystal glass. It was taking him back to the dinner he had with the Blossoms before everything went to shit, another social situation he had no idea how to navigate.

"I meant about your Red Circle," Hiram corrected, leaning back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other as he gazed up at Archie curiously.

Archie himself was surprised. He had had a lot of adults try to tell him what he was doing was wrong over the past few days. He had a lot of people trying to stop him and shut the Red Circle down. He had yet to have someone show genuine interest in the idea, which set him slightly on edge, trying to discern what Hiram Lodge's angle was.

"He's...still trying to wrap his head around it," Archie said, trying his best to sugar-coat the intense disapproval his father conveyed at every turn.

Hiram nodded, absorbing this information like a sponge. Archie swore he could see the gears in the man's head spinning. For what purpose, Archie did not know. All he knew was that this meeting was becoming less like a casual meeting and more like a business venture.

"You know, Archie, I hope we can respect each other moving forward," Hiram said, leaning up in his chair so his elbows rested on his knees.

Archie nodded. "Yes, of course Mr. Lodge."

"No more sneaking into my daughter's bedroom. Ever," Hiram said with a startling intensity, dark eyes blazing as he commanded Archie's full attention. "And...Never. Ever. Hurt Veronica."

Archie nodded again, more rapidly this time. Hiram could be downright terrifying when he wanted.

"You know, I did have a thought about your Red Circle, actually. It's a noble idea, but evil Archie has no regards for nobility nor intention, and sometimes defending yourself...it's not enough. You need to strike back, go on the offensive. Because the Black Hood, he is waging a war based on terror and fear. Those are his weapons," Hiram spoke with such a passion and fire, that it glued Archie to his seat in rapt attention. When the man finally looked back his way, he smiled. "They should be yours too."

"If I use them as weapons...wouldn't Veronica, I don't know, be upset? I don't want her to feel like she isn't safe around me."

"Should I have any reason not to trust you around my daughter?" Hiram challenged, and Archie swallowed thickly. There was no right way to answer that question, not in any way that saved face. "Furthermore, should Veronica have any reason to know about this at all?"

"No disrespect Mr. Lodge, but I don't want to keep anything from Veronica."

"Honesty. That's admirable. I respect a man who respects his woman," Hiram praised, taking a long sip from his glass before pointing a finger in Archie's direction. "You care for Veronica a great deal, don't you?"

"I do, Sir."

"Do you love her?" he asked point blank, and Archie found himself at a loss. His mouth went dry and he must have been gaping like a fish because Hiram rolled his eyes, laughing at Archie's embarrassment. "You don't have to be shy around me, Archie. We're both men here. Where's that honesty you were so passionate about a second ago?"

"I like Veronica a lot. I admire her passion and her drive," Archie finally answered, a careful one that was sure not to offend.

"But you don't love her."

Hiram fixed Archie with those dark, serious eyes. Archie felt like the man was seeing straight through him down into his soul, and it felt like a million fire ants were crawling over his skin.

"Frankly, Mr. Lodge, I haven't been with her long enough to know," Archie admitted, hoping his answer wouldn't get him put on Hiram's hit list. "I mean, we've only been dating for a few weeks."

"Fair enough," Hiram shrugged, leaning back in the chair and sipping further on his drink. "You see Archie, my daughter is very invested in you. I would even go as far as to say she idolizes you."

"I hope I live up to her expectations."

"I do too. For your sake," Hiram agreed, looking straight into the fire. "Have you been with any other girls?"

It was an invasive question, a topic that Archie did not want to discuss with his girlfriend's father, but one that he knew he had to answer. "I dated another girl in our class, Valerie, for a while."

"But not long enough to be in love?" Hiram presumed, to which Archie bobbed his head yes, growing uncomfortable with this line of questioning. If he could even call it questioning. It felt more like an interrogation. "Interesting...have you ever been with any boys?"

Archie choked on his drink, feeling the rum burn up the back of his throat through his nostrils. It felt like his insides were on fire, and he spluttered a cough. Hiram seemed unaffected by this reaction, waiting patiently for Archie to collect himself to answer.

"B-boys?" Archie stammered, needing clarification to make sure he heard Hiram correctly.

"Yes, Archie. Have you ever been in a monogamous relationship with another male?" Hiram asked again, directly this time so there was no feigning ignorance. The frankness in which he asked the question still left Archie spiraling for an answer, his face growing redder and redder by the second.

"N-no Sir. Never."

"You seem defensive," Hiram noted, sizing Archie up and down, as if sniffing out a liar. He sighed. "And here I thought I was dealing with an honest man."

"I am telling the truth. I have never been in a relationship with another guy."

Archie was not gay. Never in his life had he ever considered himself gay. No way. Not when gay piled him into the same group as Kevin Keller, and Archie was nothing like Kevin Keller. Archie was on the football team! Archie did construction with his dad! He liked cars and tools and all the other stuff that straight men were supposed to like. He was a hundred percent not gay. He was not -

"But you have thought about it," Hiram accused, his gaze piercing Archie in place. He felt so constricted, like a caged animal. He was crawling under his skin, desperately seeking a way out of this interview gone wrong. His heart was torn between beating too quickly and not at all, especially with Hiram looking like he was going to jump for his jugular at any second. "Maybe not about holding hands in the hallway or school dances, but you have thought about other things. About what happens after dark at Sweet Water River..."

"I think I should go now..." Archie said as he got up, hands shaking while he put down the crystal tumbler. He didn't know if it was the rum or the franticness of his own desperation that made the room feel like it was spinning and his stomach feel like he was going to be sick. He just knew that he needed to get out of the room before something happened that he would regret.

Hiram was faster. He side stepped Archie, cutting between him and the door. He pinned Archie's wrist to the table, making the boy unable to move. For all of Archie's strength, he could not break free of Hiram's grip, the older man surprisingly strong.

"Answer me one question, and then you can go. Sound fair?" Hiram asked, far too calm and composed for the intensity of the situation.

Archie nodded, his entire body trembling as he waited for the question.

"Do I scare you, Archie?"

Archie closed his eyes, unable to face Hiram as he whispered, "Yes."

"Ah," Hiram chuckled as he grew closer to the shell of Archie's ear, lips brushing across the sensitive skin that sent a million volts of electricity straight down the red head's spine. "Are you sure that it's fear you're feeling? Or something else?"

Hiram placed a hand on Archie's crotch, thumb dipping down beneath the waistband of Archie's pants. The boy jolted up into the touch, his hips seeking more of the friction, and holy shit he had no idea he was this hard! His dick was straining within the confines of his underwear, the tent in his pants visible for Hiram to see.

"S-something else..." Archie stuttered, finding it hard to connect words into phrases when Hiram was busy stroking his dick through his pants.

"I thought so," Hiram purred, and even though Archie could not see it, he felt the smile creep up Hiram's lips as they brushed against his jawline. Those same lips paused over Archie's pulse point, sucking on it with a wet, smacking sound that made Archie go weak in the knees. That was going to leave a mark, he could feel it, but surprisingly, he didn't care. If anything, it turned him on even more. He clutched at Hiram's bicep to steady himself, fingers digging into the firm flesh through a layer of silk.

"If you choose to stay, I have two rules: you do whatever I tell you when I tell you, and you call me 'Sir' when I address you," Hiram instructed, pulling back far enough for Archie to make contact with those hooded, onyx eyes. "Now, you need to tell me, Archie, do you consent?"

The answer was obvious, Archie too far lost to these new sensations that the only thing he could utter was, "Yes, Sir."

Hiram let out a low groan at the boy's submissive tone, his grip on Archie's groin tightening. Archie let out a strangled gasp, his legs subconsciously falling apart as he arched up into the touch. He was rapidly realizing just how much he loved to be bossed around, how much it aroused him to be manhandled. Then, Hiram was pulling away only to clamp down on Archie's shoulders and push down to the ground.

"On your knees. Now," Hiram commanded, leaving no room for argument.

Not that Archie wanted to argue. In fact, a thrill ran down his spine as he was brought to his knees, now eye-level with the bulge in Hiram's pants. Archie licked his lips, his mouth suddenly very dry as he realized how fast things were escalating.

"Tell me, Archie, have you ever done this before?"

"No, Sir."

"Hmm...I find that hard to believe, especially with your physique and good looks," Hiram challenged, his hands running through Archie's hair, messing it up. He was such a pretty young boy, a thirst trap as he heard Veronica say once. Who wouldn't want to fuck this boy within an inch of his life? Fuck him until he couldn't walk or talk or move. Archie wanted to be fucked like that - Hiram could see it in his eyes, and was willing to give it to him...so long as he was honest.

"I-I sucked Reggie's cock after football practice once freshman year," Archie admitted after a moment, voicing something he had tried to bury for years. "We were bored and just fooling around...it didn't mean anything..."

"Teenagers," Hiram laughed, though it sounded more like a bark. "So eager to get in each other's pants. I bet you were so embarrassed, so ashamed about what you had done. You didn't tell a soul."

"No, Sir."

"Tell me - did you like sucking Reggie's cock?" Hiram goaded, pushing Archie to divulge as much as he could. "Be honest with me Archie. I will know if you're lying, and there will be consequences if you do."

"Yes, Sir."

"Yes what? I want to hear you say it."

"I liked sucking Reggie's cock!"

Damn, did it feel both terrifying and good to say that out loud. Archie felt both liberated and panicked. Hiram could use that information against him, use it to blackmail him into doing whatever he wanted. Hiram could use it to poison Veronica against him. But at the same time, Archie didn't give a damn, because he liked sucking cock - he liked sucking cock a lot - and he was so close to getting one in his mouth. He was practically salivating for it, and Hiram could tell.

"Would you like to suck my cock?"

"Yes, Sir. Very much," Archie said enthusiastically, looking at Hiram's cock as if it were candy.

"Later," Hiram said, knowing he was being a tease as he stepped around to Archie's backside, admiring the view from above.

Archie could not suppress the whimper of disappointment that escaped his lips.

"Hush," Hiram commanded firmly, one large hand placed in between Archie's shoulder blades. "You will get your chance...after you've been a good boy. Can you be a good boy for me?"

"Yes, Sir."

"I'm glad," Hiram smiled, though there was a glint in his eyes that was less than kind. He applied pressure between Archie's shoulder blades. "Bend over."

Archie obeyed until he was on all fours, his palms and knees now digging into the expensive hardwood of Hiram's office. He could hear the metallic click of a buckle, then a thud as a belt was deposited on the floor, followed by the zip of a fly. The sound of Hiram spitting into his hand echoed off the walls, the older man no doubt using it as lube as he stroked his own dick, getting himself ready while he watched the young ass in front of him quiver. Archie's heart rate sped up, his arms shaking with anticipation.

"Tell me, Archie, do you want me to fuck you?" Hiram asked, his tone deceptively kind. Something fatter than fingers pressed against the curve in Archie's ass, and his hole quivered in anticipation. "Do you want me to fuck you raw right here, on the floor of my office, on all fours like a dog?"

"Yes," Archie breathed out heavily, unable to form words. He had not seen Hiram's cock, but he could feel it - fat and leaking against his ass - and he knew that it was going to destroy him. Hiram would fuck him hard and good and leave him so stretched that he would feel it for days.

"That is not an answer," Hiram snapped, nails digging sharply into the flesh of Archie's hips. He used enough force to draw blood, or leave marks at the very least. This boy was going to look like a work of art once Hiram was done with him.

"Please fuck me, Sir," Archie begged.

"You're so desperate for it," Hiram said, his voice like gravel. It sent shivers down Archie's spine. If only he could see those dark eyes now, nearly black and pupils blown wide with lust. The blatant lust that must have been there...it was enough to make Archie's knees tremble.

At the first press of Hiram's cock past the rim of his hole, Archie had to bite back a scream. He clenched his fists tightly in the carpet, knuckles white, to keep himself from collapsing right then and there. Hiram was just so big. This was only the head and it felt like Archie was being split in two. There was no way Hiram could fit his entire cock inside of him...was there?

"Shhh, shhh it's alright Archie, just relax," Hiram coaxed, halting his actions so large hands could sweep down his spine soothingly.

"I don't think I can take any more," Archie protested, elbows shaking with the effort of staying upright.

"You can, and you will," Hiram insisted, no debate in his tone. "Trust me, Archie. I know a thing or two about how to make this work."

Hiram's word was final, no more debate on the topic. Archie had to do this...oh god...he was going to be destroyed.

As if to prove his point, Hiram slowly began pressing back into Archie, his cock slipping further inside the red head's body. Archie whimpered and moaned, waiting for this to turn into the pleasure he originally sought instead of burning pain. Finally, Hiram ceased movement when he was fully sheathed, his pelvis placed flush against the curve of Archie's ass. It felt like his cock was piercing Archie through his stomach, the fullness surreal. It felt as if Archie could burst, the pressure growing to unbearable levels.

Then, Hiram snaked his arm around and placed a hand flat on the exposed portion of Archie's stomach, pulled him up a little so that he could get a different angle, pulled out, and slammed back in with one fluid motion so forcefully that Archie nearly screamed. This new angle was incredible. There was still soreness from the initial penetration, but all the pain quickly ebbed to pleasure as Hiram rocked into him at a quick pace, balls slapping against his ass with smacking sounds.

"How does it feel to have your girlfriend's father's cock in your ass? How does it feel Archie?" Hiram whispered into Archie's ear, biting down on the lobe.

"It...feels...g-good, Sir," Archie stuttered to the time of Hiram's thrusts. Then, the older man went deeper, hitting a spot that made Archie's vision blur to white. He hit it over and over and over again, making Archie cry out, "So good!"

"You have to be quiet Archie...Veronica is right outside."

Archie groaned at the thought of Veronica, her ear pressed to the office door, hearing the obscene sounds of wet skin on skin, the sounds of he and her father fucking.

The hand Hiram placed on his stomach wandered lower, wrapping itself around Archie's cock. Archie arched up into the touch, the movement stealing his breath as the unexpected stimuli became too much to handle. Hiram pumped Archie quickly and brutally, without regard to the sensory overload that had Archie's head spinning. He was not going to last long, his face flushing a dark red as he tried his hardest to stave off an orgasm.

"You are not allowed to come until I tell you to!" Hiram snarled, yanking Archie's hand away from his cock and in punishment, slowing his thrusts to a torturously slow pace. Archie fell to his elbows, his strength failing him as he whined at the loss of such intensity.

"P-please Sir," Archie whimpered, his body so close, so close to release that it was painful. "Please let me come!"

He did not dare reach to go touch himself again lest Hiram decide to pull out altogether and leave him like this. It was miserable to be so hard and unable to find release. He briefly considered rutting up against the carpet, seeking the friction of something to get him off.

Then, the hand returned, fingers running quickly up and down Archie's shaft, thumb dragging over the purple head. Archie convulsed at the touch, everything becoming too much to handle, but he still had to hold on. He had to hold on until Hiram told him to let go. He wanted to be a good boy. He wanted to make Hiram happy. So he endured until finally, he heard the words he had been waiting for.

"Come Archie," Hiram commanded, pulling on the boy's cock with increased force. "Come now!"

A few more pumps to the oversensitive organ and that was it. Archie threw his head back, forehead covered in sweat as he let himself be dragged under the wave of orgasm, hips bucking up into Hiram's fist as he came violently onto the hardwood.

Abruptly, Hiram pulled out and dragged Archie up to his knees, turning the boy around so that he was facing his rigid cock. Seeing it in person made Archie's head spin and mouth salivate.

"Open your mouth," Hiram commanded, and Archie immediately did as he was told.

He took Hiram's cock inside his mouth with an urgency unlike any other he had experience. It was as if he needed Hiram's cock to live, the large piece of man meat filling his entire mouth with little room for anything else. Archie hollowed out his cheeks and began to pump the older man, sucking and licking his way down the thick shaft, making sure to lavish the plump head with extra attention. The precome gathered at the tip was salty and bitter, but Archie loved it. He needed more, the urge to make Hiram come taking over all his senses.

Hiram's hands wove between Archie's red locks and pulled harshly, giving Hiram back the control he previously asserted. He set up a brutal pace, face-fucking Archie to the point where he was gagging, but the red head did not protest. In fact, he reveled in the roughness. He loved the way he choked on Hiram's dick when he pushed it to the back of his throat.

Finally, Hiram's movements became erratic, his hips stuttering as he climaxed. Hot come ran down the back of Archie's throat in thick ropes, the salty bitter taste returning with increased intensity. Archie would have continued sucking Hiram off, but the older man pulled out, spurting the rest of his come over Archie's face. The white liquid ran down Archie's cheeks and forehead, dripping from his red, swollen lips.

Archie looked wrecked - his hair a mess, neck and back covered in scratches and bites. His clothes were half off - shirt bunched up around his armpits and pants pulled down to just above his knees, his cock now flaccid and resting in a patch of ginger hair across one muscular thigh.

"You've been such a good boy," Hiram praised as he caught his breath, his fingers running tenderly across the hallow of his throat up to frame his jaw, admiring his artwork.

"Thank you, Sir," Archie replied equally as breathless, feeling pride well up in his chest at the praise.

Hiram tucked his cock back into his underwear, zipping his pants and buckling his belt before handing over a hand towel for Archie to clean himself up. The boy was still kneeling on the ground, not given permission to get up yet, waiting expectantly at Hiram. The older man felt something hit him, something between awe and affection for his this boy. He was unique, and so very good. It was hard to find someone so complaint and submissive, but here Archie was, ready and willing to please.

"Get up and clean off," Hiram instructed, watching Archie get to his knees like a newborn foal: wobbly and not entirely balanced. There was a hitch in his step as he walked over to get the rag, wiping off the cum from his face. Hiram felt a primal sense of pride at the sight of Archie's distorted gait, wondering how badly it was going to hurt when Archie sat down tomorrow and if the boy would think of him whenever the twinge hit him.

"Here, let me," Hiram offered, taking the rag and gently dabbing at the places Archie could not see. His cheeks were bright red, his eyes glazed over, but Hiram had never seen anyone so gorgeous. Post-coital haze really did wonders for Archie Andrews. It was a shame they both had to go back out to Veronica and pretend nothing had happened. Hiram much rather would have preferred to take the boy to bed, and if the electricity still sparking between them said anything, Archie wanted that too.

Neither one of them said a word as they straightened up and made themselves presentable. Hiram combed back his hair and rolled up his sleeves while Archie pulled up his pants and tucked his shirt back into his waist, trying as best he could to smooth out the wrinkles. His hair was a lost cause, but he did his best to soothe the wild red locks.

The hallway was eerily quiet as the two walked out of the study, Hiram making sure to lock the room once they left. No one was in the dining room, Hermione's glass of wine still left out on the counter even though the lights were off. Hiram was left to assume that she had gone to bed, which was just fine with him. The woman had been annoying since his return, unusually antagonizing with Veronica which was making Hiram's plans that much harder to execute. Veronica, on the other hand, was curled up on the sofa, legs tucked up under her as she watched one of her favorite shows. She turned the TV off once she realized they were there.

"Have a good talk?" Veronica asked as she sauntered up to Archie, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Uh, yeah," Archie nodded, caught off guard by the affection. Hiram could tell it wasn't exactly wanted, and he tamped down his own inner jealousy. He was not competing for Archie Andrews with his daughter. That was a line he would not cross. Besides, judging by Archie's body language, Hiram already knew which Lodge Archie preferred.

"Don't stay up too late you two," Hiram warned, putting on the 'good dad' show once more. "It was nice meeting you Archie. Don't hesitate to come by again. I know I'd love to have you."

The double entendre was only picked up on by Archie, who flushed a lovely shade of red. Veronica, on the other hand, was completely oblivious.

"We won't Daddy, I promise," Veronica swore, smiling up at him sweetly.

"Actually, Veronica, I'm pretty beat. Do you mind if I head out?" Archie asked, looking towards the door as if it could save him.

"Sure Archikins, do you want me to walk you out?"

"That would be great."

The two walked arm and arm out of the penthouse door. The last Hiram saw of Archie was his tousled red hair disappearing down the hall to the clack of Veronica's heels.

It was clear she was disappointed that her boyfriend wanted to go instead of spending more time with her. Once more, Hiram had to tamp down more primal emotions, this time ones of satisfaction that no one else would be the one to touch Archie tonight. How Veronica would have reacted to see his marks on Archie's skin, to see the boy's gaping hole flared out and ready for a cock that his daughter did not possess. It would have been incredibly satisfying, but not as satisfying as possessing Archie and keeping Veronica's touch off of him entirely.

Back in his study, Hiram picked up the remainder of the glass of rum and took a sip. He walked over and settled in the large leather chair, running his fingers over the thick mahogany of his desk, wondering how Archie would look bent over it.

Yes...he hoped that Archie Andrews would come again very soon.

Submitted January 30, 2019 at 04:38AM by ReylosSkywalker http://bit.ly/2TnxEQW

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