Saturday, October 6, 2018

Erase Me songs ranked.

After sitting on this album for months I’m ready to go there. Also, I’m no reviewer so I’m going to focus on what I like as I do have criticisms, they pale in comparison to how awesome I think this album is. From best to worst.

  1. ihateit

Maybe an unpopular choice but I think it nails classic UO ambience with a super catchy melody. Probably the most replayable song as well. Also, dat bridge man. Not only is it my favorite part of the entire record, it flows flawlessly with that kick ass chorus. Chris DESTROYS in the bridge as well as his noises give me chills every time. A little campy for some and I totally understand. I think it is a legitimate rock/pop song. Nothing game changing, just a great song. And I can appreciate a great song.

  1. Hold Your Breathe

Another example of super catchy melodies. Probably my favorite chorus on the record. Spee sounds so immediate and urgent while also maintaining this self aware, dead sarcasm. It’s hilarious being alone at the top. Also musically it sounds very pulsing and Chris once again destroys me his keen instinct of using ambience to drive emotion. Love it! A very standard song structure as well but after several albums of non linear songwriting, to me, it’s super refreshing to hear the boys crafting tight af songs. Also just for note LITSOS is my fave UO album and it has like no choruses or verses or really anything haha so a fresh sound works for me. Despite me loving their old sound I want new. This song is perfect for new and old UO fans.

  1. No Frame

What can I say? It’s super rad to hear their Radiohead Influence shine. This song is obviously very Kid-A inspired and it’s honestly just so cool to hear this side of them. While maintaining experimental sounds that we’ve heard in songs like Driftwood and Desolate Earth. No Frame takes that “out there” part and once again does what this album does best. Simplifies and catchinessifies. A very vulnerable vocal performance from spee adds to the punch. Proving to me that he can shine as a vocalist in a band with Aaron Gillespie. Tim is obviously a heavy influence on this song and as a musician myself I really relate to that guy and just how he operates. After listening to him on break it down podcast with Matt Carter I immediately related to him. Maybe more than any of the other guys. So it’s nice to see him and the other dudes take this crazy Tim thing and turn it into a beautiful song and one of my all time favorite UO songs.

  1. Bloodlust

Very similar to ihateit, I think this song is about the guys turning on each other back in the day. Each member wanting more power the bloodlust was real. A reflective song, which is rare for Spee as he usually writes either very current lyrics; or very dipped in analogies. Staying universal. I love the bridge in this song as well. It probably has the best dual Spee and Aaron vocals on the record. It’s obviously very important to them as well as it’s the song they sing post Spee talking about his mental health. An important song on the record, it defiantly deserves to be in the top half. As these last four songs are virtually interchangeable for me.

  1. On My Teeth

The lead single, I had very mixed feelings on first listen as the follow up to their last 4 records would inevitably be different. Now, I really enjoy it. I think it means a lot to them as obviously the lyrics were perfect for an initial reveal of this album. Gone are the days of UO sacrificing art to appeal to a Christian market. As a man of faith myself, I was 100% with them on this. As my faith is nothing compared to what it was 10 years ago. To see my heroes evolve with me, was a treat. Also the song kicks major ass and the half time at the end wrecks me. Pre chorus has some sweet Tim riffing as well. Like DTGL level weird. Which coming from him is always just, mmm, bon appetite.

  1. In Motion

I lied, I think this might be my favorite chorus on the record. That’s the thing about it man. It’s just so damn catchy. This is just another one of like 5 songs where they just perfect this post That’s the Spirit Sound. The only reason this song is so low is... well there is no reason but I am highly questioning this list so far. sigh I really do love this album. Also I love that Spee answers a question he asked himself in A Divine Eradication at the very end of the song.

  1. Sink With You

Some of the weirdest stuff on this record is in this song. From the awesome drum patterns in the chorus to the total freak out at the end. This song was not made with the intentions of polish and clean. No no this is the dirtiest song on the record. Very industrial with a NIN influence. Weird vocals haunt the intro and throughout. God I just love it. It’s like a horror movie in a song. Very fun, would love to see live.

  1. I Gave Up

UO has always ended their albums with powerful retrospective songs. In Completion is my personal fave but that’s besides the point. This song is beautiful and a really great album closer. I love the EDM element and the “it all comes crashing down” part at the end hits me like waves. Part of UO’s music has always me feel like I’m at the bottom of the ocean and I’m just getting pounded by the weight and waves. Tim does this super cool off time stride on the guitar and it just feels, good. I think Aaron definitely had a heavy hand in this song and it has a unique structure. Tim and Aaron are just structure beasts.

  1. It Has To Start Somewhere

Classic UO. This song is a banger. The drums wipe my face off. Spee spins some of my favorite lyrics I’ve ever heard him write. They chose well making this the beginning of the album. A great representation of the DNA of these songs. Aaron’s hi hat work in this song is phenomenal as is the drum pattern at the beginning of the song. Very weird but orchestral. Then BAM you get punched in the face and man did I love that first listen.

  1. Rapture

Is this song extremely radio friendly? Yes. Is that a bad thing? WELL OFCOURSE IT IS THIS IS UO No man this song is so cool. Just let it be. I wasn’t crazy about it at first either but then I just stopped putting all these expectations on it and suddenly I loved it. It has this Exorcism vibe to it for me. Idk why but I feel like I’m about to attack a fucking demon when I hear it. Nowhere near the best song on the record and honestly I will criticize them in the sense that I think almost every other song would have been a better second single. Well except for...

  1. Wake me

Yes this song is super weird to hear coming from the Oath. I have my criticisms as well but honestly it’s a good song. I’m no music theory guy but Chris’s melodies make it for me. Plus those verses are sharp af. The way Spee keeps going and the music collides towards the end. I feel so hopeful hearing that chord or tuning, or whatever it is.

I just wanna say good work guys! I know I ranted a lot but I wanted throw my thoughts out there. You guys made a great record. My second favorite of the year behind Arctic Monkeys Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino. Love y’all 🖤

Submitted October 07, 2018 at 03:35AM by KingFvng

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