Friday, January 25, 2019

BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE: RE-INKED EDITION (not official) (Chapter 4 touch ups and additions)

  • There's posters of the BINR's "lost episodes" in different places. "Death and Taxis" by Grants Office, "Dewey Decimated" in the Archives, "Soup Gone Bad" in Research & Design, and "Walks the Plank" in the Attraction Storage. The implication is that between Chapters 4 and 5, Henry has been having nightmares while he's locked up by Allison and Tom. The enemies being the monsters seen on the posters, the weapons from the numerous objects found around the areas, and the inclusion of Boris and Alice mirroring Tom (Boris's "Automaton" skin) and Allison (her mechanic outfit similar to Allison's clothes)

  • The Lost Ones are redesigned to look somewhat more like there concept art. Being that they have glowing eyes rather than bright dots. Plus the fact that they now resemble ink covered skeletons. In this version if you squint, you can make out obvious silhouettes of things like rib cages and skulls.

  • When pushing in the final book, the camera pans over to show an arrow fired from a hidden latch nearly inches away from where you stood. It's got a note on it that says "Love, Alice ❤". It shows more of Malice's flirty nature despite the fact that she wants you extremely dead. If the arrow had launched just a little bit to the right...

  • The 2nd vision occurs in a split second after the arms of the Lost Ones being coming from the wall. Meaning that the vision isn't the cause of the arms being there, but rather the arms are causing the vision to trigger.

  • As a little bit of lore, the crying Lost One seen in the Lobby has a name. It's Stanley. The rest of the Lost Ones in said lobby used to be the Animation Team that where hired to replace Henry. But because you left...

  • The cages hanging over the Chasm in the R&D Access have numerous Lost Ones in them. Some worried, others bored, and one cage that's open with a strange ink splatter on the side of the wall across from it that streaks downwards. The chains themselves lead to opening flaps in the ceiling to implicate they can be lowered down, rather than just being hung up somehow. There's even some chains that are broken with sharp blades stuck in the ground directly across from them. There's a reason The Lost Ones hate Malice. She's been locking them in these cages and suspending them over the chasm, until one by one she cuts them down to fall into the abyss bellow.

  • The Swollen Searcher you get the ink from? It just isn't any old searcher. It's Sammy. Swollen Sammy. After being in the puddles for so long his body has become weighed down by the vast quantities of ink. His mask is even propped up next to the pipe to further display this. In Chapter 3 he's patient for his lord to save him, but understandably annoyed. In Chapter 4, he's left in the puddles for so long that at this point his belief is crumbling. And in Chapter 5, now that he's more stabilized, realizes there's no hope and that his so called "lord" lied to him.

  • The vent jumpscare with Ink Bendy occurs in the slight second after you think it will happen, making it all the more unexpected.

  • Small lore bit, but not directly stated. Bertrum first went through the machine and came out as a Chester, due to both characters feeling they've "had there thunder stolen" (Joey embarrassing Bertie, Bendy stealing Chesters riches) until he was killed by Allison (her sword being in that one box near the audio log). Due to non-sentient animalistic toons naturally being heartless, he was revived as a Giant Searcher (the same one you fight in Chapter 3's secret vision) that crawled through the pipe located directly above Bertrums Carousel and he fused with his creation. Hence the "come up and see me" sign. It was a trap set for her.

  • Overall I'd touch up the motion sensitivity on the Bulls Eye Bonanza game. Make it less Bulls-shit.

  • The bottles you wallop fizzles away after being knocked down and reform each time you play again instead of just awkwardly teleporting back to where they're supposed to be.

  • The Butcher Gang no longer run into the stairs when pursuing you. There's a certain distance they go until they stop and go back. Instead of waiting til your out of range they stop when they reach a certain boundary.

  • Bertrum Piedmont himself is given a somewhat more cursed design. Like all other dead toons, he has X's for pupils and has the unique feature of constantly dripping inky blood from his mouth. Certain parts of his face are kinda fused with the metals bars. The supports for the carousel are also disturbingly flesh-like. Each joint is partially concealed by skin. Other places have exposed bone material. Strangely as he twists and turns, his limbs are like rubber. Stretching and squeezing.

  • The boss fight is also enhanced. Each hit from the carts deals 2 damage, both stationary and the ones he might accidentally nudge in your direction. He can also slam his carts down AS he moves, and each time you take out a limb, the others stretch out further into the corners of the room until your only left with a small amount of wiggle room.

  • Ink Bendy had a 1/13 chance of spawning out of the floor poster while being in the main storage area. Ink streams cover the entrances to other rooms. This will happen between the 2nd and 3rd lever being pulled.

  • There is exactly one Miracle Station in the Storage Area that does not have a halo drawn on it. Do not go in it. He will be inside. Breathing down your neck.

  • The Projectionist vs Bendy fight is barely changed, except for Bendy's punches creating sparks from Normans mechanical head. Ink Bendy's entrance animation is, while unseen, him literally slamming in the door. This time around he's exuding much more ink fumes. (Note: He also has an animation of him killing Sammy in Chap.2, but it's unseen as well. It's him running up and choking Sammy against the wall until he melts).

  • Across the Haunted House Ride you see numerous cartoony prop faces similar to the clown. As you continue they get more hellish and bizarre. There's also a pair of eyes peeking through one of the screens that isn't the cartoonish ones with the wrinkles. They look...human. cough cough allison

  • Brute Boris is also given a redesign. While still maintain his hulking body shape, all the things you did in Chapter 3 are incorporated in his design. His shoulders are fused with electrical power cores, pumping bolts into his body. His missing heart is replaced with moving gears. Extra thick ink pulsates throughout his body. He also retains the nails stuck in his head from the concept art.

  • You can pick up the bone and throw it, which will make Boris look over and try to fetch it, showing there's still some semblance of doggo inside him. Are you sad yet.

  • Make it so you can ACTUALLY avoid damage when Boris slams the group. Perhaps by jumping up so the shock wave doesn't hit. Or grouping by some furniture so the shock wave is muffled.

  • The Plunger takes 3 hits to move to the next phase, making winning with this weapon truly a "Unlikely Victory".

  • Boris's death animation is somewhat more brutal. He chokes and coughs up ink and sticks his tongue out like he's dying. The organs pulsate slower until stopping. His ears go all floppy.

  • Malice's pupils turn to X's upon death.

  • A secret during the beginning of the fight. If you go all the way to the gate where Brute Boris emerges, you can look inside the gap. A certain Swollen Searcher is holding a heart before it retreats back to the puddles. Hence Brute Boris's death animation. Without a heart intact he decayed into nothing. But it will certainly make use for Sammy for when he plots to kill you later.

  • Allison "No Angel" Pendle looks roughly the same, while Tom has less of a perma-brow and more or less heavy brow wrinkles that constantly make him look angry. Don't mistake him, he IS angry almost all the time, but when he expresses it the brow REALLY gets heavier. He's also got a few scratches here and there on his snout along with a chipped ear.

Submitted January 26, 2019 at 07:05AM by Springtrapattacks

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