Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Why I hate The Crimes of Grindelwald and how to fix the issues.

This is gonna be pretty long winded. First off I'm a massive Harry Potter fan and having to suffer through those 8 abysmal movies has pretty much scared me for life. Daniel Radcliffe wherever you are, I hope you feel bad because you butchered literally every line of dialogue. I'm just not willing to put myself through that again. If the next fantastic beast's movie is bad - I'm out. I went to see this with two friends and when we were coming out of it, they were both saying they enjoyed it and I'm there with my eye twitching trying not to ruin a pleasent evening. But I have to vent so here goes.

Dumbledore: why oh why does there have to be this blood pact between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Would it have been too complicated to show a younger Dumbledore, one who is less sure of himself. One who doesn't want to face Grindelwald because it would mean facing the fact that he possible killed his own sister. Facing the possibility that Grindelwald might use that information to destroy his standing in the wizard community. And also that Grindelwald has the elder wand and Dumbledore would have believed Grindelwald was unbeatable in a fight. All of that combined with the fact the Grindelwald is the love of his life (they did that well tbf) would have been great. A complicated Dumbledore with every reason in the world not to want to face Grindelwald. It would have been great to watch him struggle with his own fears vs what he believed to be right. Eventually you would have the massive payoff of him going to stand between Grindelwald and the wizarding world. Knowing full well what was at stake and wanting Dumbledore to fight, to become the man you know he can be. But no there's a blood pact so he can't move against him..... epic.

Credence: I really don't care about this character, why is he here? I enjoyed in the first movie where it finally showed exactly why it's a good idea for wizards to stay in hiding. But I think he should have stayed dead. I feel like they're trying to tap into the adoption issues of the current day but it's just wayyy too niche.

Lestrange: Glad she's dead, she weighed down the film. My boggart is her character dragging down this movie. Hopefully she'll stay dead. The baby swap survivors guild thing I mean it just ties back into the Credence character who I really think should not even be in this movie.

The fan service: dear god in heaven, this is just painful, heavy handed and having the opposite of the intended effect. If there's a name you might recognize from the Harry Potter franchise time to shill it in regardless of context. Nagini was a person? WoW Neville will be glad to know he's a killer. McGonagall at hogwarts in that era? no, she didn't become the professor for transfiguration until Dumbledore left that position to become headmaster. He never had anyhting to do with Defence against the dark arts. But of course he has to be in that position so that we can have the survivor's guild boggart scene. Lore be damned it's vital to the plot!

What I liked:

The acting is really really good, which is such a relief as I was afraid for Grindelwald in particular but Johnny Depp nails it. I also really liked Jude law's mannerisms as Dumbledore, again he is doing a great job I just don't like what they are doing with the character.

Grindelwald. Good job here, nice to see a villain be cunning and sly like this.

What I'd do in the third one.

Lot's of backstory with Dumbledore and Grindelwald in Godric's Hollow, seriously I want to empathise with Dumbledore.

Treat the lore as history not an alternate universe.

Have credence be eaten by a fantastic creature hehehe.

More Nifler babies nom nom nom so cute <3

The first film for me, was the first movie in the Harry Potter universe that I enjoyed watching. It wasn't perfect but it was rock solid and most of all it had incredible potential to become an amazing series. As I said above I'm not willing to go through another horrendous franchise of films year after year being told be friend "no this one is good, really!" and then you go see it and want to cry for all the wrong reasons.

If anyone got this far then wow, this has been a true rant, thank you for enduring it :P

Submitted December 04, 2018 at 05:54PM by Pohga https://ift.tt/2SrYs1y

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