Democrat can insult Asians as much as they want.
Support all POC instead of just your own like a cuck
Don't boycott Crazy Cucked Asians.
Please stay in shitholes and let racists run all over your anus like I do-malebiologistslate.
African Americans are our ally now and forever.
Don't remind Sweep of his cucked heritage as Saltwater.
AI mods support blacks vandalizing Asian businesses.
78says we must support POC unconditionally and blames pinks for Black crimes against Asians.
We need pinkie boyfriends of Lus' approval so no jokes about pinkoids.
78says shills his rag Plan PAA again.
Induk demands all users write essays or else.
AI wokebois masturbate to getting cucked by Blacks proving they are raising other people's kids.
Apparently Pinkies made those Blacks riot in the nail salon.
We don't discriminate at who we fap to when they cucks us.- AI mods.
Let's trust the semitoids to represent Asians fairly. - (((AI activists))).
AI white knights happily fap to Crazy Rich Asians.
78dicksinmymouth wants Crazy Cucked Asians to succeed.
Pink boyfriends of Lus must be appealed to.
Let Black sexpats rape freely in Asia-AI mods.
Slate continues to shift blame to Whitey whenever a POC does something anti-Asian.
(((droppedonmyheadflutie))) believes the wakandans were right in the nail salon riot.
(((droppedonmyhead))) wants all AM to work on the (((leftist))) railroad.
All of you need to move back to the democrats railroad station.
(((Leftists))) were always pro-Asian.
Don't expose the typical boyfriends of the lus.
78says wants censorship of all words that trigger him.
78says Asian Americans have privilege and need to pay for POC to "ally" for them
78says wants everyone to suck semen of a different color.
We realized if we wanted more allies we need to recruit more XMAF couples.
(((netflixflutie))) demands Asians to support crappy movies from jewwood.
78says demands entire subreddit to cuck for POC.
Give sexpats free reign over Asia.
Both Lus and blacks can't be as anti-Asian as they want.
Sweepmovement promotes WMAF despite allegedly only supporting AMAF.
Only overseas saltwaters know about Asia.
Papertigerslate uses his mod powers to censor users who own him in debates about Kpop.
Sweep defends what he perceives to be a future rang.
A whitey must have that Wakandan assault that Asian man.
78says wants more POC shills on AI.
Protect the Black not the Asian, POC solidarity more important than Asian lives.
WMAF is a friend of the community.
Keep watching Crazy Cucked Asians.
AI mods paid off by Hollyjewed confirmed.
Stop making fun of the pink boyfriends Slate's wife sleeps with.
Slate tells his version of modern Japanese history regarding the media.
We must become Black.- 78slatesays.
What infuriating WMAF commercial?-smart AI mods
Dont' talk about WMAF inadequacies in parenthood.
Listen to my cuckholdery damnit.
Please give enough money to make Crazy Cucked Asians a franchise.
AI mods want to FORGIVE head Lu Amy Tan for Joy Lu Club.
AM need to forfeit their wallets along with their balls to liberals.
Cuckedslate rages at being called a AA cuck mod.
Ken Jeong is a victim according to AI.
Stop standing up to nonAM and Lus- cucksweep
Induk protects Wong Fu as woke productions.
(((droppedonmyheadtoomanytimes))) continues to promote jewwood bullshit and claim Lus do not wrong.
(((Elliotflutie))) continues to demand users to support Crazy cucked Asians.
malebodyexpertslate slurps the POC saltwater and opens his anus to POC saltwater injections.
The sexpats are important people to the movement.
Learning martial arts is a call to violence and emasculates me.- incelsweep
Saltwaters and (((droppedonmyheadwheniwas7or8))) says they are more woke than Asians in Asia.
Submitted October 02, 2018 at 09:46AM by slatesweep
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