Sunday, September 23, 2018

Think I finally found the lore the mystery is based on. Porject MKUltra / Project Chatter / Prohect MKNAOMI / Montauk Project / Kurt Blome and the game's obsession with drugs , mind control and secret organisations.

Project MKUltra is a TOP-secret CIA project in effect in the midst of the 20th centruy up to 1970 something , that used drugs to mind control humans for interogations or for use on unsuspected civilians to control their actions (Sounds familiar already ?). Project MKNAOMI was in run in parallel with MKUltra and focused on biological projects including biological warfare agents—specifically, to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices for the diffusion of such materials. Project CHATTER was a US Navy program beginning in the fall of 1947 focusing on the identification and testing of drugs in interrogations and the recruitment of agents. Their search included laboratory experiments on both animal and human subjects. Project Montuak's takes place in Camp Hero or Montuak Air Force Station and the center of topic is, government/military experiments in fields such as time travel, teleportation, mind control, contact with alien life and staging faked Apollo landing, framed as developments which followed a successful 1943 Philadelphia Experiment. On top of all that the stories of the Montuak experiment have begun by Preston Nichols, who claimed to have recovered repressed memories of his own involvement and claims that he is periodically abducted to continue his participation against his will.

Apart from that there are links between the WW2 German concentration camps and the third reich and Cluckin bell factory, that can now only be explained through Kurt Blome , a nazi doctor researching on biological warfare and the mass transmission of diseases that was captured by the USA and forced to exchange information on the biological weapons they had developed and tested in concetration camps.

>Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects that were designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency—and which were, at times, illegal.[1][better source needed] Experiments on humans were intended to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations in order to weaken the individual and force confessions through mind control. The project was organized through the Office of Scientific Intelligence of the CIA and coordinated with the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.

So how do all this connect to the actual game one might ask?

  1. Epsilon is a secret organisation that has infiltrated even the government and is using drugs to mind control it's participants into working for them (just like Preston Nichols was forced to work for CIA, without having any such memory under the influence of drugs) and mind controlling it's members in general (most likely with deludamole).
  2. One third of all the series revolves around drugs and apparently the use and design of modern drugs is an outcome of government experiment , having as a goal to mind control the civilians . Most modern drugs, i suppose, came out from this experiments.
  3. The Humane Labs are a biochemical laboratory that experiments on humans and animals AND! "the facility was leased to Merrywather Security .... They are known to have created biological weapons for the International Affairs Agency. However, the media and the public believe they are simply a perfume factory. " . Both combining the CIA equivalent of the game and biowarfare just like the projects above !
  4. Not far from Humane Labs and Mt Chilliad is the Cluckin Bell Farms that uses the word Farm for the reason of symbolising concetration camps wit the chicken being brought and raised there to be led to slaughter and the workers outside constantly talking about how they are being oppressed, much like a prisoner in a concentration camp.
  5. Cluckin Bell Farms was founded the years Hitler fought his first war and the last part of the farm was established "There are indications on site that part of it was established in 1921" in 1921 , the year Hitler came to be the leader of the Nazi , possibly indicating that the Clucking Bell Farms is an symbolism both for the German oppression BUT also has a link with Humane Labs an fort Zacudo , since Kurt Blome was in charge of a concetration camp and he , himself was possibly (it's not like i am a biowarfare history expert) the golden egg that started the US involvement with certain biowarfare substances.
  6. Cluckin Bell Farms has both in it's name and outside the factory a bell that was also a famous German top secret experiment (building the first UFO like aircraft), possibly hinting again towards the Germans , secret experiments in Germany during WWII and also bringing the one and only link that mashes together hippies drugs and aliens from the conspiracy theories of Montuak.
  7. The place where the experiments took place in Montuak (the main lore-giver of the mystery), was an airfield much like Fort Zancudo.
  8. The final nail to the coffin, linking Kurt Blome with the mystery is the miasma (black smoke that used to symbolise the plague, hovering mid air found in game, as Kurt Blome was investigating on ways to spread the plague via aerosols through the air (exactly what the miasma is !) .
  9. Miasma is also a company in GTA V (adressed by name) and for some strange ( i dont believe in coincidence) reason you can only find info in the German wiki about it . They make instruments used by Humane Labs again linking everything together !
  10. Ok this might be a stretch BUT Ursula does mention being held in a facility and experiments being done on her and the hard hitting part of all this projects is biochemical tinkering and human experimentation.
  11. We have to go deeper within the lore of Montuak to actually understand how all this connects to aliens , but one has to suppose from all this info and reading wikipedia that the government was abducting civilians or using prisoners or both and was giving them drugs to experiment on them possibly trying to make them believe that aliens do exist and have abducted them and clear themselfs at the same time as the victims would claim once released that all this time they were abducted by aliens. Hence why the hippies are linked to the UFOs ( heavy used of lsd , a government created drug)

I had told you guys i would find the link that none of you could defy ! I think i finally did ! If this was, atleast till some point in time, the mystery , it might explain why they dumped it down by releasing the shitty AI doomsday story ( that clearly doesn't look like it belongs in the game or links everything together). All was done to cover their asses from the hailstorm of sneaking their noses on government experiments and WWII concetration camps ... or atleast i suppose ! Smart move none the less tbh... or maybe it's still there ;) Let's find out !

...and for the people that don't want to believe in the Nazi biowarfare Cluckin Bell Humane labs link ...

  1. Cluckin Bell commercial , reading the lyrics "...the chicken is a bird with a small brain - so we assume he doesn't feel any pain (the nazis thought of themselfs as superior beings next to anyone non german) - we shrink their heads and we bread em fast! -6 wings 40 breasts (humane labs) then their GASSED! (COME ON !!!) - COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO WE'RE PSYCHOTIC CRAZIES (mind control), cock-a-doodle-doo FACTORY FARMING IS INSANE (mind control) - we denied it all before our stock price fell , come down to the cluckin bell (possible hint of thinks we need to do in game!) "

Submitted September 24, 2018 at 05:38AM by mandelbrotparadox

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